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Financial Assistance
Some department graduate teaching assistantships are available in the IE Department. Questions concerning these assistantships may be directed to the IE Program Director. Only student's pursuing the thesis option are considered for these assistantships. Assistantships are granted on a competitive basis; the major decision criteria are GPA, GRE score, and progress toward completion of the degree. Students interested in being considered for assistantships should submit a request for TA (see form below) to the IE Program Director. Students should also be aware that the ability to communicate is a primary factor considered in the awarding of teaching assistantships along with course content knowledge. PhD students are given precedent.
Individual IE faculty also have research projects that may provide graduate assistantships; individual faculty should be contacted about these opportunities. In addition, the IE Graduate Faculty may nominate outstanding new applicants for an assistantship enhancement through the Graduate School Scholars Program. These enhancements provide a stipend in addition to the departmental graduate assistantship. Each Masters student who receives financial assistance from the department will have a maximum of four regular semesters of departmental financial support. Students are encouraged to choose a topic and a thesis advisor during the first semester of enrollment. Beyond the first semester, continuation of their assistantship will depend upon completion of a degree plan, and a statement from their advisor that they are progressing satisfactorily toward completion of their degree (normally completed in a maximum of two years). Students who are on academic probation and applicants admitted on probation are not eligible for appointment to graduate assistantships.