LSU Library Now Home to LSU’s Math Lab

This summer, the Math Lab relocated to the third floor of LSU Library from its prior location in Pleasant Hall. The move has provided a more convenient location on campus and a shorter commute time for students and staff traveling from Lockett Hall and other places on campus.

Designed to provide a more efficient workspace, the 8,000 square foot area is separated by a wall with large, sound-proof windows. The lab is staffed with math faculty, math graduate students and undergraduate tutors who circulate around the lab ready to give immediate, individualized assistance to students who have questions. While in the lab, students do their homework, take quizzes, watch LSU-prepared math video and read e-textbooks.

Due to the proximity from class to the lab, the 245-student computer lab has seen an increase in student attendance during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  The lab is accessible to students 56 hours each week and can accommodate roughly 3,700 students during open hours.