104(b) Annual Base Grant Program

The Annual Base Grant Program is issued under the provisions of section 104 of the Water Resources Research Act of 1984. Subject to the availability of appropriated funds, funds will be available to LWRRI in each fiscal year to assist it in carrying out the purposes of the Water Resources Research Act.

For information on proposal requirements, research priorities, funding eligibility and requirements, and the proposal review, selection, and award process, please refer to the complete RFP*.

Program Objectives

Section 104(b) of the Water Resources Research Act of 1984 requires the LWRRI to:

  1. plan, conduct, or otherwise arrange for competent applied and peer reviewed research that fosters –
    1. improvements in water supply reliability;
    2. the exploration of new ideas that –
      1. address water problems; or
      2. expand understanding of water and water-related phenomena;
    3. the entry of new research scientists, engineers, and technicians into water resources fields; and
    4. the dissemination of research results to water managers and the public.
  2. cooperate closely with other colleges and universities in the State that have demonstrated capabilities for research, information dissemination, and graduate training in order to develop a statewide program designed to resolve State and regional water and related land problems. Each institute shall also cooperate closely with other institutes and other organizations in the region to increase the effectiveness of the institutes and for the purpose of promoting regional coordination.

Proposals submitted under the annual base grant program are to be in furtherance of these objectives and promote the national mission and objectives of the USGS which are focused on providing water quality and quantity information, understanding water availability, addressing the influence of climate on water resources, and responding to water-related emerging needs.




The LWRRI RFP for FY2019 Annual Base Grant deadline is December 14, 2018, 5:00 PM.

RFP for FY2019 Annual Base Grant

The FY2018 Water Resources Research National Competitive Grant Deadline for Preproposal is February 15, 2018, 5:00 PM US/Eastern. You are encouraged to discuss with the LWRRI Director if you plan to submit a preproposal.