Nunes Celebrates His Last Day of Work

Fenelon Nunes, one of our most distinctive employees who spent years providing safe, lively education for students in our teaching labs, enjoyed his last day of work on Tuesday, May 30. As well-known throughout campus for his excited greeting as he was for his dedication to the department, his strong sense of commitment and integrity was unmistakable. Nunes retired with 23 years of service as a full-time employee with LSU. This service began on February 28, 2000, as he became a full-time lab coordinator for the department. In that time, Nunes assisted with the Drilling Fluids "Mud Lab" and Rock and Fluids Properties Labs, spending long hours preparing for lab experiments. Additionally, he maintained other teaching and research labs in Patrick F. Taylor, procuring items needed for the students during their educational experience. Finally, throughout the spring and summers, he spent his weeks and months scanning inventory and recording which items had been relocated to other labs.
Originally born in Brazil, Nunes moved his wife and young son to America in the early 1990s for a better life and greater opportunities. As he worked on his bachelor's in civil engineering at LSU, he gained employment as a student worker in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. After completing his bachelor's, he was hired on a part-time, temporary basis by the Craft & Hawkins Department of Petroleum Engineering on June 6, 1996. Later, he elected to continue his education and complete a bachelor's in accounting in 2003.
Nunes' greatest attributes were always his dedication and loyalty. Former department chair and college dean Zaki Bassiouni witnessed and appreciated his steadfast commitment. Once Bassiouni retired, Stephen Sears enjoyed this same devotion, especially as enrollment was predicted to grow. And subsequently, when Karsten Thompson became the chairman and more sections of labs were required, Nunes rose to the challenge and proved his dedication once again. Finally, as COVID changed the manner in which students needed to learn remotely, he was able to adapt and assist during this historical period of change.
As Nunes planned to step away from the department and return to his family, many of his friends and colleagues throughout several departments at LSU expressed interest in seeing him on his last day of work and sending him out with handshakes, smiles, and pats on the back. Friends who have known him best were happy to visit on his big day. While Nunes' official department retirement party will take place on a date still to be determined, everyone enjoyed his last day and shared vibrant smiles. This video was put together by the college's communication team and was shared at the small reception on May 30. Nunes appreciated the messages and asked that we thank the participants for their submissions.
Below are a few photos from the day. Click on the pictures to read the captions.