Qian “Karen” Sun

Assistant Professor

Urban Entomology


Phone: 225-578-1634

Email: (to be updated)




June 2008 B.S. in Life Science, Honors Program, China Agricultural University


June 2010 M.S. in Ecology, China Agricultural University


Dec. 2015  Ph.D. in Entomology, University of Kentucky


2016-2017 Postdoc, Laboratory of Social Evolution and Behavior, Rockefeller University




Sun Q, KF Haynes & X Zhou. Managing the risks and rewards of death in social insects (Invited review by Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, in preparation)


*Hampton JD, *Q Sun, KF Haynes & X Zhou. Cooperative policing behavior regulates reproductive division of labor in a termite. (*Co-first authors, in preparation)


Sun Q, KF Haynes & X Zhou. Pheromonal regulation of worker-reproductive transition in a termite. (in preparation)


Sun Q, KF Haynes, JD Hampton & X Zhou. 2017. Sex-specific inhibition and stimulation of worker-reproductive transition in a termite. The Science of Nature, 104(9-10): 79.


Sun Q, KF Haynes & X Zhou. 2017. Dynamic changes in death cues modulate risks and rewards of corpse management in a social insect. Functional Ecology, 31(3): 697-706.


Yin Z, Q Sun, X Zhang & H Jing. 2014. Optimised formation of blue Maillard reaction products of xylose and glycine model systems and associated antioxidant activity. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 94(7): 1332-1339.


Sun Q, KF Haynes & X Zhou. 2013. Differential undertaking response of a lower termite to congeneric and conspecific corpses. Scientific Reports, 3: 1650.


Sun Q & X Zhou. 2013. Corpse management in social insects. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 9(3): 313-321.


Sun Q, Z Yin & H Jing. 2009. Color characteristics and radical scavenging activity of four model systems of Maillard reaction between amino acids and monosaccharides. Food Science, 30(11): 118-123.



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