Principal Investigators (PIs)
Dr. Christopher F. D'Elia
Professor and Dean, LSU College of the Coast and Environment
Nutrient dynamics in aquatic systems, estuarine ecology, coral reef ecology, algal/invertebrate symbiosis, science history and policy, math and science education, marine pollution, global climate change, and analytical chemistry
Dr. Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Associate Professor, Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
Estuarine and coastal ecosystems, landscape modeling/ecosystem models, coastal management and aquaculture
Dr. Kristine L. DeLong
Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Anthropology
Paleoclimatology, paleoceanography, paleoecology, sclerochronology, climate change on recent and longer time scales, ocean-atmosphere processes and decadal variability
Dr. Barry D. Keim
State Climatologist, Louisiana Office of State Climatology
Professor, Department of Geography and Anthropology
Climate change, extreme weather events, heavy rainfall, hurricanes, and applied climatology
SC-CASC Affiliates
Dr. Eurico D'Sa
Professor, Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
Ocean color remote sensing; Bio-optical properties of coastal and ocean waters; Physical-biogeochemical interactions; Optical properties of colored dissolved organic matter; Coastal biogeochemical processes
Dr. Shelley Xuelian Meng
Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Anthropology
Surveying, remote sensing, geospatial information sciences
Dr. Renee Edwards
Professor and Chair, Department of Communication Studies
Hurricane evacuation and decision making, hurricane literacy, responding to new stories about drought, cognitive processing of weather and climate information
Dr. Kam-biu Liu
Professor and Chair, Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
Coastal environmental change, paleoclimatology, paleoecology and palynology of coastal wetlands, and hurricane impacts
Dr. Kory Konsoer
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Anthropology
Fluvial geomorphology, coevolution of river flows and channel morphology, sediment transport, planform dynamics
Dr. Kanchan Maiti
Assistant Professor, Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
Biogeochemistry, isotope geochemistry, transport of organic matter and contaminants in aquatic systems, chemical processes at sediment-water interface, and sediment geochemistry
Dr. Jill Trepanier
Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Anthropology
Faculty Advisor to the Geography and Anthropology Undergraduate Society
Extreme climatic and weather phenomena, tropical cyclones, quantitative statistical analysis
Dr. Robert V. Rohli
Professor, Department of Geography and Anthropology
Synoptic and applied climatology, meteorology, water resources, and geography education
Dr. Alex Haberlie
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Anthropology
Climate extremes, severe and hazardous weather, land use / land cover effects on regional climatology, machine learning, digital image processing, and climate modeling
Dr. Zuo "George" Xue
Assistant Professor, Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
Physical-bio-geochemical modeling; coastal ocean carbon cycling; Coupled atmospheric-hydrological modeling
Dr. Malinda Sutor
Assistant Professor-Research, Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
Ecology and physiology of plankton and the physical and biological interactions, active acoustics and image-forming optical systems
Dr. Jun-Hong Liang
Assistant Professor, Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
Physical Oceanography; Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamis; Ocean modeling
Dr. Paul Miller
Assistant Professor, Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
Coastal meteorology; Hydroclimatology; Mesoscale climate science; Weakly forced thunderstorms; Land-atmosphere interactions; Hazardous weather impacts
SC-CASC Graduate Assistants
Jacob Warner
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Geography and Anthropology
Advisor: Dr. David Chicoine, Dr. Kristine DeLong
Graduate Research Assistant funded by SC-CASC
Paleoclimatology, paleoenvironment reconstruction, sclerochronology, coastal archaeology, environmental archaeology, Peruvian prehistory
Clay Tucker
Ph.D Candidate, Department of Geography and Anthropology
Advisor: Dr. Jill Trepanier
Graduate Research Assistant partially funded by SC-CASC
Hurricane climatology, paleoclimatology, dendrochronology
Jessica Tolan
M.S. Student, Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
Advisor: Dr. Malinda Sutor
Graduate Research Assistant funded by SC-CASC
Plankton ecology, water quality dynamics, zooplankton, trophic web ecology, oil spill impacts
Kendall Brome
Coastal Environmental Science Undergraduate, Department of Oceanography and Coastal
Advisor: Dr. Kristine DeLong
Undergraduate Research partially funded by SC-CASC
Xiaochen Zhao
PhD Student, Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
Advisor: Dr. Victor Rivera-Monroy
Graduate Research Assistant funded by SC-CASC
Ivan Vargas-Lopez
PhD Student, Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
Advisor: Dr. Victor Rivera-Monroy
Graduate Research Assistant funded by SC-CASC
Kylie Palmer
Ph.D. Student, Department of Geography and Anthropology
Advisor: Dr. Kristine DeLong
Graduate Research Assistant funded by SC-CASC
Paleoclimate reconstructions, conservation paleobiology, paleoecology, sclerochronology, hurricanes, tropical climatology, climate change
Eva Hillmann, PhD
Department of Renewable and Natural Resources
Advisor: Dr. Victor Rivera-Monroy
Graduate Research Assistant funded by SC-CASC
Dissertation: Analysis of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Resources across the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Communities and Biomass
Megan Kelsall, M.S.
Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
Advisor: Dr. Victor Rivera-Monroy
Graduate Research Assistant funded by SC-CASC
Thesis: Sources and Chemical Stability of Soil Organic Carbon along a Salinity Gradient and a Chronosequence of Created Brackish Marshes in Coastal Louisiana
Tess Danielson, M.S.
Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
Advisor: Dr. Victor Rivera-Monroy
Graduate Research Assistant
Thesis: Everglades Mangrove Forest Response to Large-Scale Disturbance: Long-Term Assessment of Structural and Functional Properties
Rebecca Hood, M.S.
Department of Geography and Anthropology
Advisor: Dr. Kristine DeLong
Graduate Research Assistant funded by SC-CASC
Coastal archaeology, human-environment interactions, paleoclimatology, sclerochronology, environmental archaeology, climate variability during the Holocene, and historical climatology
Gil Ouelette, Ph.D
Department of Geography and Anthropology
Advisor: Dr. Kristine DeLong
Graduate Research Assistant and SC-CASC Early Career Fellow
Paleoclimatology, paleoceanography, isotope geochemistry, multi-proxy reconstructions, coral and speleothem proxies, and Caribbean climate variability
Emily Powell, Ph.D
Advisor: Dr. Barry Keim
Graduated May 2014
SC-CASC Early Career Fellow
Dissertation: "Climate Extremes in the Southeast United States: Observed Variability, Spatial Classification, and Related Planning."
William Tollefson, M.S.
Advisor: Dr. Robert Rohli
Graduate Research Assistant funded by by SC CASC
Graduated December 2013.
Thesis: “Effect of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Conditions on Agricultural Spray Drift."
Study site: Winnsboro, Louisiana.
Asher Williams, Ph.D
Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
Advisor: Dr. Victor Rivera-Monroy
Graduate Research Assistant funded by SC CASC