RHPeeleR. Hampton Peele

Research Associate 4
Email: hampton@lsu.edu
Telephone: 225-578-3455  

Hampton Peele received bachelor’s degrees from LSU in both Anthropology and in Geography, and joined the LGS in 1991. Peele also received an M.N.S. in Geography from LSU in 2000. Peele conducts research involving pipeline mapping in the coastal zone and GIS enhancement of surface geologic mapping projects. His areas of expertise include remote sensing, spatial analysis, GIS technology, digital image processing, and the compilation and development of geo-spatial databases utilizing raster and vector GIS.


Select Publications/GIS Data Compilation:


Green Gables Geologic Quadrangle Map, 2004, scale 1:24,000. U.S. Geological Survey StateMap Award No. 03HQAG0088.

Libuse Geologic Quadrangle Map, 2004, scale 1:24,000. U.S. Geological Survey StateMap Award No. 03HQAG0088.

Rapides Geologic Quadrangle Map, 2004, scale 1:24,000. U.S. Geological Survey StateMap Award No. 03HQAG0088.

Rock Hill Geologic Quadrangle Map, 2004, scale 1:24,000. U.S. Geological Survey StateMap Award No. 03HQAG0088.

Tanqua Karoo, South Africa Non-Tilted, Permian, Fine-Grained Submarine Fans: A. H. Bouma, S. A. Binselam, R. H. Peele, et. al., 2004, Maps 1:50,000 and Measured Sections. GIS on CD. Dept. of Geology and Geophysics and Louisiana Geological Survey, Louisiana State University.

Development of Web-based GIS for Enhancing Multidisciplinary Study of Public Health Impacts of Hurricanes: Feng, Weiwen, R.H. Peele, S.A. Binselam, 2003, Association of American Geographers Annual Conference Proceedings (abstract), New Orleans, March 3-8.

Ponchatoula Geologic Quadrangle. 2003, scale 1:100,000. U.S. Geological Survey StateMap Award No. 1434-HQ-96-AG-01490.

Ball Geologic Quadrangle Map, 2003, scale 1:24,000. U.S. Geological Survey StateMap Award No. 02HQAG0035.

Bush Geologic Quadrangle Map, 2003, scale 1:24,000. U.S. Geological Survey StateMap Award No. 02HQAG0035.

Industrial Geologic Quadrangle Map, 2003, scale 1:24,000. U.S. Geological Survey StateMap Award No. 02HQAG0035.