December 2022 Dean's List

December 15, 2022

Acadia Parish

College of Agriculture

Andrew Habetz, Rayne

College of Art and Design

Abram Wesley Broussard, Crowley

College of Engineering

Joseph Michael Dupre, Iota
Anna Claire Morgan, Crowley

College of Human Sciences & Education

Braden Riley McNees, Rayne
Caroline Elizabeth Trisler, Rayne

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Hunter Joseph Deshotel, Rayne
Emma Ruth Gielen, Crowley
Page Burns Gray, Crowley
Blair McKenzie Petitjean, Rayne
Ross M Richard, Church Point
Madison Scanlan, Church Point
Taylor Vautrot, Church Point

College of Science

Makayla Ashlee Dronet, Rayne
Peyton Olivia Dubose, Iota
Ellie Fields, Crowley
Gabriel Thomas Link, Crowley

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Chad D Gielen, Jr, Crowley

Manship School of Mass Communication

Jadyn Pauline Devillier, Crowley

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Isabelle Elaine Hanks, Rayne
Thomas F Welter, Rayne

University College Center for Freshman Year

Maci Kay Bergeron, Rayne
Ella Marie Cantrell, Rayne
Ariana D Citizen, Church Point
Hailey Brooke Hebert, Iota
Laura Jane Loewer, Crowley
Kristen E Savoie, Church Point
Abigail Grace Savoy, Branch
Hayden Thomas, Rayne

Allen Parish

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Sarah Camille Baker, Oberlin

University College Center for Freshman Year

Lily Fontenot, Kinder
Cadence Dakota Laszlo, Oberlin

Ascension Parish

College of the Coast & Environment

Clifford A Johnson, Gonzales
Matthew Parker, Saint Amant
Emma Peairs, Prairieville

College of Agriculture

Cameron Elizabeth Accardo, Prairieville
Isabella Marie Ali, Prairieville
Zachary Eugene Bell, Prairieville
Emily Noel Broussard, Prairieville
Julia Degeneres, Prairieville
Breanna R Graham, Gonzales
Karen B Lapeyrouse, Geismar
Isabella Grace Latuso, Prairieville
Sarah E LaCour, Prairieville
Caitlin Elizabeth Marquis, Geismar
Mallory Julia Miller, Saint Amant
Serena Salizar, Prairieville
Gabrielle Spriggs, Prairieville

College of Art and Design

Isabelle Abadie, Donaldsonville
Abbigail Josephine Boehl, Prairieville
Mason Andrew Bourgeois, Gonzales
Walker Ryan Brassette, Prairieville
Zyzenti Trailie Brito, Gonzales
Hannah Byrd, Gonzales
Patrick Daughety, Prairieville
Baylie M Estes, Saint Amant
Charlotte Hicks, Prairieville
Sean Thomas LeBlanc, Prairieville
Alyssa Therese Miano, Prairieville
Jada Moran, Gonzales
Megan Elizabeth Prater, Prairieville
Natalie Grace Sharrer, Geismar
Alicia Stanga, Gonzales
Caitlin M Sutton, Prairieville
Aysia Railynn Thomas, Gonzales
Cailin Phuong Tran, Prairieville
Lily I Tran, Gonzales
Ross Waguespack, Gonzales
Gracie E Wood, Prairieville

College of Engineering

Brock Michael Acosta, Sr, Donaldsonville
Makayla S Alleman, Prairieville
Cyrus Bahman, Prairieville
Michael Clay Barden, Gonzales
Hayden Barker, Gonzales
Kollin Matthew Bassie, Gonzales
Joshua A Beadle, Geismar
Zachary Paul Braud, Geismar
Lee Broussard, Prairieville
Eduardo Fabian Cabrera, Gonzales
Andrew Thomas Cedel, Prairieville
Dean Maxwell Compton, Gonzales
Cameron Jude Courtois, Prairieville
Daniel Warren Crain, Geismar
Lane Thomas Durst, Prairieville
Zachary Faulkner, Prairieville
Hayden Dean Gemeinhardt, Prairieville
Jacob Carl Hall, Prairieville
Colton Wallace Jordan, Prairieville
Matthew Khemmanyvong, Prairieville
Jake Kinchen, Prairieville
Brett J Latiolais, Prairieville
Kirsten Michelle Malone, Prairieville
Kirk L McBrayer, Gonzales
Connor John McCarthy, Saint Amant
Benjamin A Molesini, Prairieville
Kalob Morel, Prairieville
Simone Muir, Prairieville
Kaitlyn Nicole Odell, Gonzales
Jacob Cory Parent, Gonzales
Dustin R Philippe, Prairieville
Chris Pugh, Prairieville
Tyler Saizan, Prairieville
Thomas David Smith, Gonzales
Tyler S Theriot, Prairieville
Kenyon Tiner, Prairieville
Santiago Valderrama, Geismar

College of Human Sciences & Education

Nicole Alexxandra Acosta, Saint Amant
Alexis M Ardoin, Gonzales
Jeralyn J Banks, Gonzales
Kaleigh Ann Bateman, Prairieville
Audrey Elizabeth Belleu, Saint Amant
Alyson Marie Boe, Gonzales
Kaylee Marie Braud, Geismar
Madison Claire Chaix, Prairieville
Caleb Cretini, Prairieville
Emily Hope Hampshire, Prairieville
Cleveland D Jackson, Prairieville
Ameyah A Johnson, Gonzales
Zachary Nicolas Josephson, Geismar
Gavin Christopher Juge, Prairieville
Gabrielle E Lafleur, Prairieville
Julia Camille Lemann, Donaldsonville
Ashlyn Alyse Leonard, Donaldsonville
Jacqueline LeGrange, Geismar
Mary Lockwood, Prairieville
Riley Martinez, Prairieville
India Rose Merath, Prairieville
Cade M Moreau, Prairieville
Alyssa Petetant, Prairieville
Madelyn Marie Quebedeaux, Prairieville
Sarah Catherine Richard, Geismar
Caitlin Elizabeth Smith, Prairieville
Jadan Tassin, Prairieville
Madelyn Thomassee, Gonzales
Toni Kristine Vaughn, Gonzales
Catherine Anne Villa, Prairieville
Tristen Hailey Vowell, Geismar
Delicia C Winfrey, Donaldsonville

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Sophia Nassim Abbahou, Prairieville
Connor Anderson, Prairieville
Allee Andry, Prairieville
Julia Barrack, Prairieville
Alexandra Jade Belzer, Prairieville
Chloe Alyse Bernard, Gonzales
Kathryn Bobinchuck, Prairieville
Alexandria Britten, Gonzales
Marygrace C Campbell, Prairieville
Brittnee Castille, Prairieville
Brianna Renee Chaney, Prairieville
Andrew Brooks Clarke, Prairieville
Kalle N Dargin, Prairieville
Ria Ferdaus, Prairieville
Miguel Flores, Gonzales
Kennedy Lee Fontenot, Gonzales
Sadie Elizabeth Gradney, Gonzales
Elise Y Haggenmacher, Prairieville
Karly Ann Jones, Saint Amant
Sophie Jones, Prairieville
Averi Olivia Lambert, Prairieville
Kaleb Dean Lambert, Prairieville
Jackson Leboeuf, Prairieville
Lani L Lemann, Donaldsonville
Faith Renee Lillie, Gonzales
Vivian An Luong, Gonzales
Sal E Montalbano, Prairieville
Marialena Burton Morris, Gonzales
Kate E Palmisano, Prairieville
Chloe C Panks, Prairieville
Graham Downing Perkins, Prairieville
Caleb R Robinson, Gonzales
Kandace Joanai Scioneaux, Gonzales
Melisse Danielle Speligene, Gonzales
Neil Jonathan Tepper, Geismar
Camille Marie Thorla, Prairieville
Carly M Turner, Prairieville
Grace E Vasterling, Prairieville
Naomi Lynn Voivedich, Prairieville

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Alexandra Grace Arnold, Geismar
Timothy J Bourgeois, Geismar
Aidan M Giroir, Prairieville
Peyton James Johnson, Prairieville
Justin James Jones, Prairieville
Dylan Alaine Ledet, Gonzales
Brennon Madere, Prairieville
Joshua D Miles, Geismar
Nicholas K Tillotson, Gonzales

College of Science

Brennan M Abbott, Prairieville
Anabelle Alexis Acosta, Gonzales
Tanishapriya Agrawal, Prairieville
Lauren Ada Aguillard, Prairieville
Bianca M Ancale, Gonzales
Alexandra Elizabeth Ball, Prairieville
Emma Elizabeth Breaux, Gonzales
Andrew W Daigle, Prairieville
Destyn Leigh Dicharry, Prairieville
Annie Thuy Dinh, Geismar
Brett Michael Dodson, Gonzales
Michael Gravois, Sorrento
Courtney E Hall, Prairieville
Rajenae Evette Harkless, Prairieville
Kevin C Hoang, Geismar
Hayes Andrew Hofman, Prairieville
Sydney Hollis, Prairieville
Tayler Mae Hooper, Saint Amant
Christopher John Hudson, Prairieville
Lauren Janae Jetson, Gonzales
Gregory Thomas Juge, Prairieville
Kylie Elizabeth Madere, Gonzales
Andrea G Matus, Prairieville
Olivia Mary Monette, Prairieville
Ann Nguyen, Prairieville
Sadie Ann Marie Noble, Gonzales
Brianna Renee Pittman, Prairieville
Lauren E Pizzalato, Prairieville
Gracie Joy Poe, Prairieville
Sophie A Poirrier, Saint Amant
Selina Nichole Polk, Prairieville
Reese Joseph Richardson, Gonzales
Kelsey D'Lynn Robillard, Gonzales
Ella Reine Roussel, Gonzales
Ashlyn Elizabeth Smeltzer, Prairieville
Brittney Dionelle Stevens, Prairieville
Kameron Paul Trosclair, Gonzales
Olivia Gracen Vance, Prairieville
Sarah Elizabeth Way, Prairieville

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Cade Michael Acosta, Gonzales
Ben Gregory Brignac, Saint Amant
Mason Paul Brown, Prairieville
Colt Burleigh, Prairieville
Thomas Matthew Bushart, Jr, Prairieville
Madeleine Claire Coward, Prairieville
Catherine Denise Davis, Prairieville
Joseph Alexander Davis, Gonzales
Florine Defrade,
Parker Henry Delatte, Prairieville
Eric Idael Diaz, Gonzales
Sydnie E Duncan, Prairieville
Joshua Douglas Gatz, Geismar
Nicholas P Goscha, Prairieville
Lindsey Nicole Hall, Prairieville
Alexis A Hymel, Gonzales
Gavin S Ledoux, Gonzales
Jacob M Lewis, Prairieville
Nathan C May, Prairieville
Allison Nevon McIntire, Prairieville
Meredith Cecile Medine, Donaldsonville
Alberto Ontiveros, Gonzales
Melody Khonesavan Para, Prairieville
Dylan Christopher Peterson, Prairieville
Grant Wilks Reames, Prairieville
Angelina Nicole Sanchez, Prairieville
Devon Teer, Prairieville
Laiken Troxclair, Saint Amant
Jacob Everett Williams, Prairieville
Jeremy Evan Worley, Gonzales

Manship School of Mass Communication

Victoria Ann Boone, Gonzales
Guillermo Cordon, Prairieville
Ann Marie Frisby, Gonzales
Hannah Grace Godchaux, Geismar
Jacob Alexander Lofton, Prairieville
Caitlyn RenCe McMorris, Prairieville
Carley Layne Oakley, Prairieville
Domenic Purdy, Prairieville
Cameron Soulier, Gonzales
Annalise Kate Vidrine, Prairieville
Rachel Sou Kay Wong, Prairieville

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Molly Anderson, Gonzales
Charles Lee Beam, Prairieville
Taylor-Lawren L Druery, Prairieville
Peyton T Knightshead, Geismar
Anna Lin, Prairieville
Michael A Maier, Prairieville
Nolan A Perry, Prairieville
Collin Joseph Peterson, Darrow
Abbey Kathryn Sanford, Prairieville
Taylor Watkins, Prairieville
Garriel White,
Jeremy A Zuppardo, Prairieville

University College Center for Freshman Year

Cleivy A Abreu, Prairieville
Cody L Acosta, Gonzales
Bennett John Bellina, Gonzales
Gabrielle Bergeron, Gonzales
Ethan A Blackwell, Prairieville
Andrew Lee Bright, Sorrento
Ava E Brock, Prairieville
Claire Elizabeth Broussard, Prairieville
William Richard Burgess, Prairieville
Emma Marie Carlo, Geismar
Peyton Noel Carpenter, Geismar
Lauren Elizabeth Crochet, Prairieville
Taylor Irene Cuccia, Prairieville
Storie D'Amores Dampier, Prairieville
Ashley E Davies, Gonzales
Maliyah P Davis, Gonzales
Tristan Desoto, Geismar
Skylar Danielle DeWerff, Gonzales
Jacob Curtis Duhon, Gonzales
Jenna Rose Einsel, Geismar
Jarrett Ryan Eues, Prairieville
Audrey Anna Freeman, Geismar
Ross W Fuselier, Gonzales
James Brady Gueho, Gonzales
Gracie Claire Guillot, Sorrento
Jonathan Luis Hebert, Gonzales
Kylee Elizabeth Holland, Prairieville
John Cole Holliday, Prairieville
Cody R Hurst, Prairieville
Giovanna M Hyderkhan, Prairieville
Jaida R Johnson, Prairieville
Kyle Patrick Klester, Prairieville
Lauren E Lacy, Prairieville
Logan Paul Leger, Prairieville
Ella Marie Lemann, Donaldsonville
Micah Pierce LeGrange, Prairieville
Abby Claire Lobell, Geismar
Tevin Long, Sorrento
Jenny Mai, Prairieville
Gabriel Julien Marchand, Gonzales
Logan Adele Marple, Geismar
Tyler Dylan Mercil, Prairieville
Vivian C Moody, Prairieville
Jordan Christopher Nassar, Prairieville
Destyne Rene Nethken, Prairieville
Ryan Thien Nguyen, Gonzales
Noah A Perret, Geismar
Cade C Pizzalato, Prairieville
Claire Marie Pizzalato, Prairieville
Luke Mitchell Prejean, Gonzales
Joshua S Pugh, Prairieville
Brandon L Ramoin, Prairieville
Brooke Elise Richard, Gonzales
Michael A Russelburg, Gonzales
Bria Paige Salvadras, Gonzales
Guy Westbrook Sam, Prairieville
Kayla Page Scannicchio, Geismar
Piper Smith, Prairieville
Ethan Joseph Territo, Prairieville
Aubre Claire Thibodeaux, Geismar
Lucas Luc Vu, Gonzales
Tahja Kantrell Walker, Prairieville
Zachary Wardell, Prairieville
Jaden T Watson, Geismar
Brynn Marie Weathers, Gonzales
Owen C Wells, Saint Amant
Kayden White, Saint Amant
Alyssa M Williams, Gonzales
Luke Andrew Williams, Gonzales
Jacob Aaron Winkler, Prairieville
Edwin Xiao, Geismar
Austin L Zeringue, Gonzales

Assumption Parish

College of Art & Design

Sofia Ramos, Napoleonville

College of Engineering

Landon Hebert, Napoleonville
Dylan Pennison, Napoleonville

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Kourtney K Campo, Pierre Part

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Lauren Elizabeth Allen, Napoleonville

University College Center for Freshman Year

Lainie Jane Comeaux, Napoleonville
Molly Claire Hebert, Napoleonville
Jane Louise Robichaux, Labadieville

Avoyelles Parish

College of Agriculture

Alexis Elizabeth Rabalais, Mansura

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Isabella Marie Thomas, Hessmer

College of Science

Terry L Rodney, Cottonport

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Kannon Joseph Pastor, Moreauville

Manship School of Mass Communication

Jillian Coco, Marksville

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

John L Small, Marksville

University College Center for Freshman Year

Nicolas Bordelon, Moreauville
Zoe Bordelon, Hessmer
Ethan Deshautelle, Marksville
Sarah Deshotels, Plaucheville
Andrew Dickens, Marksville
Chaz Mckenzie Jones, Mansura
Ella Claire Venable, Mansura

Beauregard Parish

College of Art & Design

Emily Anne Morton, DeRidder

College of Engineering

Mikhalib Ashtin LaFleur Green, DeRidder

College of Human Sciences & Education

Madalyn N Koths, DeRidder

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Makayla Grace Muse, Ragley

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Ty Riley Tippett, DeRidder

University College Center for Freshman Year

Emily Dobbins, DeRidder
Morgan Grace Eaves, Longville
Kynlee Mekhia Farris, DeRidder
Husdon Martin, DeRidder

Bienville Parish

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Antavion Moore, Ringgold

University College Center for Freshman Year

Jaxton Bryce Bell, Arcadia

Bossier Parish

College of Art & Design

Drake A Hansen, Bossier City
Kailey Elizabeth Hinton, Bossier City
Kendryx Maria Isabella Periban, Bossier City

College of Engineering

Lindsey A Hudson, Bossier City
Emory Christian Kiser, Benton

College of Human Sciences & Education

Crystal Renet Hanson, Bossier City

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Allahna K Hammoud, Bossier City
Ashley B Hinton, Bossier City
Lindsey Grace Miguez, Bossier City
Alayiah Shia Mingo, Haughton
Courtney L Stanley, Haughton
Lauren Stroupe, Haughton
John Douglas Sullivan, Jr, Bossier City
Lauren Elizabeth Wade, Bossier City
Jackson Mays White, Bossier City

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Chloe Elise Fontenot, Bossier City
Madison Kavanaugh, Bossier City
Abby E Martin, Bossier City
Ashley Thanh Nguyen, Bossier City

College of Science

Bret Alexander Donaho, Haughton
Emily Nicole Evans, Bossier City
Yechan Lim, Benton
Hollie Payne, Haughton
Kyron L Thomas, Bossier City

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Kaitlyn Faith Bowlin, Bossier City
Sydney Victoria Brunson, Bossier City
Richard C Holcombe, Bossier City
Michael Craig Ross, Jr, Bossier City

Manship School of Mass Communication

Madalyn Rayne Cunningham, Haughton

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Morgan Ashleigh McCarty, Bossier City
Megan Kathryn Morway, Bossier City
Kiersten Nicole Pearson, Bossier City

University College Center for Freshman Year

Abigail Sarah Carney, Bossier City
Katherine Grace Carney, Bossier City
Bryce James Joseph Edwards, Benton
Kaylee Louise Gibson, Benton
Evan R McConnell, Benton
Katie Grace Simmons, Benton
Hayden Collins Smith, Bossier City
Michael Hayden Waller, Bossier City
Victoria Grace Willis, Benton

Caddo Parish

College of Agriculture

Carlie Ray Drake, Shreveport
Mary McCullough Humphrey, Shreveport
Ariyan Sanae Key, Shreveport

College of Art and Design

Betty A Alford, Shreveport
Isabella Lee Ayres, Shreveport
Ella B George, Shreveport
Waqar Jatoi, Shreveport
Nayeli Jasmine Jimenez, Shreveport
McKenna Brooke Kavanaugh, Shreveport
Yanchi Li,
Courtney Alashae Thompson, Shreveport
Kauther Jamal Zeidan, Shreveport

College of Engineering

Jack Hunter Bodden, Shreveport
Emly Bracey, Shreveport
Erin Chloe Cochran, Shreveport
Jacob Colvin, Shreveport
Kaitlyn Danielle Fontenot, Vivian
Larsen H Jennings, Shreveport
Cydnie Alexandra Lacoste, Shreveport
Carolann Avery Prevot, Shreveport
Vincent Lawrence Sauseda, Shreveport

College of Human Sciences & Education

Grace Alynne Carter, Shreveport
Eloise Elizabeth Davis, Shreveport
Dixie Alexa Dayries, Shreveport
Nicholas Erwin, Shreveport
Abby Granger, Shreveport
Melina AnnaMaria Keele, Shreveport
Tatum Nichol Mckinney, Blanchard
James A Moore, Shreveport
Kathryn Alexandra Patten, Shreveport
Danlee Aaron Poole, Shreveport
Taylor Michelle Richardson, Shreveport
Ellis Harrison Robertson, Shreveport
Alexandra E Zagzoug, Shreveport

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

William Thomas Bartle, Shreveport
C'elcey Carpenter, Shreveport
Lillie Christaw, Shreveport
Emily C Clarke, Shreveport
Catherine Currie Harter, Shreveport
Steven S Harter, Shreveport
Ethan Presley Kennedy, Shreveport
Mia Elisa Levermann, Shreveport
Levi Mayeux, Keithville
Analeigh Nicole Millican, Shreveport
Holly A Reese, Shreveport
Paulyn Seressie Robinson, Shreveport
Ella Catherine Slack, Shreveport
Madison D Sommers, Shreveport
Emma Katherine Thigpen, Shreveport
Sarah Elizabeth Tullis, Shreveport
Riley O'Quinn Walker, Shreveport

College of Science

Connor Patrick Carbine, Shreveport
Kayleigh Alexis Cash, Shreveport
Emelie Anne Cehajic, Shreveport
William C Cook, Shreveport
Connor Couvillon, Shreveport
Charles Douglas Hearne, II, Shreveport
Carson Reed Jones, Shreveport
Addison Claire Kennedy, Shreveport
Chloe Lillian Lettau, Shreveport
Jaycie Madison Martin, Shreveport
Katherine Alicia Mortimer, Shreveport
Riley Kay Noble, Shreveport
Alexandra Nolen, Shreveport
Mary-Kathryn Ellender Smith, Shreveport

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Michael Alexander Bianca, Shreveport
Macy Elizabeth Fullilove, Shreveport
Carleigh A Kammer, Shreveport
Mary Helen Lott, Shreveport
Reid Jackson Robinson, Shreveport
Josefina Sangster, Shreveport
Ellis Hoyt Tompkins, Shreveport
William Gage Welch, Shreveport
Katherine Anne Whatley, Shreveport

Manship School of Mass Communication

Caroline L Bond, Shreveport
Kennedy H Carter, Shreveport
Christin Chachula, Shreveport
Allie Brooke Johnston, Shreveport
Riley C Joyner, Shreveport
Ty'Asia Ka'Sarah Mahoney, Shreveport

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Yoali Anahemi Angeles - Martinez, Shreveport
Nicolas Ryan Avant, Shreveport
Andrew O'Neill Baker, Shreveport
Lauren Parker Lindsey, Shreveport
Hayden Tucker Morgan, Shreveport
Amanda Smallwood, Shreveport
Julia Frances Smith, Shreveport

University College Center for Freshman Year

Celeste Camille Baber, Shreveport
Naima Y Campbell, Shreveport
Daniel Brice Davis, Shreveport
Blake Evan Fant, Shreveport
Katherine Claire Ferrier, Shreveport
John Patrick Haynes, Shreveport
Caroline J Henry, Shreveport
Jamia D Jackson, Vivian
Bridget Elizabeth John, Shreveport
Karlie A Key, Shreveport
Mallory Claire Lettau, Shreveport
William Pearce Moore, Shreveport
Katherine Claire Odom, Shreveport
Mitchell Reed Ramsey, Shreveport
Antonia Sapp, Shreveport
Reed Thomas Sepulvado, Shreveport
Julia E Simms, Shreveport
Jenna Marie Smith, Keithville
Joshua William Terry, Shreveport
Carson Gray Wall, Shreveport
Holden McInnis Webb, Shreveport

Calcasieu Parish

College of Agriculture

Benjamin Schleter, Lake Charles
Patricia Thibodeaux, Sulphur

College of Art and Design

Christopher Abrahams, Lake Charles
Carsyn Berry, Bell City
Yu Fang, Lake Charles
Lauren Nicole Hall, Lake Charles
Meredith Jane Henning, Lake Charles
Kristopher D Jackson, Lake Charles
Lindsay Gail Miller, Lake Charles
Madison Annelise Morrison, Lake Charles
Andrew S Rasbeary, Lake Charles

College of Engineering

Zeke Elie Abshire, Lake Charles
Alyson Kate Goree, Lake Charles
Tyreke J Griffin, Lake Charles
Daniel Alexander LaBove, Lake Charles
Philip Todd Melton, Lake Charles
Aidan Tarleton O'Neal, Lake Charles
Satvik Rana, Lake Charles

College of Human Sciences & Education

Candace Michele Bodin, Lake Charles
Olivia D Cheatham, Sulphur
William Grant Douget, Iowa
Sarah Rachel Fibich, Lake Charles
Kimber Gail Hamilton, Westlake
Emma Katherine Kuehn, Lake Charles
Augustus Patrick Milligan, Lake Charles
Taylor Nichole Robison, Lake Charles
Grace A Theriot, Lake Charles

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Blake Elizabeth Alley, Lake Charles
Kaleigh Elizabeth Babineaux, Sulphur
Sadie A Belaire, Lake Charles
Bria Renee Broussard, Lake Charles
Francisco J Cordova-Segura, Sulphur
Sarah Elizabeth Currie, Lake Charles
Amy Renee Delome, Vinton
Sydnee R Deshotel, Sulphur
Katelyn C Fortenberry, Sulphur
Luke Chris Foster, Sulphur
Douglas Gallow, Lake Charles
Katherine Darby Gilmore, Lake Charles
Alejandra Miles Gomez Llanes, Sulphur
ReAnne Gros, Lake Charles
Anne Patricia Helms, Lake Charles
Claire Eileen Karriker, Lake Charles
Ja'Naia A Mason, Lake Charles
Stratton Foy McLaughlin, Lake Charles
Stephen C Mesuch, Sulphur
Nicole L Monceaux, Sulphur
Taylor Reese Myers, Lake Charles
Aislin L Nixon, Lake Charles
Jillian Primeaux, Lake Charles
Grace E Richert, Sulphur
Emily C Schmitt, Lake Charles
Brice Daniel Schrumpf, Sulphur
Jackson Lewis Sole, Lake Charles
Layla K Stacks, Lake Charles
Nicholas StMary, Lake Charles
Madelyn Grace Tadlock, Lake Charles
Brittany Elisabeth White, Lake Charles

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Ethan Gage Ellender, Lake Charles
Koby J Pourciaux, Lake Charles

College of Science

Samuel David Boullt, Lake Charles
Claire Elizabeth Brescher, Lake Charles
Jordan Maria Cochran, Lake Charles
Lauren E Couste, Lake Charles
Sarah Elizabeth Doumite, Lake Charles
Collin Ash Fruge, Iowa
Presley Christine Gilbert, Lake Charles
Luke Albert Guidry, Lake Charles
Molly X Hand, Lake Charles
Reem Yasmine Husein, Lake Charles
Emma Kathryn Klenke, Sulphur
Juliette Maria Lemoine, Lake Charles
Zachary T LeBlanc, Lake Charles
Lucia Claire O'Byrne, Lake Charles
Catherine M Obyrne, Lake Charles
Hanah Paige Ramirez, Sulphur
Renee Rumsey, Lake Charles
Kendall Mark Soileau, Sulphur
Madeline Stickell, Lake Charles
Anh Tyler Quoc Tran, Lake Charles

E. J. Ourso College of Business

James Robert V Brandon, Lake Charles
Cameron McCall Canup, Lake Charles
Caden Andrew Eisen, Lake Charles
Brooks Payton Dever Giardina, Sulphur
Molly Katherine Inman, Lake Charles
Mary-Catherine LeDoux, Lake Charles
Bryce S McCormick, Sulphur
Cecilia M Shanks, Lake Charles
Lauryn Danielle Sweet, Lake Charles

Manship School of Mass Communication

Cara Dean, Sulphur
Jillian Blair Elliott, Westlake
Leighann E Gully, Sulphur
Macie Joleigh McGee, Lake Charles
Ava Marie Mudd, Bell City
Gabby Claire Phillips, Lake Charles

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Davis Logan Dow, Lake Charles
Audrey Paige Heinen, Lake Charles
Jillian Keesee, Lake Charles
Gabrielle Mae Moreno, Lake Charles
Kenneth Khoa Nguyen, Lake Charles

University College Center for Freshman Year

Luke G Arabie, Lake Charles
Mallory Claire Ardoin, Lake Charles
Genesis Bass, Lake Charles
Lena Benoit, Sulphur
Eli George Crawford, Lake Charles
Ajalynn Nickole Crum, Westlake
Riley Joseph Fontenot, Lake Charles
Lilliana G Fruge, Lake Charles
Isabel Gomez, Sulphur
Savanna Leigh Goss, Lake Charles
Maya Camille Guillory, Lake Charles
Callen Shea Hale, Lake Charles
Leland W Hawkins, Lake Charles
Kylie Marie Lacaze, Lake Charles
Tali A Landry, Iowa
Brianna L Lavan, Lake Charles
Aiden Michael Manuel, Lake Charles
Brenden Moody, Lake Charles
Elizabeth Marie Neck, Lake Charles
Walter Joseph Rubin, Lake Charles
Kyle J Rutherford, Lake Charles
Ella Camille Savoie, Lake Charles
Mackenzie Flynn Says, Starks
Madalyn Marie Shelton, Sulphur
Thomas William Shimer, Lake Charles
Arden Claire Turner, Bell City
Jessica T Vo, Lake Charles
Abigail Grace Williams, Lake Charles
Shelby N Willis, Lake Charles
Hayden Christopher Young, Lake Charles

Caldwell Parish

College of Human Sciences & Education

Robert Frederick Meredith, Columbia

University College Center for Freshman Year

Kayleigh DeEtte Arthurs, Grayson

Claiborne Parish

College of Engineering

Brittany Michelle Ratliff, Homer

Concordia Parish

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Michael K Hogan, Vidalia

College of Science

Cailyn Jiyoung Lee, Vidalia

University College Center for Freshman Year

Laura Linh Doan, Vidalia

Desoto Parish

College of Engineering

Alexis Ann McDowell, Stonewall
Tiana Trainor, Stonewall

College of Human Sciences & Education

Emma P Roberts, Stonewall
Cooper Ray Thomas, Stonewall

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Sophie Curtis Terrell, Stonewall

College of Science

Macy Corley, Stonewall
Collin Reed Witham, Stonewall

Manship School of Mass Communication

Molly Bradshaw Terrell, Stonewall

University College Center for Freshman Year

Taylor Jolie Davlin, Stonewall

East Baton Rouge Parish

College of the Coast & Environment

George Belanger Dial, Baton Rouge
Siarah S Hall, Baton Rouge
Kasey Harrison, Zachary
Riley Jenkins, Baton Rouge
James Peter Kelly, Baton Rouge
Sara Levron, Baton Rouge
Sierra Moran, Baton Rouge
Stephanie C Procopio, Baton Rouge
Brennan M Robertson, Baton Rouge
Mary Schumaker, Baton Rouge

College of Agriculture

Camille Andrus, Baton Rouge
Luna G Arena, Baton Rouge
Cheyenne Autin, Baton Rouge
Ashlyn R Beaty, Baton Rouge
Gabriel Rae Bell, Baton Rouge
Bethany A Berry, Baton Rouge
Kaitlyn Boutwell, Baton Rouge
Anna Bowden, Baton Rouge
Maria Michelle Brandenburg, Baton Rouge
Rachel C Branson, Zachary
Julia Brown, Baton Rouge
Laryn Lee Bunch, Zachary
Melanie Caillouet, Baton Rouge
Emelie M Cashen, Baton Rouge
Nicole Castillo, Baton Rouge
Bradford Wells Chauvin, Baton Rouge
Celena R Clark, Baton Rouge
Patrick Donnelly Colclough, Baton Rouge
Chandler Elise Collins, Baton Rouge
Alyssa Corona, Baton Rouge
Cathryn Coulter, Baton Rouge
Simone Michele Couvillion, Baton Rouge
William Upton Craig, Baton Rouge
Jeremy Ryan Crowell, Baton Rouge
Mary C Currier, Baton Rouge
Carlos Alberto Davila Lacouture, Baton Rouge
Daniel Debutts, Baton Rouge
Jewel Dejan, Baton Rouge
Erin Elise Dorsey, Baton Rouge
Jessica C Dufrene, Baton Rouge
Lucas Paul Ferguson, Baton Rouge
Eduarda Fernandes, Baton Rouge
William Clifford Fitterer, Baton Rouge
Sophia R Fontenot, Baton Rouge
Elizabeth S Fruge, Baton Rouge
Madeline Kate Gardiner, Baton Rouge
Albert H Gasperecz, Baton Rouge
Kennedy Layne Gentry, Baton Rouge
Jillian Greer, Baton Rouge
Regina Grill, Baton Rouge
Maia Perry Grisafi, Baton Rouge
Katelyn Guidry, Baton Rouge
Jennifer Haase, Baton Rouge
Peyton Taylor Hendrix, Baton Rouge
Zanib Rabie Hreish, Baton Rouge
Nicholas J Johnson, Baton Rouge
Tarun Kakarala, Baton Rouge
Taylor Kinchen, Baton Rouge
Kaiden Krishna, Baton Rouge
Hannah Laville, Baton Rouge
Joseph Riley LaSavia, Baton Rouge
Heidi Lynne Marshall, Baton Rouge
Fiona C McClain, Baton Rouge
Allena Kristian Anderson McKiness, Baton Rouge
Catherine Mitchell, Baton Rouge
Genesis Marie Mize, Baton Rouge
Nicholas Musso, Baton Rouge
Brennan Naquin, Baton Rouge
William Eric Oertling, Baton Rouge
Crystal Lynn Olson, Baton Rouge
Meredith Owens, Baton Rouge
Parker Piacun, Baton Rouge
Delaney L Poiencot, Baton Rouge
Eden Regan, Baton Rouge
Erin K Regan, Baton Rouge
Savannah Lee Rioux, Baton Rouge
Aidan Patrick Roberts, Baton Rouge
Elizabeth Roider, Baton Rouge
Marcela Maria Ruiz, Baton Rouge
Brennan Louis Ruppert, Baton Rouge
Jose Orlando Santamaria Valle, Baton Rouge
Zachary A Sides, Baton Rouge
Carleigh Simon, Baton Rouge
Anna Somerville, Baton Rouge
Makya Elise Spears, Baton Rouge
Sophie Stine, Baton Rouge
Elisha C Taylor, Greenwell Springs
Logan Turner, Baton Rouge
Kelly T Vu, Baton Rouge
Kennedi Paige Washington, Baton Rouge
Dylan Watson, Baton Rouge
Connor J Wilson, Baton Rouge

College of Art and Design

Ghufran Al-Shammari, Baton Rouge
Alexis Albert, Zachary
Ara Jo Allen, Baton Rouge
Savannah Jean Allen-Fekete, Baton Rouge
Nyako C Arana, Baton Rouge
Yasmeen Awad, Baton Rouge
Samira Nasry Awad Soria, Baton Rouge
Lauren Grace Bankston, Baton Rouge
Josette Angelique Beauchat, Baton Rouge
Alyse Clare Nasr Berthelot, Baton Rouge
Sierra Marie Beverly, Baton Rouge
Julia Claire Blandino, Baton Rouge
Madeline C Breaux, Baton Rouge
Landon Brooks, Baton Rouge
Jakob Corey Bueche, Zachary
Katie Burgo, Baton Rouge
Rafaella Calderon, Baton Rouge
Anna Del Cielo Calderon Montoya, Baton Rouge
William Matthew Carbo, Baton Rouge
Brennan Elizabeth Cascio, Baton Rouge
Ethan T Cheong, Baton Rouge
Brooke Chouest, Baton Rouge
Clara Margaret Clark, Baton Rouge
Kennedy A Clark, Baton Rouge
Alexis Ann Conachen, Zachary
Courtney N Cook, Zachary
Sophie Elizabeth Cooper, Baton Rouge
Evan Crocker, Baton Rouge
Ana Cuadros Vargas Rosado, Baton Rouge
Samantha Dalid, Baton Rouge
Katherine Elizabeth Dauzat, Baton Rouge
Caitlin Eaves Davis, Baton Rouge
Caroline Marie Dazzio, Baton Rouge
Kayla Dearman, Baton Rouge
Lucy Nicole DeBosier, Baton Rouge
Gavin Craig DeMarche, Baton Rouge
Zoe Dickson, Baton Rouge
Francis Vu Dinh, Baton Rouge
Sophia Noelle Donze, Baton Rouge
Brynn Katherine Duggan, Baton Rouge
Ashley Sade' Elliott, Baton Rouge
Nathan J Estopinal, Baton Rouge
Clayton Parker Fair, Baton Rouge
Amanda Robin Farris, Baton Rouge
Jonah Lewis Foster, Baton Rouge
Aidan Patrick Gale, Baton Rouge
Melissa George, Baton Rouge
Dean Anthony Hampton, Baton Rouge
Catherine Marie Hebert, Baton Rouge
Veronica Lee Hillman-Vincent, Baton Rouge
Tanner Josef Hodas, Baton Rouge
Brianna Shay Howerter, Baton Rouge
Wenbin Huang, Baton Rouge
Jacob Jenkins, Baton Rouge
Martin C Jennings, Baton Rouge
Caroline M Johnson, Baton Rouge
Catherine Renee Kellerman, Baton Rouge
Zoie Harmony Kelly-Atol, Baton Rouge
Violeta Kovalenko, Baton Rouge
Emily Kukura, Baton Rouge
Jason Lassiter, Zachary
Blake Latapie, Baton Rouge
Trevor Jorge Ledo, Baton Rouge
Jou Chuch Lee, Baton Rouge
Bryce Leonhard, Baton Rouge
Carla Lobos, Baton Rouge
Grayson Cotterman Loudon, Baton Rouge
Brooke Hannah Loupe, Baton Rouge
Susan Elizabeth Lucas, Baton Rouge
Shelby Martin, Baton Rouge
Savannah Dane Mcglothlin, Baton Rouge
Shellie C Milliron, Zachary
Ruth Elizabeth Mize, Baton Rouge
Nina Moore, Baton Rouge
Jason Paul Morgan, Baton Rouge
Sally S Morgan, Baton Rouge
Mandisa Otumile Ndhlukula, Baton Rouge
Christine Thanh-Pham Ngo, Baton Rouge
Angelina Nguyen, Baton Rouge
Dino Albert Pellissier, Baton Rouge
Sophia Sheldon Perkins, Baton Rouge
Nicole Margaret Perry, Zachary
Ella Serene Pigg, Baton Rouge
Annabella Maria Pineda Ramirez, Baton Rouge
Ainsley Grace Plauche, Baton Rouge
Kylie Rangeley-Allement, Baton Rouge
Spencer James Reid, Baton Rouge
Grace L Richard, Baton Rouge
Amanda Richter, Baton Rouge
Bria Anise Robinson, Baton Rouge
Alexis Blair Rogers, Baton Rouge
Hallie T Russell, Zachary
Meriam Esam Fahmy Saad, Baton Rouge
Hadja H Sall, Baton Rouge
Jesus Geovanni Sanchez-Vera, Baton Rouge
Ainsley Joyce Saucier, Baton Rouge
Natalie Scioneaux, Baton Rouge
Marvin Ray Scott, III, Baton Rouge
David Marshall Scully, Baton Rouge
Nya Carolington Skipper, Baton Rouge
Amelie Durand Smith, Baton Rouge
Jennifer Clare Stauss, Baton Rouge
Zhixin Tang, Baton Rouge
Taylor P Theunissen, Baton Rouge
Caleb Michael Thibodaux, Baton Rouge
Benjamin Tomaszewski, Greenwell Springs
Shelby N Varga, Baton Rouge
Paris Gabrielle Vercher, Baton Rouge
Zoe Lynn Vicari, Baton Rouge
Victoria Vo, Baton Rouge
Eric Wang, Baton Rouge
Isabel Cecile Webre, Baton Rouge
Kayla Weidel, Baton Rouge
Anna Carol Wheeler, Baton Rouge
Benjamin Luke Wilfert, Baton Rouge
Bronley Gabrielle Wittmann, Baton Rouge
Evonne Yang, Baton Rouge
Madeline Yi, Baton Rouge
Yilin Zheng, Baton Rouge
Sabrina A Zhou, Baton Rouge

College of Engineering

Dania Abdulaziz, Baton Rouge
Yusuf Murad Abufarsakh, Baton Rouge
Daniel Alegre, Baton Rouge
Mia E Alfonso, Baton Rouge
Zakariya Saed Hamdoon Almalki, Sr, Baton Rouge
Bahar Amini, Baton Rouge
Peyton Anderson, Baton Rouge
Mirah Assaf, Baton Rouge
Nicholas Tyler Atkinson, Baton Rouge
Caroline Therese Badeaux, Baton Rouge
Carson Blaise Badinger, Baton Rouge
Eli Paul Barbin, Baton Rouge
Zoe L Bart, Baton Rouge
Noah M Bauer, Baton Rouge
Riley Helen Bell-Silessi, Baton Rouge
Gregory Bergeron, Baton Rouge
Lauren M Bergeron, Baton Rouge
Royale R Bey, Baton Rouge
Matthew Thomas Bickham, Baton Rouge
Stephanie E Blakely, Baton Rouge
Margaret Blouin, Baton Rouge
Paul Mattingly Bourgeois, Baton Rouge
Logan Todd Breaux, Baton Rouge
Allie Brooks, Baton Rouge
Tucker Luke Brown, Baton Rouge
Reese Aaron Brumfield, Baton Rouge
Zidyep Duniya Bungwon,
George Buras, Baton Rouge
Travis M Burton, Baker
Kirby Byland, Baker
Andrew Stephen Callender, Baton Rouge
Michael Ian Cannon, Baton Rouge
Carson Joseph Caruso, Greenwell Springs
Mary Catherine Carville, Baton Rouge
Cade Halley Cassels, Greenwell Springs
Collin Casseri, Baton Rouge
Anthony Michael Champagne, Baton Rouge
Betsy Chen, Baton Rouge
Aaron R Cheng, Baton Rouge
Jami Conerly, Pride
Reagan Courville, Baton Rouge
ALexander Creel, Baker
Christian Aldair Cuellar, Baton Rouge
Christopher Joseph Cuntz, Baton Rouge
William Curry, Baton Rouge
Joseph Aaron Curtis, Baton Rouge
Robert Dally, Zachary
Trina Thanh Tu Dang, Baton Rouge
Stefano Anthony Dardano, Baton Rouge
Matthew Paul Davis, Baton Rouge
Jacquelyn Renee Dawson, Baton Rouge
Abby Debenport, Baton Rouge
Jenny Ana Deicaza, Baton Rouge
Lauren Louise Dengler, Baton Rouge
Danielle Elizabeth Depierri, Baton Rouge
Chandler Layne Dodd, Jr, Baton Rouge
Nicholas Alan Domingue, Baton Rouge
Taylor Donnelly, Baton Rouge
Josiah Lawrence Doucet, Baton Rouge
Julius Duic, Baton Rouge
Hayden Cole Duplantier, Baton Rouge
Hayden Charles Easton, Baton Rouge
Kyle B Elee, Baton Rouge
Hannah Elkholy, Baton Rouge
Lora Elliott, Baton Rouge
Amerika Marie Embers, Baton Rouge
Ethan Michael Farkos, Baton Rouge
Joel Pierre Fernandes, Baton Rouge
Kevin Finkley, Baton Rouge
Elliot David Fontenot, Baton Rouge
Cathleen M Foret, Baton Rouge
Peter Alexander Franz, Baton Rouge
Tyler L George, Zachary
Saugat Ghimire, Baton Rouge
Samuel Joseph Goodwin, Baton Rouge
Audrey Kathleen Guess, Baton Rouge
William Ransom Guffey, Baton Rouge
Joshua Guillot, Baton Rouge
Richard Kersh Hall, Baton Rouge
Patrick Marion I Hamilton, Baton Rouge
Cody Daniel Harris, Baton Rouge
Jacob S Hartley, Baton Rouge
Julia Laurel Henderson, Baton Rouge
George H Hendrick, Baton Rouge
Seanelle Higgins, Baton Rouge
Gracie Jane Hufft, Baton Rouge
Connor P Hummel, Baton Rouge
Lauren Abby Hynson, Baton Rouge
Isaac Irlbeck, Baton Rouge
Rawan Ismail, Baton Rouge
Brice Cameron Johnson, Baton Rouge
Colton Cade Jumonville, Baton Rouge
Omar Kadry, Baton Rouge
John Michael King, Baton Rouge
Kyle Daniel Kirkpatrick, Baton Rouge
Sutter Brenner Kramer, Baton Rouge
Ryan Minh Lam, Baton Rouge
Thomas Landaiche, III, Baton Rouge
Vy Phuoc Duy Le, Baton Rouge
Charles Leo Lee, III, Baton Rouge
Danny Lu, Baton Rouge
Robinson Mackey, Baton Rouge
Kiana Manoo, Baton Rouge
Jessica Marshall, Baton Rouge
Gregory Luke Martin, Baton Rouge
Jack Maumus, Baton Rouge
Mason M Mayes, Baton Rouge
Andrew John McFeaters, Baton Rouge
Paola Meneses De Faria, Baton Rouge
Austin Metcalf, Greenwell Springs
Gabriella L Mikhail, Baton Rouge
Tasnia T Monir, Baton Rouge
Youssef Ragab Mousa, Baton Rouge
Chamyria Lynnaja Muse, Baton Rouge
Owen Christopher Naquin, Baton Rouge
John Christopher Carneal Neumann, Baton Rouge
Thao Phuong Ngo, Baton Rouge
Nhi Ngoc Uyen Nguyen, Baton Rouge
Thinh D Nguyen, Baton Rouge
Tommy T Nguyen, Baton Rouge
Austin John Nicholas, Zachary
Michele T Nicolosi, Baton Rouge
Lane Patrick Noblet, Baton Rouge
Aidan O'Donnell, Baton Rouge
Lizette O'Quinn, Baton Rouge
Tomilola Olaoye, Baton Rouge
Jonathan D Ordaz-Rodriguez, Baton Rouge
Franck Ouambo, Baton Rouge
Ethan Thomas Ourso, Baton Rouge
Mariam M Oweineh, Baton Rouge
Aubrey Ochieng Oyoolo, Baton Rouge
Saehwan Park, Baton Rouge
Katherine Perez, Baton Rouge
Mason Pesson, Baton Rouge
Hannah Thuy-Hang Pham, Baton Rouge
Matthew Hoang Pham, Baton Rouge
Stephanie Pham, Baton Rouge
Eric Randall Ponder, Baton Rouge
James Power, Baton Rouge
Matthew S Prutz, Baton Rouge
Ethan T Raborn, Greenwell Springs
Steven Michael Reed, Baton Rouge
Elizabeth Love Reich, Baton Rouge
Landon Paul Richard, Baton Rouge
Ruby M Roberg, Baton Rouge
Kylie Elizabeth Rogers, Baton Rouge
Hannah Roppolo, Baton Rouge
Dillon James Rousset, Baton Rouge
Alexia N Ruiz, Baton Rouge
Luke Aaron Russell, Baton Rouge
Jake Moreau Sasser, Baton Rouge
Sayer Donald Sauviac, Baton Rouge
Andrew Dodd Schacht, Baton Rouge
Adam Schulte, Baton Rouge
Steven Richard Seiden, Baton Rouge
Mason Brommer Sheely, Baton Rouge
Hamdi Yahia Sheikha, Baton Rouge
Colin J Shortess, Baton Rouge
Elizabeth Showers, Baton Rouge
Robert Shupe, Baton Rouge
Aliza Siddiqui, Baton Rouge
Kaleb Smith, Zachary
Lauren Soileau, Baton Rouge
Alexander Stapp, Baton Rouge
D'Andre Stephen, Baton Rouge
Noah Stiltner, Baton Rouge
Thomas A Stratton, Baton Rouge
Pacco Tan, Baton Rouge
Colin Porter Teague, Baton Rouge
Haron Temam, Baton Rouge
Ana Benito Terreros, Baton Rouge
Madeline Ann Thomas, Baton Rouge
Lindsey Ann Thompson, Baton Rouge
Alan Louis Thurmon, II, Baton Rouge
Thi Thao Linh Tran, Baton Rouge
Khoi Truong, Baton Rouge
Daniel Blaine Tueller, Baton Rouge
Philip Tullier, Baton Rouge
Rocky Vong, Baton Rouge
Karley M Waguespack, Baton Rouge
Ruiqi Wang, Baton Rouge
Caroline Renee Webre, Baton Rouge
Andrew Whitehead, Baton Rouge
Jack Thomas Wilfert, Baton Rouge
Courtnee Charles Williams, Baton Rouge
Peyton Joseph Wilson, Baton Rouge
Hongyu Yi, Baton Rouge
Carlie Sierra Youngblood, Baton Rouge
Ian Zaunbrecher, Baton Rouge

College of Human Sciences & Education

Thomas Creighton Abadie, Baton Rouge
Ethan Abbenante, Baton Rouge
Camille M Alack, Baton Rouge
Micah Traci Allen, Baton Rouge
Carlie Elizabeth Aucoin, Baton Rouge
Lauren Grace Augusta, Baton Rouge
Annie Margaret Barham, Baton Rouge
Maggi C Barksdale, Baton Rouge
Claire Elizabeth Bass, Baton Rouge
Taylor A Bates, Baton Rouge
Derrion Rmande Batieste, Baton Rouge
Reese M Biggs, Baton Rouge
Maura Addison Blanchfield, Baton Rouge
Allie Lucia Bouillion, Baton Rouge
Annslee M Bourgeois, Baton Rouge
Taylor S Brandon, Baton Rouge
Kevin Branton, Baton Rouge
Amelia R Bryan, Baton Rouge
Amelia C Buffone, Baton Rouge
Olivia L Caldwell, Baton Rouge
Isabella Francine Carusone, Baton Rouge
Ann Chen, Baton Rouge
Delia Marie Chiasson, Baton Rouge
Meghan Crump, Baton Rouge
Lauren Elizabeth Dale, Pride
Taylor Marie Daugherty, Baton Rouge
Kinsey Michelle Davis, Baton Rouge
Michael Bryan Day, Baton Rouge
Frank Michael Denton, Baton Rouge
Monica Estefania Deras, Baton Rouge
Dariah Rose Deskins, Baton Rouge
Nicholas DeCeanne, Baton Rouge
Louis Evan DeRouen, Baton Rouge
Erika Cheyenne Dillon, Zachary
Mckayla Ashley Downer, Baton Rouge
Julia Rose Dwelle, Baton Rouge
Ana Isabel Espinoza, Baton Rouge
Zhihui Fang,
Katherine Fontenot, Baton Rouge
Mallory Alexis Fontenot, Baton Rouge
William Paul Franques, Jr, Baton Rouge
Jessica A Frazier, Baton Rouge
Aaron Christopher Fruge, Baton Rouge
Elizabeth Francis Gaspard, Baton Rouge
Philip L Gordon, Baton Rouge
Kennedy Michelle Guidry, Baton Rouge
Katelyn Brooke Guilott, Baton Rouge
Jaydon Hall, Baton Rouge
Ty'Najah CN Harden, Baton Rouge
Sarah Kathryn Hartline, Baton Rouge
Audrey C Helm, Baton Rouge
Marylee P Hendrix, Baton Rouge
Lauren Gabrielle Hendry, Baton Rouge
Camille Renee Hosea, Baton Rouge
Eliza McKeever Hufft, Baton Rouge
Jimmy Van Huynh, Baton Rouge
Georgia C Ieyoub, Baton Rouge
Maddie Elizabeth Ieyoub, Baton Rouge
Emily Claire Jackson, Baton Rouge
Miles S Jantzi, Baton Rouge
Desire S Johnson, Baton Rouge
Cailyn Blair Jones, Baton Rouge
Shania Jones, Baton Rouge
Lauren Nicole Julien, Baton Rouge
Ojas Kamat, Baton Rouge
Grace Yoko Kato, Baton Rouge
Grace Michalyn Knapps, Greenwell Springs
Jaden Lambert, Baton Rouge
Lindsey E Lanehart, Baton Rouge
Natalie Grace Lazaroe, Baton Rouge
UyenJulie Hanh Le, Baton Rouge
Savannah C Lennon, Baton Rouge
Vincent Michael LeJeune, Baton Rouge
Leanne Adams Livingston, Baton Rouge
Bailey McCall Loup, Baton Rouge
Gabrielle Marie Luker, Baton Rouge
Lily Rai Martin, Baton Rouge
Noah Martin, Greenwell Springs
Kyle Addison McCartney, Baton Rouge
Courtney McCurry, Baton Rouge
Kelsey R McDuff, Greenwell Springs
Emma Jean McGlynn, Baton Rouge
Jose Alfredo Mendoza, Baton Rouge
Eduardo Mercadante Vassyutina, Baton Rouge
Isabella M Minick, Baton Rouge
Marlee Ann Montgomery, Baton Rouge
Ava Grace Moreau, Baton Rouge
Zachary Philip Morgan, Baton Rouge
Rachel Marie Morley, Baton Rouge
Evan Worth Murders, Baton Rouge
Donald C Neumiller, Baton Rouge
Meagan Nicole Newton, Baton Rouge
Laura Nguyen, Baton Rouge
Mikayla Nijoka, Baton Rouge
Adam Michael O'Banion, Baton Rouge
Colin O'Shaughnessy, Baton Rouge
Madison Elizabeth Ogra, Baton Rouge
Elizabeth Pennington, Greenwell Springs
Ellison Joye Pennington, Baton Rouge
Brock Wyatt Perry, Baton Rouge
Brennan Ross Phillips, Baton Rouge
Madison Pittman, Baton Rouge
Dustin Kyle Pope, Baton Rouge
Mojib Pourashouri Khajkini, Baton Rouge
Heidi Elizabeth Reed, Baton Rouge
Victoria Rhodes, Baton Rouge
John Brady Richard, Baton Rouge
Hannah Rigdon, Zachary
Kathryn Rose Ritchie, Baton Rouge
Andrew James Roderich, Baton Rouge
Ramsey D Rohner, Baton Rouge
Madilynn Elaine Root, Baton Rouge
Myles Runles, Baton Rouge
Taylor Brooke Salassi, Baton Rouge
Margaret K Schatz, Baton Rouge
Payton L Schmitz, Baton Rouge
Anna Leigh Shaffett, Baton Rouge
Linus Barrett Standley, Baton Rouge
John G Stanford, Baton Rouge
Kamryn Alexis Stewart, Baton Rouge
Reed Everett Stewart, Baton Rouge
Claire C Sule, Baton Rouge
Claire Surek, Baton Rouge
Alayna G Tate, Greenwell Springs
William M Teepell, Baton Rouge
Mark B Thomas, Jr, Baton Rouge
Francis Clay Thompson, Baton Rouge
Jacqueline Antonia Trahan-DeJesus, Baton Rouge
Victoria K Truxillo, Baton Rouge
Jessika Urquiza, Baton Rouge
Caroline Elizabeth VanHook, Baton Rouge
Emma Huynh Ly Vu, Baton Rouge
Rachel Grace Wehbe, Baton Rouge
Elly Marie Welsh, Baton Rouge
Daja Y White, Baton Rouge
Darryl Michelle Whitehead, Baton Rouge
Anna Camille Whitfield, Baton Rouge
Chevie L Willyard, Baton Rouge
Khloe Wilson, Baton Rouge
Markia Ulyasia Wilson, Baton Rouge
Matthew Alexander Wolin, Baton Rouge
John Christian Wright, Baton Rouge
Rowaida Fahmeeda Yahya, Baton Rouge

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Elijah Jacolby Alfred, Baton Rouge
Robert Martin Alleva, Baton Rouge
Daria Antonovskaya, Baton Rouge
Macy Caroline Armbrust, Baton Rouge
Alahna Atwater, Baton Rouge
Shane Michael Aucoin, Baton Rouge
Blaine John Baker, Greenwell Springs
katherine Bankhead, Baton Rouge
Alyssa Marie Barnes, Baton Rouge
Henry Lincoln Barnett, Baton Rouge
Tyler A Bass, Baton Rouge
Abigail Grace Baumgartner, Baton Rouge
Lily Beasley, Baton Rouge
Anna C Beatty, Baton Rouge
Kimberly Belalcazar, Baton Rouge
Lyndsee Joy Belliotti, Baton Rouge
Reaghin V Bencaz, Baton Rouge
Brigette H Benigno, Baton Rouge
Emma Elizabeth Benton, Baton Rouge
Norbert C Bertrand, Baton Rouge
Brooke Beychok, Baton Rouge
Malli Bieniek, Baton Rouge
Kennedi Alexis Boatner, Baton Rouge
Rhys E Borders, Baton Rouge
Adrianne Mechelle Boudreaux, Baton Rouge
Madison Brie Boudreaux, Baton Rouge
Jadey Bourque, Baton Rouge
Summer Marie Bowen, Baton Rouge
Rachel Erin Bowman, Zachary
Garrett L Boyd, Baton Rouge
Sarah Pearson I Branstetter, Baton Rouge
Joshua E Breaux, Baton Rouge
Emma G Brister, Baton Rouge
Elliot C Brocato, Baton Rouge
Maia Brombart, Baton Rouge
Lyndsey J Brooks, Baton Rouge
Alexander Joseph Broussard, Baton Rouge
Evonce Brown, Baton Rouge
Haley Marie Bruce, Baton Rouge
Allison Brunet, Baton Rouge
Alexandra Michelle Buchart, Baton Rouge
Caroline Grace Buras, Baton Rouge
Brandon Timothy Butler, Baton Rouge
Niya J Butler, Baker
Janiah Mishael Luarca Cabigting, Baton Rouge
Cecilia Claire Campesi, Baton Rouge
Caroline Elizabeth Cantu, Baton Rouge
Dianney Jisselle Carbajal, Baton Rouge
David R Cashio, Baton Rouge
Chloe H Cates, Baton Rouge
Francesca Nicole Cedeno, Baton Rouge
Dimitri Nicholas Chacharone, Baton Rouge
Cody Garron Chaisson, Baton Rouge
Ryleigh Elizabeth Choplin, Baton Rouge
Kennedy Basco Chouest, Baton Rouge
Robert Emmett Chumbley, IV, Baton Rouge
Alexandria Jane Clarke, Baton Rouge
Alexander G Collier, Baton Rouge
Kallie N Comardelle, Baton Rouge
Elizabeth Corinne Cook, Baton Rouge
Madison Cooper, Baton Rouge
Corey James Cotten, Baton Rouge
Angelica Marie Couvillion, Pride
Madison N Dauzart, Baton Rouge
Julianna Dempster, Zachary
Amelia Dittmar, Baton Rouge
Andrea Lazaro Dominguez, Baton Rouge
James Douet, Zachary
Matthew Elias Dreher, Baton Rouge
Nicholas Randall Edmonson, Baton Rouge
Andrew J Ehrlich, Baton Rouge
Ellen A Fargason, Baton Rouge
Graham Michael Fels, Baton Rouge
Ethan Andruw Fernandez, Baton Rouge
Ann Clare Fremin, Baton Rouge
Mary-Margaret Kathryn Fussell, Baton Rouge
Debi P Ganguly, Baton Rouge
Moriah Gardner, Baton Rouge
Isabella Gautreaux, Baton Rouge
Yafet Seyoum Gebremedhin, Baton Rouge
Anita Gerbaud,
Mande K Gianfala, Baton Rouge
Taylor R'yann Gibson, Baton Rouge
Sydney Grace Gill, Baton Rouge
Kaleb M Giroir, Baton Rouge
Kelvin D Givens, Baton Rouge
Kobie J Green, Zachary
John F Griswold, Baton Rouge
Mae Elizabeth Guidry, Baton Rouge
Sanarita R Harb, Baton Rouge
Justin Jerard Hardy, Baton Rouge
Ellen Margaret Hataway, Baton Rouge
Lindy Adele Hataway, Baton Rouge
Karsyn A Henderson, Baton Rouge
Rachael Hill, Baton Rouge
Jennie Belle Holder, Baton Rouge
Hunter Holliday, Zachary
Dalton W Hoover, Baton Rouge
Marissa Huber, Baton Rouge
Lauren Elise Hurst, Baton Rouge
Maija Anne Hutson, Baton Rouge
Rachel C Huye, Baton Rouge
Omar Alfarouq Ibrahim, Baton Rouge
Madison Grace Ingrassia, Greenwell Springs
Jordan L Iverstine, Zachary
Hannah Gale Jackson, Baton Rouge
Makenzie E James, Baton Rouge
Grace Jewell, Baton Rouge
Yejin Jo, Baton Rouge
Erin Rylee Johnson, Baton Rouge
TaMyra S Joseph, Baton Rouge
Myles I Kamara, Baton Rouge
Abbegail Lane Kantrow, Baton Rouge
Kaitlyn Marie Kelly, Baton Rouge
Robert Austin King, Baton Rouge
Molli Marie Klock, Baton Rouge
Taylor Helen Koontz, Baton Rouge
Arthur Bixente Valentin Kuntz, Baton Rouge
Charles Landry, Baton Rouge
Kate Langley, Baton Rouge
Phillip Lisandro Lanier, Baton Rouge
Kaitlyn Mary LaCava, Baton Rouge
Emily LaCour, Baton Rouge
Quy Dang Le, Baton Rouge
Vy Ha H Le, Baton Rouge
Danielle Lyn Leblanc, Pride
Conner LeBlanc, Baton Rouge
Kelly Deenell LeDuff, Baton Rouge
Catherine Gore Lindsey, Baton Rouge
Eathan A Long, Baton Rouge
Chloe Elizabeth Lope, Baton Rouge
Chloe Isabel Loup, Baton Rouge
Haleigh M Lozano, Baton Rouge
Mary Margaret Mae Lynch, Baton Rouge
Alexis Rae Maggio, Baton Rouge
Ashlee Courtlynn Mancuso, Baton Rouge
Allyson Claire Marinello, Baton Rouge
Grace Elizabeth Marionneaux, Baton Rouge
Alexus Matthews, Baton Rouge
Ella McCalip, Baton Rouge
Eva Grae McDonald, Baton Rouge
Ashley M McGuire, Baton Rouge
Christopher Anthony Meyer, Baton Rouge
Jacob Edwin Milton, Baton Rouge
Louis Albert Mirzoeff, Baton Rouge
Lillian Claire Moore, Baton Rouge
KorLee Morphis, Baton Rouge
Lauren Ann Murphree, Baton Rouge
Aviyon Tre-Monet Myles, Baton Rouge
Benjamin Arthur Naquin, Baton Rouge
Morgen Kristina Nunnery, Baton Rouge
Rafael Orozco, Baton Rouge
Karina E Parks, Baton Rouge
Autumn Marie Elainor Passman, Baton Rouge
Gregory A Patton, Baker
Claire Perret, Baton Rouge
Maddison Perrino, Baton Rouge
Ian Plunkett, Baton Rouge
Kylee A Ponthieux, Baton Rouge
Catherine Tomoko Poss, Baton Rouge
Breanna Noel Price, Baton Rouge
Jaidyn Procell, Baton Rouge
Allyson Virginia Randall, Baton Rouge
Siah P Reado, Baton Rouge
Heather Leigh Rhodes, Greenwell Springs
Jacob Thomas Richardson, Jr, Zachary
Elizabeth Grace Richwine, Baton Rouge
Lila Rose Rigamer, Baton Rouge
Caroline F Ritchie, Baton Rouge
Christian K Rivas, Baton Rouge
Zoe Elizabeth Robbins, Baton Rouge
Onesimo D Roberts, Baker
Mateo Carlos Rosas, Baton Rouge
Isabella Corinne Rovere, Baton Rouge
Kate Charlotte Russell, Baton Rouge
Dayne Salassi, Baton Rouge
Aviana San Souci, Baton Rouge
Catherine K Saunders, Baton Rouge
Madeline Maria Schexnayder, Baton Rouge
Ryan Schleter, Baton Rouge
Mollie M Schloss, Baton Rouge
Ainsley Claire Schulte, Baton Rouge
Nora Scott, Baton Rouge
Richard M Seeling, III, Baton Rouge
Andrew Sellers, Baton Rouge
Rachel Anna Seneff, Baton Rouge
Bailey Marie Shoulders, Baton Rouge
Archer T Smith, Baton Rouge
Jamie L Smith, Baton Rouge
Kiersten Smith, Baton Rouge
Emma Grace Spencer, Baton Rouge
Olivia Stephens, Baton Rouge
Bailey A Sunseri, Baton Rouge
Norris W Swain, Baton Rouge
Anna Ta, Greenwell Springs
Macie Talbert, Greenwell Springs
Alyson Rose Tarifa, Baton Rouge
Nicholas Hunter Teakell, Baton Rouge
Makayla E Terrell, Baton Rouge
Lillian Faith Thibaut, Baton Rouge
Martha S Thomas, Baton Rouge
Kara M Thornton, Baton Rouge
Abbigail E Tindell, Baton Rouge
Naomi Tram Tomiyama, Baton Rouge
Trevor Dominick Treadway, Baton Rouge
Sofia June Truax, Baton Rouge
Makalah Shonte Turner, Zachary
Elze Van Den Beuken,
John Michael Varnado, Baton Rouge
Caleb M Vedros, Baton Rouge
Ian Venable, Zachary
Claudia E Vernon, Baton Rouge
Emilie Anne Vidrine, Baton Rouge
Madison Paige Vital, Baton Rouge
Anthony H Vo, Baton Rouge
Eleanor Waag, Baton Rouge
Kate J Wainer, Baton Rouge
Haven Watson, Baton Rouge
Jonah Zak Webster, Baton Rouge
Sarah Weinstein, Baton Rouge
Drew R Welsch, Baton Rouge
Kobe K Wheeler, Baton Rouge
Richard Anthony Whitehead, Baton Rouge
David Andre Whitehurst, Baton Rouge
Jacob S Whittle, Baton Rouge
Juleanna Mary Williams, Zachary
Milan Ayuana Williams, Baton Rouge
Sarah Katherine Wingrove, Baton Rouge
Natalie Wright, Baton Rouge
Adrienne Corinne Wyble, Baton Rouge
McKenzie E Young, Zachary
Ayah Yaser Zaben, Baton Rouge
Parker Kyle Zito, Baton Rouge
Isabel Zitt, Baton Rouge

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Miranda Louise Albarez, Zachary
Jonah Drew Amason, Baton Rouge
Mason Barron, Baton Rouge
Layla Ariana Battley, Baton Rouge
Gage c Bennett, Zachary
Tedie D Cahill, Baton Rouge
Donald Henry Cain, Baton Rouge
Taylor Lisa Coffey, Baton Rouge
Aaron Frank Dimmick, Baton Rouge
Gavin Erskins, Baton Rouge
Chance DeWolf Fillastre, Baton Rouge
Caitlyn Gilliam, Baton Rouge
Victor Emery Gischler, Baton Rouge
Alexander Lee Hall, Baton Rouge
Calla Marie Harper, Baton Rouge
Julia Lk Huihui, Zachary
Joseph Apperson Kayuha, Jr, Baton Rouge
Emma Claire Littleton, Baton Rouge
Kaylee Love Mancuso, Baton Rouge
Timothy Marquess, Baton Rouge
Sean Nelson, Baton Rouge
Katherine Elaine Oliver, Baton Rouge
Emeka D Osae, Baton Rouge
Vinicius Marques Pereira Silva, Zachary
Annalise Victoria Pitts, Zachary
Kylle Nicholas Broussard Poiencot, Baton Rouge
Kayla V Ramos, Baton Rouge
Camille Grace Robertson, Baker
Mason D Rozas, Baton Rouge
Caleb A Russell, Baton Rouge
Kayla M Short, Baton Rouge
Samuel Boykin Short, IV, Baton Rouge
Alexandra Renae Simon, Baton Rouge
Lauren Smith, Baton Rouge
Tabitha J Smith, Baton Rouge
Donald Eugene Soule', III, Baton Rouge
Robin L Talbot, Baton Rouge
Abigail A Travis, Baton Rouge
Adian G Trouard, Baton Rouge
Caleb Mark Wiese, Baton Rouge
Mya Wiseman, Baton Rouge
Aicheng Yao,
Zhaoyang Zhang, Baton Rouge

College of Science

Leya Ihab Abdelwahed, Baton Rouge
Marisa J Acosta, Baton Rouge
Me-Gann Villamor Adolfo, Baton Rouge
Mahad Ahmed, Baton Rouge
Mark Albano, Baton Rouge
Mohamed A Algamal, Baton Rouge
Emily Kendall Andrews, Baton Rouge
Lucy Clare Aucoin, Baton Rouge
Dakota Babin, Baton Rouge
Rachael Michelle Ballou, Baton Rouge
Brianne Leigh Bankston, Zachary
Alexandra Barton, Zachary
Hannah Rose Bengtson, Baton Rouge
Hannah Elizabeth Bergeron, Baton Rouge
Kaelie Christiane Sarah Bernard, Baton Rouge
Olivia Cecile Black, Baton Rouge
Paige M Boudreaux, Baton Rouge
Christian Chantha Joseph Bouton, Baton Rouge
Christopher Ryan Branstetter, Baton Rouge
Jenna Brian, Baton Rouge
Jeanne Brierre, Baton Rouge
Ashleigh Raine Brindle, Baton Rouge
Cooper Jameson Brown, Baton Rouge
Madeline Broyles, Baton Rouge
Rachel Bui, Baton Rouge
Anang Duniya Bungwon, Baton Rouge
Anna Elisa Cattar, Greenwell Springs
Lillian Cazayoux, Baton Rouge
Kaylin Elise Chauvin, Baton Rouge
Margaret Katherine Coast, Baton Rouge
Jake D Cobb, Baton Rouge
Abigail Elizabeth Colvin, Baton Rouge
Kennedy Jane Cook, Baton Rouge
Lucas Michael Corona, II, Baton Rouge
Emily Courtney, Greenwell Springs
Jensen A Crifasi, Baton Rouge
Tiffany Phuong Dang, Baton Rouge
Caroline Davis, Baton Rouge
Alexandra Nicole Dicke, Baton Rouge
Kathleen Huong Dinh, Baton Rouge
Katie Vy Dinh, Baton Rouge
Celia Ann Dooley, Baton Rouge
Katelyn E Duhe, Baton Rouge
Claire Edwards, Baton Rouge
Londyn M Edwards, Baton Rouge
Lillee Catherine Engen, Baton Rouge
Timothy A Ferrell, Baton Rouge
Simon M Firmin, Baton Rouge
Noah Alan Fisher, Baton Rouge
Hannah Fobbs, Baton Rouge
Chelsey Marie Fontenot, Baton Rouge
Juliet C Fontenot, Baton Rouge
Taylor Michelle Franks, Baton Rouge
Anne Marie Gahagan, Baton Rouge
James Samuel Graves, Baton Rouge
Hale Elizabeth Greer, Baton Rouge
Adam Paul Grissom, Baton Rouge
Haiden Guillory, Baton Rouge
Aaliyah Hameed, Baton Rouge
Grace Elizabeth Hamilton, Baton Rouge
Sarah Jane Hardin, Baton Rouge
Mason Daniel Harris, Baton Rouge
Ava Elizabeth Hart, Zachary
Alison L Hecht, Baton Rouge
Ayatt Hemeida, Zachary
Greta C Herbert, Baton Rouge
Jesus Hernandez, Baton Rouge
Thomas Minh Hoang, Baton Rouge
John Keating Honeycutt, Baton Rouge
Grace E Houser, Baton Rouge
Corrine Hutchinson, Baton Rouge
Yasmeen Ziyad Issa, Baton Rouge
Zoe Joubert, Baton Rouge
Joel Keller, Baton Rouge
Sarah Elizabeth Kelley, Baton Rouge
Jihad Eyad Khaled, Baton Rouge
Katy Anne Knecht, Baton Rouge
Nathan Kratzberg, Baton Rouge
Colton Krauss, Baton Rouge
Clifton Lockett Kurzweg, Baton Rouge
Didrik Marthon Aschehoug Larsen, Baton Rouge
Hanna S Lee, Baton Rouge
Anna Christine Leyrer, Zachary
Jack Irwin Lieux, Baton Rouge
Kara Qinhua Sandra Liimatta, Baton Rouge
Huey Loh, Baton Rouge
Liam Owen Lopez, Baton Rouge
Kyle Lorio, Baton Rouge
Rhys Michael Lormand, Baton Rouge
Adriene Louviere, Baton Rouge
Ryan M MacDonald, Baton Rouge
Skylar R Mancuso, Baton Rouge
Maci Mannina, Baton Rouge
Monique Manuel, Baton Rouge
Mary Marchand, Baton Rouge
Emily Anne Martin, Baton Rouge
Andrea Valentina Matute, Baton Rouge
Paul Edward Mayeaux, Jr, Baton Rouge
Katherine Claire McCullen, Baton Rouge
Abigail McCurry, Baton Rouge
Aidan Elizabeth McDonald, Baton Rouge
Colin McGlynn, Baton Rouge
Charles McKenzie, Baton Rouge
Alexia Melton, Baton Rouge
Kylie A Merren, Baton Rouge
Joshua Luke Miles, Baton Rouge
Aubri Ambrose Miller, Baton Rouge
Macullen Andrew Mire, Baton Rouge
Parth Mahesh Mistry, Baton Rouge
Walid Khaled Mohammed, Baton Rouge
Dru Scott Montet, Baton Rouge
Yousef Mosleh, Baton Rouge
Zahra Vafaei Naeini, Baton Rouge
Arline Narez, Baton Rouge
Douglas Thangh Ngo, Baton Rouge
Dylan Thanh Ngo, Baton Rouge
Angel Nguyen, Baton Rouge
Christy N Nguyen, Baton Rouge
Kobe Han Nguyen, Baton Rouge
Truong Nguyen, Baton Rouge
Presleigh Reese O'Dwyer, Baton Rouge
Zoe Elizabeth Patton, Baton Rouge
Diana T Pham, Baton Rouge
Jennifer Anh Pham, Baton Rouge
Parker Politz, Baton Rouge
Luke Pruett, Baton Rouge
Ava Reinecke, Baton Rouge
Luke Hayden Romano, Baton Rouge
Micah Joy Roper, Baton Rouge
Amber Lynn Salone, Baton Rouge
Tammy San, Baton Rouge
Christian Luke Sanford, Baton Rouge
Lauren M Saunders, Baton Rouge
Morgan Alaina Schnebelen, Baton Rouge
Dhriti Shastri, Baton Rouge
Anushka Singh, Baton Rouge
Carson Smith, Baton Rouge
Catherine Sims Smith, Baton Rouge
Ethan Michael Smith, Baton Rouge
Houston Smith, Baton Rouge
Hayden Sorrells, Baton Rouge
Sophia Maria Stuart, Baton Rouge
Waleed Sultan, Baton Rouge
Mary Morgan Sutton, Baton Rouge
Khristian Tallent, Baton Rouge
Paul Gregory Theders, Baton Rouge
Delaney Louise Thompson, Baton Rouge
King V Tran, Baton Rouge
Tommy V Tran, Zachary
Vy D Truong, Baton Rouge
Alexa Tullier, Baton Rouge
Sarah Upshaw, Baton Rouge
Helen Marie Valadie, Baton Rouge
JohnRussell A Viator, Jr, Baton Rouge
John McCall Vick, Baton Rouge
Bryan R Vignes, Baton Rouge
Hannah D Vu, Baton Rouge
Judy N Vu, Baton Rouge
Allen Zixuan Wang, Baton Rouge
Mackenzie Weeks, Baton Rouge
Caroline Gardner White, Baton Rouge
Lillian Helena Wilder, Baton Rouge
Abby E Williams, Baton Rouge
Hailey Williams, Baton Rouge
Dylan Wootan, Zachary
Hailey Young, Baton Rouge
Sara Zare, Baton Rouge
Yijian Zheng, Baton Rouge

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Saif Salaheen Ahmed, Baton Rouge
Amelia Wren Alexander, Baton Rouge
Alexis Atmadjov, Baton Rouge
Beau W Bacas, Baton Rouge
Madison E Baker, Baton Rouge
Anne Lewis Barton, Baton Rouge
William Bassett, Baton Rouge
William Campbell Batson, Baton Rouge
Adley Belaire, Baton Rouge
Brooks Davis Belanger, Baton Rouge
Anthony John Benton, Baton Rouge
Luke Paul Bernard, Baton Rouge
Peter Bertucci, Baton Rouge
Louis Alcee Billeaud, Baton Rouge
Conner Joseph Blanchard, Greenwell Springs
Timothy C Boeneke, Pride
Kylan Alexander Borskey, Baton Rouge
Justin E Boudreaux, Baton Rouge
Jenna Marie Bowdary, Baton Rouge
Juliette Adele Broussard, Baton Rouge
Christopher Joseph Brown, Baton Rouge
Vincent Joseph Bruno, III, Baton Rouge
Raven S Burkhalter, Baton Rouge
Samuel Enrique Camacho, Baton Rouge
Katherine Angele Carmouche, Baton Rouge
Ka Wing Chan, Baton Rouge
Sean Cole, Baton Rouge
Davis D Copeland, Baton Rouge
Hayden Douglas Cowart, Greenwell Springs
Julia M Crawford, Baton Rouge
Adam Joseph Crifasi, Baton Rouge
Carter Laughlin Crutti, Baton Rouge
Christopher N Dao, Baton Rouge
Tien Dao, Baton Rouge
Amanda H Doan, Baton Rouge
Hayden Jeffrey James Dudley, Baton Rouge
Andrew Caden Eagleton, Baton Rouge
Johnathan Nicholas Ellis, Baton Rouge
David H Ellison, Baton Rouge
Camille Louise Fabre, Baton Rouge
Samantha Lucia Fernandez, Baton Rouge
Victoria Jewell Funes, Baton Rouge
Andrew K Gallmann, Baton Rouge
Maxwell J Gammon, Baton Rouge
Analise M Gonzalez, Baton Rouge
Emily L Graham, Baton Rouge
Conner William Graves, Baton Rouge
Tracy Elizabeth Gravois, Baton Rouge
Gabriel Guido, Baton Rouge
Raeleen Elizabeth Gutierrez, Baton Rouge
Kinley Claire Hagmann, Baton Rouge
Reagan Tamera Hamilton, Baker
Annie Heitman, Baton Rouge
Thai Brendan Hoang, Baton Rouge
Annalise V Hopwood, Baton Rouge
Matthew R Hubbell, Baton Rouge
Brittan J Huffman, Baton Rouge
Alexander Huynh, Baton Rouge
William Gaither Jackson, Jr, Baton Rouge
Luke R James, Baton Rouge
Benjamin Lewis Johnson, Baton Rouge
Skylar Rae Johnson, Baton Rouge
Theresa Rose Kadair, Baton Rouge
Allison N Kimbrough, Baton Rouge
Jacob Charles Kingery, Baton Rouge
Tobie Jeanne Landry, Baton Rouge
Alissa Kaitlin Lankford, Baton Rouge
Sydnie Katherine Larkins, Baton Rouge
Gretchen A Lauve, Baton Rouge
LauraLeigh Lawrence, Baton Rouge
Sarah Michelle Leblanc, Baton Rouge
Lilly Lebold, Baton Rouge
Patrick Thomas Lemoine, Baton Rouge
Denice Lewis, Baton Rouge
Daniel Lichowid, Jr, Baton Rouge
Jolee Marie Liles, Baton Rouge
Halli Kate Lyle, Baton Rouge
Ella Marrus, Baton Rouge
Leslie Claire Martin, Baton Rouge
Elaina Caroline Matthew, Baton Rouge
Andrew Kaplan McMains, Baton Rouge
Sydney Marie Melder, Baton Rouge
Joseph Warren Lassiter Mengis, Baton Rouge
Joshua Charles Miletello, Baton Rouge
David Mills, Baton Rouge
Katarina Milutinovich, Baton Rouge
Kramer Burton Mittendorf, Baton Rouge
Holly Moisant, Baton Rouge
Braeden Nicole Moore, Baton Rouge
Graycen Spaulding Moore, Baton Rouge
Madison Nicole Moreau, Baton Rouge
Rami Robert Moukarzel, Baton Rouge
Brennan Michael Mouton, Baton Rouge
Megan A Murphey, Baton Rouge
Camille Victoria Nyboer, Baton Rouge
Kylie O'Brien, Zachary
Reagan Riviere Osborne, Baton Rouge
Samuel Carter Parker, Baton Rouge
Blake T Parsons, Baton Rouge
Lebria L Perkins, Baton Rouge
Jonathan David Perrien, Baton Rouge
Juliana Michel Politz, Baton Rouge
Aleksander Popov, Baton Rouge
Andrew Miller Purpera, Baton Rouge
Connor Austin Rawls, Greenwell Springs
Quinlan P Reed, Baton Rouge
Zane M Rhodes, Baton Rouge
Jessica Susan Robinson, Baton Rouge
Jory A Roussel, Baton Rouge
Reid Thomas Segar, Baton Rouge
Daniel Shapiro, Baton Rouge
Samuel Shapiro, Baton Rouge
Brooke Hannah Shiflett, Baton Rouge
Yash Satish Singh, Baton Rouge
Elijah J Skuse, Baton Rouge
Ashlei Latrice Smith, Baton Rouge
Ashlynn Hope Sorrells, Baton Rouge
Margo R Tassin, Baton Rouge
Thomas F Teepell, Baton Rouge
Julia Abigail Titus, Baton Rouge
Minh Trong Gia Tran, Baton Rouge
Benjamin Luke Tully, Baton Rouge
Jett Russell Turnley, Baton Rouge
Sydney E Tycer, Baton Rouge
Anna C Upton, Baton Rouge
Nicholas Ward Vining, Baton Rouge
Zili Wang, Baton Rouge
Caroline Grace Warren, Baton Rouge
Nicholas Edward I Watson, Baton Rouge
Baylee Rene Whittington, Greenwell Springs
Tresmon L Williams, Baton Rouge
Kaitlyn Allison Williamson, Baton Rouge
William John Wyler, Baton Rouge

Manship School of Mass Communication

Evangeline Alvarez, Baton Rouge
Aileen Arasteh, Baton Rouge
Kacy Erin Askew, Zachary
Morgan E Auzine, Baton Rouge
Sarah Claire Barton, Baton Rouge
Jackson Blackmon, Baton Rouge
Brooke Marie Bordelon, Baton Rouge
Rebecca Bordelon, Baton Rouge
Braelyn Marie Brown, Baton Rouge
Isabelle Marie Brown, Baton Rouge
Sarah Bryan, Baton Rouge
John Mitchell Buzbee, Jr, Baton Rouge
Emma Chance, Baton Rouge
Koren Ma'Kel Clark, Baton Rouge
Alissa Rene Clemmons, Baton Rouge
Madelyn Nicole Cutrone, Baton Rouge
Alexandra Leigh Fields, Baton Rouge
Isaiah Harry Paoping Gee, Baton Rouge
Madison Marie Gorton, Baton Rouge
Emma M Granier, Baton Rouge
Sophia Evelyn Graves, Baton Rouge
Catelyn Meredith Greene, Baton Rouge
Shawn Marcus Griffin, Baton Rouge
Joshua Guillory, Baton Rouge
Cornelia Ellise Hackenberg, Baton Rouge
Stephanie Hailes, Baton Rouge
Melanie Hasenkampf, Baton Rouge
Katharine Mattie Hathorn, Baton Rouge
Allie Elizabeth Held, Baton Rouge
Sarah Ellen Henry, Baton Rouge
Elise E Hidalgo, Baton Rouge
Macy Margaret Howard, Baton Rouge
Bayleigh Elizabeth Jefferson, Baton Rouge
Brinon Scott Kruithof, Baton Rouge
Alexandra D Labbe, Baton Rouge
Emma Grace Lambert, Baton Rouge
Alayna Agnes Landry, Baton Rouge
Wilton Joseph Landry, Baton Rouge
Isis Lartigue, Baton Rouge
Kenneth Braxston Lee, Greenwell Springs
Myracle Lewis, Baton Rouge
Caden Reed Lim, Baton Rouge
Tatyana Nicole Magee, Baton Rouge
Lauren M McKinney, Baton Rouge
Reigan P Miles, Baton Rouge
Kathryn Miller, Baton Rouge
Jayda Christina Morris, Baton Rouge
Baoanh D Nguyen, Baton Rouge
Kelsey M Othling, Baton Rouge
Marte Marte Person, Baton Rouge
Alexis Dominique Phillips, Baton Rouge
Aidan Christopher Primeaux, Baton Rouge
Jacob Reeder, Baton Rouge
Niamh Robinson, Baton Rouge
Dylan James Sanders, Baton Rouge
Benjamin David Schluter, Baton Rouge
Aminee Ewruabena Siriboe, Baton Rouge
Elise Smith, Baton Rouge
Tamia Southall, Baton Rouge
Lauren Spencer, Baton Rouge
Savannah St Romain, Baton Rouge
Erin Paige Stephens, Baton Rouge
Madison Nicole Stewart, Baton Rouge
Alex M Tirado, Baton Rouge
Alexis Marie Toler, Baton Rouge
Zachary J Tuminello, Baton Rouge
Olivia Claire Varden, Baton Rouge
Ashleigh Elizabeth Ward, Baton Rouge
Lucille Whittington, Baton Rouge
Mary Page Wood, Baton Rouge
Brennan Worthington, Baton Rouge

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Samea Fakhri Abdelghani, Baton Rouge
Mason Q I Acosta, Baton Rouge
Orion N Barrientes, Baton Rouge
Phoebe M Baumann, Baton Rouge
Kaylee M Bynog, Baton Rouge
John Stone Campbell, IV, Baton Rouge
Brittney R Canzonire, Baton Rouge
Cecilia A Castro, Baton Rouge
Kristen Ann Caughman, Baton Rouge
Grant Matthew Chustz, Baton Rouge
Mckenzie Jean Cline, Greenwell Springs
Parker James Collett, Baton Rouge
Joshua Allen Cooper, Baton Rouge
Cameron Patrick Cothern, Baton Rouge
Caroline Claire Daigle, Baton Rouge
Robert Corbitt Driskell, Baton Rouge
Joseph Facchinei, Baton Rouge
Hayden Field, Baton Rouge
Bajean I Franklin, Baton Rouge
Claire Jolie Garbutt, Baton Rouge
Jackson Bradley Gaspard, Baton Rouge
Corbin M Green, Baton Rouge
Ryan Henry Gremillion, Baton Rouge
Eason Eric Guirard, Baton Rouge
Eric K Han, Baton Rouge
Lauren Marie Harmon, Baton Rouge
Henry Thomas Hays, Baton Rouge
Peter Raphael Higginbotham, Baton Rouge
Eric Quang Ho, Baton Rouge
Jenny Hoang, Baton Rouge
Jackson J Howard, Baton Rouge
Emma G Huguet, Greenwell Springs
Anna Michael Ieyoub, Baton Rouge
Tori Elizabeth Ingrassia, Greenwell Springs
Amyri Camille Jones, Baton Rouge
Brian B Jones, Jr, Baton Rouge
Je'Sela Jones, Baton Rouge
Hannah Kaplan, Baton Rouge
Brandon Alexander Kershaw, Baton Rouge
Camille E Lachney, Baton Rouge
Jorrin Lacour, Zachary
Stefan Latinovic, Baton Rouge
Juliette Marie Lemoine, Baton Rouge
James Alexander Leonard, Baton Rouge
Kallie Paige Lodrigue, Baton Rouge
Linh Luu, Baton Rouge
Shawn Truong Luu, Baton Rouge
Anna Claire Manson, Baton Rouge
Caleb John Marcantel, Baton Rouge
Anna K Mcarthur, Baton Rouge
Grace Elizabeth Mele, Baton Rouge
Joshua Michael Meyer, Greenwell Springs
Noah Paul Nash, Baton Rouge
Gentry Blaine Needham, Baton Rouge
Joshua Eric Pilcher, Baton Rouge
Anna Winsome Pousson, Baton Rouge
Cayla Richard, Baton Rouge
Walton Roberts, Baton Rouge
Margaret Mary Schmidt, Baton Rouge
Isabelle C Schmitt, Baton Rouge
Owen Simon, Baton Rouge
Kelsea Nicole Stewart, Baton Rouge
Martin Charles Sullivan, Baton Rouge
Presley G Tapia, Baton Rouge
Robert Mills Thompson, Jr, Zachary
Grant Blade Treadaway, Baton Rouge
Reagan Elizabeth Vidrine, Baton Rouge
Kayla T Vo, Baton Rouge
Khuyen H Vu, Baton Rouge
Cameron Kate Wickersham, Baton Rouge
Bradley E Williams, Baton Rouge
Madison L'Nai Williams, Baton Rouge
George Michael Wilson, Baton Rouge

University College Center for Freshman Year

Alexis Aita de Queiroz, Baton Rouge
Hope Lilian von Eberstein, Baton Rouge
Suliman Bassim Aburahma, Baton Rouge
Adetutu A Adedeji, Baton Rouge
Sarah Jane Adler, Baton Rouge
Caroline C Adolph, Baton Rouge
Sofia S Ahardan, Baton Rouge
Aseel Basil Ahmed, Baton Rouge
Presley Ainsworth, Baton Rouge
Robert Anthony Alamirie, Baton Rouge
Eleni Anastasia Allen, Zachary
Ryleigh Rose Allen, Baton Rouge
Carolina Joanna Alvarado, Baton Rouge
Ambar Amaya Velasquez, Baton Rouge
Kaleb D Antoine, Baton Rouge
Jasmine Alexis Arceneaux, Baton Rouge
Ryan Asefi, Baton Rouge
Sneha Chandhana Atluri, Baton Rouge
Sohan Chand Atluri, Baton Rouge
Megan F Aucoin, Baton Rouge
Connor Allen Augustine, Baton Rouge
Ashlyn Austin, Baton Rouge
Caroline Elise Aycock, Baton Rouge
Brady Christopher Ayres, Baton Rouge
Haillie Marie Bachaleda, Baton Rouge
James Farrish Carter Balart, Jr, Baton Rouge
Preston Hung Nguyen Banh, Baton Rouge
Brianna N'Kemdilim Banye, Zachary
Megan McKenzie Barnes, Baton Rouge
Jossue Becerra, Baton Rouge
Nicholas Thomas Bennett, Baton Rouge
Ann Marie Faustina Benoit, Baton Rouge
Amauri Best, Baton Rouge
Thomas Betancur Lopez, Baton Rouge
Colby Billiot, Baton Rouge
Hensley Grace Blackstone, Baton Rouge
Tadj Blackwell, Baton Rouge
Collin Thomas Blanchard, Baton Rouge
Amara Lynne Rain Bordelon, Baton Rouge
Maren Ann Bordelon, Baton Rouge
James T Bourgoyne, Baton Rouge
Omid Nadimi Boushehri, Baton Rouge
Andon M Brabham, Baton Rouge
Austin Grant Bradford, Zachary
Lance B Brooks, Baton Rouge
Jenee McKenna Brown, Zachary
Imaya Chardae Brown-Smith, Baton Rouge
Soraya E Brumfield Mejia, Baton Rouge
Palmer Christian Bruns, Baton Rouge
Tam T Bui, Baton Rouge
Brynn E Bulot, Baton Rouge
Katherine Anne Calegan, Baton Rouge
Lillian Grace Cambias, Baton Rouge
Alexandra G Campbell, Baton Rouge
Emily Marie Carpenter, Baton Rouge
Giancarlo Enrique Carreras, Baton Rouge
Lauren Christine Carter, Baton Rouge
Cameron Leigh Cates, Baton Rouge
Danielle L Cephas, Baton Rouge
Jessica L Chauvin, Baton Rouge
Anthony Felix Chiasson, Baton Rouge
Annaliese Marie Clark, Baton Rouge
Julia Faye Clark, Baton Rouge
Brandon Thomas Conerly, Baton Rouge
Madeline Donna Connor, Baton Rouge
Sean Conner Cooper, Baton Rouge
Cassidy R Corkern, Zachary
Camille Elizabeth Counce, Baton Rouge
Luke H Cretin, Baton Rouge
Chaz Christopher Degree, Jr, Baton Rouge
Aaroh Mridul Desai, Baton Rouge
Christian Alexander Deslatte, Baton Rouge
Davis Ferdinand Dicharry, Jr, Baton Rouge
Rachel Dickerson, Baton Rouge
Ricky Dille, Baton Rouge
Duyen Thi Thuy Dinh,
Quang Van Dinh, Baton Rouge
Breina Lee'Shay Domingue, Baton Rouge
Alexandra Nell Domino, Baton Rouge
Caroline Anne Donahue, Baton Rouge
Madeline E Doran, Baton Rouge
Jack Stuart Douglass, Baton Rouge
Jaiden C Dugas, Baton Rouge
Emma Grace Dungan, Greenwell Springs
Shelby Ayn Dunphy-Day, Baton Rouge
Ian Connor Eagleton, Baton Rouge
Aiden Charles Edling, Baton Rouge
Samuel Nelson Ellis, Baton Rouge
Matthew A Ellzey, Baton Rouge
Hudson Charles Ewing, Baton Rouge
Madelyn G Fakouri, Baton Rouge
Jackson Gerard Ferachi, Baton Rouge
William Fisicaro, Baton Rouge
Kayla Carolina Flores, Baton Rouge
Sophia M Fontenot, Baton Rouge
Havilland Sylvia Rose Forbes, Baton Rouge
Kahlan Marie Francis, Baton Rouge
Amelia Rose Fritsche, Baton Rouge
Seetha Uma Maheshwari Ganesan, Zachary
Maria B Garcia, Baton Rouge
Grayson Robert Gaspard, Baton Rouge
Isabella R Gautreau, Baton Rouge
Leilynn Olivia Gehbauer, Baton Rouge
Noah Joseph Gibson, Baker
Kaitlyn R Giesler, Baton Rouge
Regan Alexandra Gilbert, Baton Rouge
Amber B Gill, Pride
Ethan Alexander Goldsmith, Baton Rouge
Alexis N Goodall, Baton Rouge
Nathaniel Kelly Goza, Baton Rouge
Berend P Grandt, Baton Rouge
Elijah Gray, Baton Rouge
Kiersten Rene Green, Baton Rouge
Mary Virginia Greene, Baton Rouge
Jacob David Grissom, Baton Rouge
Frank Grayson Guest, Baton Rouge
Abby G Guidry, Greenwell Springs
Carson Thomas Guinn, Baton Rouge
Eden Eric Guirard, Baton Rouge
Caitlyn Gustafson, Baton Rouge
Laura Skyler Haag, Baton Rouge
Jacob B Haase, Baton Rouge
Aniya Camille Hall, Baton Rouge
Merrill Hall, Baton Rouge
Ella Rose Harper, Baton Rouge
Dillon Matthew Harris, Baton Rouge
Joshua Craig Harris, Baton Rouge
Lauren E Harris, Baton Rouge
Alexis Aline Harvey, Baton Rouge
Hollan Noel Hatzis, Baton Rouge
Isabel Hieu-Thao Hau, Baton Rouge
Aaron John Haynes, Baton Rouge
Madison Nicole Heath, Baton Rouge
Skyler Nathaniel Hecht, Baton Rouge
Torsten LeMoyne Hedges, Baton Rouge
Kathryne Diana Hiersche, Baton Rouge
Abrielle L Higginbotham, Baton Rouge
Annabella Trang Ho, Baton Rouge
Benjamin Scott Hodgin, Baton Rouge
Anniah Monet Holliday, Baton Rouge
Anna Claire Holmes, Baton Rouge
Jeremiah I Hughes, Baton Rouge
Jonathan Claude Hughes, Zachary
Kourtni Kristina Hughes, Baton Rouge
Kodee Analise Hurston, Baton Rouge
Serena Ohana Hutchinson, Baton Rouge
Lindsey Huynh, Baton Rouge
Hana Rane James, Baton Rouge
Sophia Anne Jatho, Baton Rouge
Bryana Shalyn Jenkins, Baton Rouge
Erin C Jines, Baton Rouge
Saunece Teresita Johnson, Baton Rouge
Samuel Allen Juneau, Baton Rouge
Madeleine Keller, Baton Rouge
Ranin L Khalil, Baton Rouge
Alexandra Caroline Kharoba, Baton Rouge
Ella Carice King, Baton Rouge
Alexandra E Kling, Baton Rouge
Devin H Knight, Baton Rouge
Olivia Inez Landrem, Baton Rouge
Lucas Adam Lavergne, Baton Rouge
Gillian Elisabeth LaFleur, Baton Rouge
Nguyen B Ty Le, Baton Rouge
Lacey Leblanc, Greenwell Springs
Jackie W Ledoux, Baton Rouge
Crystal Renee Lee, Baton Rouge
Daniel Edward Lee, Baton Rouge
Minseo Lee, Baton Rouge
Ethan Paul Lesage, Greenwell Springs
Janiya J Lewis, Zachary
Alyssa Brooke LeBlanc, Baton Rouge
Britton Cole LeBlanc, Baton Rouge
Enson Li, Baton Rouge
Emily Lin, Baton Rouge
Matthew Liu, Baton Rouge
Ellen Craig Livingston, Baton Rouge
Samuel Lockwood, Greenwell Springs
Zachary Mason Lofaso, Baton Rouge
Easton Lonibos, Baton Rouge
Hannah Grace Lopez, Zachary
Joseph Frank Lucito, II, Baton Rouge
Jonathan James Lynn, Baton Rouge
Austin Charles Maggio, Baton Rouge
Rebecca Danielle Magri, Baton Rouge
Bryson Nicholas Martin, Baton Rouge
Jack Matthew Massey, Baton Rouge
Mikaela R Mattix, Baton Rouge
Matthew Wayne McClung, Baker
Jennifer Lynn McCoy, Baton Rouge
Tre McGuire, Baton Rouge
Daniel Andres Medina Gomez,
Carter Mims, Baton Rouge
Abigail Nicole Mire, Baton Rouge
Patrick Mockler, Baton Rouge
Thomas Chauvin Mongrue, Baton Rouge
Montana Lily Monk, Baton Rouge
Liam Joeseph Moran, Baton Rouge
Sara Louise Morgan, Baton Rouge
Anastacia Arney Muhammad, Baton Rouge
Olivia G Musso, Baton Rouge
Alexis E Napoli, Baton Rouge
Isabella Grace I Naquin, Baton Rouge
Chase Alexander Neucere, Baton Rouge
Sarah Elizabeth Neupert, Baton Rouge
Amy Thao Nguyen, Baton Rouge
Christine Nguyen, Baton Rouge
Dominic Nguyen, Baton Rouge
Helen Ai Van Vu Nguyen, Baton Rouge
Ngoc Boi K Nguyen, Baton Rouge
Thu Thuy Minh Nguyen,
Thuy-Van Vina Nguyen, Baton Rouge
Tung Andrew Nguyen, Baton Rouge
Vanessa Thuy Vy Nguyen, Baton Rouge
Gianpaolo Acrangel-Pasque Nicolosi, Baton Rouge
Georgia Lynne Nizzo, Baton Rouge
Lucille Kay Oatley, Baton Rouge
David Opone, Baton Rouge
Karleigh Mae Ortego, Baton Rouge
Imrane Oumarou Ba, Baton Rouge
Vincent B Palermo, Baton Rouge
Charleigh Alexis Parolli, Pride
Yahreia Shante Peeler, Baton Rouge
Lucy Claire Pellegrin, Baton Rouge
Autumn M Pennison, Baton Rouge
Karina Floribel Perez Francia, Baton Rouge
Kenlee Claire Perkins, Zachary
Lilian Tatiana Perla, Baton Rouge
Quynh L Pham, Baton Rouge
Annie Adger Pizzolato, Baton Rouge
Emily Poirrier, Baton Rouge
Jack B Price, Baton Rouge
Dwayne Primeaux, White
Serene Asad Qasem, Baton Rouge
Jackson David Randall, Baton Rouge
Nehemiah N Ray, Baton Rouge
Lauren Elizabeth Reddinger, Baton Rouge
Laraimie Adiamonda Reid,
Garett David Reimann, Baton Rouge
A'Mia Donye Richard, Baton Rouge
Peyton Scott Richard, Greenwell Springs
Lucy Jean Richardson, Baton Rouge
Silvia Rivet Rivet, Baton Rouge
Helena Robertson, Baton Rouge
Ja'El C Robertson, Baton Rouge
Sophie Rae Rollins, Baton Rouge
Julian Evan Romano, Baton Rouge
Zayne Ashley Rome, Baton Rouge
Dylan Joseph Rousselle, Baton Rouge
Grace Kathryn Rowley, Baton Rouge
Tristan E Salinas, Baton Rouge
Isabella G Saloom, Baton Rouge
Haylee M Salter, Baton Rouge
Chloe A Sanders, Baton Rouge
Anastasia C Santa Ana, Baton Rouge
Morgan Alexis Schooler Pasquier, Baton Rouge
Katelyn M Schroeder, Baton Rouge
Charlton Ledell Scott, Jr, Baker
Jude Serio, Baton Rouge
Jay Maheshkumar Sharma, Baton Rouge
Dribardha Shefkiu, Baton Rouge
Mohammad A Shehadeh, Baton Rouge
Ilan I Simon, Baton Rouge
Jordan Elizabeth Wyatt Simoneaux, Baton Rouge
Amiyah Xelia Singleton, Baton Rouge
Allie Michelle Slater, Pride
Rebekah Ann Slocum, Greenwell Springs
Camryn E Smith, Baton Rouge
Carsyn Rene Smith, Baton Rouge
Joreian Keian Monique Smith, Baton Rouge
Tyler Smith, Baton Rouge
Grant Joseph Sterken, Baton Rouge
Sanaa N Stingley, Baton Rouge
Shaye Lucia Stokley, Baton Rouge
Houston Michael Sullivan, Baton Rouge
Jordan Sutton, Zachary
Jeffery Peter Talbot, Baton Rouge
Lillian C Talbot, Zachary
Sarah Anne Talbot, Baton Rouge
Cameron Tan, Baton Rouge
Danielle N Thai, Zachary
Nicholas Tran Thai, Baton Rouge
Ellen May Thiery, Baton Rouge
Harrison G Thomas, Baton Rouge
Jackson Baylis Thomas, Baton Rouge
Cole M Thomason, Baton Rouge
Robert Abijah Timmons, IV, Baton Rouge
Kenneth T Tran, Baker
Mya Duymai Tran, Baton Rouge
Taylor Lan Tran, Baton Rouge
Van Phuc Huy Tran,
Kaden Paul Trantham, Zachary
Verena Iscaraa Trask, Baton Rouge
Tyler Allen Trauernicht, Baton Rouge
Tram-Anh C Truong, Baton Rouge
Emma Peichun Tsai, Baton Rouge
Macie Turner, Zachary
Mary Elliott Turner, Baton Rouge
Viivi Maria Vilhelmiina Valja, Baton Rouge
Kenzie Vickers, Baton Rouge
Laurel Ann Viguerie, Baton Rouge
Jake Ryan Viscardis, Baton Rouge
Danny Nguyen Vo, Baton Rouge
Veda K Vo Le, Baton Rouge
Connor P Voisin, Baton Rouge
Jackson T Vu, Baton Rouge
Riley E Waguespack, Baton Rouge
Landon Joshua Walls, Zachary
Hayden J Walsh, Baton Rouge
Thome K Walters, Baton Rouge
Annabel Kate Warrington, Baton Rouge
Jardyn Lakera Washington, Baton Rouge
Avery Grace Watts, Baton Rouge
Zoe Catherine Whitton, Baton Rouge
Johnny K Williams, Baker
Victoria I Williams, Baton Rouge
Arielle K Wilson, Baton Rouge
Fallyn Q Wilson, Baker
Victoria Xie, Baton Rouge
Caleb Lewis Zerangue, Baton Rouge

East Carroll Parish

University College Center for Freshman Year

Elizabeth Muir Amacker, Lake Providence

East Feliciana Parish

College of Agriculture

Samantha Ann Bankston, Clinton
Abby Elizabeth Ligon, Clinton

College of Engineering

Lily Grace Antor, Slaughter
Matthew Keith Day, Slaughter
Chandler Leblanc, Ethel
William Garrett Leblanc, Ethel

College of Human Sciences & Education

Cammie Marie Damico, Ethel
Savannah Faith Hooge, Slaughter
Nya Jaylee Jackson, Slaughter
Andrew Karl Kleinpeter, Jackson
Summer Lynn Troth, Jackson

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Caitlyn Andrews, Jackson
Derquisia Jamese Spears, Ethel
Jacob Vidrine, Slaughter
Jake McKelvin Williams, Slaughter

College of Science

Abigayle Elizabeth Johnston, Ethel

Manship School of Mass Communication

Makayla Lane Chamberlain, Jackson
Lindsey K Webb, Jackson

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Kristopher Adam Kleinpeter, Jackson
Elizabeth J Vidrine, Jackson

University College Center for Freshman Year

Bailey R George, Jackson
Micaela A Mceachern, Ethel
Jose Miguel Palacios Romero,
Alainna G Weaver, Ethel

Evangeline Parish

College of Agriculture

Anna K Steckler, Saint Landry

College of Art and Design

Brianna A Olivier, Basile

College of Engineering

Caliah Ja'Nae Guillory, Ville Platte
Steven Quang Tran, Ville Platte

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Sylas L Fontenot, Mamou

College of Science

Kamryn Elise Lafleur, Ville Platte
Abihail Patrick, Mamou

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Lillyanne Faith Brignac, Ville Platte

University College Center for Freshman Year

Michael Cole Fontenot, Ville Platte

Franklin Parish

College of Agriculture

Garrett Thomas Folds, Baskin
Brandon M Monnin, Winnsboro

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Ivy Belle Beard, Winnsboro

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Garrett Owen Gray, Winnsboro

Iberia Parish

College of Agriculture

Amelia F Larroque, Jeanerette
John Robert Thomas Osborne, New Iberia
Lidia Marie Trappey, New Iberia

College of Art and Design

Isabelle Renee Berry, New Iberia
Amelia Rose Romero, New Iberia

College of Engineering

Nicholas Allen Borne, New Iberia
Adam Elkhanoufi, New Iberia
Vannisa Souriyavong, New Iberia
Teddie Elise Swize, Jeanerette

College of Human Sciences & Education

Hunter Stephen Ardizone, New Iberia
Cameron Elise Hebert, New Iberia
Aysja J Rochon, New Iberia

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Colby M Alexander, New Iberia
Caroline Elizabeth Bigler, New Iberia
Tristin Gage Bourque, New Iberia
Lluvia Camila Cornejo, New Iberia
Collin Gabriel Davis, New Iberia
Caroline Clare Lipari, New Iberia
Reginald V Rideaux, II, New Iberia
Grace Simon, New Iberia
Emma Elizabeth Smith, New Iberia

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Amber Marie Boutte, New Iberia

College of Science

Kayla V Brown, New Iberia
Emily Ann Garcia, New Iberia
Jason Rene Garcia, New Iberia
Keana L Green, New Iberia
Anna Pham, New Iberia
Jordan Renee Waldmann, New Iberia

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Ryan Charles Boudreaux, New Iberia
Robert William Cowan, Jr, New Iberia
Karlie Derise, New Iberia
Evan Theodore Haik, New Iberia
Mary Katherine Anne Talley, New Iberia

University College Center for Freshman Year

Bralyn Fruge Berard, New Iberia
Anna Claire Broussard, New Iberia
Angelle Aleyia Comeaux, New Iberia
Hunter John Gathe, New Iberia
Alexey Oleg Koval, New Iberia
Caroline Elise LaBauve, New Iberia
Jordan Rene LeBlanc, New Iberia
Addison Michelle Migues, New Iberia
Taylor Elise Robinson, New Iberia
Kadyn A Savoie, New Iberia
Blaise Austin Segura, New Iberia
Kylie Victoria Segura, New Iberia
Phillip Gabriel Sigue, New Iberia
Iylane J Tardy, New Iberia

Iberville Parish

College of Agriculture

Leighton Michael Elliott, Maringouin

College of Art and Design

Luke Lirette, Plaquemine
Junxi Sun,
Madison Claire Young, Plaquemine

College of Engineering

Gerald Wayne Anthony, Jr, Saint Gabriel
Blake Anthony Barbay, Sunshine
Clayton Brown, Plaquemine
Jacob Jude Hebert, Plaquemine
Heath M Pinell, Plaquemine

College of Human Sciences & Education

Victoria E Bradford, Plaquemine
Anna Catherine Caballero, Plaquemine
Victoria Cronan, Saint Gabriel
Samantha P Fatherree, Saint Gabriel
Anna Kern Hebert, Plaquemine
Devin Jacob Romig, Grosse Tete

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Shea Bennett, Plaquemine
Sadi A Daniels, Plaquemine
Bryce Dalan Jackson, Sunshine

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Walton Cole Clark, Saint Gabriel
Sydney E Sanchez, White Castle

College of Science

Katie M Carville, Plaquemine
Taylor Renee Lang, Saint Gabriel

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Lexie Michele Corbin, Sunshine
Lyndon Paul Jude Wilbert, Saint Gabriel
Alise J Wille, Grosse Tete

Manship School of Mass Communication

Emma Katherine Duhe, Saint Gabriel
Marshall Joseph Mills, Sunshine

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Bailey Alexis Gaudet, Plaquemine
Kathryn Elizabeth Perry, Grosse Tete

University College Center for Freshman Year

Tamara R Banks, Plaquemine
Gavin Michael Bordelon, Maringouin
John Bueche, Plaquemine
Denae Marie Favron, Plaquemine
Anna Kathryn Glynn, Saint Gabriel
Gabrielle R Moreau, Rosedale
Lilah Q Morgan, Plaquemine
Melissa Taniguchi,
Jordan Trinity Williams, Saint Gabriel

Jackson Parish

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Morgan N Hunter, Jonesboro

Manship School of Mass Communication

Jayden Mailinh Nguyen, Eros

Jefferson Davis Parish

College of Agriculture

Kain M Babineaux, Jennings
Jillian Ruth Fontenot, Jennings
Cesilee Oliver, Welsh

College of Engineering

Gracie Lee Boudreaux, Jennings

College of Human Sciences & Education

Jenna Noel Richardson, Jennings
Avery Noel Teal, Lake Arthur

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Mason Carrington, Welsh
Kate Cooper, Jennings

College of Science

Ang'el Skylar Wilson, Elton

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Whitney Danielle Zaunbrecher, Lake Arthur

Manship School of Mass Communication

Maitlan D Leblanc, Jennings

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Addison Claire Van Hook, Jennings

University College Center for Freshman Year

Justin K Butler, Jennings
Ann Marie Cline, Welsh
Lauryn Elizabeth Gray, Jennings
Layla Elise Gray, Jennings
Nathan Thomas Hotard, Welsh
Laney Daye O'Connell, Jennings

Jefferson Parish

College of the Coast & Environment

Olivia Anne Hebert, Metairie

College of Agriculture

Caroline Elise Bonin, Metairie
Mycallei R Brown, Westwego
Emma Kate Burg, Kenner
Stacey Catherine Cambre, Metairie
Grace Erin Charbonnet, Metairie
Joshua Charles Christoffersen, Metairie
Luke Jeffery Comeaux, Metairie
Sarah Catherine Davis, Metairie
Kourtney E Fontaine, Metairie
Kamryn Kate Gervais, Metairie
Joseph Anthony Grana, Metairie
Carly isabel Illanne, Kenner
Ella Clare Jennings, New Orleans
Natalie Lafont, Grand Isle
Madison Irene Landry, Metairie
Jenny Ngo, Harvey
Andy Nguyen, Harvey
JTPrincess Vu Nguyen, Harvey
Collin Joseph Staub, Metairie
Kloe Renee Sullivan, Marrero
Kaelynn Marie Trejo, Kenner
Amelia Claire Troutman, Metairie
Joshua Yochum, New Orleans
Lily Elizabeth Zuniga, Kenner

College of Art and Design

Mignon Marie Antoine, Metairie
Jourdan Ashley Bates, Marrero
Hannah Carey Beckmann, Metairie
Bailey L Black, Metairie
Katherine Adele Bradford, Kenner
Leonel Castro, Harvey
Vicky Chen, Metairie
Kiran R Cotton, Kenner
Joshua M Crawford, Metairie
Mark Paul Delahoussaye, Metairie
Mary Grace Voorhies Ellis, Metairie
Gerardo Espinosa,
Sophia Claire Falcon, Barataria
Matthew Paul Galloway, Metairie
Allie Marie Grieshaber, Metairie
Chujia Lucy He, Metairie
Gianni I Huerta, Metairie
Busem Isim, Kenner
Jodi Elizabeth Keelen, Metairie
Reagan V Laird, Metairie
Carly Langford, Harvey
Madison Elizabeth Lewis, Gretna
Emma Catherine Little, Kenner
Catherine M Mansfield, Metairie
Cheyenne Marie Marchetta, Marrero
Olivia Diana Messina, New Orleans
Alaina Agnes Michelli, New Orleans
Molly Elizabeth Millet, Metairie
Betselot Solomon Mulugeta, Metairie
Eliza Rose MIller, New Orleans
Christina E Neumeyer, Metairie
Cassidy O'Brien, Gretna
Marco Perez, Metairie
Guoyin Qin, Metairie
Holly Rantz, New Orleans
Portia M Robinson, Kenner
Daniel Schumacher, Kenner
Natalie Ann Shepherd, Kenner
Carli Nickolle Theodore, Marrero
Cameron Edward Vincent, New Orleans
Kelsey C Warren, Metairie
Daniel Aaron Winstein, Metairie
Nikolas Erik Wismar, Kenner

College of Engineering

Ana Alvarado, Kenner
Ziyad Amer Anwar, Kenner
Kaylin Giselle Archuleta, Gretna
Tyler Beaver, Metairie
Miles Bellaire, Metairie
David Blosser, Gretna
Joseph Bon-Mardion, Metairie
Justin Dominick Bonura, II, Metairie
Preston Daniel Bordes, New Orleans
Ryan Lee Boudreaux, Harvey
Maximilien Caffery, Metairie
Jesse Chang, Metairie
Samuel Chanove, Metairie
Michael Gerard Charbonnet, Metairie
Jacob Chase, Metairie
Jace Casey Collins, Marrero
Gustavo Javier Coloma, Kenner
Madison Rose Cruz, Metairie
John Khanh Duc Do, Gretna
Bryce C Doyle, Kenner
Zoe Alexandra Elam, Metairie
Anthony Luke Fairbanks, Metairie
Timothy Joseph Firmin, Westwego
Cooper Jeffrey Goljenboom, Kenner
Jean Paul Gonzalez, Kenner
Jacob Kyle Happel, Metairie
Brenda Hebert, Kenner
Jason Matthew Hill, Jr, Marrero
Zachary S Kaupp, Gretna
Ruchit Koradia, Kenner
Alex Michael Krake, Metairie
Philip J Maier, Metairie
Michael A Malbrough, New Orleans
James Richard McMath, Metairie
Dawson Wayne Millet, Metairie
Kohl Patrick Morris, Kenner
Tulio E Moya, Marrero
Kenny Nguyen, Marrero
Zachary Duy Pham, Harvey
Ricki M Pierce, Marrero
Suyog Pokharel, Kenner
Logan Whitney Reid, Marrero
Dominic Jude Robert, Gretna
Sara Elizabeth Rohli, Metairie
Kristine Eve Rutledge, Metairie
LaSean Alexis Salmon, Marrero
Cooper A Schultz, Metairie
Matthew John Secrest, Metairie
Aditya Srivastava, Kenner
Sobhan Ali Syed, Metairie
Bryan Tran, Harvey
Emily Kieu Nhi Vu, Metairie
Tyler Vu, Metairie
Anthony Vuong, Harvey

College of Human Sciences & Education

Stafford Agee, Gretna
Kenidee Bailey, Harvey
Abigail Mae Baroni, Metairie
Colby Robert Barrois, New Orleans
Madison Marie Bertucci, River Ridge
Christina Elizabeth Bird, Metairie
Zoe Topanga Braun, Kenner
Michael Buisson, Metairie
Natalie Bujard, Kenner
Elenora Mae Bullock, Kenner
Bailey K D'Aunoy, Kenner
Justinjun B Dalistan, Gretna
Nina Elizabeth Deichmann, Metairie
Daniel Martin Douglass, Jr, Metairie
Therese Marie Dupre, Kenner
Lily Marisa Xin Francioni, Metairie
Jerika W Gibson, Metairie
Dominick John Gulizo, Gretna
Tatum Marie Hankins, Metairie
Caroline Dalia Hartdegen, Metairie
Hannah W Jee, Metairie
Lindsey Margaret Kaupp, Metairie
Kate Elizabeth Launey, Metairie
Mariela Josephine Lirette, Marrero
Kayla Marie Lobell, New Orleans
Jacob Stephen Lopez, Metairie
Celeste Leah Lovecchio, Metairie
Laila Marie Machen, Marrero
Marlena Majarrez, Kenner
Scott Thomas McKeough, Kenner
Frank Owen McKevitt, IV, Metairie
Reese Catherine Meyer, Kenner
William James Moran, III, New Orleans
Camille Ann Mouney, Metairie
Bailey Elizabeth Murphy, Gretna
Angelina Anh Thu Nguyen, Gretna
Truc Q Nguyen, Gretna
Isabella Gracen Ockman, Marrero
Linda Hoang Pham, Harvey
Abigail Elizabeth Russo, Kenner
Mia Dana Sarpy, Metairie
Rachel Catherine Schlosser, Metairie
Cristian M Selva, Kenner
Samantha Grace Sensebe, Kenner
Madeline Abigail Short, Metairie
Molly M Sirera, Metairie
Julia A Slattery, Metairie
Claudia Jean Spring, Kenner
Ashley Elizabeth Stall, Kenner
Jenna M Starrett, Marrero
Christopher Matthew Stassi, Jr, New Orleans
Robbert Mason Stephenson, New Orleans
Evan Christopher Taffaro, Metairie
Jacob Wesley Thomas, Metairie
Ethan H Van, Harvey
Lauren Virginia Wehlen, Metairie
Brent J Williams, Metairie
Noah Gerard Williams, Gretna
Paige Wilson, Marrero
Amber O Wyatt, Metairie

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Jaci Alyssa Acain, Metairie
Dasha Janeace Allen, Kenner
Lily G Alley, Metairie
Sydney Frances Andras, New Orleans
Anastasia Azore, Harvey
Cecilia Walshe Balart, Metairie
Hope Elizabeth Bass, Marrero
Brandon William Binger, Kenner
Bradley S Bohannan, Kenner
Niki Bountovinas, Metairie
Emerson E Boutte, Lafitte
Allison Grace Brannon, Metairie
Abigail L Brien, Harvey
Abigail M Brown, New Orleans
Isabella Lillian Brown, Metairie
Hannah Thuy Trinh Cao, Metairie
Kaylee Victoria Caracci, Metairie
Irma S Castro, Harvey
Amie Aja Cemalovic, Metairie
Ashtyn Lise Darbonne, Metairie
Caroline Diann Dares, Metairie
James Michael Davies, Metairie
Elizabeth Francis Davis, Kenner
Grace Elizabeth Elvir, New Orleans
Jade Skye Fisher, Metairie
Julia Francesca Fulham, Metairie
Hailey M Griffin, Metairie
Elise Marie Gruner, Metairie
Lucy Marie Hansen, Metairie
Morgan Elizabeth Harlton, Metairie
Ethan Joseph Hartenstein, New Orleans
Abby L Heitmeier, Marrero
Hisam Yasser Jawhari, Metairie
Nicole Maria Jimenez Roque, Gretna
Grace Keller, Metairie
Megan Elena Kihnel, Metairie
Witney Capri Kramer, Gretna
Madelyn Jane Lapeyronnie, Gretna
Connor Blake Larose, Metairie
Adam Robert Ledet, Metairie
Ana Daniela Lopez, Kenner
Lauren M Lyons, Metairie
Daisy Grace Maher, Metairie
Jacob L Mandella, Metairie
Frank Joseph Marullo, Grand Isle
Molly Catherine Morse, Metairie
Benjamin Gabriel Morter, Kenner
Mackenzie A Musso, Kenner
Cherie Nguyen, Metairie
Lilian Y Nguyen, Marrero
Aidan Joseph Nugent, Metairie
Patrick James O'Neill, Jr, Metairie
Angel Kerubo Osoro, Harvey
Mary Grace Parks, Metairie
Laura Sofia Pita, Metairie
Vivien Lane Poche, Metairie
Dayne M Reese, Marrero
Anthony Reginelli, III, Metairie
Carrington Roaf, Kenner
Kyle R Robbins, Kenner
Chloe E Roberts, Metairie
Emma G Rogers, River Ridge
Mia Michele Rogers, Marrero
Angelique Brianna Ronquillo, Metairie
Casey Lynn Schaefer, Metairie
Elle Monet Searcy, Gretna
Ashley Solis, Metairie
Helene C Soter, New Orleans
Tabitha Suzanne Tefarikis, Metairie
Evan Michael Threeton, Metairie
Alexandra Trapp, Gretna
Isabella Blakely Vega, Metairie
Maria A Villalva, Gretna
Anne Marie Wherritt, Metairie
Isabelle Elise Whitfield, Metairie
Lane Katherine Whitsell, Metairie

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Timothy Louis Baudier, Jr, Metairie
Seth Warren Boudoin, Gretna
Elijah J Boudreaux, Gretna
Gabriel Sebastian Duarte Cobar, Metairie
Simon G Hussain, Metairie
Reilly Rebecca Mulcahy, Metairie
Alyssa M Ney, Metairie
Sarah Nicolene Short, Metairie
Zachary James Toy, Marrero

College of Science

Hayden Jude Adams, Metairie
Dina Renee Alawamleh, Kenner
Allison Altman, Metairie
Caroline Clare Barbier, Metairie
Elisabeth Rose Berner, Metairie
Charles Andre Blanchard, Metairie
Aidan Robert Bonano, Metairie
Jasmine Belen Brown, Metairie
Ryan Brown, Kenner
Ryan Thomas Burns, New Orleans
Kyle Tri Cao, Gretna
Allie E Catalano, New Orleans
Alexandra K Chauvin, Metairie
Fiona Ching, Metairie
Renee Grace Christina, New Orleans
Catherine Grace Connick, Metairie
Katherine Ann Crisp, Metairie
Lauren Marie Curtis, Kenner
Mia Dallimore, Metairie
Anthony Michael DiLorenzo, Metairie
John Frank DiMaggio, Jr, Metairie
Margaret Adele Dunn, Metairie
Benjamin Manuel Erdozain, Kenner
Isha Fatima, Kenner
Carmen Elena Flores, Westwego
Grace Lyn Fontenot, Metairie
Justin Fortier, Metairie
Molly Gaffney, New Orleans
Cristoffer Jaime Garcia, Metairie
Louis J Giacona, New Orleans
Raheem H Kazmi, Kenner
Sarah Elizabeth Keller, Metairie
Taylor Cecilia LaForge, River Ridge
Justin P Legrand, Metairie
Jeffery Lin, Metairie
Abigail Melissa Markey, Metairie
Danna Fay Masri, Metairie
Michael Joseph Melancon, Metairie
Amanda Munch, Metairie
Viet Phuong Nguyen, Gretna
Leonardo Henry Nuila, Metairie
Daniel M O'Leary, Metairie
Grace Jaqueline Popham, Metairie
Mary Roach, Metairie
Alexis Angelle Schmidt, Metairie
Joshua C Tran, Marrero
Matthew Joseph Vlosich, Metairie
Gabrielle Leila Womble, Metairie
Abigail Marie Zimmer, New Orleans

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Barton Brooke Barre, Metairie
Lavana June Bonin, Marrero
Braden Thomas Bourgeois, Metairie
Kaitlyn Michelle Braud, Kenner
Mackenzie Breaux, Kenner
Christian Robert Cannon, New Orleans
Katelyn Julia Chopin, Metairie
Hope Theresa Couvillion, Kenner
Kirk Delacroix, Metairie
Anh P Do, Kenner
Michael S Faust, Metairie
Michael Samuel Guastella, Metairie
Colin James Haag, Metairie
Nathan Michael Hannan, Metairie
Rommel Anahel Hernandez, Metairie
Lawrence Yates Hoffman, Metairie
Abigail Montgomery Hufft, Metairie
Amy Jiang, Metairie
Britney Alexis Kelly, River Ridge
Sean Kevin Kinchen, Gretna
Elizabeth Grace King, Metairie
Bella Savoie Kohnke, Metairie
Anne V Lagarde, New Orleans
Kolbe Michael Landry, New Orleans
Khanh Le, Kenner
Grant E Ledet, New Orleans
Vivian Celing Liu, Metairie
Brooke Ann Macaluso, New Orleans
Christopher William MacDowell, Metairie
Josh Steven Mattei, Metairie
Gabrielle Elizabeth McDonald, Marrero
Emma Alexander McFadden, Metairie
Maddux M Meariman, Kenner
Wesley Marshall Melito, Metairie
Madison Rose Moya, Metairie
Songphuong H Nguyen, Gretna
Gabrielle R Omes, Metairie
Reid S Perkins, Metairie
Daniel Denis Petrov, Kenner
Vivianne Terese Pigeon, Metairie
Jack Bogdan Piwko, Metairie
Luke J Powers, Metairie
Jordyn Elise Prattini, New Orleans
Brandon Louis Roth, Metairie
Alex Louis Rupp, Metairie
Matthew C Sauviac, Metairie
Bianca Schmidt, Metairie
John C Shannon, Metairie
Ashton Clark Stevens, Kenner
Abigail Elizabeth Strohmeyer, Gretna
Anneie To, Harvey
Jenny Tran, Harvey
Rory A Trosclair, New Orleans
Emma Wehlen, Metairie
Abigail Marie Wertz, Metairie
Benjamin S Wessel, Metairie
Christian Craven Wild, Metairie
Brandon Wendell Williams, Metairie
Celeste Roseleigh Williams, Metairie
Wenshan Xie, Metairie

Manship School of Mass Communication

Patrick Charles Albright, Metairie
Alexandra Jane Bertot, Metairie
Sara Brechtel, Gretna
Sebastian Alejandro Canales, Kenner
Ryan Christian Castellon, Metairie
Madison Paige Courrege, Metairie
Ryan Michael DePriest, Marrero
Colin Paul Falcon, Metairie
Lindsey M Foles, New Orleans
Xavier Alexander Kent, Marrero
Daniel Schindler Paisant, Metairie
Lindsay Marie Prado, Kenner
Logan Mark Puissegur, Metairie
Jessica Elizabeth Reed, Metairie
Grace Farnsworth Schaumburg, New Orleans
Lauren Elizabeth Songy, Metairie
Morgan Spizale, Kenner
Lauren K Terrebonne, Lafitte

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Justin Bolden, Gretna
Isabella R Brune, New Orleans
Carol Louise Bujol, Metairie
Evan James Camp, Gretna
Alejandro A Chavarria, Gretna
Kaleb Brianna Clausell, Harvey
Mary E Clement, New Orleans
Mary Grace Collins, Gretna
Greer Elizabeth Cordora, Kenner
Dominic R Cortello, Metairie
Charles J Cyrus, Metairie
Blaire Vivienne D'Aunoy, Kenner
Hannah Deichmann, Metairie
Holley Anne DellaCroce, Metairie
Shayni Doell, Barataria
Sofia Catherine Fazzio, Metairie
Morgan A Fisher, Marrero
Joseph Donald Flores, New Orleans
Madison Anne Fricke, Metairie
Jacob Nicholas Fury, New Orleans
Yesenia E Garcia-Saravia, Gretna
Madilyn Grace Giglio, Metairie
Luke Haefele, Metairie
Soriah Henry, Metairie
Heath Holden Horridge, Jr, Metairie
Katie Marie Johnston, Metairie
Ellie Anderson Landry, Metairie
Flora A Lindor, Harvey
Jenna Lupo, Kenner
Danielle Nicole McCartney, New Orleans
Taylor M Mobley, Metairie
Abigail E Morris, Metairie
Hung Nguyen, Marrero
Tavioncye Prosperous Riggins, Harvey
Julia Greer Roussel, New Orleans
Emily Theresa Sclafini, New Orleans
Isabella Marie Simmons, Kenner
Meredith Erin Solari, Metairie
John Macgregor Stewart, Metairie
Grant Michael Strohmeyer, Gretna
Chase A Tollin, Kenner
Lauren Tra, Kenner

University College Center for Freshman Year

Razi Ahmed, Kenner
Christa Emily Alley, Metairie
Ally Elizabeth Anderson, Metairie
Addison Claire Arceneaux, Metairie
Caroline Ann Arnold, Metairie
Madalyn Ann Attardo, Metairie
Logan Aucoin, New Orleans
Megan Lalla Bailey, Metairie
Britney Marie Barattini, Metairie
Luke Austin Barbara, Metairie
Rhea Bawa, Metairie
Alaina RenCe Becnel, Gretna
Kyle Henry Becnel, Gretna
Jessica Anne Bernardi, Metairie
Kayleigh Bo, Kenner
Bryson C Bohannan, Kenner
Ian Lee Bohn, Metairie
Virginia Ann Bordelon, Metairie
Quinn Wyatt Boutchard, New Orleans
Morgan Elizabeth Breaux, Marrero
Taylor Madison Bridevaux, Metairie
Grace Olivia Brouillette, Barataria
Allie L Broussard, Metairie
Rachelle Alise Burdine, Kenner
Katherine Anne Burnett, New Orleans
Yamileth G Bustillos, Marrero
Jessica Feng Chan, Gretna
Molly M Chase, Metairie
Traci L Chesterman, Marrero
Jalyn Brianne Chevalier, Westwego
Emily Marie Clark, Metairie
Cody J Clement, Metairie
Victoria Elizabeth Contreras, Metairie
Dylan Douglas Cook, Metairie
Brooke Mackenzie Couret, Metairie
Samantha Claire D'Arensbourg, Metairie
Alexa Jean D'Gerolamo, Metairie
Ellie Grace Dalton, Marrero
Christian d'Aquin Daly, Sr, Metairie
Camille Alexandra Daniels, Marrero
Chanh Devin Quang Dao, Harvey
Kate Elizabeth Deichmann, Metairie
Colin M Doyle, Kenner
Brian Gerard Dufrene, Metairie
Ryleigh J Dugas, Marrero
Brock Dupre, Marrero
Ella Margaret Edwards, River Ridge
Tori Rashelle Egan, Kenner
Vivian Grace Ely, Metairie
Ainsley Claire Embley, New Orleans
Ava Clemetine Esquivel, Metairie
Chaila Nieve Estrella, Harvey
Kelly Elizabeth Farrelly, Metairie
Ashley E Faustermann, Metairie
Megan Gayle Faustermann, Metairie
Madison Maria Ferguson, Marrero
Joseph William Finger, Metairie
Taelor M Foret, Gretna
Cody John Fruge, Kenner
Oscar Garcia, Westwego
Claire Elizabeth Garitty, Metairie
Samuel T Ghivizzani, Marrero
Darnell M Guillard, Kenner
Ahmed Habibovic, Metairie
Hadi M Hammad, Harvey
Lauren J Harper, Gretna
Katie Frances Hedrick, Metairie
Grace E Hoerner, New Orleans
Cora Anne Hughes, Metairie
Elizabeth Catherine Hurd, Metairie
Elliena Marie Ingraham, Metairie
Jacey L Jones, Marrero
Jiah Heavon Keller, Kenner
Alex Thomas Kraus, Gretna
Mallory Marie L'Hoste, Metairie
Shawn Louis Baylan Labis, Harvey
Caroline Elizabeth Lacoume, Metairie
William Ryan Lafaye, Metairie
Rocky D Lai, Harvey
Teresa Dang Lai, Harvey
Selena G Landry, Metairie
Lana Alayne Lawson, Marrero
Aidan Louis LaBrano, Marrero
Davin M Le, Metairie
Jack Lee, Metairie
Madison M Leon, Metairie
A'Nyrah N Lewis, Barataria
Mary Margaret LeBlanc, Metairie
Alexander Armando Lissarrague, Metairie
David B Livingston, Metairie
Phoebe Ellen Lookingbill, New Orleans
Chase Joseph Lormand, Metairie
Herby Christian Louis Jeune, Harvey
Sarah Grace Dillon Maag, Metairie
Alexander Peter Maier, Metairie
Jermare A Major, Westwego
Madeline Marsalone, Metairie
Edwin Odair Martinez, Marrero
Jordan Mascair, Metairie
Azaria C Matthews, Harvey
Madison McDonough, New Orleans
Paige A Miller, Metairie
Sophie Marie Miller, Metairie
Ava Gaetana Misuraca, Metairie
Raquel M Morales, Metairie
Nayeli Odeth Morter, Kenner
Jenna M Munch, Metairie
Aidan Grae Murray, Metairie
Paz Michael Nair, Kenner
Hunter Joseph Nastasi, Kenner
Kaitlyn Wu Ng, Metairie
Sabrina Yan Ling Ng, Metairie
Kody H Nguy, Kenner
Helen Nguyen, Marrero
Nam Phuong Nguyen, Gretna
Makayla Maria O'Quain, New Orleans
Luke Edward Ohler, Metairie
Evita Aurora Oras Haavisto,
Amelia Marie Ott, Metairie
Catherine Gicelle Palacios, Metairie
Christina Alex Patterson-Rodriguez, Marrero
Isabella Lucy Paul, Metairie
Kaia Eve Pobocik, Metairie
Mia J Ponti, Metairie
Mia Gabrielle Porteous, Metairie
Thomas Jethro Prahst, Harvey
Elizabeth Rose Prince, Kenner
Sarah Grace Quirk, Metairie
Sara Rao, Kenner
Matthew J Reeder, Metairie
Emily Jane Rice, Metairie
Madison Claire Richardson, New Orleans
Jade Karen Robards, Metairie
Meghan Michelle Rousset, Metairie
Logan Allen Rubi, Marrero
Mary Katherine Ruddy, New Orleans
Rachel Allison Rumney, Metairie
Diya Sadhwani, Gretna
Benjamin Michael Sinor, New Orleans
Logan Matthew Soriano, Metairie
Kayla Anne Story, Metairie
Lexys Alisabeth Stromeyer, Kenner
Amari J Sylvester, Kenner
Adam Robert Tarleton, Metairie
Emily Christine Taylor, New Orleans
Trey Thomas Theriot, Metairie
Brooke Ann Tillman, New Orleans
Sofia Isabella Torrealba, Metairie
Milea K Tran, Gretna
Konor D Trosclair, Harvey
Trent I Verdin, Kenner
Ann Marie Vicknair, Metairie
Grace Katherine Villarrubia, Metairie
Paige Xuan-Nhi Vu, Kenner
Emma Catherine Walsdorf, New Orleans
Trisha R Walvekar, Metairie
Helen Flannery Watson, Metairie
Abby E Weber, Metairie
Olivia Elaine White, Metairie
Jada Marie Willard, Westwego
Ioan Y Yordanov, Gretna
Oliver John Zimmer, Metairie
Sophia Rose Zollinger, Gretna

Lafayette Parish

College of Agriculture

Grace Chachere, Carencro
Khoda Riley Clark, Lafayette
Ashton Dalton, Lafayette
Morgan Fay Disher, Scott
Rachel Domingue, Lafayette
Hannah M Fontenot, Lafayette
Andrew M Gregory, Lafayette
Cameron Milam, Lafayette
Grace C Morgan, Lafayette
Jordan Ashley Savoie, Youngsville
Cecile Amelie Templet, Lafayette

College of Art and Design

Olivia Cart, Lafayette
Taizija Carter, Lafayette
Yingxin Chen, Youngsville
A'maya Jade Citizen, Lafayette
Bridget C Clark, Lafayette
Jack Thomas Falgout, Lafayette
Lillian Frances Hines, Lafayette
Olivia Christine Leonard, Lafayette
Grace Helen Loos, Lafayette
Abby E Malbreaux, Lafayette
Eleanor Sloane Menard, Lafayette
Brian D Moresi, Broussard
Kaitlyn E Parker, Youngsville
Annabelle Rose Camille Pavy, Lafayette
Kathryn Blair Robin, Broussard
Brandi E Rourk, Carencro
Eric Paul Vanbergen, Lafayette
Morgan Colette Weathers, Lafayette

College of Engineering

Noah A Bourque, Youngsville
Thomas George Boustany, Lafayette
Addison Park Chrysler, Lafayette
Mark Crow, Lafayette
Morgan Alyse Domingue, Youngsville
Addison Bernard Gibbs, Lafayette
Anna Guidry, Lafayette
Patrick Riley Haydell, Lafayette
Reece Andrew Hernandez, Lafayette
Stonewall Lee Johnson, Lafayette
Ann Madison Jones, Lafayette
Emily Claire LeBlanc, Lafayette
Patrick Liam Maloney, Lafayette
Kyle McCraine, Lafayette
John Russel Mier, Lafayette
Zachary J Nora, Lafayette
Collin Anthony Pooler, Broussard
Beverly Richard, Lafayette
Gabriel Joseph Robin, Lafayette
Mitchell Andrew Savoie, Lafayette
Ella C Sheets, Lafayette
Joshua Chase Taylor, Youngsville
Catherine Elizabeth Whitehead, Lafayette

College of Human Sciences & Education

Jackson Clark Andrepont, Lafayette
Ann Louise Babineaux, Lafayette
Brylie M Beaner, Lafayette
Erin Marie Bednarz, Lafayette
Emily Ann Bourque, Lafayette
Lauris Broussard, Youngsville
Grace Kathleen Carter, Lafayette
Catherine Elizabeth Castille, Lafayette
Caroline Cortez, Carencro
Abigail Grace Ferguson, Lafayette
Ann Kathryn Fruge, Lafayette
Camille Elizabeth Grizzaffi, Youngsville
Skylar Maize Gueniot, Carencro
Isabella Lynn Guilbeau, Lafayette
Julia Claire Hebert, Lafayette
Lexi Lea Landry, Broussard
Isabella J Moreau, Lafayette
Mary-Claire Mula, Lafayette
Kimberly Nicole Musumeche, Lafayette
Tyler Newell, Youngsville
Mallory R Ott, Youngsville
Andre' Perron, Lafayette
Sydney Elysse Rhodes, Youngsville
Logan Elizabeth Robert, Broussard
Alyson Sellers, Youngsville
Virginia Kay Vascocu, Lafayette

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Anna Billeaud, Lafayette
Camille Blanchard, Lafayette
Dustin Alexander Breaux, Lafayette
Ariel E Conner, Lafayette
Cardai M Crawford, Lafayette
Zachary Wayne Delcambre, Lafayette
Emery Doga, Lafayette
Kylie Elise Fogg, Youngsville
Conner T Gothreaux, Lafayette
Graci Elizabeth Noel Hargrave, Lafayette
Sydni Harris, Broussard
Elizabeth A Hebert, Lafayette
Elizabeth Claire Hector, Lafayette
Riley C Hutchison, Lafayette
Derrick James Jenkins, Lafayette
Caitlyn Leona Jones, Youngsville
Patrick D Kelly, Lafayette
Wyatt Matthew Kreger, Lafayette
Virginia Hope Lewis, Lafayette
Grace A LeBlanc, Lafayette
Katherine Elise LeBlanc, Lafayette
Elliott Broussard Lynd, Lafayette
Jaxon Robert Manuel, Lafayette
Phoenix Grace Marshall, Lafayette
Caroline Anna McDaniel, Lafayette
Evan Norman, Youngsville
Presley Ann Nutter, Lafayette
Ashtyn Elizabeth Raxsdale, Lafayette
Natalie Paige Richenberger, Lafayette
Anna Marie Saccaro, Lafayette
Anna Claire Trahan, Lafayette

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Callie Blair Ancelet, Lafayette
Leah Elsa Espinoza, Lafayette
Lilly Espinoza, Lafayette
Zoe M Sudul, Lafayette

College of Science

Caden John Ardoin, Lafayette
Faiz H Baloch, Lafayette
Mackenzie E Bertrand, Youngsville
Destina Santanee Boupapanh, Broussard
John Paul Bourgeois, Lafayette
Andrew Jacob Broussard, Lafayette
Emily Elizabeth Brown, Lafayette
Emma Claire Cascio, Lafayette
Lexi Cheramie, Lafayette
Kane C Chisholm, Lafayette
Camille Burnside Coreil, Lafayette
Riley Elizabeth DeHart, Lafayette
Hannah Elizabeth Dickerson, Lafayette
Sydney Elizabeth Doucet, Youngsville
Marie Drozda, Lafayette
Drake P Duplechin, Lafayette
Benjamin Robert Gaither, Lafayette
Abigail Kate Gallagher, Lafayette
Brylynn George, Duson
Gage C Guidry, Youngsville
Olivia Lorraine Guidry, Youngsville
Bree Ann Hargrave, Youngsville
Lily Juneau, Lafayette
Caroline Marie Kennedy, Lafayette
Rorisang Kgoadi, Youngsville
Nicolas Philip LaGraize, Lafayette
Amari Linzer, Lafayette
Lauren Liprie, Lafayette
Diana Katherine Mayer, Lafayette
Drue Caroline McGinn, Lafayette
Madeline McHugh, Broussard
Alaine' Monae Mitchell, Broussard
Zoe A Mixon, Lafayette
Luuanne H Nguyen, Carencro
Nena N Nguyen, Lafayette
Elizabeth Claire Noel, Lafayette
Michael Bernard Patin, Jr, Lafayette
Brooks Michael Prejean, Lafayette
Morgan E Price, Lafayette
Vanessa Andrea Salceanu, Lafayette
Madeline Claire Savoie, Lafayette
Grace Mae Sheets, Lafayette
Kade Ryan Simar, Lafayette
Rebecca Reese Simar, Lafayette
Aeryn Jhacel Sindiong, Lafayette
Margaret Mavis Thomas, Lafayette
Victoria Marie Vincent, Broussard
Girard Jerry Wimberley, Lafayette

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Jack A Bravos, Lafayette
Camille Marie Caillet, Lafayette
Mackenzie L Gardiner, Lafayette
Oliver Guillot, Lafayette
Claire Hader, Lafayette
Jackson Andrew-Everett Hader, Lafayette
William W Hebert, Lafayette
Camille Ann Hensarling, Lafayette
Luke Patrick Howard, Lafayette
Elise Marie Juneau, Lafayette
John C King, Lafayette
Alexis Faith Kongmani, Youngsville
Connor Paul Lyons, Lafayette
Tabitha C Thai, Lafayette
Catherine Grace Zehnder, Lafayette

Manship School of Mass Communication

Dylan Borel, Youngsville
Julianna Rose Carriere, Lafayette
Pattie Ruth Corley, Lafayette
Madison Heydari, Lafayette
Chloe Elisabeth Landry, Lafayette
Emma Cantrelle Luke, Youngsville
Piper Frances Yujie Naudin, Lafayette
Luc Philippe Picard, Youngsville
Emily Elise Roberts, Lafayette
Melanna J Sam, Broussard
Lia Ann Shivers, Lafayette

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Jasmine Anderson, Youngsville
Phillip J Bourque, Lafayette
Madeline Leigh Brown, Lafayette
Cody Alexander Carter, Lafayette
Samuel Richard Castille, Lafayette
Alyse Marie Cormier, Lafayette
Andre Francis Domengeaux, Youngsville
Jacob Paul George, Lafayette
Payton Jeffrey Godchaux, Lafayette
Payton E Jeffrey, Youngsville
Mary Louise Juneau, Lafayette
Ava Katherine Laborde, Lafayette
Beau Thomas Moncla, Lafayette
Kempton McClear Moody, Lafayette
Amelia Ashly Morgan, Lafayette
Christopher John Morton, Lafayette
Johnnah A Narcisse, Lafayette
Carlin Sekhani-Matthews, Lafayette
Dylan J Smith, Carencro
Jacques Alexandre Tremblay, Lafayette
Traylen P Vincent, Scott
Rachel Elise White, Lafayette
Claire Elizabeth Zehnder, Lafayette

University College Center for Freshman Year

Ibrahim Alam, Lafayette
April Sidney Alleman, Lafayette
Hardie Jana Babineaux, Scott
Jack Steven Balhoff, Lafayette
Alexander Christian Bares, Lafayette
Brayden James Begnaud, Lafayette
Christopher Kolbe Benton, Lafayette
Caroline Aisling Bowen, Youngsville
Mia K Brou, Lafayette
Paige Candace Broussard, Duson
Kennedy V Brown, Lafayette
Sage McKenzie Brown, Youngsville
Jacob Scott Clark, II, Lafayette
Lana Catherine Cocke, Broussard
Caitlin Jordyn Coles, Lafayette
Andrew Francis Curtis, Lafayette
Maya C Dixon, Lafayette
Alexander Dutch Doga, Lafayette
Patrick J Doherty, Lafayette
Maleah Denise Domengeaux, Youngsville
Caymann Michael Dominique, Youngsville
Avery Danielle Dozier, Lafayette
Sara-Kate Emily Drago, Lafayette
Destiny M Dugas, Lafayette
Brandt Anthony Dupuis, Duson
Cole Mitchell Edmond, Lafayette
Camille Anne Farris, Lafayette
Koren Laurel Felder, Lafayette
Katherine Ann Frazer, Lafayette
John Taft Frederick, Lafayette
Gracie Kate Gage, Lafayette
Hailey Ruth Gannon, Lafayette
Hayli Rae Gilley, Lafayette
Helena Gleason-Pritts, Lafayette
James Burton Godchaux, III, Lafayette
Abigail Grace Hall, Youngsville
Grace Marie Harlan, Lafayette
Grant Edward Holmes, Lafayette
Anne-Marie Howard, Lafayette
Joel A Lanclos, Carencro
Thomas H Lee, Lafayette
Emma Katherine Lemaire, Carencro
Cole Michael Lemoine, Broussard
Salvador Eugene Longo, III, Lafayette
Sophie Claire Louvierre, Lafayette
Jeramyah Dia Malveaux, Lafayette
Paige Renee Manuel, Lafayette
Edward Leonard Martina, IV, Youngsville
Ava M Mathews, Lafayette
Ethan McCormick, Lafayette
Ahmari Simone Metoyer, Lafayette
Molly M Miller, Lafayette
Thomas Mitchell Montgomery, Lafayette
Jacob Ray Moore, Lafayette
Emma C Myers, Lafayette
Courtney New, Broussard
Evan T Nguyen, Lafayette
Everett Matthew Normand, Broussard
Channing Joseph Patin, Youngsville
William Cecil Patin, Lafayette
Anthony J Quebedeaux, Lafayette
Ella C Richard, Carencro
Emily Judith Stephens, Lafayette
Collin Monroe Stephenson, Youngsville
Ava Clare StPierre, Lafayette
Robert Carter Weill, Lafayette
Nathaniel Zachary Worthen, Jr, Lafayette
Adrian Pablo Yocupicio-Romero, Lafayette

Lafourche Parish

College of the Coast & Environment

Morgan Anne Guidry, Mathews

College of Agriculture

Alaina Adrian-Rios Esponge, Cut Off
Andrew James Guidry, Cut Off

College of Art and Design

Taylor R Marcombe, Raceland
Claire Elizabeth Naquin, Thibodaux
Madelyn Breann Pinero, Thibodaux

College of Engineering

Cameron Bergeron, Raceland
Caleb Hagen, Thibodaux
Luke Hue, Thibodaux
Samuel Konur, Thibodaux
Gabriel E Peneguy, Thibodaux

College of Human Sciences & Education

Berritt E Currie, Thibodaux
Adele E Dupont, Thibodaux
Allie Marie Fournier, Cut Off
Alexis Symone Gros, Thibodaux
Caroline Marie Gros, Larose
Morgan Rae Perk, Thibodaux

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Mia Marie Arceneaux, Thibodaux
Katherine Bridges, Thibodaux
Mia E Chouest, Cut Off
Robert F Culpepper, Thibodaux
Madeline Ann Perk, Thibodaux
Taylor R Toups, Cut Off
Sydney Waguespack, Thibodaux
Landon Russel Zeringue, Thibodaux

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Nathan D Anderson, Raceland
Payton Deanne Jackson, Raceland

College of Science

Madalyn Landry, Thibodaux
Claire Adrienne Martinez, Thibodaux

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Mary Claire Delaune, Thibodaux
Jack Thomas Hunt, Thibodaux
Cody M Pech, Raceland
Sophia Katherine Sirois, Thibodaux
William Toups, Thibodaux

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Aleah Bourgeois, Thibodaux
Sierra Azalea Duncan, Thibodaux
Cole Gregor Happel, Thibodaux
Mason Siegel, Thibodaux
Benjamin Paul Toups, Thibodaux
Leia Michelle Verret, Lockport

University College Center for Freshman Year

Riley Joseph Albert, Raceland
Mason Levi-James Antee, Thibodaux
Jillian Rae Bernard, Thibodaux
Caroline Mary Bower, Thibodaux
Semaria Saniyah Cheatham, Thibodaux
Carson Nicholas Chiasson, Cut Off
McKenna Kathryn Currie, Thibodaux
Laura Cathryn DeGravelle, Thibodaux
Andrew Paul Dietz, Thibodaux
Carmen Elizabeth Duet, Larose
Alexis M Granier, Thibodaux
Emma Catherine Gros, Thibodaux
Ellie Terese Lasseigne, Thibodaux
Christen Elizabeth Marcombe, Raceland
Mia Claire Martin, Raceland
Mason Medine, Thibodaux
Charity Lynn Plaisance, Raceland
Kristen E Richard, Raceland
Jacob Robert Rodrigue, Lockport
Olivia Grace Rodrigue, Thibodaux
Collin C Sacco, Thibodaux
Hailey Lynn Stanley, Lockport
Katie Sue Y Sternfels, Thibodaux
Josh Michael Weimer, Thibodaux
Amelie Elise Wilkinson, Larose
Kevin Zheng, Cut Off

Lasalle Parish

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Robert J Kendrick, Jena

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Brody Chandler Barber, Jena

University College Center for Freshman Year

Tyler Brenton Brown, Jena

Lincoln Parish

College of Agriculture

Simone Elisabeth Koskie, Ruston

College of Engineering

William Lucas Johnson, Ruston
Gavin M Witten, Ruston

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Maisie Katherine Daughtry, Ruston
Chloe Susanne Lawrence, Ruston
Rileigh Elise McCulloch, Choudrant
Daniel Isaac Powell, Simsboro
Aimee Michele Turner, Ruston

College of Science

Lauren L Osafo, Ruston

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

MacKenzie Renee Ferguson, Ruston

University College Center for Freshman Year

Lindsay B Adair, Ruston
Evan Wade May, Dubach
Riley Marie-Claire Oakley, Ruston
Ely T Walker, Choudrant
Cade Ryan Williams, Choudrant

Livingston Parish

College of Agriculture

Caroline A Bull, Denham Springs
Alexis Brianna Covington, Walker
Gabryel Marie Duncan, Walker
Chloe Dupre, Denham Springs
Dylan Fontenot, Springfield
Miranda Logan, Denham Springs
Madeline Faith McCauley, Walker
Cassie Lynn Pritchard, Denham Springs
Josie Purvis, Albany
Madison P Sibley, Denham Springs
Lillian Grace Waguespack, Denham Springs

College of Art and Design

Nicholas T Arnold, Denham Springs
Angeline Fatima Araga Asa, Denham Springs
Avery Anthony Bergeron, Albany
Ethan Bergeron, Walker
Nicholas Budde, Denham Springs
Katie Marie Chemin, Denham Springs
Dawson K Decker, Denham Springs
Rylie Fisher, Denham Springs
Braley N Garafola, Denham Springs
Kade Harris, Denham Springs
Rebecca Lynn Hutto, Denham Springs
Alexis Lafleur, Walker
Hannah Joy Lockhart, Denham Springs
Darby B Miller, Denham Springs
Hannah D Mills, Denham Springs
Blake Andon Mitzimberg, Denham Springs
Natasha Ann Nelson, Denham Springs
Kate Pourcy, Walker
Chloe Paige Pultz, Denham Springs
Abby Selser, Walker
Leah Shiflet, Walker

College of Engineering

Cole Edward Aydell, Livingston
Bronson Grant Beck, Walker
Levy Franz T Boo, Walker
Brandon Daniel Bull, Walker
Madison Claire Burdett, Livingston
Victoria Joyce Byrd, Denham Springs
Colton E Cowsar, Livingston
Colburn Crenshaw, Denham Springs
Cameron G Crochet, Denham Springs
James A Demaree, Denham Springs
Noah Jeffers, Denham Springs
Andrew Larpenter, Springfield
Marian Kate Luzier, Walker
James Logan McMenis, Denham Springs
Nathan Rafael Muralles, Denham Springs
Trace Alexander Smith, Denham Springs
Luke Taylor, Denham Springs
Devin Duane Walker, Denham Springs
Cedric Jared Witkowski, Denham Springs
Jingjing Yang, Denham Springs

College of Human Sciences & Education

Morgan E Averette, Denham Springs
Slade Paul Bercegeay, Maurepas
Ethan David Bordelon, Denham Springs
Amanda Lea Bueche, Maurepas
Savannah Elizabeth Bull, Walker
Mary Grace Byers, Denham Springs
Bailey Marie Darbonne, Denham Springs
Brielle Knox Denton, Denham Springs
Summer L Didier, Denham Springs
Amber L Fanguy, Livingston
Callie Anne Hardy, Livingston
Isabella Josephine Haydu, Walker
Samantha Olivier McClendon, Denham Springs
Ainsley Paige Nunneley, Denham Springs
Brianna Saltzman, Denham Springs
Aron Francis Gabriel Balle Tapalla, Denham Springs

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Madeleine L Aime, Walker
Ainsley G Barker, Denham Springs
Gage Alexander Belcher, Walker
Dawson Blount, Springfield
Julia Alane Boulton, Denham Springs
Aimee Lynn Castleberry, Livingston
Trevor J Chapman, Denham Springs
Megan L Dakroub, Albany
Emily Kate Davison, Denham Springs
Matthew J Delaney, Denham Springs
Jamie Brooke Elenbaas, Denham Springs
Bryce Joseph Felps, Springfield
Alanna M Fitzpatrick, Denham Springs
Lori Williams Goolsby, Denham Springs
James Allen Gould, III, Denham Springs
Codie Leigh Hicks, Denham Springs
Leslie Lively, Denham Springs
Sara Anne Martin, Denham Springs
Juan M Martinez Navarro, Denham Springs
Lisa Nguyen, Denham Springs
Christopher Bryan Ortego, Denham Springs
Jordan M Pool, Walker
Andrew Robert Rippel, Denham Springs
Koree Maree Ryan, Denham Springs
Blake Matthew Schubert, Denham Springs
Bailey A Scott, Denham Springs
Morgan Claire Smith, Denham Springs
Savanah Stafford, Walker
Alexis Michele Sutton, Denham Springs
Julianna R Talbot, Denham Springs
Madelyn Rose Vaughn, Denham Springs
Lauren Ann Yuill,

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Ethan D Barker, Denham Springs
Peyton E Berry, Walker
Caitlin Church, Denham Springs
Shane Bryant Demars, Walker
Allison Elise DePriest, Albany
Kaylee M Galeano, Denham Springs
Abigail Angelle Huey, Walker
Dawson S Redd, Denham Springs
Victoria L Seeger, Denham Springs
Madison Elaine Williams, Denham Springs

College of Science

Brandon A Banh, Walker
Samantha C Bishop, Denham Springs
Regan Kate Czarnecki, Denham Springs
Julia Elizabeth Desmarais, Denham Springs
William Johnson Egan, Denham Spgs
William J Frazier, Denham Springs
Anthony Thomas Grant, Denham Springs
Megan Elise Graphia, Denham Springs
Chloe Brianne Gray, Denham Springs
Whitney James, Denham Springs
Emily M Kearley, Denham Springs
Molly Marissa Malarcher, Denham Springs
Trey W Martin, Springfield
Payton Michelle Milton, Denham Springs
Hira Muzaffar, Livingston
Jared Rodrigue, Denham Springs
Lauren E Rogers, Denham Springs
Emily K Seighman, Walker
Amanda Spence, Denham Springs
Ronald Everett Steed, Denham Springs

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Damien P Batchelor, Denham Springs
Bethany Hannah Castille, Denham Springs
Carly Noel Cruise, Denham Springs
Taylor Renee Delaney, Denham Springs
Olivia C Durbin, Denham Springs
Megan Aydana MacMillan, Livingston
Madison N McCormick, Denham Springs
Paige Elizabeth Milton, Denham Springs
Ryan Philippe, Denham Springs
Emma Tassin, Denham Springs
Sophia Isabella Torres, Denham Springs

Manship School of Mass Communication

Brianna N Allen, Denham Springs
Hailey E Darnielle, Denham Springs
Emily Lane Kolb, Denham Springs
Isabella G Matthews, Denham Springs
Riley Paige Mayeux, Denham Springs
Schuyler Marie Olson, Denham Springs
Spencer Verret, Denham Springs

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Kameron J Aime, Maurepas
Hans Vaughn Cohran, Denham Springs
Josie Alaine Dean, Denham Springs
Matthew Ronald Ding, Denham Springs
Hailey Renee Hairford, Denham Springs
Keegan Christopher Mayeux, Denham Springs
Jase Benard Mcdonald, Denham Springs
Nicholas R Raetzsch, Denham Springs

University College Center for Freshman Year

Virginia Ard, Walker
Jonathan Henry Baio, Jr, Denham Springs
Presley Noel Berry, Denham Springs
Brayden Richard Blackburn, Denham Springs
Jared Terrell Browning, Denham Springs
Rachel L Bueche, Denham Springs
Mya Cate Calmes, Denham Springs
Alexander B Colwart, Walker
Cameron Troy Crooks, Denham Springs
Brianna Laurelle Daigle, Denham Springs
Dusty J Diez, Denham Springs
Connor W Dunn, Denham Springs
Julia Haynes Durbin, Denham Springs
Stephanie Espinoza, Denham Springs
Robert Eugene Ferrell, III, Denham Springs
Tremare D Franklin, Denham Springs
Ezra Blaze Ganaway, Denham Springs
Connor Wade Gardner, Denham Springs
Dominic Anthony Graphia, Denham Springs
Rebecca Lynn Gros, Denham Springs
Jack J Guidry, Denham Springs
Hannah Marie Hudnall, Denham Springs
Alyssa Lanae Hughes, Denham Springs
Madelynn Nicole Johnston, Denham Springs
Carson Jones, Walker
Sydney Grace Junot, Denham Springs
Grace Louise Kearley, Denham Springs
Corey Keller, Denham Springs
Sydney Lynn Lawson, Walker
Alexandra Grace Layfield, Walker
Madden Major, Denham Springs
Katlin E Matthews, Denham Springs
Molly McMaster, Denham Springs
Camille E Michel, Denham Springs
Erica Leah Murkowski, Denham Springs
Kaitlyn Ngoc Nhi Nguyen, Denham Springs
Jackson Beck Pemberton, Denham Springs
Olivia G Prescott, Walker
Makenna E Quick, Denham Springs
Khalynn Arieona Rodgers, Denham Springs
Bryce A Rogowski, Walker
Madison E Rowlen, Walker
Sofia Sartori,
Tyler J Smiley, Denham Springs
Haleigh A Stewart, Denham Springs
Renee Shelby Stokes, Denham Springs
Angelena Maria Tranchina, French Settlement
Andres Enrrique Vega, Walker
Reagan Welch, Denham Springs
Ryan Olivia Welch, Denham Springs
Caleb P Woods, Springfield
Emily Caroline Wroten, Denham Springs

Madison Parish

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Marley Elizabeth Scott, Tallulah

University College Center for Freshman Year

Madeline Ann Collins, Tallulah

Morehouse Parish

College of Agriculture

Olivia Nguyen Letlow, Oak Ridge

College of Human Sciences & Education

Bailey Anne Barham, Oak Ridge

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Emma Rene Stutts, Bonita

Natchitoches Parish

College of Agriculture

Andrew Wayne Broadway, Robeline
Salem Ariel-Elizabeth Johnson, Campti

College of Art and Design

Aniray R Augustus, Natchitoches

College of Human Sciences & Education

Brianna Rose Laird, Natchitoches

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Alyssa Danielle Broadway, Robeline
Ravin Mariah Terry, Natchez

College of Science

Brooklyn Faith Christensen, Natchitoches
Tayla J Rachal, Natchitoches
Margaret Anne Wheat, Natchitoches

Manship School of Mass Communication

Madeline E Godfrey, Natchitoches
Ragan Jade Hale, Natchitoches

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Andrew Connor Jenkins, Robeline

University College Center for Freshman Year

Briana Elisa Barnum, Natchitoches
Emma G Haecker, Natchitoches

Orleans Parish

College of the Coast & Environment

Eva Percy Coman, New Orleans
Madeline Paige Fryer, New Orleans

College of Agriculture

Sophia Erin Chifici, New Orleans
Stephanie Nicole Crawford, New Orleans
Caitlyn Judith Crespo, New Orleans
Marie-Pascale Delahoussaye, New Orleans
Robert Sena Dunning, Jr, New Orleans
Sarah Grace Ebrahim, New Orleans
Ravynn Alyssha Garcia, New Orleans
Madeline Kay Grisoli, New Orleans
Mashi Malik Harris, New Orleans
Allison Marie Hughs, New Orleans
Brigette Frances Jonau, New Orleans
Sarah Michelle Keith, New Orleans
Eloise Rondina Kiamco, New Orleans
Camryn A Marshall, New Orleans
Paisley Rooney, New Orleans
Emma Virginia Sprague, New Orleans
EnJanae' Azilee Taylor, New Orleans
Chloe Gerald Townsend, New Orleans
Shanae Williams, New Orleans

College of Art and Design

Loreal Mercedes Bart, New Orleans
Cecilia Grace Blanchard, New Orleans
Cook G Brown, New Orleans
Jacob Christian Chastant, New Orleans
Lauren Julia Cooke, New Orleans
Kaylie Anne Cross, New Orleans
Caitlin Hale Desobry, New Orleans
Madeleine Rose Fitzmorris, New Orleans
Aimee Gonsoulin, New Orleans
Jaelyn Alyssa Hill, New Orleans
Henry Michael Johnson, New Orleans
Nina Kathleen Kirsch, New Orleans
Hannah Simone Malone, New Orleans
James Harrison Mason, New Orleans
Marley Z Maxam, New Orleans
Giovanni R Montrel, New Orleans
Cameron D Octave, New Orleans
Holly Tran Pham, New Orleans
Victoria Lauren Porretto, New Orleans
Alairah Kendle Faith Richardson, New Orleans
Zoe E Schello, New Orleans
Jamie Anne Shannon, New Orleans
Josephine Anne Toso, New Orleans
My-Duyen Thi Tran, New Orleans
Avery Trapolin, New Orleans
Houston Tullis, New Orleans
Roberto Andres Vindel-Calix, New Orleans
Kurt Joshua Werling, New Orleans

College of Engineering

Rachel Fortin Bancroft, New Orleans
Chloe Clare Beals, New Orleans
Collin C Crews, New Orleans
Christopher Richard Gray, New Orleans
Brandon C Gremillion, New Orleans
Brennan Sidney Kernion, New Orleans
Henry G McCall, New Orleans
Donovan Musser, New Orleans
Evan T Nguyen, New Orleans
Caroline de Laureal Ondrusek, New Orleans
Samuel I Pettitt, New Orleans
Finn Daniel Phayer, New Orleans
Bruce Quach, New Orleans
Ravi G Stimphil, New Orleans
Cole Thomas Toups, New Orleans

College of Human Sciences & Education

Rory Christopher Askin, Jr, New Orleans
Madison Nicole Barnes, New Orleans
Anoki Bercy-Willard, New Orleans
Reese Hogan Bourdais, New Orleans
Marguerite Lisette Breaux, New Orleans
Kathleen Elizabeth Brechtel, New Orleans
Quynh Thuy Duong, New Orleans
Cristina Danielle Garcia, New Orleans
Daniel R Gonzales, New Orleans
Annabelle Layne Gotzkowsky, New Orleans
Lucy Ann Harper, New Orleans
Shannon Isabel Klein, New Orleans
Zhaniya Jamyra Liddell, New Orleans
Mitchell Mayer, New Orleans
Molly Grace Monteleone, New Orleans
Sophie E Mysing, New Orleans
Brandt Christophe Rebert, New Orleans
Andrew M Schwartz, New Orleans
Madeleine Lane Serio, New Orleans
Michael McCune Shea, New Orleans
Jared Marcel Smith, New Orleans
Kylan Dwayne Steele, New Orleans

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Rashad Najee Addison, New Orleans
Jake Berry, New Orleans
Maxwell Bond, New Orleans
Kaytlin Anne Brooks, New Orleans
Cayla Clayborne, New Orleans
Michael Judemckenzie Cuccia, New Orleans
Mia Colclough Dessommes, New Orleans
Dylan L Dimaggio, New Orleans
Logan Patrick Dupre, New Orleans
Eil Alexander Durham, New Orleans
Pelarr Edwards, New Orleans
Lilly E Evans, New Orleans
Aleah I Fajardo, New Orleans
Andrew Nelson Farnsworth, New Orleans
Gabrielle Ellyse Harris, New Orleans
Jason Paul Hernandez, Jr, New Orleans
Gianne Marion Johnson, New Orleans
Jimmy Nguyen Lam, New Orleans
Patrick Joseph Lavie, New Orleans
Sasha J I Lewis, New Orleans
Mollie Loraine McMichael, New Orleans
Bailey Elisabeth Mipro, New Orleans
Mattie Camille Morel, New Orleans
Alishah M Nadeem, New Orleans
Emily Rose Owens, New Orleans
Xiantiann C Porter, New Orleans
Alison Redmann, New Orleans
Vincent E Rogers, Jr, New Orleans
Michael Haydel Schmidt, New Orleans
William Richards Schott, New Orleans
Jayla Marie White, New Orleans

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Isabelle Grace Louis, New Orleans
Kai Mon'et Mays, New Orleans
Brandt McCollough Whitaker, New Orleans

College of Science

Sarah F Bancroft, New Orleans
Sara Isabel Beaulieu, New Orleans
Miles Gryphin Casey-Flores, New Orleans
Ross Richard Champagne, New Orleans
Catherine Mary Daly, New Orleans
Patrick William Daly, New Orleans
Macallister Lauren Davis, New Orleans
Ashley E Dufour, New Orleans
Isabella S Florian, New Orleans
Alexander S Gioe, New Orleans
Heaven R Harris, New Orleans
Courtney Claire Homes, New Orleans
Emma Elizabeth Hoth, New Orleans
Allison Tra Mi Huynh, New Orleans
Quyen Hannah Thao Le, New Orleans
Lindsey Marie Lott, New Orleans
William Cade Maloney, New Orleans
Gemma Elizabeth Napolitano, New Orleans
Katlyn Nhi Nguyen, New Orleans
Kayla Ngoc-Tram Nguyen, New Orleans
Lynn Tam Nguyen, New Orleans
Monica Hong An Nguyen, New Orleans
Allison T Pham, New Orleans
Juanita Delcarmen Polanco, New Orleans
Aaliyah Janae Robinson, New Orleans
Jonathan Alexander Sanders, New Orleans
Maggie Tran, New Orleans
Andy A Vo, New Orleans
Seionna L Weary, New Orleans
Benjamin James Wombacher, New Orleans
Bryce Summey Wooderson, New Orleans
James Luke Woodward, New Orleans
Catherine Marie Zimmermann, New Orleans

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Mayne Elizabeth Becnel, New Orleans
George Williams Calhoun, New Orleans
Chaz Jernell Clark, New Orleans
Forstall Colomb, New Orleans
Jacob Anthony D'Agostino, New Orleans
Briana Dalton, New Orleans
Zachary Adams Deblieux, New Orleans
Jaden Rashan Jackson, New Orleans
Henri L Jacobs, New Orleans
Macy A Jones, New Orleans
Andrew F Judge, New Orleans
Jack Thomas Landry, New Orleans
Clyde P Leblanc, New Orleans
Jonathan Elias Lopez, New Orleans
Abby Christine Mancheski, New Orleans
Carolyn P McGinnis, New Orleans
Lieu Lexie Nguyen, New Orleans
Matthew Henry Perschall, New Orleans
Kaleigh P Pham, New Orleans
Sydni T Powell, New Orleans
Samantha Raeder, New Orleans
Huong T Tran, New Orleans
Terran Tran, New Orleans
Tin Nhat Tran, New Orleans
Isiah Joseph Travis, New Orleans

Manship School of Mass Communication

Sasha Bourne, New Orleans
Giuliana M Imbraguglio, New Orleans
Amelia Clifton Kerrigan, New Orleans
Sage Ana Mitchell, New Orleans
Mea Frances Morrell, New Orleans
Iyian Paige, New Orleans
Sophie Rose Rink, New Orleans
Gabrielle Breona Taylor, New Orleans
Poet Ashlynn Wolfe, New Orleans

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Nicholas Charles deBlanc, New Orleans
Andrea Gabriela Aleman Pichardo, New Orleans
Isaiah Sebastian Bennett, New Orleans
Tess Bruno, New Orleans
Shanna Iona Grandpre', New Orleans
William Welsh Hotard, New Orleans
Tyrone J Johnson, Jr, New Orleans
Brandon J Ledet, New Orleans
Rylie M McCluskey, New Orleans
Tomias Brandon McGee, New Orleans
Brooke Nuss, New Orleans
Pike Zimmer Philibert, New Orleans
Amani S Pittman, New Orleans
Caroline Marie Roberts, New Orleans
Thomas Garrett Roche, New Orleans
Kayce S Roche', New Orleans
Eli Shortess, New Orleans
Jessica Claire Wilson, New Orleans

University College Center for Freshman Year

Colette B Acosta, New Orleans
Jessica Albarran, New Orleans
Emily Leila Allen, New Orleans
Anamaria Bao Loc Trung, New Orleans
Meredith Rene Brothers, New Orleans
Elle Marianne Broussard, New Orleans
Leslie Elizabeth Castaneda, New Orleans
Thomas Connor Cecola, New Orleans
Noel Celestine, New Orleans
Chloe Siyoung Chin, New Orleans
Sarah May Tierney Christopher, New Orleans
Luc Henri Colomb, New Orleans
Anna M Cross, New Orleans
Mildred Katherine Crozier, New Orleans
Cosima A Curran, New Orleans
Camille Marie D'Arensbourg, New Orleans
Ava-Marie Guidry Derby, New Orleans
Joshua Jerome Devezin, New Orleans
Katherine Renee DiMattia, New Orleans
Victor A Dominguez, Jr, New Orleans
Mason J Elsensohn, New Orleans
Emily Fernandez, New Orleans
Piper Katherine Franks, New Orleans
Emory Anderson Friend, New Orleans
Tamera Troyell Gause, New Orleans
Mia Lan Geauthreaux, New Orleans
Adison Gibson, New Orleans
Noah A Glasco, New Orleans
Taylor Haggard, New Orleans
Amelie Elaine Hebert, New Orleans
Cecelia Thuy Tien Ho, New Orleans
Hannah Trieu Minh Hoang, New Orleans
Miranda J Howard, New Orleans
Norman Z Hughes, New Orleans
Tayelor Kees, New Orleans
Catherine Anne Kernion, New Orleans
Caroline M Laderer, New Orleans
Hayden Lapeze, New Orleans
Maya Imani Laugand, New Orleans
Alexis M LaBarrere, New Orleans
Ethan Phi Long Le, New Orleans
Vinh S Le, New Orleans
Tyana Elizabeth Lewis, New Orleans
Verdell A Lewis, New Orleans
William O Lowe, New Orleans
Hannah Michelle Luke, New Orleans
Kashys T Lyons, New Orleans
Kelsey Christina Major, New Orleans
Ronald S Markham, New Orleans
Ella Rae Mauterer, New Orleans
Leilah Maria McCallister, New Orleans
Tatiana Katherine McNutt, New Orleans
Jonah Hale Munch, New Orleans
Lilly Keith Munoz, New Orleans
Andy Nguyen, New Orleans
Mayar Nickols, New Orleans
Bryce William Patterson, New Orleans
Olivia Marie Perry, New Orleans
Janisha Wilthley Peters, New Orleans
Eleanor Grace Pottle, New Orleans
Lindsay Marie Robichaux, New Orleans
Roberto Pablo Rodriguez, New Orleans
Thomas Christopher Roussel, New Orleans
Paige E Sarrat, New Orleans
Walter Watson Scriber, New Orleans
Loren J Sholes, New Orleans
Elijah K Stedman, New Orleans
Evan William Stephenson, New Orleans
Julian A Tapia, New Orleans
Maryclaire V Tracey, New Orleans
Hannah Tran, New Orleans
Falan Amari Veal, New Orleans
Mikesell M I Wade, Jr, New Orleans
Sylvia R White, New Orleans
Amaya C Willis, New Orleans
John Raney Wimberly, New Orleans

Ouachita Parish

College of the Coast & Environment

Olivia Hurley, Sterlington

College of Agriculture

Ann Marie Elee, Sterlington
Bayden Lee Frye, West Monroe
Helen McLain Johnson, Monroe
Francesca Sampognaro, Calhoun

College of Art and Design

Katherine Grace Emery, Monroe
Sophia S Morstead, Monroe
Emily Grace Ryland, Monroe

College of Engineering

Clayton Thomas Coon, Monroe
Gordon Crawford Willson, Jr, Monroe

College of Human Sciences & Education

Ava Kennedy Dickson, Monroe
Jack Hawkins, West Monroe
Laura Candis Haynes, Monroe
Anna Elizabeth Parker, Monroe
Macie Lee Prudhomme, West Monroe
Sarah Elizabeth Shipp, Monroe
Taylor Smiley, Monroe

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Jada Haley Allen, Monroe
Nory Brockman, Monroe
Juan Diego Koyner Galan,
Olive Rae Nolan, Monroe
Jacob Dover Sclare, Calhoun
Kameron Olds Strickland, West Monroe
Olivia Rose Thomas, Monroe

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Anna Grace Gill, Monroe
Makayla Marie Helmick, West Monroe
Sierra C Shoemaker, Monroe

College of Science

Madison L Baugh, West Monroe
Emily Elizabeth Brodtman, Monroe
Olivia Nhu-an Dinh, West Monroe
Laura Lynette Fincher, Monroe
Caroline Wimberly Graham, Monroe
Annelise E Juneau, Monroe
Amanda Caroline Shelby, Monroe
Emery Charlin Wirtz, Monroe

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Samuel Hayward Alexander, Monroe
Mary M Sitton, Monroe
Bradly Ann Surles, Monroe
Tanner C Treadwell, Monroe

Manship School of Mass Communication

Taylor Grace Harris, Monroe
Cameron Alysse Lavespere, Monroe
Eliza Stanley, Monroe

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Alison Paige Emmons, West Monroe

University College Center for Freshman Year

Connor Gentry Breen, Monroe
Raegan Lane Carter, Monroe
Roniya Jhayne Carter, Monroe
Nathan E Husser, Monroe
Kaia Ann Kudlas, Monroe
Cierra Jade Landry, Calhoun
Rosemary Joy Manning, Monroe
James Barrett Mayronne, Monroe
Kennedi N Moncreary, Monroe
Ariel Susan Munholland, Monroe
Coleman Michael Parker, West Monroe
Matthew Dewayne Purvis, West Monroe
Harland Zeb Ruddell, Monroe
Sara Elizabeth Shivers, Sterlington
Elise N Simmons, West Monroe
Averi L Steven, West Monroe
Elise Kathleen Tramontana, Monroe

Plaquemines Parish

College of Agriculture

Emily Johnson, Belle Chasse
Elliott D Koehler-Albert, Belle Chasse
Alayna J Robichaux, Belle Chasse

College of Art and Design

Madeline Raine Barr, Belle Chasse
Lindsey Elizabeth Long, Belle Chasse

College of Engineering

Jacob Zachary Lincoln, Belle Chasse
David The Nguyen, Belle Chasse
Eedon Rosenzweig, Belle Chasse
Tayte A St Ann, Belle Chasse
Kaleb Terrell, Belle Chasse

College of Human Sciences & Education

Macye E Brown, Belle Chasse
Isabella Kasey Jeanne', Belle Chasse

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Gavin Reece Faucheux, Belle Chasse
Carson John Miller, Belle Chasse
Ivana M Taliancich, Buras

College of Science

Christian Brown, Belle Chasse
Kristen N Dinh, Belle Chasse
Shelby Lynn Estess, Belle Chasse
Isabella Elizabeth Morel, Belle Chasse
Ashley Patron, Belle Chasse

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Madeline A Le, Belle Chasse
Taylor Marie Mayer, Belle Chasse

Manship School of Mass Communication

Madison Irene Maronge, Belle Chasse
Hannah Rehm, Belle Chasse

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Mila Petrovich, Belle Chasse

University College Center for Freshman Year

Bobbilynn Marie Akers, Belle Chasse
Kaleb Matthew Champagne, Belle Chasse
Tyler J Dickson, Belle Chasse
Reagan Danielle Edmondson, Port Sulphur
Joel Leonard Horton, III, Belle Chasse
Levinson Khoeum, Buras
Sam Xuan Le, Belle Chasse
Ashley Marie Liebel, Belle Chasse
Spencer Elizabeth Protti, Belle Chasse
Ryan T Tran, Belle Chasse

Pointe Coupee Parish

College of Agriculture

Macy Spears, Batchelor

College of Art and Design

Lauren Ashley Chenevert, Ventress
Jaisha Cmone Victorian, New Roads
Shalanda Marie Warr, Lakeland

College of Engineering

Duncan J Fremin, Morganza

College of Human Sciences & Education

John P Bizette, Oscar
Mya Gravois, Lakeland
Abby D Miller, Livonia
Emma Smith, New Roads
Jenna Cazayoux Smith, New Roads

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Edgar Kohl James, Lottie
Kailen Amari Lee, New Roads
Julia Lejeune, Livonia

College of Science

Justin Thomas Vosburg, New Roads

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Lauren E Craig, Rougon

Manship School of Mass Communication

Emily Cazayoux, New Roads

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Kaley E Armand, Morganza
William W Castle, Ventress
Kamryn Elizabeth Newchurch, Livonia

University College Center for Freshman Year

Maria E Aguilar, New Roads
John Thomas Allen, IV, New Roads
Hunter James Beard, Oscar
Macy Jewel Bergeron, Morganza
Andrew Hess Jewell, New Roads
Jenna Sarah LaCour, Ventress

Rapides Parish

College of Agriculture

Halle E Goudeau, Pineville
Catherine Hirchak, Alexandria
John Thomas Holloway, Woodworth
Lauren Camille Rodriguez, Pineville
Peyton Sampey, Alexandria
Savannah Ashley Sues, Alexandria

College of Art and Design

Mikayla Corrine Bayonne, Alexandria

College of Engineering

Andrew Alexandre, Alexandria
Atula Anil Danivas, Alexandria
Nicholas R Green, Pineville
Andre Joshua Mira, Alexandria
Preston Gage Wilburn, Pineville

College of Human Sciences & Education

Emma M Aguillard, Alexandria
Amira T Benghozi, Alexandria
Olivia P Curcio, Boyce
Michael Thomas Upton, Alexandria
Victoria A Vaughan, Alexandria

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Andrew Christopher Armstrong, Alexandria
Nathan Begeal, Alexandria
Jamyra B Burr-Hammond, Alexandria
Abe B Caplan, Alexandria
Hannah Catherine Culp, Pineville
Luke A Dewees, Pineville
Jeffrey A Farrar, Boyce
Caroline Paige Godard, Alexandria
Camille G Karam, Alexandria
Madilyn G Lemoine, Pineville
Lacey C Moran, Alexandria
Haley Stuckey, Lecompte
Whitney Colleen Thomas, Woodworth
Abbey Elise Youngblood, Ball

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

John F Dunn, Boyce
Jose Rivera, Alexandria
Lily Scalisi, Alexandria

College of Science

Faiza Ahsan, Deville
Mary Grace Hutson, Pineville
Olivia Marzullo, Boyce
Karan Patel, Alexandria
Courtney S Price, Alexandria
Hayden Joseph Zachary, Alexandria

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Eleanor Annabelle Daily, Alexandria
Kathryn Grace Draughon, Alexandria
Macy Nicole Hartgrove, Alexandria
Jude Clark Hopewell, Alexandria
Megan Elise Hussong, Woodworth
Kevin J Koch, Alexandria
Dean G Stewart, Alexandria

Manship School of Mass Communication

Karson Grace Roberts, Pineville

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Alex Daniel Lafleur, Woodworth
Matthew Luke Piland, Alexandria

University College Center for Freshman Year

Allison Rae Antoon, Alexandria
Gabryelle A'lice Bryant, Pineville
Elijah Cole Buckels, Alexandria
Emily E Childrey, Ball
Olivia Paige Close, Alexandria
Amyria Nicole Colson, Pineville
Darrius J Davidson, Alexandria
Jaden A Frew, Hineston
Sofia Isabel Garcia, Alexandria
Haley M Gaspard, Alexandria
Hope A Gill, Pineville
Kiersten R Hagan, Alexandria
Noor I Isa, Alexandria
Asjad Mansoor, Alexandria
Landon Cole Rosedale, Pineville
Abdul K Salti, Alexandria
Meredith Anne Seeling, Boyce
Loren Carie Shackleford, Lena
Huarong Teng, Alexandria
Alysia J Warren, Alexandria
Julian Patrick Zona, Alexandria

Red River Parish

University College Center for Freshman Year

Elanna D Russell, Coushatta

Richland Parish

College of Art & Design

Lily Francis Gandy, Mangham

College of Human Sciences & Education

Jackson K Shelton, Rayville

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Lillia Wynn Cumpton, Rayville

University College Center for Freshman Year

Anna Beth Beam, Delhi

Sabine Parish

College of Agriculture

Morgan Claire Green, Florien

College of Art and Design

Grace A Baker, Zwolle

College of Science

Carson G Curtis, Many

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Gabriel Reed Hext, Pleasant Hill

University College Center for Freshman Year

Cort Ellzey Knippers, Florien
Maggie Kate Walker, Many

St. Bernard Parish

College of Agriculture

Elena Rene Templet, Arabi

College of Art and Design

Demi R Dauterive, Chalmette

College of Engineering

Stephen Matthew Gurtner, Jr, Meraux
Bao-Hung Nguyen, Chalmette

College of Human Sciences & Education

Hayden J Manuel, Arabi
Mickayla Pampas, Chalmette
Madison Marie Schellinger, Meraux
Lainy Ann Serpas, Saint Bernard
Emily Ann Zepeda, Chalmette

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Ashley Michel Allen, Chalmette
Mariella Lucia Di Cristina, Chalmette
Grant Ronald Hebert, Chalmette
Abigale Nicole Licciardi, Meraux
Mercy Nicole Maldonado Lendos, Chalmette
Valerie Noel Pogue, Chalmette
Angela Celeste Romero Barron, Saint Bernard
Alyssa Schell, Saint Bernard

College of Science

Victoria Lynn Delacruz, Chalmette
Cami Leigh Gonzales, Violet
Sophie Hebert, Chalmette
Trang Huynh, Chalmette
Emily T Vu, Chalmette

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Steven James Kitto, Chalmette
Anna Nguyen, Arabi

University College Center for Freshman Year

Carly Ann Clement, Chalmette
Ryan Michael Corca, Chalmette
Elizabeth Madison Mahler, Chalmette
Alayna Marie Schell, Saint Bernard

St. Charles Parish

College of Agriculture

Claire Elizabeth Dantin, Destrehan
Mackenzie Grace Dufrene, Luling
Paidon Gravois, Des Allemands

College of Art and Design

Elliott Gregory Burns, Destrehan
Aaron David Mire, Hahnville

College of Engineering

Aidan Eiler, Destrehan
Matthew D Erwin, Destrehan
Nicholas Anthony Gendron, Luling
Heath Gorrondona, Norco
Kyle Grieshop, Destrehan
Stephanie E Mayberry, Destrehan
Mohammad Inayat Rasool, Saint Rose
Madison Frances Savarese, Saint Rose
Rachel Yiu, Luling

College of Human Sciences & Education

Emma L Bertrand, Luling
Serenity A'Shawn Boyle, Boutte
Chloe Elizabeth Candies, Luling
Allison Timm Carmichael, Destrehan
Claire Elaine Girardot, Destrehan
Samantha Joyce Huszar, Destrehan
Emma T Lassalle, Destrehan
Rachael M Melancon, Luling
Kevin Scott Payne, Jr, Destrehan
Grace Alexis Raymond, Destrehan
Emma Rae Rome, Norco
Kylie Alyse Webre, Luling

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Rajan Mohan Awasthi, Destrehan
Christopher David Charles, Destrehan
Amanda N Selman, Luling
Sarah Emily Taylor, Destrehan

College of Science

Dung Dang,
Tyler Caleb Lobitz, Destrehan
Madeline Kate Wilkie, Luling

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Celia Claire Candies, Luling
Benjamin Monroe Lirette, Destrehan
Hunter Z Pax, Luling
Michelle Marie Phillips, Luling
Dena A Vial, Luling

Manship School of Mass Communication

Bella Rose Dardano, Saint Rose
Anna Morgan Faucheux, Luling
Ellie M Hymel, Luling
Mandy Christine Mire, Luling
Grace Ann Snakenberg, Destrehan

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Antoinette Camille Chiarella, Destrehan
Abby Grace Matherne, Luling

University College Center for Freshman Year

Madison Elizabeth Baglio, Saint Rose
Olivia M Brown, Destrehan
Ashari Crisostomo, Destrehan
Alexander James Evans, Boutte
Katie Michelle Favalora, Luling
Ethan L Folse, Luling
Haylee Ann Gartrell, Destrehan
Monae' NiJada Gordon, Luling
Madeleine Harmon, Luling
Brian Keith Hohensee, Jr, Saint Rose
Sidney R Hymel, Destrehan
Sydney Ava Kremer, Luling
Kole P Martin, Destrehan
Juliette Elizabeth Martinsen, Luling
Connor Patrick McCrossen, Destrehan
Sebastian M Muth, Destrehan
Katie Elizabeth Ortego, Luling
Brianne M Triche, Saint Rose
Molly Elizabeth Vitrano, Destrehan
Emily Elizabeth Wood, Des Allemands
Sydney R Yeager, Hahnville

St. Helena Parish

College of Agriculture

Westin Lee Cobb, Pine Grove

College of Human Sciences & Education

Sophia Y Charoenpap, Pine Grove

College of Science

Hunter M Caraway, Greensburg

St. James Parish

College of Agriculture

Elaina Rose Ruiz, Convent

College of Art and Design

Remy T Cantrelle, Lutcher

College of Engineering

Kolby Michael Bourgeois, Paulina
Adam Joseph Martin, Lutcher
Austin Michael Martin, Lutcher
Quinn Michael Morvant, Vacherie
Colten Michael Poche, Paulina
Max Anthony Reulet, Vacherie
Joshua Keith Sherman, Lutcher

College of Human Sciences & Education

Kori Lynn Deslattes, Paulina
Caroline Theresa Keller, Paulina
Sydnee Caroline Louque, Paulina

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Brianna Alisa Allen, Vacherie
Emily Marie Louque, Lutcher

College of Science

Madeline Claire Mora, Paulina

Manship School of Mass Communication

Marissa Lena Galatas, Paulina
Klein Lambert Herrmann, Lutcher
Kaylee Anne Rome, Vacherie
Kiersten Shelby Volion, Paulina

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Emily Claire Bradford, Paulina
Logan Remondet, Paulina

University College Center for Freshman Year

Brandon Joshua Boudwin, Gramercy
Rheonna Frances Lavigne, Saint James
Morgan E Morvant, Vacherie

St. John Parish

College of Agriculture

Paris A Hills, La Place
Raven S Simmons, La Place

College of Art and Design

Morgan Rose Cook, La Place
Karleigh Catherine Orgeron, La Place
Nicholas Paul Schulin, La Place
Sophia Simon, La Place
Calvin H Trinh, La Place

College of Engineering

Kamryn Barrett Kimber, La Place
Sophia G Robichaux, La Place

College of Human Sciences & Education

Ishan Harish Iyer, La Place
Denija A Linton, Reserve
Edward Stephens Lowry, III, La Place
Shaina Elizabeth Schulin, La Place
Lauren Claire St Martin, La Place
Kameron Renee Thomas, Reserve
Claudia Jasmine Zelaya, La Place

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Yvette Xiomara Aguirre, La Place
Maegan A Downey, La Place
Hannah Hauck, La Place
Amber Nicole Hotard, La Place
Joshua L Stoker, Garyville

College of Science

Colette Rainey, La Place

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Raul De Lira, La Place
Ashley Danielle Hymel, La Place
Madeleine R Millet, La Place
Kareem Husam Qaradeh, La Place

Manship School of Mass Communication

Adam P Lott, La Place

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Courtney M Brouwer, La Place

University College Center for Freshman Year

Gabrielle Connor, La Place

James Edward Duggan, IV, La Place

Wyatt Anthony Hayes, La Place
Rylee Marie Schexnayder, La Place
Jeanne Elizabeth St Martin, La Place
Madeleine Anne Triche, La Place
Adrielys D Velazquez, La Place
Grant David Vial, La Place
Hannah Gloria Weston, La Place

St. Landry Parish

College of the Coast & Environment

Kaili Cruz, Opelousas

College of Agriculture

Seth Manuel, Washington
Natalie Marks, Opelousas

College of Art and Design

Andre H Privette, Opelousas

College of Engineering

Trevor Huval, Arnaudville

College of Human Sciences & Education

Hannah O Aymond, Arnaudville
Sophie Alyse Harmon, Opelousas
John E Mire, III, Port Barre
Savannah Nicole Morrow, Opelousas
Madison Grace Nicholas, Opelousas
Rachel Anne Padgett, Arnaudville
Katie Hope Wagley, Opelousas

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Henry Brown, Eunice
Morgan Elie Nicholas, Opelousas
Marsha Ann Savage, Krotz Springs

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Amondria M Owens, Opelousas

College of Science

Anna Katherine Ardoin, Opelousas
Michael Jude Bergeron, Arnaudville
Avery Jade Mcgee, Eunice

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Katelyn Gallow, Opelousas

Manship School of Mass Communication

Andre Evan Champagne, Opelousas
Brea Danae' Rougeau, Eunice
Trissidy K Semien, Eunice
Broty Jude Stelly, Opelousas

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Kevin James Courville, Jr, Arnaudville
Alex Drew Fontenot, Eunice
Greta Mary Fontenot, Eunice
Lorena F Pattersonvallian, Opelousas
Jacob Alex Whipp, Opelousas

University College Center for Freshman Year

Elissa L Barnett, Opelousas
Zariaha L Chavis, Opelousas
Megan Nicole Dupre, Krotz Springs
Victoria Alysse Dupre, Arnaudville
Anna Kate Emonet, Opelousas
Katherine Elizabeth Fruge, Eunice
Jessie Aaron Gathe, Eunice
Roan Gabriel Guidry, Arnaudville
Madeleine Louise Hamlin, Sunset
Clayton Alexandre Hebert, Eunice
Bryan J LeCompte, Opelousas
Sara Kaitlyn Richard, Opelousas
Jeslyn Kate Rider, Eunice
Caroline Louise Vienne, Eunice

St. Martin Parish

College of Agriculture

Cori Bertrand, Saint Martinville
Ali Yvonne Fontenot, Saint Martinville

College of Art and Design

Mary-Madeline Guidry, Breaux Bridge
Anna Marie Wright, Breaux Bridge

College of Engineering

Jonah F Blair, Breaux Bridge
Blake Andrew Lalonde, Breaux Bridge

College of Human Sciences & Education

Lynndsie Alexis DenC Champagne, Breaux Bridge
Kayles J Phillips, Breaux Bridge
Brielle Grace Poche, Saint Martinville

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Andre Courville, Breaux Bridge

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Mackenzie Cormier, Breaux Bridge
Leah Hulin, Saint Martinville

College of Science

Christian Peter Foti, Saint Martinville
Georgie Anna McBride, Breaux Bridge

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Hayden Marcus Menard, Breaux Bridge
Alice Elizabeth Monceaux, Breaux Bridge

Manship School of Mass Communication

Bailee Clair Curtis, Breaux Bridge

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Kaitlyn P Calais, Breaux Bridge
Kazi Shefhat Rahman, Breaux Bridge

University College Center for Freshman Year

Blake M Bienvenu, Breaux Bridge
Carson Alphonse Castro, Breaux Bridge
Ainya P Cormier, Breaux Bridge
Bridget Cecilia Idhammar, Breaux Bridge
Steven Wayne Young, Breaux Bridge

St. Mary Parish

College of Agriculture

Madison Elise Boudreaux, Franklin
Victoria Linh Nguyen, Morgan City
Matthew Ray Phillips, Franklin
Abby Theriot, Patterson

College of Art and Design

Madeline Grace Nini, Berwick

College of Engineering

Darby Mack Frickey, Berwick
Carlos Gonzalez Asensi,
Anthony C Saleme, Morgan City

College of Human Sciences & Education

Caroline Green, Morgan City
Rustin S Scarbrough, Berwick

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Carly Nicole Borne, Berwick
Landon Broussard, Berwick
Ajani N Connor, Baldwin
Carson R Gagliano, Morgan City

College of Science

Brailey Makay Fletcher, Centerville

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Anna Mary Armato, Patterson
Stella Grace Falterman, Baldwin
Alyssa K Gray, Berwick
Isabella Grace Lodrigue, Berwick

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Madison Kaye Bonner, Morgan City
Taylar Brajon Mitchell, Franklin

University College Center for Freshman Year

Tyler Charles Besse, Morgan City
Victor Yahir Cardenas, Morgan City
Jerson Geovany Flores, Morgan City
James Lee Klein, Berwick
Kristy To Ngan Lam, Morgan City
Anna Marie Leleux, Berwick

St. Tammany Parish

College of Agriculture

Ansley L Anderson, Slidell
Kaylee D Cannon, Slidell
Kinsey Lee Chabreck, Mandeville
Kevin Anthony Cluney, Covington
Zhajan Alivia Finch, Slidell
Ante Nikolas Fistonic Pitti,
Juliet Pittman Flanagan, Pearl River
Steven Matthew Forrest, Jr, Slidell
Avery E Gernon, Folsom
Miriam A Haqq, Slidell
Abigail S Hill, Slidell
Sydney Michelle Hudson, Slidell
Elaina R Hulin, Covington
Noelle Grace Matthews, Mandeville
Grace Leigh McDowell, Lacombe
Ivy A Mendheim, Folsom
Madison Mae Meyers, Mandeville
Gabriel J Monahan, Covington
Olivia Grace Murray, Covington
Margaret Hope Reed, Mandeville
Shane Mitchell Ricks, Covington
Catherine A Seicshnaydre, Mandeville
Eve E Serpas, Mandeville
Emily K Stafford, Folsom
Taylor Griffin I Tate, Covington
Emily Claire Texada, Mandeville
Calli N Udstad, Covington

College of Art and Design

Beau Barre, Covington
Helen Chen, Mandeville
Olivia Catherine Christopher, Mandeville
Ella Madeline Csaki, Slidell
Emily Anne Fielding, Covington
Clara Dowling Flynn, Mandeville
Alicia A Geeslin, Mandeville
Philip C Hardouin, Slidell
Cross Harris, Mandeville
Adrianna Marie Hawkins, Pearl River
Isabella E Keeley, Slidell
Jacob A Klein, Mandeville
Elicia Lara, Slidell
Zoe Elizabeth Lee, Mandeville
Gabrielle Maria Marinello, Madisonville
Beau Michael Martinez, Slidell
Avery Cornelia McLaughlin, Covington
Brady Louis Meibaum, Covington
Chloe Molero, Slidell
Abygale R O'Brien, Mandeville
Ashley Lynn Orgeron, Mandeville
Kamakshi Yogesh Pancholi, Mandeville
Logan James Randazzo, Mandeville
Alaina Attales Roberts, Covington
Isabel Rodriguez, Covington
Maxwell James Salvant, Covington
Madison Grace Slaton, Mandeville
Allison G Swider, Mandeville
Alana M Wainright, Abita Springs
Kaleb Andrews Wetzel, Slidell

College of Engineering

Brandon Rehm de Baroncelli, Covington
Gavin Anthony Acosta, Mandeville
Dalton J Arcement, Madisonville
Emily Catherine Baudier, Slidell
Stephen Baudier, Mandeville
Shawn T Beattie, Madisonville
Jonathan Bertucci, Mandeville
Robert Rudolph Boese, III, Mandeville
Matthew Paul Borgatti, Mandeville
Jerry Matthew Bourgeois, Madisonville
Rayana Brooks, Slidell
Margaret Elise Burkes, Slidell
Brennen Dionisio Calato, Mandeville
Lucas Elijah Colegrove, Covington
Carson William Cooper, Mandeville
Adam Christopher Dalferes, Lacombe
Keaton Mills Day, Slidell
Joshua Thomas Dufrechou, Madisonville
Zachary Michael Dugas, Mandeville
Robert John Fahey, Covington
Matthew Rene Fink, Madisonville
Nacey Elizabeth Goodson, Slidell
Parker Mark Hannan, Mandeville
Caelan Nicole Hayes, Mandeville
Davis Clark Heebe, Mandeville
William B Heebe, Covington
Aubry A Hymel, Covington
Jared P Hymel, Mandeville
Mason A James, Slidell
Evan Robert Johnson, Mandeville
Kevin P Kelley, Mandeville
Andrew Nicholas Landry, Mandeville
Davis Matthew Legnon, Slidell
Michael Riley Lemmler, Mandeville
Toby Frantz Blanza Limcangco, Covington
Ashlyn Isabella Martinez, Covington
Evan Michael Mayer, Covington
Jake Thomas Mayer, Mandeville
Conner Joseph McCormick, Mandeville
Lexie Paige Meredith, Slidell
Colby Moore, Madisonville
Daniel Jacobo Nunez, Covington
Maria Elizabeth Orazio, Covington
Sean Michael Prindle, Covington
Katherine Theresa Robinson, Madisonville
Joshua Rovira, Covington
Luke Anthony Rullman, Pearl River
Zachary R Schaefer, Slidell
Mary Frances Lafleur Scoggin, Mandeville
Bailey Louise Smoorenburg, Covington
Benjamin Marks Spiegel, Mandeville
Andrew Charles Sutton, Lacombe
Matthew Tallo, Madisonville
Hunter Cole Williams, Slidell

College of Human Sciences & Education

Sarah d'Hemecourt, Covington
Brooke Madison Appe, Covington
Anna Frances Barousse, Covington
Kelly Maria Bautista, Slidell
Margaret Elizabeth Benit, Mandeville
Ainsley Billson, Covington
Vivian Lynn Bloodworth, Mandeville
Caroline Crain Bonner, Covington
Anna Baldwin Brown, Covington
Haley Morgan Brown, Covington
Riley Victoria Browne, Mandeville
Brooke A Caillet, Mandeville
Addison Elise Champagne, Mandeville
Erica Desforges, Covington
Nadia Camille DeRoche, Mandeville
Emma Ann Flucke, Mandeville
Caroline Grace Forest, Covington
Erica Daniella Giambrone, Slidell
Kathryn E Hemelt, Slidell
Haley Kathryn Hessburg, Madisonville
Savannah Nichole Huffstetler, Mandeville
Benjamin Winsor Ide, Madisonville
Jaron Jones, Mandeville
Ella Jourdan, Mandeville
Vaughn La, Slidell
Elizabeth Jean Latiolais, Madisonville
Brady Loisel, Mandeville
Matthew Louis McConnell, Slidell
Jill N Meyer, Mandeville
Skyler Breckenridge Mouton, Madisonville
Alexis C Nichols, Slidell
Mary Catherine Nicholson, Sr, Mandeville
Amanda Claire Palermo, Mandeville
Madison Lin Paolillo, Mandeville
Sandeep Pulakhandam Rao, Covington
Landon B Rees, Covington
Hope Caroline Robinson, Covington
Ashlyn Elizabeth Rupert, Covington
Hannah Veronica Ryder, Slidell
Brindley R Salvaggio, Slidell
Jack H Schluter, Mandeville
Stephanie M Schurr, Mandeville
William T Sheehan, Mandeville
Margaret Louise Sides, Mandeville
Lauren Alexandra Sliman, Covington
Brenna Spell, Mandeville
Amelia Morgan Taranto, Madisonville
James Joseph Till, Covington
Angelle M Torres, Mandeville
Jason Joseph Toups, Mandeville
Hannah Claire Vanderbrook, Mandeville
Riley M Whitehead, Abita Springs

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Sy'Rai M Adams, Slidell
Madalynn Elizabeth Armond, Covington
Rebecca Jude Audibert, Slidell
Konrad Alvan Barach, Mandeville
Olivia Sloan Becker, Covington
Cole S Bordelon, Covington
Elizabeth Stott Callaghan, Covington
Jeremy M I Cannon, Slidell
Kate E Cantrelle, Mandeville
Victoria Capace, Slidell
Jack Mitchell Chapoton, Mandeville
Madison Chase, Slidell
Angelina Grace Chauvin, Mandeville
Ann McKenna Crabtree, Covington
Hannah Grace Daussat, Covington
Mia Ditta, Covington
Thomas Lawrence Duet, Covington
Mary E Dum, Mandeville
Madalaine Anne Dupree, Slidell
Kristen Ann Eberts, Mandeville
Genevieve Marie Gibbs, Madisonville
Caitlin Brooke Gonzalez, Covington
Madison E Gray, Madisonville
Megan C Griffin, Mandeville
Savannah M Harrison, Covington
Jack Thomas Harvey, Mandeville
Connor P Henry, Madisonville
Jonathon Kern Hidalgo, Mandeville
Yasmin Shanti Jackson, Lacombe
Morgan Louise Kane, Madisonville
Sadie Elise Kearns, Mandeville
Seth A Kimble, Slidell
Frankey Marie Leggio, Bush
Anna Grace LeJeune, Covington
Ashley Lourdes Mahoney, Slidell
Brennan Maples, Pearl River
Dallas James Matamoros, Mandeville
Eric A McElveen, Slidell
Mykia J McWilliams, Slidell
Dominic A Messina, Covington
Macy Elizabeth Migliore, Covington
Morgan Grace Miller, Covington
Sebastian J Murray, Slidell
Amir Keaton Najdi, Mandeville
Anne Miller Nelson, Madisonville
Christopher Nichols, Mandeville
Madison Kelly O'Neal, Madisonville
Emma D Oalmann, Covington
Mackenzie Kathryn Paradis, Slidell
Peyton M Price, Slidell
Benjamin Joseph Rabalais, Abita Springs
Landry Louise Rase, Covington
Matthew Gerard Richard, Jr, Slidell
Patrick Gerard Rist, Slidell
Maxwell Gerard Robin, Covington
Mia Edith Robinson, Covington
Joel Anthony Rodriguez, Jr, Mandeville
Meghan Carolyne Romano, Folsom
Maura Beth Roushar, Mandeville
Faye E Sciple, Covington
Sara Elizabeth Shepard, Slidell
Katherine Nicole Tabony, Mandeville
Katherine Elizabeth Trent, Mandeville
Olivia Rose Troxclair, Mandeville
Ava Valenti, Mandeville
Diya Vannor, Slidell
Nicholas Taylor Verret, Covington
Olivia Paige Vogt, Mandeville
Evelyn Henrietta Waguespack, Mandeville
Isabel Anya Willems, Mandeville
Alexa R Williams, Mandeville
Lucas Michael Williamson, Mandeville
Caroline Davis Wollfarth, Mandeville
Kassidy Elise Wortmann, Slidell

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Andrew David Aceves, Abita Springs
Alison Hana Agena, Covington
Madison Elise Antrainer, Mandeville
Elaina Rose Bachman, Lacombe
Ajay Naresh Bhagchandani, Covington
Elena Elizabeth Cook, Lacombe
Emma Catherine Floyd, Abita Springs
Grace Olivia Laurent, Covington
Lydia Grace Nelson, Slidell
James Francis Plaisance, Mandeville
Taylor Paul Stoddard, Mandeville
Marcelle Tiblier, Slidell

College of Science

Lane Samuel Amedio, Covington
Shawn C Anderson, Jr, Mandeville
Jack Thomas Anzalone, Covington
Collin J Aupied, Slidell
Kelly C Barre, Covington
Luke Edward Beckendorf, Madisonville
Caroline Grace Becnel, Mandeville
Lauren Clare Benson, Covington
Lauryn Ashley Blanchard, Mandeville
Hannah G Boren, Covington
John P Bourgeois, Mandeville
Grace Leigh Brandhurst, Slidell
Brianna Lee Bratkowski, Mandeville
Heidi Clare Brewster, Madisonville
Abbie Ngoc Bui, Slidell
Chyler Audrey Buras, Slidell
Ashley Ann Burke, Mandeville
Abby Lynn Cacamo, Slidell
Kassandra M Canales, Slidell
Gabrielle Cassagne, Slidell
Kaitlyn Cavet, Mandeville
Nina Colegrove, Covington
Caroline Mary Cresson, Madisonville
Nicholas M Cusimano, Covington
Blake Ashleigh Dusang, Mandeville
Jacob Evans Faciane, Slidell
Austin Ferrara, Mandeville
Edward Christopher Frazier, Jr, Covington
Bree Alexis Hickey, Mandeville
Emma K Johnson, Mandeville
Georgia Grace Jones, Mandeville
Sara Grace Kitchen, Mandeville
Benjamin Klein, Mandeville
Kristy Anh-thi Le, Madisonville
Haley Elizabeth Lonegrass, Covington
Kaitlyn Martin, Slidell
Sarah Olivia Massey, Mandeville
Alora McInnis, Slidell
Molly Marie McReynolds, Slidell
Devin Denise Meche, Covington
Ashtyn Kirk Morgan, Covington
Jason T Nguyen, Slidell
Madelynn Mylinh Nguyen, Slidell
Aidan Patrick Ordoyne, Covington
Anthony Quoc Vi Pham, Slidell
Brady Michael Pisciotta, Slidell
Samuel Rosenau, Jr, Mandeville
Reagan Mary Rovira, Mandeville
Ashlyn Rose Schneida, Covington
Jack M Schwartz, Mandeville
Emma Katherine Shannon, Mandeville
Mina Sheikh, Covington
Stergios Alexandros Sotiropoulos, Covington
Christina Marie Vitale, Covington
Matthew James Weimer, Covington
Lindsey Claire Wheat, Slidell
Joyce Zhen, Covington

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Gabrielle Grace Adams, Mandeville
Caroline Aertker, Mandeville
Sierra Loren Ballard, Mandeville
Katherine Elise Bearden, Mandeville
Anna Brouillette, Mandeville
John Philip Burkes, Slidell
Trey Allen Bush, Slidell
Charlotte Chehardy, Mandeville
Charles S Cherry, Madisonville
Tiffany Marie Clark, Slidell
Kristina Ann Couvillion, Mandeville
Lea Marie Disimone, Covington
Kaya Dundar, Slidell
Cooper Blake Ferguson, Mandeville
Julia G Fontana, Mandeville
Kathryne R Fradella, Mandeville
Joseph Anthony Gioe, III, Madisonville
Connor W Gregoire, Lacombe
Matthew Dale Gros, Covington
Christopher Guillot, Covington
Kelsey Marie Higdon, Mandeville
Bailey Ho, Abita Springs
Carolyn McCall Hundley, Mandeville
Tucker Elliot Hysom, Madisonville
Zachary Paul Judson, Mandeville
Abhishek Kanagala, Mandeville
Isabella Marie Kerth, Mandeville
John James Kilgour, Mandeville
Kassidy Nicole Kirlin, Madisonville
Elizabeth A Lange, Mandeville
Brendan Lloyd McNeil, Mandeville
Austin Thomas Meaux, Mandeville
Camryn Violet Meaux, Mandeville
Adam J Mosher, Mandeville
Luke J Paille, Folsom
Kevin Zachary Parkins, Mandeville
Jack Anthony Pellegrini, Covington
Katelyn N Presser, Covington
Ty Anthony Priola, Mandeville
Bryce D Probst, Lacombe
Kennede A Robin, Covington
Evan Michael Rowland, Mandeville
Jamie Marie Russell, Slidell
Kala Rose Sandoval, Mandeville
Nicholas Austin Stanton, Mandeville
Lydia Reagan Valle, Mandeville
Grant Michael Vicknair, Madisonville
Nicholas Halen Vitale, Mandeville
Caroline Marquis Vollenweider, Slidell
Kealyn Sy Wang, Covington
Ashley E Whelan, Mandeville
Madelyn Elizabeth Zambiasi, Mandeville
Corinne Danielle Zemmer, Mandeville

Manship School of Mass Communication

Regan Alexis Descant, Covington
Mallory Jean Donahue, Mandeville
Mykael Elizabeth Hall, Slidell
Anna Claire Hessburg, Madisonville
Lauren Therese Madden, Mandeville
Chloe G McGuckin, Lacombe
Jace M Moore, Abita Springs
Alexandra L Odak, Mandeville
Claire Morgan Plaisance, Mandeville
Madison Elizabeth Scott, Covington
Nathan P Songy, Covington
Greta Isabella Streckfus, Folsom
Conner James Wagner, Mandeville
Marguerite M Wynne, Covington

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Madeleine Sophia Berger, Mandeville
Claire Elizabeth Berrigan, Abita Springs
Gino Salvatore Bonilla, Slidell
Jacob Michael Boudreaux, Mandeville
Andrew M Boyd, Covington
John Joseph Buckley, Jr, Madisonville
Julia Reeves Burke, Covington
Benjamin Davidson, Covington
Frances Claire Ehrhardt, Covington
Michael Richard Foley, Jr, Mandeville
Ella Katherine Hamauei, Mandeville
Ellakate M Henson, Slidell
Anna Virginia Huffman, Madisonville
Jack E Hunley, Madisonville
Mason James, Slidell
Anastasiya Komar,
Clara Jacqueline Lieske, Covington
Grace Olivia Magee, Mandeville
Kylie Lynn Milligan, Lacombe
Emily Rita Morain, Mandeville
Megan Ruth Morris, Madisonville
Kallen Reese Mutavdzic, Madisonville
Charlotte A Peachey, Mandeville
Jeremy D Saacks, Mandeville
Isabela Nicole Schilleci, Mandeville
Mikayla Rose Schneida, Covington
Connor Jacob Simon, Mandeville
Paige Olivia Smith, Mandeville
Ashlyn Webster Spann, Mandeville
Jessica Talley, Covington
Brooke L Vanas, Mandeville
Kelsey A Villeret, Mandeville

University College Center for Freshman Year

Isabella Albertini,
Olivia Madison Ali, Slidell
Kayla N Alleman, Madisonville
Katherine Elizabeth Allison, Covington
Elian Alvarado-Soto, Slidell
Isabelle Fine Applebaum, Mandeville
Robert Larkin Applebaum, Mandeville
Mihir Babbar, Covington
Sedra Badran, Slidell
Rhett Patrick Barker, Covington
Faith G Bass, Slidell
Brooke Danae Bell, Covington
Giovanni Raymond Beltran, Slidell
Gretchen N Bennett, Pearl River
Emma Dorothy Bermudez, Mandeville
Molly Susanna Billiot, Covington
Grant Michael Billson, Covington
Daniel Joseph Bitterwolf, Covington
Ryan Steven Blanchard, Mandeville
Madalyn A Bonaccorso, Madisonville
Avery Irene Boudreaux, Covington
Rory Rayclif Brundrett, Mandeville
Lindsay Nicole Bultman, Madisonville
Elizabeth Ashlyn Burris, Mandeville
Kaylee Ann Caire, Slidell
Lilly Corinne Cambas, Covington
Olivia Cassie, Covington
Corynn Marie Cochran, Madisonville
Danielle Simone Cousin, Slidell
Jessica A Daigle, Mandeville
Brookelyn Alexandra Darr, Covington
Mackenzie Ann Atile Davis, Mandeville
Alana Josephine De La Ossa, Slidell
Hanna Elizabeth DeVillier, Covington
Abby Elizabeth Diecidue, Mandeville
Danielle Marie Dinicola, Covington
Sylvia Annis Dreessen, Mandeville
Ava Duplechain, Covington
Natalia Lucia Elvir, Covington
Eloise S Erickson, Slidell
Ignacio Andres Fernandez-Rivera, Covington
Victoria Eugenia Fernandez-Rivera, Covington
Madison Lee French, Slidell
Kayla Marie Gauthreaux, Mandeville
Maximilian Christopher Gervais, Folsom
A'Tiah A Gillam, Slidell
Madeline Theresa Gilley, Slidell
Hope Elizabeth Gispert, Madisonville
George William Gonzales, Mandeville
Cullen Guillory, Madisonville
Grace I Guillot, Slidell
Clara Christine Hart, Covington
Hanna Kate Heinold, Madisonville
Anna Grace Hingle, Covington
John Gavin Hodges, Mandeville
Larry James Honeywood, III, Slidell
Jacob Steven Houser, Mandeville
Carter R Hufft, Covington
Reece Claire Humphreys, Madisonville
Landon Ibieta, Mandeville
Julia K Iennusa, Mandeville
Layla M Isemann, Madisonville
Zachary Robert James, 10vington
Allie Denise Johnson, Slidell
Hannah R Kennedy, Madisonville
Kyle A Kersker, Mandeville
Kristian T Keys, Slidell
Riley Ann Kittrell, Covington
Christian Jeffrey Knight, Madisonville
Joshua Edward Lafontaine, Abita Springs
Jennifer Nicole Lambert, Abita Springs
Presley Aaron Lang, Madisonville
Brian Benjamin Lea, Mandeville
Catherine Jane Ledbetter, Mandeville
Allie Marie Lemmond, Mandeville
Amelie West Lemoine, Covington
Ethan P Lewis, Slidell
Dylan Patrick Linsten, Madisonville
Lilith A Lodge, Pearl River
Olivia Katherine Loukatos, Covington
Cadence Autumn Lowery, Covington
Kaleigh E Maher, Covington
Amelia Catherine Mares, Covington
Andrew Philip Martin, Slidell
Parker Cameron Mayberry, Covington
Lyla P McGuire, Mandeville
Ashton John Means, Mandeville
Amanda Patricia Meaux, Covington
Devin Scott Middleton, Slidell
Jashaun Miles, Mandeville
Abigail Grace Morlier, Mandeville
Katherine Sarah Mull, Slidell
Alexandra Isabel Mutavdzic, Madisonville
Brooke Elizabeth Naccari, Covington
Hagan C Navarro, Mandeville
Dylan Kieu Nguyen, Slidell
Khiem Hoang Nguyen, Slidell
Meghan Marie Niemand, Slidell
Trenton J Ogle, Covington
Averie Claire Olin, Madisonville
Chloe EE Ordone, Slidell
Thomas Anthony Owens, Slidell
Veet Patel, Mandeville
Katelyn Elizabeth Paysse, Madisonville
Margaret Elizabeth Pierson, Mandeville
Ansley Dru Plank, Covington
Dylan William Porche, Covington
Isabella Kate Post, Covington
Nicholas M Raia, Mandeville
Abigail Randall, Slidell
Maha Rehman, Mandeville
Katherine Ruth Ribaul, Mandeville
Aiden Anthony Richards, Madisonville
Adeleine T Rogers, Slidell
Matthew Reynolds Roth, Jr, Madisonville
Caitlyn Emilee Samuel, Mandeville
Seth Allen Sanborn, Madisonville
Sarah Aprill Sauvage, Slidell
Amelie Elizabeth Scariano, Slidell
Mason Riley Scariano, Mandeville
Madison Scharfenstein, Slidell
Eva Francesca Schluter, Mandeville
Breanna Rose Sebring, Pearl River
Myana Nyla Smith, Slidell
Hailee M Spadoni, Slidell
Mackenzie T Spell, Covington
Emberlynn Marjorie Spring, Slidell
Brooke Hope Stanton, Mandeville
William C Stormanns, Pearl River
Svenya Stoyanoff, Bush
Ally Marie Theriot, Mandeville
Olivia M Tomlinson, Mandeville
Ana Clara Tornisielo, Slidell
Fernando Torres, Slidell
Chloe Celeste Trevino, Covington
Lily M Tyson, Covington
Olivia Grace Valladares, Madisonville
Noah V Vastola, Madisonville
Brianne Carol-Vernall Vicknair, Covington
Savannah Grace Vidal, Madisonville
Ever Soleil Vigee, Slidell
Brooke L Vinti, Covington
Hang Vu, Slidell
Carly Walker, Madisonville
Alexis Catherine Ware, Covington
Camila S Wauldron, Slidell
Kristen Marie Wegener, Madisonville
Macey M Wendt, Madisonville
Evan Michael Wetekamm, Mandeville
Emily Rose Whitehurst, Mandeville
Kaveh Michael Wooley, Mandeville
Cash Woolsey, Covington
Margaret Erin Wright, Covington
Caleb Cruse Wycoff, Mandeville

Tangipahoa Parish

College of the Coast & Environment

Emma Miranda, Hammond

College of Agriculture

Graci M Babin, Ponchatoula
Olivia J Bottolfs, Hammond
Brianna Abigail Slade, Ponchatoula

College of Art and Design

Isabella Badeau, Ponchatoula
Isabel N Clague, Hammond
Allyssia K Hoffman, Ponchatoula
Tyler S Manning, Hammond
Amber Elise Moreno, Ponchatoula
Alaina Louise Strong, Hammond
Cyreena Tori Watkins, Robert

College of Engineering

Conrad Hebert, Hammond
Gabriel M Hester, Hammond
Sarah Jimenez, Ponchatoula
Blake Opial, Hammond
Brian M Perret, Hammond
Tri Huu Tran, Hammond
Bowen Keith Williamson, Loranger
Walker Burgess Wise, Hammond

College of Human Sciences & Education

Cortney Bennett, Hammond
Anna Lynn Blanchard, Amite
Emily Elizabeth Borne, Ponchatoula
Sophia Catherine Boudreaux, Ponchatoula
Chloe O Glover, Robert
Aubree Elizabeth Lavergne, Hammond
Jalen R Ledbetter, Independence

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Ashlyn Elise Alack, Hammond
Jacie Leigh Bellina, Ponchatoula
Ashley M Bremer, Ponchatoula
Ty Edward Donley, Ponchatoula
Elizabeth Reagan Haik, Ponchatoula
Alayna Grace Hawkins, Ponchatoula
Casse Loy Johnson, Hammond
Holly Michelle Kliebert, Ponchatoula
Nicholas Le, Hammond
Jennifer K Legeaux, Hammond
Bru'Kia Anta'Nesha LeGarde, Hammond
Jessica Maciejewski, Hammond
Peter T Mai, Hammond
Angelina Andrea Mesa, Hammond
Chloe F Partridge, Hammond
Roger Earl Robertson, Jr, Amite
Madison Rose Saucier, Ponchatoula
Evan James Wedgeworth, Ponchatoula

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Henry Ross Giluso, IV, Hammond
Dorian James Hurst, Hammond

College of Science

Jack Bryant Bedell, Hammond
Emilee Casanova, Amite
Christopher Patrick Reso, Hammond
Nils Sommerfeld, Hammond

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Lindsey Elise Chiasson, Independence
Alyssa Rae Deuter, Hammond
Madelynn Noelle Henry, Hammond
Caroline Elizabeth Ingraffia, Hammond
Mia Cathryn Kugler, Ponchatoula
Angela Pan, Kentwood
Jacob Braden Romero, Hammond
Emery Jeanette Stonis, Ponchatoula

Manship School of Mass Communication

Darah Kathelyn Haidet, Hammond
Emily Claire Jenkins, Tickfaw
Juliette LeRay, Hammond
Madeline Pistorius, Hammond
Parker N Ramirez, Hammond

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Bryce David Lipscomb, Ponchatoula

University College Center for Freshman Year

Demetriane E Anderson, Hammond
Jaya Berthelot, Ponchatoula
Paris Maakiya Bickham, Hammond
Devin D Givens, Amite
George Lee Griffin, III, Hammond
Beau Johnson, Ponchatoula
Joshua V Lara, Hammond
Jayden Gejaun Lloyd, Ponchatoula
Kiley J McSwain, Ponchatoula
Benjamin Alexander Pan, Kentwood
Rohan Ashok Patel, Hammond
Shiv Hiteshkumar Patel, Hammond
Nicholas S Richardson, Hammond
Ava R Robertson, Loranger
Gavin Tate, Roseland
Caine J Terrio, Ponchatoula
Abigail Noel Thompson, Hammond
Karlee Elizabeth I Wheeler, Independence

Terrebonne Parish

College of Agriculture

Ella Catherine Chesnut, Houma
Hunter Uriel Christensen, Houma
Eleanor Jane Fondren, Houma
Sarah Grace Rizzo, Houma

College of Art and Design

Harrison William Boru, Houma
Jenna Claire Boudloche, Houma
Sophia Alice Knoblock, Houma
Mason Lowrey, Theriot
James Andrew Roddy, Jr, Houma
Abigail Grace Rodrigue, Houma
Adele E Theriot, Houma

College of Engineering

Brandon L Bergeron, Houma
Lauren Elise Boudreaux, Houma
Christian Anh Khiem Che, Houma
David Allen Emerson, Houma
Grace Allen Fondren, Houma
John Oliver LeBlanc, Houma
James E Matherne, Jr, Montegut
Serene Sam, Houma
Sara Elmy Savoie, Houma

College of Human Sciences & Education

Kennedy Grace Brewer, Houma
Raylin R Charpentier, Houma
Kellsie L Clement, Houma
Hannah Clarisse Forbes, Houma
Katie Blair Haydel, Houma
Alex Paul Hebert, Houma
Rylie A Neal, Houma

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Karoline Elise Alford, Houma
Karoline Elizabeth Calongne, Houma
Delaney Madison Ferrer, Houma
Mary Margaret Hebert, Houma
Dermonte Ro'Shae Johnson, Houma
Regan M Lee, Houma
Jamie Elizabeth Rhodes, Bourg
Alexandra C Shorter, Houma
Juliette Lena Smith, Houma
Ally Nicole Tindell, Houma

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Elizabeth LeBlanc, Houma
Isabella Grace Siddon, Houma

College of Science

Kaedyn J'Niyah Baker, Houma
Mallarie Bishop, Houma
Madison C Castell, Houma
Carlie Kay Christ, Houma
Audrey Lynn Colwart, Houma
Kylie Michelle Domangue, Houma
Maximillian Thomas Doyle, Houma
Cameron Alexis Duval, Houma
James Robert Leaber, Houma
Anna Catherine Pennison, Houma
Allison Picou, Houma
Sydney Jean Schwab, Houma

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Madeline Marie Malbrough, Schriever
Angela Rupac Manangan, Houma
Annabelle Claire Matherne, Houma
Jennifer Snyder, Houma
John H Trapp, Houma

Manship School of Mass Communication

Grace E Chesnut, Houma
Gabrielle Harvey, Houma
Peyton Z Harvey, Houma
Madalyn Catherine Robichaux, Houma
Jacob Verdin, Houma
Taylor Elizabeth Webb, Houma

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Rachael Krista Champagne, Schriever
Richard Elfert, Houma
Corinne Elizabeth Leblanc, Houma

University College Center for Freshman Year

Peyton Andras, Schriever
Layla Grace Bani-Saaid, Houma
Kaleb Daniel Bankston, Houma
Amelie Catherine Boquet, Houma
Alisia Bravo Deleon, Houma
Lauren Elizabeth Coyle, Houma
Christian Allen Danos, Houma
Mary Ellen Haydel, Houma
Lavar R Henderson, Houma
Ethan Khang Lam, Houma
Andrew Charles Leaber, Houma
Gracie Jewell Lee, Houma
Caroline Elise Lindsay, Houma
Ruby McDonald, Gray
Baran Paul Moore, Houma
Daphnie Ann Naquin, Theriot
Amun Dharmesh Patel, Houma
Maycie L Pinell, Houma
Saphyre Rose Pounds, Houma
Jozlyn Brooke Rodrigue, Chauvin
Landon Rogers, Houma
Clinton Robert Russell, Houma
Guy Mitchell Sonnier, Houma
Magen Lynne Theriot, Houma
Peyton M Thibodeaux, Houma

Union Parish

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Amina Shahid, Farmerville

Vermilion Parish

College of Agriculture

Riley Gabrielle Hebert, Delcambre
Olivia Mire, Maurice
Deborah Anne Reynolds, Abbeville
Mickey Vo, Abbeville
Anna Kathryn Zaunbrecher, Abbeville

College of Art and Design

Claire Elise Brasseux, Abbeville
Isadora Rose LeBlanc, Abbeville

College of Engineering

Phuong H Duong, Abbeville
Mackenzie Thien-Truc Nguyen, Abbeville
Ian James Waskom, Abbeville

College of Human Sciences & Education

Alaina Marie I Dartez, Maurice
Lauren Claire Dooley, Delcambre
Nikki Joell LeBlanc, Erath

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Ashley Amelia Bertrand, Kaplan
Daimon Clyde Choate, Kaplan
Anna Grace C Franques, Abbeville
Colleen E Hebert, Abbeville
Daniel J Lanclos, Delcambre
Joshua Dominic Listi, Abbeville
Madalyn Antoinette McQuillan, Kaplan

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Holden Royce White, Kaplan

College of Science

John Robert Allums, IV, Abbeville
Paul Gonsoulin Moresi, IV, Abbeville
Lauren Grace Mouton, Maurice
John-Preston Summers, Abbeville
Kennedy Trahan, Maurice

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Whitney Bourque, Abbeville
Brian Gage, Maurice
Benjamin Koch, Abbeville

Manship School of Mass Communication

Amelia Grace Gabor, Abbeville
Julia Mollere, Abbeville

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

John Robert Carter, Maurice
Heather Renee Green, Abbeville
Megan Marie Guarino, Abbeville
Taylor Ann Gunter, Abbeville

University College Center for Freshman Year

Thomas James Bellaire, Abbeville
Alex A Broussard, Abbeville
Nhi Yen Bui, Abbeville
Rachel C Fontenot, Abbeville
Ellen Lebouef, Abbeville
AnnaClaire Noel Mollere, Abbeville
Madison C Price, Gueydan
Blair Angelle Saltzman, Kaplan

Vernon Parish

College of Agriculture

Bailee Jo Bennett, Leesville

College of Art and Design

Vanessa Paige Mogensen, Leesville

College of Engineering

Samuel Hildebrand, Hornbeck
Kyle Michalk, Simpson

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Gabriel W Smith, Leesville

Manship School of Mass Communication

Adam D Burruss, Leesville
Cheyenne Allison Katherine Jackson, Leesville

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Annabelle M Fisher, Rosepine

University College Center for Freshman Year

Osayame Evbuomwan, Leesville
Carlos D Mosley, New Llano

Washington Parish

College of Agriculture

Logan Barowka, Franklinton
Caroline Dunaway, Bogalusa

College of Engineering

Brenden O Staffier, Franklinton

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Kailey Alexis Kennedy, Bogalusa
Kelnekia B Moses, Bogalusa
Colton Eli Temples, Bogalusa
Alexander N Thomas, Franklinton

College of Science

Kamryn Ross Passman, Franklinton

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Taylor Elizabeth Jarrell, Franklinton

University College Center for Freshman Year

Chase Denton Cooper, Franklinton
Anna Crowe, Franklinton
Jacob Thomas Dickens, Bogalusa
Ana Paulina Martinez Lopez, Franklinton
Marley Smith, Franklinton
Noah C Smith, Bogalusa

Webster Parish

College of Engineering

Caleb Lawrence Gryder, Minden

College of Human Sciences & Education

Alexandra Elaine Reynolds, Dubberly

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Laney Elizabeth McEachern, Sarepta
Catherine G Talbot, Shongaloo

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Mary-Holland Floyd, Minden
Kerigan Elizabeth Sanders, Minden

Manship School of Mass Communication

Presley B Tyler, Minden

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Hannah Elizabeth Mosley, Minden

University College Center for Freshman Year

Aubrey L Gray, Heflin

West Baton Rouge Parish

College of Agriculture

Gabrielle Mara Bellelo, Port Allen
Sarah Alyssa Moore, Erwinville

College of Art and Design

Caleigh Shae Bonano, Port Allen
Maria C Marin, Brusly
Thu Anh Hoai Nguyen, Addis

College of Engineering

Brad J Baudin, Port Allen
Logan Keith Brown, Erwinville
Jonathan Castille, Brusly
Sydney Clebert, Port Allen
Samuel Bryan Fishburn, Port Allen
Hannah Elizabeth Loupe, Port Allen
D'Andre Taylor, Addis
Luc Grant Weymouth,

College of Human Sciences & Education

Lindsay K Beard, Brusly
Kori E Clopton, Port Allen
Caleb Dunn, Brusly
Alivia S Hebert, Brusly
Ryley Marie Hopkins, Erwinville
Catherine Elise King, Port Allen
Darren J Murphy, Port Allen
Railyn Marie Reaux, Brusly
Mary Claire Saia, Port Allen

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Daniel James Babin, Port Allen
Emma Louise Bates, Port Allen
Madelynn Bonvillain, Port Allen
Katherine Elizabeth Frens, Port Allen
Daija M Grimes, Port Allen
Kelsi Anelia Landry, Port Allen
Mackenzi L Melton, Brusly

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Karli R Hebert, Port Allen

College of Science

Lacey Budd, Brusly
Anais Isabel Hartley, Brusly
Brooke Nicole Stein, Port Allen

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Jack Alcee Chittom, Addis
Madeline G Hamilton, Port Allen
James Patrick Vidrine, Addis

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Kira Renee Johnson, Port Allen
Bailey Nicole Merritt, Addis
Cesar A Rivera Andrade, Addis

University College Center for Freshman Year

Hanna M Cavalier, Port Allen
Joshua Paul Daigle, Brusly
Samantha M Ferrer, Brusly
Naomy Michelle Gonzalez Sanchez, Port Allen
Sadie Grace Guillory, Port Allen
Jacob Nyankojo, Port Allen
Bennett Charles Saia, Jr, Port Allen
Kinley Grace Strickland, Port Allen
Jordyn Paige Stuart, Port Allen

West Carroll Parish

University College Center for Freshman Year

Brelee N Danley, Oak Grove
William Kase Ellerbe, Oak Grove

West Feliciana Parish

College of Engineering

Caroline Elise Cochran, Saint Francisville
Ellis Jude Manieri, Saint Francisville

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Cecilia Y Hong, Saint Francisville
Julianna R Jackson, Saint Francisville

College of Science

Tailenn A Fungcharoen-McCr, Saint Francisville
Allie Madison Laws, Saint Francisville

E. J. Ourso College of Business

James Barrow Clement, Saint Francisville
Ashton A Verdicanno, Saint Francisville

Manship School of Mass Communication

Laura Elizabeth Lindsey, Saint Francisville
Amelia Dial Percy, Saint Francisville

University College Center for Freshman Year

Evelyn Catherine Bryant, Saint Francisville
Ayanah Lynette Fungcharoen-McCray, Saint Francisville
Maggie Bell Hawkins, Angola

Winn Parish

College of Agriculture

Gabrielle Elizabeth Frieu, Dodson

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

David Mixon Simmons, Winnfield
Caroline Whisonant, Winnfield


College of Agriculture

Emilie Ann Eastman, Fairhope

College of Art and Design

Necho Taylor Webster, Prattville

College of Engineering

Catherine Sophie Ladner, Clanton
Benjamin Keith Martin, Montgomery
Nicholas Grady McCluskey, Mobile
Delia Elizabeth Peterson, Mobile
Brandon Jacob Walton, Tuscaloosa

College of Human Sciences & Education

Turner Griffin Boulo, Mobile
Evie Alice Younce, Opp

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Alex Isaias Cardenas, Huntsville
Sofia Maria Ciancaglini, Mobile
Madelyn Blarye Friedlander, Fairhope
Carolynn Claire Hebert, Irvington
Chakira Antionette King, Phenix City
Amelia Lynn Knox, Tuscaloosa

College of Science

Lauren Authement, Fairhope
Sara Dee Friedlander, Mobile

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Cody L Smart, Orange Beach
Grant Alan Taylor, Florence

Manship School of Mass Communication

Victoria Ann Bentley, Lillian
Aria Carina Pons, Florence

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Olivia Diann Reid, Montgomery
Ian Paul Roche, Daphne

University College Center for Freshman Year

Omarion James Aubert, Mobile
Zachary Hugh Butler, Fairhope
Jason Crowe, Owens Cross Roads
Hamilton O'Tooley Cunningham, Montgomery
Laila Imani Haynes, Auburn
Maia Leonard, Mobile
Ki'Ana K Milton, Phenix City
Kaitlin Olivia Phenix, Prattville
Ashlynn Dee Simmons, Gulf Shores
Carson Michael Thornton, Gallion
Maia Renee Townsend, Morris


College of Agriculture

Alexandria Neshama Wachenschwanz, Tucson

College of Engineering

Sarah Nicole Congiundi, Scottsdale

College of Human Sciences & Education

Brooke Alexandra Blutreich, Phoenix
Jacob Sawyer Pickett, Scottsdale

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Vironica Kaila Glover, El Mirage
Arian Jenna Spohn, Prescott Valley
Vincent Witowski, Phoenix

University College Center for Freshman Year

Taylor Elizabeth Bowser, Chandler
Nikita Vishwase, Phoenix
Kalayna S Walker, Gilbert
Victoria Ann Williams, Phoenix


College of Engineering

Guadalupe Covarrubias, El Dorado
John Justin Hall, II, Crossett

College of Human Sciences & Education

Eliza Fairchild Lewis, Little Rock

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Mary Jett McLarty, Little Rock
Easton E Taylor, Harrison

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Jesse D Kneisler, Benton

College of Science

Erinn Marie Roblee, El Dorado
Amelia Michelle Skinner, Little Rock
Duncan Wilkie, Siloam Springs

University College Center for Freshman Year

Justin David Elias, Paragould
Adam Harrison Wikoff, Little Rock


College of Agriculture

Aidan Lucille Caruso, San Diego
Janie Marie Chapin, Ripon
Carter F Oddo, Winchester
Auberny B Wright, Chula Vista

College of Art and Design

Amarey Victoria-Elysan Mckinney, Stockton
Sheree N Sparks, Moreno Valley

College of Engineering

Alexander Scott Brodsky, Los Gatos
Aidan Harry Schuemann, Napa

College of Human Sciences & Education

Megan J Arnold, San Jose
Ciara Michelle Briggs, Yorba Linda
Jack Henry Chastain, Fair Oaks
Jonathan M Ferguson, Sacramento
Tessa M Graves, Lancaster
Kevin M Jaarsma, San Marcos
Addison Kinter, San Diego
Abigail J Loessberg, Lake Forest
Cody Alan Pearson, Costa Mesa
Kevyn E Simmons, Thousand Oaks

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Rachel Beckman, Novato
Nevada Skye Doss, La Mesa
Ashley Barbara Hall, Napa
Tanner Duen Hsu, Irvine
Brianna Danielle Marks, Whittier
Makayla Lee Paggio, Laguna Niguel
Hannah Rose Poltorak, Los Angeles
Madison Rene Ruffin, Chula Vista
Delaney M Sherwood, Canyon Country
Paul David Skenes, Lake Forest
Sophia Pearl Soliday, Oak Park
Kaylee Staker, Trabuco Canyon
Joseph Dunning Wampler, Coronado

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Avery Sarah Di Gangi, Los Gatos
Haley Miranda Hughes, San Diego

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Owen E Douglas, Trabuco Canyon
Ryan Peter Fogerty, Los Gatos
Jackson Montgomery Meugniot, Hermosa Beach
Vaughn Oliver Plummer, Danville
Sydnie Elizabeth Soucek, Aliso Viejo
Makena St Amant, Livermore

Manship School of Mass Communication

Zoe M Berg, Danville

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Erin Esnard, Newport Beach
Jessica Sofia Mirabal, San Clemente
Olivia Reece Trejo, Agoura Hills

University College Center for Freshman Year

Cristina A Alpizar, San Diego
Ashley Anderson, Norco
Ashley Hoku Arasato, San Jose
Elyse Billig, Moorpark
Nicolas Alberto Bronzini, San Ramon
Kiana Adelle Buhlmann, Burbank
Logan Downer, Redondo Beach
Kataesha Aracelli DuBose, San Jose
KaMyah DeJonae Elias, Gardena
Kennedy Jordan Fryson, Inglewood
James Gunn, Walnut Creek
Kam'Dyn Hardin, Citrus Heights
Alexis Jones, Fremont
Maci McCord, Fairfield
Colin Melchior, Irvine
Ashlynne Simone Milton, Canyon Country
Thomas William O'Keefe, El Segundo
Abigail Rose O'Malley, Woodland
Kierra Cherie Paris, Oakley
McKenna T Parker, Flintridge
McKayla Marie Peters, Aliso Viejo
Tristan J Self, Pleasanton
Hannah Lea Seymour, Redding
Samia C Shorts, Vallejo
Maxwell T Shroyer, Long Beach
Chrystian Smith, Corona
Kenya Aileen Soto, Valley Village
Vishal Srinivasan, Sunnyvale
Charlotte Kathrine Thompson, Encino
Maliah C Thompson, Elk Grove
Palesha L Thornton, Citrus Heights
Mackenzie Rei Vargas, Redondo Beach


College of Art & Design

Isabel B Fawley, Denver
Allyson Alden Jones, Denver
Mason Vernon McManus, Pueblo

College of Engineering

GiVanni Emmaues Peterson, Castle Rock

College of Human Sciences & Education

Wyatt Walters Reynolds, Littleton

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Cierra Kay de la Garza, Colorado Springs
Gavin James Rogers, Littleton
Oliver Walker, Denver
Jordan Simone' Williams, Denver
Isabella Jon Zanotelli, Colorado Springs

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Mareena Wren Sangiorgio, Denver

College of Science

Maggie Lynn Buckley, Colorado Springs
Abigail Camp, Guffey

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Jaedyn M Pearman, Littleton

Manship School of Mass Communication

Ruby Grace Jarvis, Littleton
Amber Ellen Mouton, Aurora

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Asia Bree Pineda, Littleton

University College Center for Freshman Year

Ryleigh L Cruz, Aurora
Jayden A Hans, Littleton
Taliya Noelle Vilnets, Aurora
Sydney Jo Wilken, Arvada


College of Agriculture

Isabella Aria Mariani, Middlebury

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Sinead Connolly, Watertown

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Kaitlyn Manley, Coventry

Manship School of Mass Communication

Claire Judith Sullivan, Southbury

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Joseph J Cretella, Milford

University College Center for Freshman Year

Shane Joseph Dedura, Derby
Isabella Grace Fuscaldo, Fairfield
Brin M McLevey, New Canaan
Ethan Bruce Sill, Glastonbury
Andrew Alan Woodworth, Greenwich


College of Human Sciences & Education

Haley Alyssa Hansen, Magnolia
Cheyenne Keenan-Lee Pfeiffer, Dover

College of Science

Lindsey Wong, Dover

University College Center for Freshman Year

Harley Tidwell, Millsboro

District of Columbia

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Garrick C Francis, II, Washington
Lucia M Vasco, Washington

University College Center for Freshman Year

Marcasha S Hines, Washington
Juliana R Leith, Washington
Kenyatta Robinson, Washington


College of Agriculture

Chase Michael Bertucci, Naples
Claire Marie Bradley, Ponte Vedra Beach
Kristy Brodersen, New Smyrna Beach
Christian A Fritsch, Oviedo
Hunter Kava, Boynton Beach
Kennedy Logan, Tampa
Marion Rohr Randolph, West Palm Beach

College of Art and Design

Camryn Amanda Hall, Longwood
Mason A Harris, Orlando
Madison Megrath, Gainesville

College of Engineering

Andrew James Boutte, Palm Beach Gardens
Cassidy Jeanne Chambers, Windermere
Kalli Wren Freeman, Jacksonville
Peter Ward Hussey, Lady Lake
Alejandro Marin Arellano, Tampa
Matthew Paul Mullins, Palm Beach Gardens
Quinn York, Bradenton

College of Human Sciences & Education

Kori LaTreise Edgerton, Riverview
Jenna Marie Edwards, Tampa
Victoria Gonzalez-Pella, Miami
Jodie Collet Miceli, Niceville
Leland James Record, Oviedo
Rachel L Wall, Summerland Key
Carson James Yore, Longwood

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Elizabeth Anne Alwine, Delray Beach
Kylie Occiano Collins, Bonita Springs
Emily Jo Davenport, Jacksonville
Alexandra Grace Davis, Valparaiso
Cameron Bailey Jones Derby, Panama City Beach
Abigail Claire Hamner, Winter Park
Paradise Kellem, Fort Lauderdale
Anais Saniya Kobinger-Wessel, Miami
Sydney Rhonda Krajczewski, Pompano Beach
Leigh Loyacano, Santa Rosa Beach
Amari A Mackey, Fort Lauderdale
Pariss Lynn Stark, Pensacola
Hannah Stavola, Miami
Chanakya Srinivasa Toleti, Windermere
Angelina L Treglia, Pompano Beach

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Smarlensly Wilnendj Altenor, Port Saint Lucie
Avery Deen Barber, Tampa
Oreoluwa Boluwatife Onasanya, Daytona Beach
Eric Richard Rhode, Miami
Hailey Grace Wendelstedt, Ormond Beach
Albert Williams, III, Jacksonville

College of Science

Hannah Accius, Boynton Beach
Brett Buddendorff, Longwood
Katlyn Leanne Chambers, Crestview
Giovanni Elijah Digiacomo, Naples
Tabitha Henry, Jacksonville
Madison Pacheco, Miami
Devon Bass Kendrick Tucker, Crestview
Leora Jane Wilson, Orlando

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Kaitlyn Marie Calero, Miami
Lordan Mase Charest, Saint Petersburg
Christian Mccain, Key West

Manship School of Mass Communication

William Hamilton Carter, Rosemary Beach
Olivia Gray Falk, Vero Beach
Ava Marie Graziano, Naples
Victoria Grace Klein, Fort Lauderdale
Courteney Marie Latimer, Sanford
Fabiola Leon Gallardo, Fort Pierce

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Heather M Milner, Stuart
Matthew Vincent O'Dowd, Fort Lauderdale
Ellie Robbins, Jupiter
Richard Startek, Ponte Vedra Beach

University College Center for Freshman Year

Joseph A del Rosal, Jacksonville
Taylor Keigh Allmon, Ponte Vedra Beach
George Nicholas Alvarez, Orlando
Ansley Kate Barlow, Clermont
Benjamin Joseph Bartley, Indian Rocks Beach
Niyah Y Battle, Lakeland
Gabriel A Bonilla Zambrana, Saint Augustine
Emily Isabelle Bracher, Summerland Key
Ivanny Canton, Bonita Springs
Joseph Vito Carmody, Panama City
Noor Genevieve Carrington, Port Saint Lucie
Samya Alexis Chin, Hollywood
Jadae I Cummins, Fort Lauderdale
Layla A Eaves, Pompano Beach
Kailey Michelle Fuzy, Destin
Mary Lauren Grant, Atlantic Beach
Hannah Elise Johnson, Pensacola
Morgan Chelsea King, Fort Lauderdale
Sarah Bennett Lemasters, Lithia
Cortany Sinay Lucas, Orlando
Isabella Marie Mancheno, Jacksonville
Jaida May, Niceville
Kelsey M McLeod, Parrish
Ella Connolly Meyers, Daytona Beach
Gabriella Evelyn Navas, Fort Myers
Amyya Kalis Paden, Tallahassee
Erin Danielle Pawelczyk, Pompano Beach
Sofia Maria Pesquera, Brandon
Brisa Quintana, Lehigh Acres
Dominik Joseph Quiroz, Merritt Island
Erin Druesilla Robidoux, Riverview
Ethan Phillip Roldan, Jacksonville
Arianna Victoria Salcedo, Miami
Gianna Rose Santa Maria, Santa Rosa Beach
Mary Grantham Shelton, Tallahassee
A'shawna Jalea Smith, Lake City
Kamryn Jae Stevens, Ocoee
Skye Celine Stubbs, Hollywood
Paris Kay Turtle, Lake Mary
Ai'yanna Williams, Hollywood
Danielle A Witter, Miami


College of Agriculture

Tashay Nisha Brown, Lithonia
Alexis Christine Dukes, Duluth
Tatum Hipp, Marietta
Emajale Negussa-Little, Decatur
Kevin Quinet, Kennesaw
Aaron Langston Smith, Atlanta
Jonas Matthew Walker, Sharpsburg
Cobi Wright, Grayson

College of Art and Design

Darnesha Quonteria Binn, Atlanta
Emily Rocus, Fayetteville
Taylor Van Bueren Stone, Atlanta
Shae'Lah J Wilson, Riverdale

College of Engineering

Julian Valdemar Fernandes, Atlanta
Nathaniel Elwood Fisher, Rome
Rhett Bolden Griner, II, Columbus
Jesus Guillermo Hernandez, Warner Robins
Maeve Levreault-Lopez, Canton

College of Human Sciences & Education

Elena Makenzie Arenas, Bogart
Waller English Cogburn, Marietta
Kenneth Kaleb Harris, Alpharetta
Jonathan Landon, Jesup
Ethan Leingang, Marietta
Shaye Elizabeth Longwell, Duluth
Jonathan S Moye, Carrollton
AnnaScott Elizabeth Polhill, Dublin
Franklin James Rodriguez, Smyrna
Sabrina Claire Sorrell, Roswell

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Madelyn Georgeanna Baggett, Cartersville
Miles Besson, Marietta
Amelia S Bielski, Roswell
Chloe D'Asia Brown, Atlanta
Micayla Rayann Carter, Hephzibah
Sophia F Corkill, Conyers
Brooks Vaughn Curry, Atlanta
Jeffrey William Decker, Decatur
Ryan Elizabeth Duffy, Jasper
Anna Jane Feemster, Powder Springs
Khatavia Dechelle Franks, Fairburn
Leila Alexis Gaines, Alpharetta
Tyler Elizabeth Klitenic, Atlanta
Olivia Claire Matthews, Marietta
Jalen Omari Pettus, Lilburn
Kayla Pintro, Kennesaw
Kendall Marie Sessoms, Buford
Jade Imani Smith, Alpharetta
Alexis Skye Stephens, Atlanta
Jalyn Underwood, Covington
Anascensia Paige Louise Warren, Atlanta

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Brandon K Carpenter, Atlanta
Arden Forrand, Suwanee
Annie Kate Elizabeth Lee, Fayetteville

College of Science

Jason Huang, Buford
Maia Elise Jackson, Hampton
Nita McCulla, Atlanta

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Abby Arden Brown, Peachtree Corners
John Bullock, Athens
Hunter G Cagle, Cumming
Cole Anthony Cantu, Alpharetta
Emily Christina Demps, Atlanta
Erin E Denton, Newnan
Nicholas Evan Goldsztein, Marietta
Matthew Scott Kohn, Alpharetta
Jewel Elizabeth Lewis, Suwanee
Madilynn R Morgan, Atlanta
Wesley Buice Powell, Atlanta
Ashlyn Amanda Puckett, Powder Springs
Ethan Alexander Selph, Buford
William Jacob Stegemoeller, Roswell
Madeline Telford, Atlanta

Manship School of Mass Communication

Molly Giles Brewer, Rome
Kynnedi Danielle Hines, Atlanta
Aliyah Mbamara, Mableton
Alison Olivia Newland, Bremen
Cortlyn F Roddini, Saint Simons Island

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Zaria Frenelle, Fayetteville
Charles J Johnson, Marietta
Brionna M Smith, Fairburn
Sloan G Sutton, Blairsville
Phillip Julian Webb, Buford

University College Center for Freshman Year

Jurrien L Benson, Buford
Isaac Joshua Borchardt, Evans
Cassandra Bower, Marietta
Cameron Michael Cainion, Jonesboro
Megan Kennedy Castle, Atlanta
Chloe Sarah Cattanach, Decatur
Alexis Cimino, Cumming
Arin Scott Coughlin, Cumming
James A Daters, Savannah
Hayley Grace Fleming, Winder
Sabrina Isabelle Garcia, Marietta
Gillian Geltz, Clermont
Jeffrie Alexander Hargrove, II, Loganville
Kelsey Alexis Haynes, Fairburn
Jacqueline Hunt, Kennesaw
Montana Blake Imsand, McDonough
Olivia Renae King, Dacula
Rishi Gopal Krishnan, Alpharetta
Amari Qion Manns, Kathleen
Mya Symone Mayes, McDonough
Destinee Mitchell, Tifton
Kunta Mosby, Fayetteville
Alyssa Gabrielle Nimmer, Buford
Kesiye Nanaye Ogoun, Atlanta
Alex T Peterson, Atlanta
Andrea Phan, Cumming
Alison Rocha, Woodstock
Keira Judith Shively, Marietta
Michaiah C Stephens, Gainesville
Trinity Sumlin, Lawrenceville
Rhyan Akilah Turner, Conyers
Jada Paul Tyrell, Pooler
Jackson Durham Wright, Atlanta


College of Art & Design

Aalyssa Shavon Angeline, Kailua


College of Agriculture

Noelle Love, Streamwood
Madison Particia Monken, Wheaton
Lucas William Rot, Barrington
Payton Tackett, Cisco

College of Art and Design

Cecilia Flora Johnson, Tinley Park

College of Engineering

Clint Edward Bailes, Lake Forest
Bibhushita Baral, Chicago
Nolan James Blunier, Roanoke
Manuel Del Toro, Gilberts
Benjamin N Harrington, Elmhurst
Thomas J Rutter, Downers Grove

College of Human Sciences & Education

Jay Daniel Casey, Frankfort
Elijah Pardes Devir, Chicago
Emily M Farrell, Lockport
Blake A Kunkel, Batavia
Rachel Sheppard, Chicago
Margaret Elizabeth Simmons, Barrington

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Jenna Stephanie Acosta, Arlington Heights
Kaleb Wayne Applebey, Mount Carmel
Andrea L Bickley, Alton
Tara Elizabeth Kozak, Barrington
Russell John Marshall, Crystal Lake
Cayce L Parker, Mundelein
Caitlyn E White, Carol Stream

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Sydney L Anderson, Chicago
Demi Victoria Davis, Chicago
Connor Joseph Lorence, Centralia
Toni S Richardson, Oak Park
Jack Hartman Steele, Evanston

College of Science

Samantha M Shirmer, Rolling Meadows
Matthew Gerald Vesely, Arlington Heights

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Ruby Catherine Noel, Elmhurst

Manship School of Mass Communication

Kevin M White, Lake Forest
Henry Thomas Young, Naperville

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Zayne Merrick Danielewicz, Deerfield

University College Center for Freshman Year

Tavia Tania Allen, Richton Park
Matthew E Balachowski, Chicago
Hayden Van Blakey, Belleville
Micah Joel Bucknam, Barrington
Hailey Elizabeth Carter, Chicago
Colin Preston Clark, Chicago
Jackson A Cote, Lake Forest
Aidan Frank Daly, Aurora
Nicholas Michael Domke, Mount Prospect
Harper Xin Yuan Elliott, Winnetka
Micheal Gould, Chicago
Sophia Hartnett, Chicago
Lorenzo Jackson, Chicago
Sophia Ann Klosowski, New Lenox
Dillon James Maciaszek, McHenry
Brogan McKeown, Spring Grove
Jordan Marilynn Mighty, Oak Lawn
Jada Mukes, South Holland
Chloe Renea Nero, Romeoville
Dyan Alizabeth Oliver, Homewood
Michael Patrylak, Chicago
Vaughn T Rebholz, Chicago
Isabella Victoria Sailor, Wheaton
Ethan C Shanholtzer Moore, Chicago
Katherine Shannon, Chicago
Tyler Jin-Suk Skrzynski, Sr, Frankfort
Stephen K Tower, Spring Grove
Meadow L Walker, Round Lake
Delainy Aurea White, Carol Stream


College of Agriculture

Alana Taylor Rice, Elkhart

College of Art and Design

Avery Janice Burnside, Lowell

College of Engineering

Andrew Ryan Bosnak, Crown Point

College of Human Sciences & Education

Nana Ama Agyeman, Fort Wayne

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Molly R Kormanis, West Lafayette
Bryce Tieman, Springville

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Riley Kathleen O'Brien, Valparaiso

University College Center for Freshman Year

Caitlin Marie Baudier, Westfield
Dorene Ridge Hantzis, Terre Haute
Jayce Irby, Fort Wayne
Saharra Renee Noll, Franklin
Nathan Peter Rich, Fortville
Isabelle Kennedy Sweet, Valparaiso


University College Center for Freshman Year

Madeline Grace Erickson, Ankeny


College of Engineering

Lydia Celeste Parsa, Prairie Village

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Avi Velasquez, Leawood

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Ellie Clare Shank, Wichita
Lauren Steven, Wichita

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Kevin Glenn, Overland Park
Ella Rae Larkin, Maize


College of Human Sciences & Education

Jake Charles D'Antoni, Louisville
David Jeffrey LeCount, Independence

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Noah Pictor, Versailles

College of Science

Hunter Campbell Helderman, Winchester

E. J. Ourso College of Business

George A Doyle, Louisville
Ananya Capoor Patel, Richmond

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Liza Quinn Beneke, Jr, Louisville

University College Center for Freshman Year

MacKenzie Attwater Burk, Louisville
Lillian Faith Mullins, Versailles
Presley Grace Sanders, Paducah
Lillian Mary Sweeten, Ft Mitchell


College of Agriculture

Aidan Douglas, Germantown
Lauren Casimira Eckert, Chesapeake Beach
Elizabeth Margaret Lochte, Baldwin
Madison Wray, Woodstock

College of Art and Design

Jahren J King, Owings Mills
Laci Renee Weinle, Dundalk

College of Engineering

Maddison Kneavel, Nottingham
Julianna Lang, Sykesville
Mikayla Nycole Powell, Bowie

College of Human Sciences & Education

Malachi R Evans, Burtonsville
Freya Elizabeth Hansen, Kensington
Michael Cruz Paust, Mechanicsville

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Britton Matthew Bordes, Annapolis
Aryiana Hill, College Park
Zachary Kelly, Columbia
Malasia T Kennedy, Bowie
Cierra LeGendre, Hollywood
Alyssa Michele McClure, Ellicott City
Elizabeth Marie Zanolli, Crofton

College of Science

London Ross, Brandywine

E. J. Ourso College of Business

William Boellner, Baldwin
Christopher John Cooper, Chevy Chase
Harrison Davis Muller, Ellicott City
Paige V Snyder, Gaithersburg
Michael Kilgore Travis, Bethesda
Ciarah Monet Twyman, Upper Marlboro

Manship School of Mass Communication

Makenzie Katharine Benhart, Lutherville Timonium
Joseph William Mumola, Silver Spring
Varonika Sherise Ware, Bowie

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Robert Edward Bell, Bethesda
Olivia Shannon Harris, Columbia
Jacob Aaron Kommalan, Dundalk
Brenna Maeve O'Reilly, Sykesville

University College Center for Freshman Year

Zohra Brieon Abram, Derwood
Madeline Rose Altman, Severna Park
Mounira Oumarou Ba, Hyattsville
Patrick Thomas Buch, Baltimore
Allison Marie Campbell, Denton
Mackenzie Lee Douglas, White Hall
Julia M Everitt, Bel Air
Alexander William Ibrahim, Bethesda
Connor William Klebrowski, Monkton
John Todd Kucner, Davidsonville
Jude Raymond Maloney, Kensington
Samantha Marie Messier, Centreville
Alexia T Nguyen, Bel Air
Luke Pezzula, Lutherville Timonium
Ricardo D Sanchez, Middle River
Stephanie Grace Scalchunes, Forest Hill
Matthew Edward Schieke, Centreville
Adele Nicole Sherlock, Gaithersburg
Georgia A Szoke, Cockeysville
Alexa Faith Wianke, White Marsh


College of Agriculture

Christine E Goodermuth, Franklin
Shanai Lauryn Watson, Randolph

College of Art and Design

Dianna Amari-Grace Colpitts, Housatonic

College of Human Sciences & Education

Grant Alexander Lang, Lynnfield

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Rosemary Katherine Collins, Hingham

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Keegan S Finney, Haverhill
Matthew Mendoza, Boston
Ria Rao Narahari, Shrewsbury
Aliya White Pasquale, South Yarmouth
Max Gordon Peterson, Weston

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Kierce Jellybean Canfield, Winchester

University College Center for Freshman Year

Amanda Carol Bartulis, Worcester
Alexander Roch Charlonne, Rutland
Jonathan Joseph Coppenrath, Lunenburg
Derin Ergul, Lexington
Samuel Louis Kleanthous, Westford
Elizabeth Maria Komaiszko, Longmeadow
John E Mahan, III, Assonet
Miranda Lynne Moscoso, Swampscott
Emily Fine Nelson, Sharon
Nyla M Rosario Brandao, Braintree
Tyler John Russell, Newton Center
Madeline Lee Sansoucie, Middleton


College of Agriculture

Sydney Nicole Boersma, Haslett

College of Engineering

Hunter Meatte, Macomb

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Henry Kiley, Ann Arbor

College of Science

Catherine Elizabeth Carlisle, Michigamme

University College Center for Freshman Year

Kennedy Rae Butterfield, Washington
Michael Ballantine Poggi, Marquette
Makayla Janae Robinson, Westland


College of Agriculture

Rachel Jae Gapinski, Ramsey

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Kaitlyn Nicole Holden, Andover

College of Science

Lauren Ann Radermacher, New Prague

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Ezra Cash Dickerson, Saint Michael
Sara Ann Gutz, Forest Lake
Kismet Genine Richardson, Owatonna

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Joshua Kamara, Burnsville

University College Center for Freshman Year

Chloe Elise Ahlstedt, Chanhassen
Quinn Camille Gourneau, Saint Paul
Neill G Keran, Minneapolis


College of the Coast & Environment

Morgan Coleman, Moss Point
Owen A Dasher, Long Beach

College of Agriculture

Christopher D Lambert, Biloxi
Shaelee Joanna Manning, New Albany
Annalyce N Riley, Natchez
Raegan A West, Florence

College of Art and Design

Elyce R Dotson, Flowood
Allyia Goff, Gautier
Justus Brandon Graham, Forest

College of Engineering

Samuel Grafton deGeneres, II, Meridian
Bennett Lee Bratton, Biloxi
Savannah Mei Templeton, Biloxi
Josie Michelle Walters, Hattiesburg
John Mychal Abdou Warren, Jackson

College of Human Sciences & Education

Margaret Ann Braman, Madison
Alandria Essien Garrett, Canton
Anna L Sala, Biloxi
Allison Nicole Tomsuden, Madison
Milton E Trowbridge, Madison

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

William Benjamin Crawford, Pass Christian
Cederick L Ellis, II, Summit
Josephine Hanegan, Bailey
Makaylee Rae Hester, Pelahatchie
Erica Lynn Leonard, Carriere
Alexis Nobles, Hattiesburg
Catherine Hardy Waddell, Oxford
Camden Shane Worth, Magee

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Jake Ellzey, Gulfport

College of Science

Emily Isabella Clemens, Pass Christian
Sophia Elena Diaz, Ocean Springs
Christopher L Luffey, Pass Christian
Andrew Giraud Mayer, Pass Christian
Abigail Mechatto, Biloxi
Isaac James Sanchez, Ocean Springs
Rita M Seicshnaydre, Gulfport
Gordon B Verrett, Gulfport

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Emilie Catherine Chenault, Gulfport
Alexander C Fuller, Diamondhead
Dyogo E Penafiel, Biloxi
Anna E Wittmann, Pass Christian

Manship School of Mass Communication

Makayla Anderson, McComb
Madelyn Lee Howell, Madison
Allison Faith Simmons, Magnolia
Aydin Elise Virga, Ocean Springs

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Hudson E Bataille, Jackson
Drake O Williams, Gulfport

University College Center for Freshman Year

Janiya Jalise Adams, Olive Branch
Camille Kerry Beeding, Vicksburg
Kayla Elise Drummond, Brandon
Gabriel Ben Freedman, Madison
John Wilson Gallaspy, Madison
Gabriella Kate Guillory, Ocean Springs
Vaeda Trudeau Hobbs, Long Beach
Emily Nicole Reynolds, Ocean Springs
Lauren Frances Rosado, Ridgeland
Avery Catherine Sams, Ocean Springs
Hayden I Scott, Southaven
Erin Michelle Seaman, Brandon
BobbyGrace Fallon Thornton, Meadville
Anastasia K Wade, Ocean Springs
Christina Whelan, Long Beach


College of Engineering

Andrew Routledge Porthouse, Saint Louis
Emma A Stiening, Saint Louis

College of Human Sciences & Education

Logan Miller, Chesterfield

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Kassidy Ann Gaines, Moberly
Ahryana Johnson, Fort Leonard Wood

College of Science

Viansha Gracy Ram, Ballwin

University College Center for Freshman Year

Jaadah Indigo-Alexa Barber, Cape Girardeau
Astrid Cardenas Angulo, Joplin
John I Ellis, III, Saint Louis
Isabel Allison Knaup, Cape Girardeau
Nolan James Waites, Saint Louis


College of Engineering

Dylan Wichman, Billings

College of Science

Mia Flower Foster, Missoula


College of Art & Design

Addison Rachel Dunbar, Omaha

College of Engineering

Elijah Joseph Spale, Omaha

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Christine G Fortenberry, Lincoln

University College Center for Freshman Year

Layla Hopkins, Gretna


College of Agriculture

Wyatt Paul Fakler, Henderson

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Matthew Aaron, Las Vegas

University College Center for Freshman Year

Carissa Pearl Bilderback, Gardnerville
Keira Cinco, Las Vegas
Lauren K Darensbourg, Henderson
Morgan Sophia Means, Reno
Aveona Dejanae Simpson, Las Vegas
Sarah Grace Wallace, Henderson

New Hampshire

University College Center for Freshman Year

John P Baumann, Jr, Londonderry

New Jersey

College of the Coast & Environment

James Anderson, Rumson

College of Agriculture

Deanna N Nussberger, Lafayette
Diana M Smerina, Freehold

College of Art and Design

Ava Chiofalo, Hammonton
Taylor Lasorsa, Chester
Matthew Seamus Mallon, Newfield

College of Engineering

Robert Thomas Young, Middletown

College of Human Sciences & Education

Brett J Berry, Morris Plains
Nick James Burns, Morganville
Julia S Defelice-Brown, Jersey City
Julianna G Dunne, Hillsdale
Sydney Elizabeth Hosier, Montclair

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Olivia Paige Dunne, Hillsdale
Aasiyah G Fisher, Sicklerville
Brynne Rose Hennessy, Trenton
Tyler James Higley, Morganville
Carly Nicholson, Monroeville

College of Science

Allison Jane Hamilton, Spring Lake
Gianna Hammill, Monroe Township

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Benjamin Quinn Aunger, Califon
Declan Robert Connolly, Glen Rock
Gavin O'Neil Tuite, Manasquan

Manship School of Mass Communication

Reilly Cambria, Far Hills
Patricia Padgett Caputo, Bayville

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Sophia I Dones, Williamstown
Owen M Judge, Spring Lake
Roman Voinea, Jr, Wildwood

University College Center for Freshman Year

Isabella M Amadon, Far Hills
Isabella M Costa, Seaside Heights
Samantha A Costigan, Verona
Milanda Dawdy, Neptune
Brandon Ash Easton, Morganville
Stephanie R Kornspan, Neshanic Station
Morgan Paige Lesler, Clifton
Marissa Ann Manuel, Chester
SaaRai McCoy, Rahway
Colin P Murphy, Phillipsburg
Madison T Pigott, West Orange
Luke Piskun, Egg Harbor Township
Ava Marie Pospeck, Summit
Zane Breier Scott, Cranbury
Hailey Piper Smith, Medford
Madison Ann Van Alstyne, Woodcliff Lake
Lindsey McGee Verbaro, New Vernon
Maraya Watson, Hillside

New Mexico

College of Engineering

Zoe O Logan, Farmington
Camden Scott Pfeiffer, Albuquerque

New York

College of Agriculture

Grace Elizabeth Angrisani, Bellmore
Sydney Anne Berzon, Buffalo
Jean Marie Maleszewski, Huntington
Karl Arthur Patterson, Pittsford
Jacob D Schlierf, Caledonia

College of Art and Design

Shane Macalaster Boone, Bay Shore
Elizabeth Rose Gibbons, Floral Park
Orla Margaret Reilly, Floral Park

College of Engineering

Nicholas Andrew DeBisceglia, Plainview
Ethernan Prasit Smith, New Paltz
Gregory Wallace Sofield, Long Beach

College of Human Sciences & Education

Michael Sean Adams, Medford
Arianna Elizabeth Belmonte, Bethpage
Madeline Michele Clouatre, West Point
Ethan E Luper, Albany
Brian G Newman, Staten Island
Kristen M O'Connor, West Haverstraw

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Nicole M Lucas, West Islip
Jillian Brooke Miller, Woodbury
Brandon M Naccari, Lindenhurst

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Joseph Brooks, Brooklyn
Aidan Jacob Lobenstein, Hauppauge
Peter Christian Schubart, Babylon

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Jonathan Gambill, Victor
Catherine Margaret LeFevre, Montauk

Manship School of Mass Communication

Megan Fitzgerald, Holbrook
Veronica Ashley Nankervis-Werner, Deer Park
Kayla Lynn Poltorak, Farmingdale
Matilda Sipp, Staten Island

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Christopher Joseph Gullotta, Highland Mills

University College Center for Freshman Year

Lily Mae Baratta, North Java
Erin Grace Barker, Franklin Square
Amanda Berg, Tarrytown
Adriana F Casolo, Voorheesville
Ella M Christopher, West Babylon
Olivia A Coghlan, Holbrook
Olivia Marie DeBella, Utica
Matthew Tristan Figueroa, Bronx
Anastacia Rose Gelman, Middletown
John L Giuffrida, Chittenango
Bailey Ann Herfurth, Northport
Ava Marie Jackson, New Rochelle
Nina Rose Lehrer, Flushing
Paige Brianne Moses, Grand Island
Sophia Rose Negron, Lindenhurst
Mia Theresa Oliveras, Mastic
Nicholas David Passero, Webster
Marco Petroni, Brooklyn
Hannah E Rothman, Cortlandt Manor
Thomas Baker Smith, Jr, New York
Emma Mayela Stein, Hampton Bays
Romaine Nicolas Young, Mamaroneck

North Carolina

College of Agriculture

Anya Bonaria Ferruzzi, Charlotte
Ava Gabrielle Heath, Winston Salem
Grace Lynn Miller, Asheville

College of Art and Design

Isabelle R Losavio, Apex
Shamar Thompkins, Charlotte

College of Engineering

Jace Douglas Canafax, Charlotte
Joseph Jelks Duncan, Jr, Raleigh
Walton Kitchin Joyner, III, Raleigh
Colin Roberts, Newland

College of Human Sciences & Education

Madeleine Z Macchia, Charlotte

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Erin O LeBlanc, Raleigh
Miles Murphy, Candler
Sydney A Whitfield, Charlotte

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Anna Marie Roberg, Charlotte
Logan J Stokes, Fletcher

College of Science

Georgia Caroline Guertin, Charlotte
Ilea Kong Wen Kuo, Apex

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Ryan Lawrence Jackson, Mooresville

Manship School of Mass Communication

Jenna Scott Bridges, Forest City
Joseph Travis Bullard, Apex
Gabriella Leigh Jensen, Raleigh

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Matthew R Brady, Cornelius
Suzanna Atwood Wright, Huntersville

University College Center for Freshman Year

Diana Moon Alfaro, Holly Springs
Madalynne Mae Coen, Highlands
Madisyn N Ellis, Mooresville
Chase Alexander Garbert, Charlotte
Jorge Bello Gonzalez, Charlotte
Gianna Sue Holden, Wilmington
Lacey Michelle Holland, Garner
Carter Jacob Johns, Chapel Hill
Zachary Davis Kohn, Raleigh
Leigh Ann Elise Lutgring, Charlotte
Logan Alon Melton, Raleigh
Jackson Kyle Pressley, Gastonia
Cayla Elizabeth Roche, Sanford
Icyss Sargeant, Fayetteville
Madison Wood Smith, Rutherfordton
Abigail Hope Trammel, Raleigh
Isabel Eve Uzzell, Clayton


College of Engineering

Corey Franklin Berner, Canal Winchester

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Jorja Hlifka, Chardon

College of Science

Sebastian Antonio de Gracia, Delaware
Logan Bennett Singh Bhatia, Columbus
Christopher Michael Simoni, Findlay

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Maggie Jo Carrier, Canfield
Nolan Ryan Neville, Cleves

University College Center for Freshman Year

Alyssa Jordan Carney, Cincinnati
Joshua Ronan Champagne, Dayton
Natalie Desiree Dace, West Chester
Erin Elizabeth Delahunty, Brecksville
Connor Michael Lee, Shaker Heights
Caroline Brooke Pepiton, Cincinnati


College of Agriculture

Brianna Shea Mathews, Broken Arrow

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Skylar Davis, Oklahoma City

University College Center for Freshman Year

Sadie D Gawey, Tulsa
Jaila Marie Smith, Tulsa


College of Engineering

Spencer William Adrian, Portland

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Bryanna L Dicey, Corvallis


College of Agriculture

Olivia P Bednez English, Warren
Mark Ryan Piskorski, II, Fleetwood

College of Art and Design

Jacy Muldoon, Dallas
Emma G Royal, Gibsonia

College of Human Sciences & Education

Silas Thomas Smith, Doylestown

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Olivia Amorando, Morrisville
Sofia Joan Bertuola, Wayne
Brooke Alexa Felgoise, Lafayette Hill
Alexandria Michelle Palumbi, Harrison City
Melanie R Sellers, Fleetwood

College of Science

Noah P Leach, Middletown
Gianna Angelina Preising, Garnet Valley

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Michael Thomas Duska, Erie

Manship School of Mass Communication

Tyler Harden, Wyoming
Amber Elizabeth Hopp, Reading
Hunter Odias, Feasterville Trevose
Madeline Waltman, Wayne

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

John Ernest Huber, Reading
Avery Olivia Matherne, Duncansville
Jarred Andrew Seifert, Bath

University College Center for Freshman Year

Fiona Lucia Burke, Collegeville
Lauren Lexi Lily Butler, Stroudsburg
Madison Grace Byrne, Newtown
Edward Matthew Danneker, II, Williamsport
Esther Darwon, West Chester
Dylan Grace Flannery, Glenside
Makenna Christine Galanaugh, Glenolden
Evan Christian Holladay, Pottstown
Isaiah Kirkland, Darby
Jacqueline Rose Pinto, Scranton
Isaiah Rapalo, Long Pond
Tyler James Stevens, Lititz

Puerto Rico

University College Center for Freshman Year

Ana Carolina Paul Torres, Humacao

Rhode Island

University College Center for Freshman Year

Jack Proctor, Cumberland

South Carolina

College of Agriculture

Peyton Newell, Johnsonville

College of Engineering

Anne Elizabeth Lobitz, Columbia

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Bridget Kathryn Oneil, Mount Pleasant
Riana Shelley, Columbia

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Fernando Mario Delgado, Simpsonville

College of Science

Samuel Johnson Elliott, Charleston

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Margaret Boyd Cubitt, Spartanburg
Stephanie Jean Greaber, Greenville

Manship School of Mass Communication

Carson Elyse Chapman, Greer
Chandler McIntosh, Columbia

University College Center for Freshman Year

Amber Renee Brown, Lugoff
Keelen Macole Cooper Brooks, Columbia
Emmye Rives Crawford, Charleston
Carson Edward Huffman, Bluffton
Brooke Elise Lewis, Greer


College of the Coast & Environment

Mia Grace Fraser, Brentwood

College of Agriculture

Chloe Katherine Denman, Memphis
Jackson Clark McCain, Chattanooga
Gabrielle Elena Walker, Brentwood

College of Art and Design

Riley Patrick McNamara, Brentwood
Samantha A Wallace, Clarksville

College of Engineering

Davis Edward Bove, Franklin
Tristan Blake Bowen, Bell Buckle
Eva Ruth Counts, Maryville
Robert Kenneth Ward, Memphis

College of Human Sciences & Education

Mary Malone Adcock, Dyersburg
Caroline Ammons, Collierville
Mary E Logiudice, Nolensville
Blake Benjamin Money, Spring Hill
Marcel Eugene Wilder, Knoxville
Jacob T Wong, Arlington

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Kennedy Madison Dorr, Collierville
Melanie Clare Jordan, Germantown
Jacob Matt, Nashville
Ayva Rose, Collierville
Ruth J Smith, Germantown

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Joseph A Wilder, Knoxville

College of Science

Jackson Thomas Ferber, Arlington
Darryl Wayne Higgins, Memphis
Noah Stewart, Collierville

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Canyon Burton, Germantown
Evan Thomas Fornea, Knoxville
Casey Ryan Harless, Memphis

Manship School of Mass Communication

Hannah Elizabeth Blackwell, Memphis
Katherine Rose Melancon, Collierville
Morgan Parker Money, Spring Hill
Mikayla Ann Oleksyk, Brentwood

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Zoe Jane Kirstein, Germantown
Tyler Jemane Luster, Guys
Walter John Sieggreen, Germantown

University College Center for Freshman Year

Jane Wallace Chancellor, Memphis
Marie Therese Daigre, Germantown
Marvin C Glenn, III, Cordova
Aaliyah Kelly, Memphis
Ada Marie LaRose, Oak Ridge
Giorgianna Grace Scola, Germantown
Haley M Scott, Knoxville
Aida Isabel Serafin, Knoxville
Campbell Lillian Shaw, Collierville
Chadwick Allen Simpson, II, Knoxville
Campbell Elizabeth Smith, Germantown
Dorothy Madolyn Smith, Germantown
Davis M Tachek, Nashville
Jordan Leigh Walters, Eads


College of the Coast & Environment

Caleb Cavness, Austin
Morgan Ivy Cole, Princeton
Ariel Mata, San Antonio

College of Agriculture

Alexandra Grace Dismore, Austin
Tanner Bryan Flores, Dickinson
Carly Alexis Greig, Plano
Grace Katherine Harden, Houston
Katherine Haver, Galveston
Olivia Michelle Hays, Colleyville
Kellen Janda, Cedar Park
Chloe Caroline Johnson, Dallas
Samantha Maris Lao, Katy
Marina Nicole Mewborn, League City
Zaneta Erinayo Ogunmola, Southlake
Kelvin Catrell Pickett, Jr, Cypress
Katelyn Klarer Powell, Houston
Rachel Winn Reglin, Princeton
Katherine L Reyes, Friendswood
Shelby Lynn Spoor, Coppell
Allie Tureau, Katy
Lauren Elyse Vogel, Humble
Evyn Grace Yasinski, Pearland

College of Art and Design

Cristina Isabel Arguelles, Houston
Liliana Sophia Cantu, Houston
Ellie Lucinda Clark, Houston
Skylar Conley, Grand Prairie
Anna E Cooper, Tyler
Abigail K Davis, Magnolia
Reese T Dees, Magnolia
Jabril A Douglas, Corsicana
Chloe L Eick, Humble
Krystal A Figueroa, Katy
Jordan Jamil Glass, San Antonio
Madeline Elyce Guidroz, Beaumont
Arielle Elisabeth Harris, Denton
Patrick Kindred, Grand Prairie
Kara Nicole Kirby, Spring
Caroline G LaVern, Houston
Ty Sade Mason, Humble
Anne Elizabeth McConn, Houston
Fernando Mendez, Dallas
Gabrielle Annemarie Meyers, Keller
Rachel Eileen Reed, Bellaire
Emma R Theodore, Dallas
Sophia Juliette Vinasco, Little Elm
Declan David Wilkerson, Frisco
Camille Williams, Pearland

College of Engineering

Geoffrey J Aji, Sugar Land
Andrew Michael Alexander, Missouri City
Nicholas Elliott Bair, Grand Prairie
Lillian Beck, Austin
Jill Elizabeth Bohnet, Spring
Lauren Glenna Bristol, Plano
Christian David Carrion, Houston
Jacob Carter, Spring
Daniel L Coco, Houston
Jack Wayne Wagner Cooksey, Austin
Grant Nathaniel Crawford, Pearland
Collin Matthew Dusek, Dallas
Jayme Simone Eaton, Spring
Emmanuel Uchenna Ejim, Stafford
Austin T Evartt, Bedford
Frankie E Farragut, Spring
Sean Michael Gremillion, Houston
Christian Demil Hester, Katy
Erich Christopher Krueger, Houston
Lauren Michelle Matus, Houston
Hobbs Emerson McAllister, Austin
Michael Staton Morris, Merit
Elena Nikolaychuk, Livingston
Joshua Jason Pack, Katy
Erica Ann Pokorny, Spring
Jodie Robinson, Pflugerville
Chase Broderick Sims, Plano
Emily Elizabeth Steinhagen, Beaumont
Grace Bowen Valerius, Houston
Kara Lou Wilson, Houston
Matthew George Yuja, Humble

College of Human Sciences & Education

Sydney Elanie Anderson, Texarkana
Savannah C Brewster, Katy
Ty R Culp, Temple
Emmalee Drickamer, Spring
Lily Kathryn Fabrega, Houston
Stephanie Marie Fairbairn, Houston
Austin Fletcher, The Woodlands
Cooper Edwards Hewgley, The Woodlands
Isabella M Higgins, Temple
Samantha Grace Hudson, Spicewood
Travis Landry Jasper, Richardson
Kaitlin Jinkins, Huntington
Tyler Mae Kuykendall, San Antonio
Elizabeth DeAnne Lamb, Richmond
Hannah Ngoc Le, Cypress
Luke T Lewis, Grand Prairie
Nya Lumar, Houston
Haley Renee Miller, Tomball
Kenyon Morgan, Friendswood
Cameron Christopher Paolillo, Chandler
Austin Pelias, Frisco
Mele' S Peyton, Grand Prairie
Renley McKenna Poche, Humble
Zachary James Poen, Dallas
Cade O Prier, Greenville
Hector I Ramirez, Marion
Jackson Ritchie, New Braunfels
Hunter M Roach, Roanoke
Devin Lamar Smith, Houston
Mary Helen Traynor, Fort Worth
Avery J Valdez, Garland
Amelia Vidrine, Cedar Park
John Alexander Villarreal, Austin
Ashton E Waguespack, Spring
Jacqueline Grace Wood, Mesquite

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Mya Gabrielle Abmas, Rockwall
Isabella C Adams, Prosper
Rilley R Arreola, Corpus Christi
Mallory P Avila, Houston
Bryce Bailey, Spring
Sabra Belott, Granbury
Kylie Brynn Bennett, Cypress
Emily Dalziel Bergeron, Dripping Springs
Hailey Grace Bridges, Lumberton
Tatum Danielle Carver-Dews, Whitehouse
Charles Ross Cole, Richardson
Elizabeth Lauren Duhon, Rockwall
Hannah Clare Elliott, Bellaire
Carrington Grace Flemming, Houston
Lilian A Gonzalez, Houston
Hannah Gopin, El Paso
Kylie Michelle Gross, Orange
Lindy Elizabeth Haas, Houston
Ryan Payne Halbert, Fort Worth
Nicolas Xavian Hodson, Missouri City
Olivia Marie Holmes, Dallas
Jackson Ray Jobes, Sugar Land
Emma RabC Johnson, San Antonio
Felicity Kelly, Paige
Amaal Abed El Monaim Khalil, Plano
Alexia M Kimble, Grand Prairie
Chloe Rebecca Klitus, Porter
Rehm Nathanael Maham, Cedar Park
Mitchell Keith Mason, Houston
Carter Houston McVean, Brenham
Tristan Charles Medina, Humble
Leilani Metcalf, Houston
McKenna R Monier, Wylie
Abbey Jo Moyar, Humble
Stephanie Elizabeth Neumann, Houston
Alexia N Nibbs, Houston
Cameron Shae Niemietz, Cedar Park
Gabriella C Ogletree, Flower Mound
Monica Irene Phillips, Katy
Maryssa Elizabeth Potlongo, Houston
Lily Meredith Ray, Plano
Natalie Grace Saenz, Sugar Land
Karissa Brianne SanMiguel, Humble
Gabriel Richard Schroeder, Austin
Abby Nichole Sherman, Katy
Megan Elizabeth Simmons, Plano
Sydney Simon, Missouri City
Alexa Smith, Katy
Arden Marie Staples, Houston
Sofia Julia Sudderth, Dallas
Devon Clare Suess, The Woodlands
Emily Rose Trollinger, San Antonio
Chloe Elizabeth Vaughn, Flint
Katherine A Walker, The Woodlands
Emma Catherine White, Cypress
Caitlyn Renee Whitley, Aubrey
Brooke Halle Widner, Midland
Kayla Gabrielle Williams, Missouri City
Lailah Noelle Williams, Mc Kinney
Meghan E Wood, Austin
Brooke Marie Wrzyszczynski, Katy

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Ryan Dale Bailey, Flower Mound
Madison Berg, Conroe
Andrew Bray, Flower Mound
Michael Lamar Byrd, II, Sugar Land
Rebecca Kay Chappell, Damon
Jaslyn C Gallien, San Antonio
Charles J Gautreaux, Flower Mound
Clark D Gomez, Pearland
Marco Armando Illari, Denton
Noah Dawson Jarrett, Hallsville
John Morris, Houston
John David Nattinger, Katy
Isabella M Perez, Tomball
Charles M Thompson, Dallas

College of Science

Daniela A Azevedo, Richmond
Reghan Barnett, Dallas
Preston R Barron, Irving
Joshua Chretien, Houston
Lane Cousens, Richardson
Nicole Hope Drachman, The Woodlands
Madeline Aleyse Finkenbinder, Austin
Raelee Jeanne Harrigan, North Richland Hills
Robert Dylan Heifner, League City
Emily Grace Hoosier, Ore City
Donovan Jandes, Cypress
Blaze M Jones, Boerne
Joanne Lynn Kaouk, Friendswood
Joseph R Lach, Houston
Meagan Elizabeth Lewis, Manvel
Morgan Ashley Mattison, Frisco
Peyton Wheeler Meares, Corpus Christi
Sarah Elizabeth Napier, San Antonio
Alexis Njoroge, Wylie
Savannah Luna Nordin, Houston
Shelby Simpson Oliveaux, Cypress
Catherine Abigail Plagens, Houston
Ria Nina Salway, Katy
Kimberly Mae Tolman, Rockwall
Dora Trotter, Aledo
Jayden P Turner, La Marque
Ariana Zerangue, Tomball

E. J. Ourso College of Business

George Elorm Adamaley-Johnson, Pearland
Jacob Michael Aldridge, Plano
William A Anguiano, Houston
William Eldon Ascher, Houston
Samuel F Benes, Gonzales
Adam R Benhayoune, Helotes
Lexie Nicole Bice, Spring
Kristyn Brewer, Tomball
Emma Elise Bruney, Nederland
Gaby Iris Caraveo, Spring
Meredith Ashton Clark, Houston
Austin McLain DeCuir, Dallas
Morgan Sierra Dillon, Mansfield
Reagan Dowdall, Allen
Dane Eastman, New Caney
Thomas Cooper Edwards, Houston
Rianna Denise Ennett, Houston
Preston Dean Gravely, Katy
Skylar A Hadley, New Braunfels
Claire Hammond, Conroe
Alexander Vaughn Hardy, Silsbee
Jordyn Marie Harryman, Southlake
Jordan Heard, Texarkana
Christopher Michael Hedge, Houston
Emma Faith Hutton, The Woodlands
Theodore Andrew Johns, Jr, Dallas
Kindall B Keel, Beaumont
Payton Kathleen Keller, Cypress
Breyton Kyle Keneker, Cypress
Ashley Lauren Laughlin, Dallas
Taylor J LeBlanc, Porter
Channing M Lilley, Dallas
Anna Kathryn Lipe, Dallas
Michael Rafael Liriano, Bastrop
Connor C Loughhead, Bellaire
Lily Elisabeth Marshall, Dallas
Rachel E McGuire, Sugar Land
George Henry Mercer, Richardson
Emily Elizabeth Metrailer, Katy
Caroline Moses, Houston
Pierce West Neskora, The Woodlands
Baominh Dai Nguyen, Houston
Katelyn K Nguyen, Pearland
Catherine Corley O'Brien, Houston
MaryKathryn ClarkWard Overton, Humble
Lauren Pallett-Snow, Carrollton
Justin William Paul, Missouri City
Scarlett Pazzi, Dallas
Evan Perez, The Woodlands
Mason Riley Pfeffer, Spring
Benjamin Thomas Pierce, Houston
Greyson H Powell, Austin
Reilly Harrison Randag, El Paso
Jonathan Beckham Rausch, Austin
Alexander Jacob Rodriguez, Conroe
Seth Alexander Rodriguez, Houston
Ethan Patrick Rogers, Dallas
Jason T Rohleder, Plano
Thomas MacDougal Sage, Houston
Ryan Austin Sanders, Frisco
Sophia Louise Schempf, Cypress
Ella Tate Schidlowski, Houston
Simon Shuler, Marshall
Alexus N Smith, Carrollton
Jackson Rolston Smith, Austin
Austin B Townsend, Rowlett
Davis B Wadle, Houston
Hannah Elizabeth Weber, Spring
Bradon Wilkes, Pittsburg
Marguerite York, Houston

Manship School of Mass Communication

Emily Grace Abbott, Burleson
Ashlyn Anderson, Spring
Madison Renee Batsel, Keller
Lauren G Biar, Houston
Jenna Corinne Christoffel, Sugar Land
Juliann Nicol Cloud, Kilgore
Abigail Cheney Giddens, Boerne
Mckenzie Claire Hervey, San Antonio
Lindsay Alexa Jacobs, Missouri City
Jamille Rose Johnson, Plano
Madeline McCormack Knower, Spring
Eddie R Lewis, Houston
Meritt Mahoney, The Woodlands
Nicole Marino, Houston
Chloe Lynn Martin, League City
Meghan E McColpin, Katy
Reagan Mark Moreno, Canyon Lake
Erin Elizabeth Muehsler, Spring
Katherine True Parke, The Woodlands
Avery Diane Rome, Austin
Zachary W Sumrall, Houston
Emma Katherine Trigg, Bedford
Morgan Grace Vandervoort, Houston
Delaney N Waid, Katy

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Robert Ryan Archambeault, Dripping Springs
Carolyn Frances Blake, Houston
Austin Michael Bourgeois, Georgetown
Kaytlin Matie Burr, Austin
Madison Cannon, Missouri City
Ellie Kate Echter, Fulshear
Lindsey Grace Faust, Denison
Tayler A Fenton, Montgomery
Jacob Michael Fiegel, Houston
Brisa Nicole Gawlikowski, Houston
Hayden Stokes Grigsby, Tyler
Kiley Elizabeth Johnson, Frisco
Roy Lozano, Coldspring
Avery K Malone, Carthage
Mckenzie Noelle Marsales, Austin
Mya Miles, Arlington
Pierce Christian Morcos, Montgomery
Carsen Elise Morgan, San Antonio
Sierra Mullen, Lake Dallas
Michael Lake Needleman, Dallas
Nikole T Nguyen, Spring
Eryn M O'Banion, Fort Worth
Frank A Perez Ortega, Spring
Nicholas Michael Rhodes, Brookshire
Jacqueline Saba, Dallas
Jardyn E Washington, Sugar Land
Brock Carson Wood, Humble

University College Center for Freshman Year

Lilly Ashfield Adamoli, Katy
Andrew Alexander, Fort Worth
Madison K Alexander, Sugar Land
Isabella Anaya, Humble
Trinity Lorraine Ardoin, Beaumont
Kayra M Armstrong, Fresno
Madeline Piper Arnold, College Station
Carolyn Baker, Dallas
Mac A Baker, Floresville
Devyn Baldwin, Beaumont
Courtney E Barrett, Spring
Jessica Rosalyn Barrow, Tomball
Christian B Basquine, Cypress
Rylan Bear, Pinehurst
Molly Elizabeth Beeckman, Houston
Elena Marie Belesimo, Friendswood
Maya D Benavides, Channelview
Jordan Thomas Berger, Houston
Chloe Noel Berry, Prosper
Chaise Yael Bessard, Dallas
Anna Kay Bohannon, Aledo
Ryan Anthony Boothe, Sugar Land
Madelyn Grace Boudreaux, Lufkin
Marissa Grace Boyer, Austin
Julia Isabella Bozic, Houston
Cyrus Allen Bronson, Port Neches
Kai K Brown, New Braunfels
Elliot Bailey Bryan, Cypress
Quinn Jefferies Buchanan, College Station
Javon Darques Buckley, Cypress
Kylee B Burns, Spring
Bailey Burton, Longview
Natalie Anne Burton, Katy
John Alexander Butler, Houston
Mackenzie G Caraway, Kerrville
Alexis B Carlisle, Lake Jackson
Morgan Elizabeth Carter, Spring
Everett Douglas Catron, Dallas
Wesley Richard Charity, Houston
Morgan Elizabeth Charles, Grand Prairie
Hannah Cherry, Houston
Danielle S Coleman, Dallas
Anisah J Collazo, The Colony
Reece Comeaux, Manvel
Amaria Andre'a Cook, Prosper
Corbin James Crocker, Houston
Deyhana Raye Cross, Houston
Kennedy E Crouse, Cypress
Jermaine Daloyoc, Cypress
Amia Davionne Davis, Mesquite
Milford Harper Davis, Tyler
Aryanna Decruise, Mansfield
Alfonso Andres Deshon, Richmond
Chloe Louise Ditges, Humble
Andrew Vietanh Doan, Houston
Kennedi Nichelle Doublet, Fort Worth
Anaya J Dozier, Houston
Osatohame Ekhaese, Houston
Shirley Fasi Emendack, Lubbock
Benjamin Farren, Beaumont
Leighann R Ferguson, Richmond
Julia Reese Fletcher, Tomball
Lyndsay Brooke Ford, Canyon Lake
Ava M Francis, Missouri City
Andrew Glen Garon, League City
Arushi Ghildiyal, Coppell
Lia Nicole Giacalone, Pearland
Jack Christopher Gunther, Houston
Olivia G Guthrie, Pearland
Alexandria Emani Guzman, Cedar Hill
Dylan Thomas Hadley, Cleveland
Madeline Haver, Galveston
Amelia Elizabeth Mary Hayde, Fort Worth
Griffin Garner Herring, Southlake
Talayeh Alanna Higgs, Fort Worth
Kaitlyn Quynh Tram Hoang, Carrollton
Julie Anne Hodges, Pflugerville
Sydney Gale Holdman, Katy
Thomas Charles Hook, III, Southlake
Taylor Howard, Cypress
Mason Riley Huckabee, Humble
Adrianne A Hughes, Rockwall
Admiral Jackson, Duncanville
Amanda Claire Janecek, Houston
Rachel Eileen Jensen, Austin
Catherine Michelle Jewell, Pearland
Delaney Rose Jones, Seguin
Kadyn Camille Jones, Uvalde
Kylie Nicole Jones, Houston
LaZavia Marie Joseph, Houston
Reagan Karczewski, Nacogdoches
Bharat Kasturi, Van Alstyne
Reece DePrang Klein, El Paso
Emma Lyn Kuhn, Prosper
Gabriella Ann La Perna, Houston
Grace Joanna Lamont, Dallas
Juliette Marie Langlinais, Dallas
Katherine Grace Lee, Willis
Lillian Leman, Crosby
Katherine Frances Lichtman, Houston
Isabelle Louis, Houston
Avery Nicole Maddox, League City
Corin Ataya Martinez, League City
Grace L Martinsen, Cypress
Alana Kaitlynn May, Conroe
Lorin Alon McClay, Richmond
Paige McDonald, Spring
Kaitlyn Rebecca McKeegan, Magnolia
Margaret Denise McNally, Baytown
Lauren Avery McWhite, Cypress
Anna Grace Mermis, Austin
Kambri Nicole Mihatsch, La Grange
Ally Noel Miller, Tomball
Elizabeth Faith Allison Miller, Coppell
Nicholas Michael Moffett, Beaumont
Skyler Mukes, Houston
Gabrielle Nicole Murray, Houston
Jacob Truman Murray, Missouri City
Emily Grace Naivar, Richmond
Hannah Necaise, Savannah
Mia Jude Nobile, Conroe
Walker Macdaniel Noble, San Antonio
Benjamin Oglesbee, Magnolia
Ariyonna E Palmer, El Paso
Elizabeth Papp, Houston
Marcela Alejandra Pedron, Plano
Harold Joseph Perkins, Jr, Cypress
Madelyn Michelle Perkins, Plano
Berkley Ponce, Allen
Hannah Gabrielle Purvis, Missouri City
Peyton Layne Pusateri, New Braunfels
Gemma Catherine Rabo, Houston
Mehek Randhawa, Frisco
Luke Christopher Ray, Plano
Ayden Nicholas Rector, Katy
Shelby Redlin, Plano
Ainsley Wallis Reed, Spring
Isabella M Reyes, Austin
Isaiah N Reyes, Houston
Grace Elizabeth Rigamonti, Houston
Emily A Rivera, Richardson
Natalie Ro, Dallas
Alexis Elizabeth Roberson-Higareda, Missouri City
Sutton Grace Rockman, Dallas
Paola Emilia Rodriguez Duenas, Fulshear
Abigail Ann Roscoe, Cypress
Katherine E Roth, Katy
Cassidy Della Ruda, Montgomery
Shakeila S Samuels, Houston
Rebeca Nicole Schulz, Southlake
Ja'Miya Seaton, Houston
Andrew James Sincovec, Dallas
Ariel Louise Smith, Texarkana
Mattilyn Elizabeth Smith, Fulshear
Robert Steven Smith, Allen
Saylor Baber Smith, Irving
Ethan Snead, Dallas
Donovan Lanier Snell, Houston
John William Snell, Leander
Trey E Snowberger, Austin
Samantha Jane Soeken, Katy
Catherine Leigh Sorrels, Plano
Madelyn Ann Soudelier, Sugar Land
Jasmyn Marie Sowell, Richmond
James Tegan Spencer, Houston
Jack T Stone, Humble
Mark Stubbs, Southlake
Corin M Sullivan, Argyle
Iesha I Taylor, Manvel
Courtnie Reshaun Thompson, Austin
Nora Siobhan Thompson, Sugar Land
Isaac Lynn Thrower, Cypress
Taylor Janette Todd, Rosenberg
Emma Grace Torres, Richmond
Kendal G Trevino, Cuero
Markee Trosclair, Jr, Princeton
Kolton Joseph Truitt, Pearland
Clare Catherine Uberecken, Katy
Mariana Aries Vela, Cypress
Reese Dunbar Voelkel, Sugar Land
Sydney K Wade, Magnolia
Natalie P Wagaman, Spring
Luke K Ward, Humble
Ireland S Weisman, Euless
Emery Michelle Wilkerson, Frisco
Annabelle Claire Williams, Cypress
Brooklyn Jenee' Williams, Dallas
Aidan Scott Wilson, Georgetown
Bryce Nicole Wilson, Pearland
Rodrick Joshua Wilson, Grand Prairie
Carter Womble, Spring
Briana Marie Zamora, League City


University College Center for Freshman Year

Michael Regan Paul, Millcreek


College of Science

Allison Louise Everett, Barre

University College Center for Freshman Year

Mason Joseph Cox, Dorset


College of the Coast & Environment

Shayla Marie McSally, Fredericksburg

College of Agriculture

Carly M Carpenter, Mount Crawford
Charlotte Louise Cottrell, Great Falls
Jackson Edward Martingayle, Virginia Beach

College of Engineering

Julie Ann Armand, Leesburg
Noah Paul Roussel, Manassas
Ethan Minh-Tuan Thai-Nguyen, Fredericksburg

College of Human Sciences & Education

Abigail Rachel Cardea, Midlothian
Joseph C Gardner, Clifton
Alexander Michael Kuoni, South Riding
Campbell Kelly Lucas, Ashburn
Nyave Willis-Rodriguez, Roanoke

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Grace Ballard, Alexandria
Carter Harrison Boggs, Clifton
Elise Davis, Stanardsville
Connie Victor Herbin, IV, Woodbridge
Samuel Lee Little, Ashburn
Makenna Shereen Luba, Leesburg

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Simone Desirae Jackson, Stafford
Trisha A Thatai, Sterling

College of Science

Jack Arthur Fagnan, Falls Church

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Hundley Elizabeth Burger, Lynchburg
Morgan Elizabeth Hershey, Alexandria
Grace Hayley Wood, Fairfax
Natalie Rose Youngblood, Winchester

Manship School of Mass Communication

Lauren Rachael Murphy, Chesterfield
Anna Katherine Segar, Alexandria

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Sora K Glover, Fredericksburg
Julia Anne Smolsky, Leesburg

University College Center for Freshman Year

Ryleigh J Acheson, Chesapeake
Annmarie G Bedard, Springfield
Emily Grace Bellflower, Fairfax
Kaitlin Taia Borden, Sterling
Caldwell Erdman Boyles, Charlottesville
Rory Elizabeth Josette Dries, Winchester
Simon Stone Edwards, Norfolk
Johnathan Dion English, Fort Belvoir
Frankie D'veigh McArthur, Chesapeake
Marissa Fox Morris, Norfolk
Erin Kathleen O'Grady, Charlottesville
Samuel F Pories, Culpeper
Meadow Rhea Swanson, Sterling
Skylar G Whiddon, Virginia Beach
Amauri Tanay Williams, Richmond
Jada Yeboah, Fredericksburg


College of Human Sciences & Education

Hannah Elizabeth Carroll, Gig Harbor
Wasila Diwura-Soale, Ellensburg

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Isabella Giavanna Carsello, Bothell
Eli John Connor, Issaquah
Jaden Raine Humbyrd, Issaquah
Caleb E Myott, Washougal

Manship School of Mass Communication

Isabella Marie Angelos, Seattle

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Julia Kate Stander, Seattle

University College Center for Freshman Year

Kyle Daniel Bowen, Enumclaw
Jackson Camp, Sammamish
Isabella Monyaine Kanelopoulos, Yakima

West Virginia

College of Art & Design

Venecia Haeyoung Lee, Charles Town


College of Human Sciences & Education

Jack R Rilling, Mc Farland

Manship School of Mass Communication

Chloe Gehman, West Bend

University College Center for Freshman Year

Samantha Boyd, Muskego
Karla Nayely Chavez, Fond Du Lac
Cooper King, Oregon
Oliver James Kraklow, Waukesha
Laila Phillips, Milwaukee


College of Human Sciences & Education

Warren Thomas Zugbaum, Cody


University College Center for Freshman Year

Corban Goerke


University College Center for Freshman Year

Maria Gabriela Pineda


University College Center for Advising & Counseling

NIa Jiliane Belle


University College Center for Freshman Year

Paulina Torres


College of Engineering

Rishi Sanjaykumar Jayswal


College of Agriculture

Lorena Itzel Rangel Batres


E. J. Ourso College of Business

Oeyvind Junge


University College Center for Freshman Year

Michal Dariusz Daszkiewicz


University College Center for Freshman Year

Danyil Haidai

United Kingdom

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Bryanna Imani Bondzie
Georgina Frances Elston
Michaela Louise Lake

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Christopher James Woollam

United States

College of Art & Design

May I Laugier
Emily Jia Zhai

College of Human Sciences & Education

Luis Javier Lopez

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Connor William Caillouet

University College Center for Advising & Counseling

Gabriel Lear

University College Center for Freshman Year

Jose Ramon Lobo, III


University College Center for Freshman Year

Maria Valentina Anzola


University College Center for Freshman Year

Kee-Vonne Hunda