LSU Physicists Topical Review Paper Among Most Influential Papers Published by Journal of Physics
November 7, 2016
In connection with the 50th anniversary of the Journal of Physics, the journal is
publishing a collection of 50 Viewpoints, looking back at the some of the most influential
papers they have published. Ten of these articles are from the Atomic, Molecular and
Optical Physics, AMO, portion of the journal, J. Physics B.
LSU Department of Physics & Astronomy professors Mette Gaarde and Kenneth Schafer’s publication “Macroscopic aspects of attosecond pulse generation” was one of the most influential papers selected.
“We are honored to have our 2008 Topical Review selected as one of these ten papers,” said Gaarde.
“Our 2008 review paper was written when attosecond science was still a relatively
new field. The paper describes the essential physics behind attosecond pulse generation, which is a fascinating mix of strong field physics and non-linear optics.
Our work emphasized the interplay of microscopic laser-atom interactions and macroscopic
phase matching factors, because these are the elements that provide the spectral,
spatial and temporal filtering that attosecond pulse production demands. In this Viewpoint,
we discuss our work in the context of how attosecond science has evolved in the past
couple of decades.”
Click the link read the Viewpoint:
The collection of viewpoints, mostly written by authors of the original articles, highlights the impact and influence of these outstanding papers.
You can read about the Viewpoint collection here:
Mimi LaValle
LSU Department of Physics & Astronomy
More news and information can be found on LSU Physics & Astronomy website,