LSU CES Events

Upcoming Events


Energy Fundamentals




July 8-12 & 15-19

A two-week short course on energy and energy markets for early career professionals, professionals transitioning into energy, or those seeking advancement within their career paths in industry or government.

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Decarbonizing Louisiana's Economy

Challenges and Opportunities

The LSU Center for Energy Studies will host several workshops titled “Decarbonizing Louisiana's Economy: Challenges and Opportunities,” which will address questions regarding decarbonization investments taking place in the state, including carbon capture, utilization, and storage; renewable energy projects such as wind and solar; and hydrogen production.

The workshops, to be held on the LSU campus in Baton Rouge, are intended for locally elected officials from parishes impacted by one or more of these decarbonization projects. 

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U.S. Association for Energy Economics 41st Annual North American Conference

The LSU Center for Energy Studies will co-host this annual event at the LSU Student Union November 3-6, 2024.

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