Appeal a Citation
Payment of Disciplinary Fines
The fines for various offenses are listed on Parking and Transportation’s website. These fines are to be appealed or paid within fourteen (14) business days online through the parking portal. For students and faculty/staff, if no action is taken within fourteen (14) business days, fines must be paid directly to Bursar Operations, 125 Thomas Boyd Hall, or online by paying Billing Statement via myLSU or through faculty/staff payroll deduction. There will be no exceptions if no action is taken within the fourteen (14) day period. For non-affiliates, if payment is not received within sixty (60) business days, the account may be sent to collections.
- Appeals must be submitted through the proper channel. Failure to submit an appeal through the proper channel will result in automatic dismissal of the appeal. (Please see how to section below)
- If one appeals the citation, we cannot accept payment until the request has been approved/denied.
- If one pays for the citation, they waive their ability to appeal the citation.
- Diagrams, photos, and other supporting documentation must be submitted with the initial appeal. No additional information will be accepted after the initial appeal.
- If your appeal is granted no further action is required on your behalf.
- If your appeal is rejected or reduced by half, you will be responsible for the balance due in addition to the $5.00 processing fee. If you are a permit holder, the citation and the processing fee will be applied to your billing statement.
- There are no exceptions to these rules.
- All decisions made by the appeal board are final.
Substantial Reasoning and Evidence
When submitting an appeal, there must be significant and valid evidence that a parking violation was not committed. Valid documentation must be provided with the initial appeal. The appeals board will not except additional information after the appeal has been submitted. For metered-space violation appeals, please submit your receipt or the last four digits of the credit card used for payment, including payments made through ParkMobile. Note that copies of bank statements will not be accepted and should not be submitted with an appeal.
The following list of reasons are considered frivolous and will NOT be valid grounds for an appeal:
Lack of knowledge of the regulations
No other place to park/not enough spaces
Late to class or appointment
Other vehicles were parked incorrectly
Only parked [illegally] for a short time period
- Inability to pay citation amount
- Failure of parking officer to ticket previously for similar offenses
How to Submit an Appeal
If you have questions regarding this process, please contact the Parking & Transportation Services office at 225-578-5000 or email