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Check out our recent submissions, focusing on issues of Ethics in the University.

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Ethos Forum

The LSU Ethics Institute seeks essays for submission to the online ethics forum, "Ethos." Submissions for this year should be crafted according to this year's theme "Ethics in the University," and offer a thoughtful, pointed, and discursive presentation of ideas to generate attention, interest, and discussion. This does not mean, however, that the submissions must be impersonal.

Along this theme, the Ethics Institute welcomes a myriad of essay styles and topics from faculty, students, and staff highlighting the state of ethics in our own University and the institution of today's Universities as a whole. Featured essays should focus not only on the ethical issues and shortcomings of our time, but also on moments of great courage, just action, and upright character in the midst of such situations. In the spirit of fostering ethical discussion through the Institute, written responses to these essays are also welcome and will be published on the website.

Submissions should be between 1000-2500 words (2-5 pages) in length at 12-point font with proper margins, paragraph spacing, grammar, and punctuation. Submissions should be formatted as Microsoft Word documents and should be accessible. For guidelines on accessibility, visit the LSU Accessibility resource page. All submissions and comments should be sent to For more information and to view the activity of the Ethics Institute, visit us at our website and on Facebook.