Chris Rovee

Christopher Rovee

Ph.D., Princeton University
212-R Allen Hall

Curriculum Vitae


Christopher Rovee teaches courses in 18th and 19th century literature, poetry and poetics, and critical theory. He is the author of two books – New Critical Nostalgia: Romantic Lyric and the Crisis of Academic Life (Fordham, 2024) and Imagining the Gallery: The Social Body of British Romanticism (Stanford, 2006) – and of articles on early photography, ruins tourism, the history of close reading, painting and literature, and museum theory. He was a faculty fellow at the University of Rochester Humanities Center (2018-19) and, before that, at the Stanford Humanities Center (2007-8). He received his BA from the University of California, Berkeley, his MPhil from Oxford University, and his PhD from Princeton University. His recent classes include ‘Homesickness and Romantic Literature,’ ‘Jane Austen’s Intimacies,’ ‘Reading (with) Eve Sedgwick.’ ‘How to Love a Poem,’ and ‘Romanticism’s Minor Affects.’

Area(s) of Interest

Romanticism, History of Criticism, Poetry and Poetics