LSU offers many scholarship opportunities. Click here for general LSU scholarship information. In addition, the LSU College of Humanities
& Social Sciences awards many scholarships to its students each year. These one-year
awards range in value from $500 to $1,000. Descriptions of the scholarships for entering
freshmen appear below. Information from the LSU application for admission will be
used in selecting students for these scholarships. Students can supply further information
by logging on to their PAWS account, clicking on Financial Services, and then clicking
on, filling out, and submitting the Scholarship Application form found there.
- Applicants must be entering freshman students intending to pursue a major in the College
of Humanities & Social Sciences, and must enroll full-time for both the fall and spring
semesters of the next academic year.
- The recipients must have at least a 3.4 GPA, both overall and in the LSU system, unless
otherwise indicated.
Judging Criteria
- Scholastic achievement
- Evidence of financial need
Award Notification Timeline
- Incoming freshman will be notified of scholarship awards in early summer.
College of Humanities & Social Sciences Scholarships for undergraduate students 2014-2015
(number: amount):
- Robert B. Allen Scholarship for Student Travel Abroad (varies: varies) FT HSS student;
preference in Global Connections Residential College
- Humanities & Social Sciences Athletic Scholarship
HSS student; must have 3.50 GPA overall and in LSU System; can’t be a LSU athlete;
can’t have no other major LSU scholarship
- Humanities & Social Sciences Advisory Council Scholarship HSS student with financial
need; must have 3.50 GPA overall and in LSU System; LSU and community activities
- Humanities & Social Sciences Tiger Athletic Foundation Scholarship HSS student with
financial need; must have 3.50 GPA overall and in LSU System
- Brenda Bercegeay Memorial Award Incoming Freshman with 3.0 or higher high school GPA
or continuing student must have 3.5 overall and in LSU system; must be from Ascension
Parish. $400 will be paid in the fall semester, $400 in the spring semester, and
$200 for the summer
- George Warren Bofinger Endowed Scholarship HSS student with financial need; must have
3.5 GPA overall and in LSU System
- James J. Bolner, Sr. and Dudley Rochelle Carter Scholarship in Political Science HSS
junior or senior majoring in Political Science with financial need; must have 3.5
GPA overall and in the LSU System
- Thomas A. and Peggy S. Collins Scholarship Full-time incoming freshman enrolled in
HSS with financial needs; if no student in HSS than incoming freshman enrolled in
LSU; preference of Jena High School or LaSalle Parish resident; 3.0 GPA
Cheryl Colletta Fasullo Scholarship HSS student with financial need; must have 3.5
GPA overall and in LSU System; priority out-of-state student majoring in psychology
or sociology; priority be given to students interested in pursuing a teaching career
and demonstrated passion for LSU through university related activities
Elise S. and Charles E. Kaufman Endowed Scholarship HSS student with financial need;
must have 3.50 GPA overall and in LSU System
- Herbert Huey McElveen Scholarship HSS student; must have overall 3.50 GPA overall
and in LSU System
- Nora McLin and John Evans McGowan Scholarship (varies: varies) FT UG majoring in History
or Economics; minimum 3.0 GPA
- Mr. & Mrs. James S. McHugh Scholarship HSS student with financial need; must have
3.5 GPA overall and in the LSU System
- Kevin Moore Memorial Scholarship HSS sophomore student majoring in HIST or ENGL; must
have 3.5 GPA overall and in the LSU System
- Mu Sigma Rho Outstanding Upperclassman Scholarship HSS junior or senior; must be a
graduate of Louisiana high school; must have 3.5 GPA overall and in the LSU System
- Roddy L. Richard General Studies Scholarship At least 36 hours in Interdisciplinary
Studies curriculum; at least 3.00 GPA overall and in the LSU System
- Karl and Sue Roider Undergraduate Scholarship HSS student with financial; must have
3.5 GPA overall and in the LSU System
- Harvey Jay and Betty Adele Jacobs Schwartzberg Fellowship First year Graduate student
enrolled in HSS; 3.50 undergraduate GPA. 2/3 of the money goes to graduate student
and 1/3 money goes to undergraduate student in ROCT or AROCT with exceptional leadership
skills; 3.5 GPA overall and in the LSU System
- Thomas Clayton Simmons Memorial Scholarship Full-time incoming freshman enrolled in
HSS; 3.5 GPA; preference of Bossier Parish resident and participant in 4-H
- Thomas E. & Rebecca Reeves Simmons Scholarship in Memory of Thomas Clayton Simmons
Full-time incoming freshman enrolled in History; preference of Bossier Parish resident
& participant in 4-H
College of Humanities & Social Sciences Scholarships for incoming freshmen 2014-2015
(number: amount):
- Brenda Bercegeay Memorial Award (1:$1,000)
Incoming freshman intending to pursue a major in the College of Humanities & Social
Sciences; must have a 3.0 or higher GPA; must be from Ascension Parish.
- George C. and Merrit D. Betts Endowed Scholarship Nonresident of Louisiana; must be
U.S. citizen; upperclassman must have 3.5 GPA overall and in LSU System; if a freshman
must have an ACT score of at least 27 and 3.5 or higher high school GPA
- Thomas A. and Peggy S. Collins Scholarship (1:amount varies)
Full-time incoming freshman intending to pursue a major in the College of Humanities
& Social Sciences; must have a 3.0 or higher GPA; preference for Jena High School
or LaSalle Parish resident.
- T. Clayton Simmons Memorial Scholarship (1:$500)
Full-time incoming freshman intending to pursue a major in the College of Humanities
& Social Sciences; must have a 3.0 or higher GPA; preference for Bossier Parish resident
and participant in 4-H.
- Thomas E. & Rebecca Reeves Simmons Scholarship in Memory of Thomas Clayton Simmons
(number and amount varies)
Full-time incoming freshman intending to pursue a major in the College of Humanities
& Social Sciences; preference for Bossier Parish resident and participant in 4-H.