Office of Environmental Health and Safety

aspects of Biological Safety

Aspects of Biological Safety

Biological Safety is the discipline addressing the safe handling and containment of infectious microorganisms and hazardous biological materials. At Louisiana State University, the safe handling of pathogenic organisms, hazardous biological materials, and toxins is directed by risk assessment, the application of prudent laboratory practices, and federal guidance and regulations.

Chemical Bottles

Hazardous Waste Requirements

The Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is responsible for management of LSU’s Hazardous Waste Program.  EHS has a long history of helping the LSU community with waste disposal.  EHS collects waste and ensures its disposal in a safe and regulatory compliant manner.

database illustration

EHS Assistant Database Portal

Environmental Health Safety Assistant (EHSA) is an environmental management database that is available online to researchers and staff within the LSU community.  EHSA is user friendly and provides strong inventory and training programs with compliance features.

Chemical safety

Aspects of Chemical Safety

Chemical Safety is the discipline addressing the safe handling and storage of chemicals. The Chemical Hygiene Plan describes the safe and proper use, handling practices, and procedures to be followed by personnel working in University laboratories. These items are necessary to protect personnel from potential health and physical hazards presented by chemicals used in the workplace, and to keep chemical exposures below specified limits.

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Industrial Hygiene

Industrial hygiene involves the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of workplace and health hazards. The goal of industrial hygiene is to keep employees, their families, and community healthy and safe. Industrial hygienists play a vital part in ensuring federal, state, and local laws / regulations are followed in the work environment.

Image for occupation


Occupational safety and health is identified as the discipline dealing with the prevention of work-related injuries and diseases as well as the protection and promotion of the health of workers. It aims at the improvement of working conditions and environment.

Laboratory Safety

Laboratory Safety

The goal of Laboratory Safety is to support the achievement of this vision in a safe manner. In the sections, we outline basic research laboratory safety principles: Law and Regulations, Standard Operating Procedures, Material Safety Data Sheets, Laboratory Assessment, Audits and Accreditation, Training, Fume Hoods, and Close-Out Procedures.

package with shipment details

Shipment of Hazardous Materials and Dangerous Goods


Inter-Institutional Biological and Recombinant DNA Safety Committee

Upcoming IBRDSC meetings:

Submission Deadline:
Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Meeting Date: 
Thursday, October 24, 2024

student taking online course

Online Safety Training

The LSU web based training package for laboratory safety works in conjunction with the EHS Assistant (environmental management database) to meet the regulatory based training requirements. The assigned training and due dates can be seen by PI’s from the main EHS Assistant Screen.  E-mail reminders are sent out on a monthly basis.