Pre-DE Program
We are pleased to offer a Certification of College Readiness in English to high school students who successfully complete our English III pilot program. The program aims to prepare students for future English dual enrollment courses and on-campus college English courses.
The English III pilot program includes the following components:
- Scaffolded skill development to meet college readiness requirements.
- Integration of standardized test preparation and state benchmark standards.
- Professional development opportunities for teachers of Pre-DE courses.
- Flexibility for teachers to make specific content choices.
- Collection of reflective feedback and student data for quarterly program
- Pre-DE English III is part of a three-year course sequence designed with scaffolded assignments in writing, grammar, and literature.
Since this English III course is not a dual enrollment course, high school teachers have the flexibility to modify the order and content of assignments, quizzes, and tests. At the end of the course, students will submit a portfolio of writings. The Pre-DE English committee will assess these portfolios to determine eligibility for the Certificate of College Readiness in English.
To participate in the pilot, teachers must hold DE or Pre-DE certification by July 1, 2021, and attend a synchronous virtual training workshop on July 15 from 9:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m. The workshop will provide a deeper understanding of the course content and pedagogy, and facilitate networking opportunities among participating teachers. There is no cost for the training or student participation in the pilot.
In the future, we plan to expand the program to include the other two high school courses in the Pre-DE sequence: English II and English I.