T. Warren Liao

Professor of Industrial Engineering
3240W Patrick F. Taylor Hall
Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Google Scholar Profile - Liao (click me)
Educational Background
- Ph.D. Industrial Engineering, Lehigh University, 1990
- M.S. Industrial Engineering, Lehigh University, 1986
- B.S. Industrial Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, 1977
Research Goal
My research goal is to produce useful results to the real world in the fields of manufacturing processes, manufacturing systems, and supply chain logistics systems.
Research Overview
My research is usually problem-driven. The problem could be:
- Understanding the science behind how a manufacturing process works,
- Getting to know why a defect occurs,
- Discovering useful information from data collected related to the system being studied,
- Determining the optimal use of limited resources,
- Making a decision under certainty, and
- Developing an intelligent system that can perform in a way deemed useful.
On manufacturing processes:
- I participated in a NASA funded research project on “friction stir welding of aluminum alloy AA2219.” In this project, our focuses include determining the operating window to produce defect-free welds, predicting the tensile strength of weld under different operating conditions, developing a signal-based defect prediction system, developing an on-line phased array ultrasonic testing system, understanding defect formation mechanisms, and modeling the friction stir welding process used in experiments.
- An ongoing research project investigates production and quality issues related to spiral pipe forming in collaboration with Dr. Kompotiates, Vice President of Technology of Stupp Corporation.
On supply chain logistics:
- I have studied supply chain inventory problems for both nonperishable and perishable products. Perishable products of particular interest are blood products used mainly in medical field.
- I have studied mainly crossdocking problems.
Selected Publications
Huggert, D. J., Dewan, M. W. Wahab, M. A., Okeil, A. M., Liao, T. W., “Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing for Post-Weld and On-Line Detection of Friction Stir Welding Defects,” Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, DOI: 10.1080/09349847.2016.1157660.
Tao, F., Li, C., Liao, T. W., and Laili, Y., “BGM-BLA: A New Algorithm for Dynamic Migration of Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing,” IEEE Trans. on Services Computing, Vol. 8, No. X, XXXXX 2015 (to appear).
Dewan, M. W., Huggert, D. J., Liao, T. W., Wahab, M., and Okeil, A., “Prediction of Tensile Strength of Friction Stir Weld Joint with Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and Neural Network,” Materials & Design, 92, 2016, 288–299.
Liao, T. W., “Two Interval Type-2 Fuzzy TOPSIS Material Selection Methods,” Materials & Design, 88, 2015, 1088-1099.
Tao, Fei, Feng, Ying, Zhang, Lin, Liao, T. W., “A Case Library and Pareto Solution-based Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Energy-aware Cloud Service Scheduling,” Applied Soft Computing, 19, 2014, 264-279.
Duan, Q. and Liao, T. W., “Optimization of blood supply chain with shortened shelf lives and ABO compatibility,” Int. J. Production Economics, 153, 2014, 113-129.
Duan, Q. and Liao, T. W., “A New Age-Based Replenishment Policy for Supply Chain Inventory Optimization of Highly Perishable Products,” Int. J. Production Economics, 145, 2013, 658-671.
Liao, T. W., Egbelu, P. J., and Chang, P. C., “Simultaneous Dock Assignment and Sequencing of Inbound Trucks under a Fixed Outbound Truck Schedule in Multi-door Cross Docking Operations,” Int. J. Production Economics, 141, 2013, 212-229.
Liao, T. W., “Two Hybrid Differential Evolution Algorithms for Engineering Design Optimization,” Applied Soft Computing, 10(4), 2010, 1188-1199.
Liao, T. W., “Clustering of Time Series – A Survey,” Pattern Recognition, 38, 2005, 1857-1874.
Selected Grant Funding
“Challenges towards Improved Friction-Stir-Welds using On-line Sensing of Weld Quality”, NASA SLS, Jan. 1 2013-Dec. 31, 2016, $650,000 (co-PI with M. Wahab as PI).
“Developing an Integrated Process Chain Model for Spiral Pipes Fabrication”, LSU Graduate School Economic Development Award (EDA), September 1, 2013- August 31, 2017, $ 100,000 (single PI).
“Developing an NSF IGERT Proposal on “Research and Education in Global Supply Chain Management”, NSF EPSCoR Preliminary Planning Program (NSF_2011_Planning-31), June 1, 2011-May 31, 2012, $10,000 (PI with B. R. Sarker, P. J. Egbelu, P. Kelle, and Y.-S. Chen as co-PIs)