Intramural Sports


A sport for everyone.

All you need to do is sign up, show up, and play. UREC offers a variety of traditional and non-traditional sports for you to compete against other LSU students.  Build your teams with friends, fraternity brothers, sorority sisters, res-hall neighbors, or people you meet at UREC. No prior sport experience is needed and all levels of play are welcome!


New Way to Register for Intramural Sports

Beginning May 2023, Intramural Sport participants will need to register for Intramural Sports through Fusion Play. This new app will make registering for tournaments and leagues easier. Just download the app and sign in with your LSU credntials.

The new Fusion Play App will allow you to manage teams and games from your phone. Turn on notifications to allow for information about upcoming games and matches. 

fusion play logo

Summer 2023 Registration Dates

Sport Registration Dates Game Play  Location
3v3 Basketball League May 10 - 18 May 22 - 30 ZWood Court
4v4 Flag Football League May 22 - June 1 June 5 - 13 UREC Filed Complex
Faculty and Staff Pickleball League May 22 - June 4 June 6 -21 UREC Tennis Courts
Sand Volleyball Tournament June 26 - July 6 July 10 - 18 Sand Volleyball Courts at UREC
Faculty and Staff Sand Volleyball June 26 - July 9 July 11 - 26 Sand Volleyball Courts at UREC
3v3 Soccer League July 10 - July 20 July 24 - August 1 Field Complex 


Sign up, Show up, Play