Annual Award for Best Peer-Reviewed Curriculum Theory Article


A $100 award will be given annually to a Master’s or Doctoral student in LSU’s School of Education who has published in a peer-reviewed journal article related to curriculum theory. The article must be solely written by graduate(s), either single-authored or co-authored with another graduate student(s). The article can be interdisciplinary, connected to the disciplines (English, History, Social Studies, Math, Science), or philosophical in nature. The article must have been accepted by or published by a national or international journal within the 2015 calendar year. Application should include name, contact information, copy of the article, graduate student status in 2015 and a 500 word narrative discussing the paper and its relevance to curriculum theory. The award will be presented at Curriculum Camp on February 20, 2016.


Application deadline is February 10th, 2016.

Please provide application and copy of the article to the Chair of the award committee, Dr. Jacqueline Bach via email: before February 10, 2016.


LSU Curriculum Camp is an annual international graduate student conference, is organized and hosted by the graduate students of LSU Curriculum Theory Project (CTP) under the guidance of CTP co-directors Dr. Petra Hendry and Dr. Roland Mitchell and LSU College of Human Sciences & Education. LSU Curriculum Camp is designed to showcase the work of graduate students engaged in research on a host of subjects, such as: curriculum theory, gender, race, culture, higher education research (K-20), policy analysis, political and/or intellectual thought (including but not limited to narrative, feminisms, postmodernism, poststructuralism, queer theory, chaos & complexity theory).

Curriculum Camp 2016 is organized with: LSU Curriculum Theory Project, LSU Curriculum Theory Graduate Collaborative, LSU Women’s Center, and LSU Student Government.