Fierce News Feed

If your unit is not currently utilizing a News Feed, please contact the ITS Web Admin Team or the Communications and University Relations Web Team.

Create a new News Article

  1. Log into Omni
  2. Navigate to your news section
  3. Select the year (and month if you choose to break your news out by month) you’d like the release to reside in
  4. Click the “New” button in the top right corner
  5. Select “New News Article”
  6. Page Title: Preferred naming format is Page Title | LSU Unit Name. Page titles are required for accessibility.
  7. Description: Add a summary of the news article topic
  8. Image Title: A brief title of the image you want to associate with the news article
  9. Image: Paste the full URL to the image you want to associate with the news article
  10. Image Description: This is the Alt Text for the image. Provide a description specifically for the image for those unable to view it.
  11. Filename: The filename for the news article should only contain lowercase letters or dashes
  12. Click the “Create” button
  13. Click "Edit Main Content" and add the content of your news article
  14. To add a Call to Action Button:
    1. Click on the "Properties" tab
    2. Click on the "MultiEdit Content" tab on the left
    3. Add the link titles and URLs for any Call to Action buttons
  15. To add Contact information
    1. Click on the "Properties" tab
    2. Click on the "MultiEdit Content" tab on the left
    3. Check the "Display" checkbox
    4. Add contact information for up to three contacts
  16. Save
  17. Submit/Publish

Create a Redirect

  1. Log into Omni
  2. Navigate to your news section
  3. Select the year (and month if you choose to break your news out by month) you’d like the release to reside in
  4. Click the “New” button in the top right corner
  5. Click the "New Redirect" option
  6. Add URL for the redirect
  7. Add the filename using only lowercase letters or dashes
  8. Click "Create"
  9. Submit/Publish

Example Feed Embed Components

Card Display

LSU researchers have been awarded a $1.5 million Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems, or POSE, grant from the National Science Foundation to advance the ecosystem surrounding HPX, a software library developed at LSU.

As the nation gears up for one of the most pivotal elections in recent history, the LSU Reilly Center for Media & Public Affairs at the Manship School of Mass Communication will prepare students and citizens to cast an informed vote with its upcoming event, “The 2024 Presidential Election: How to Analyze It like a Pro."

LSU and Integer’s collaboration will leverage modeling techniques to create representations of critical systems onboard naval platforms.