Upward Bound part-time instructor positions include Math (all levels), Science (Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy and Physiology), ELA (Writing and Literature), Latin, Computer Science, Life Skills and SAT/MCAS Test Prep. Instructors is responsible for teaching [x–x] sections of a course during the six-week summer program. Classes are taught in person at LSU.
Educational Requirements: Minimum Bachelor’s degree (Master’s preferred) in education, and/or related field with certification and/or teaching experience in appropriate content area.
Required Experience: Minimum one year teaching experience. Ideal applicants have excellent interpersonal skills, understand the needs of potential first-generation-to college youth and can deploy innovative ideas and approaches without compromising course content. Experience with virtual and online learning is a plus.
Compensation: [$ ] per instructional hour
Send cover letter and resume to [email].
Priority deadline is [date] of each year. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until positions are filled.