The 2011 Baton Rouge Survey - Questionnaire in Development

The 2011 Baton Rouge Survey
Questionnaire (in Development)
(as of 2/25/11)
With possible second choices
Tolerance, Civil Liberties
Variable marhomo : HOMOSEXUALS SHOULD HAVE RIGHT TO MARRY (Selected twice)
PreQuestion Text
1280. Do you agree or disagree?
Literal Question
J. Homosexual couples should have the right to marry one another.
Values Categories N NW
1 STRONGLY AGREE 486 476  10.7%
2 AGREE 725 740  16.6%
4 DISAGREE 905 894  20.0%
5 STRONGLY DISAGREE 1728 1728  38.7%
0 NAP 46387 46394
8 CANT CHOOSE 121 121
9 NA 39 39
Summary Statistics
Valid cases 4473
Missing cases 46547
Government Health Insurance 1970-2008
"Some (1988,1994-later: people) feel there should be a government 
insurance plan which would cover all medical and hospital expenses 
(1984 and later: for everyone)...Others feel that (1988,1994-1996: 
all) medical expenses should be paid by individuals, and through 
private insurance (1984 and later: plans) like Blue Cross (1984-1994: 
or [1996:some] other company paid plans).. 
Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought 
much about this?" (7-POINT SCALE SHOWN TO R) 
  '70 '72 '76 '78 '84 '88 '92 '94 '96 '00 '04 '08
Govt. Insurance Plan 1 : 25 25 22 23 13 16 20 16 13 16 19 18
2 8 6 7 7 9 9 12 8 10 10 11 13
3 7 6 6 6 9 10 12 11 12 14 12 12
4 13 12 10 11 17 16 18 19 19 19 17 17
5 5 5 7 7 13 12 10 12 14 13 13 12
6 8 5 8 9 12 9 7 12 11 9 10 9
Private Insurance Plan 7: 21 23 20 18 10 11 7 13 10 10 8 10
DK, Haven't Thought : 14 18 21 17 18 16 14 8 12 9 9 9
N   1489 1355 2843 2282 967 2028 2477 1773 1712 981 1211 1169
"Some people say that allowing openly gay men and women to serve in the military would be divisive for the troops and hurt their ability to fight effectively. Do you agree or disagree?"
Agree Disagree Unsure
  % % %
2/2-8/10 30 65 5
4/21-27/09 35 58 7
Boston Globe Poll conducted by University of New Hampshire Survey Center. May 4-9, 2005. N=760 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.6 (for all adults).
"As you may know, Massachusetts is the only state that has legalized gay marriage. If a gay or lesbian couple gets married in Massachusetts, should their marriage be recognized as legal in all 50 states?"
Yes No Unsure
% % %
ALL 46 50 4
  Democrats 63 33 4
  Independents 46 49 5
  Republicans 27 69 4
Internet, Computers
How often do you use the internet to listen to music?  Please stop me when I get to the most correct answer for you.
Every day
Once a week or more
Once a month or more
Sometimes, but less than once a month
I don't use the internet to listen to music
[If listen] How do you get music on the internet?  Please tell me if you use each of the following.
Downloading from a paid source
Downloading from an unofficial source
File sharing
Internet radio
Don’t use
[If listen] Where and when do you mostly listen to the music you get from the internet?
At Home
At Work
At a friend’s House
On a smartphone, iPod, iPad, or other mobile device
A lot
From time to time, but not often
What is your opinion about downloading music illegally from the internet?
It is a serious offense
It is a minor offense
It is not really wrong
Variable musiclst : USE WEB TO LISTEN TO RADIO
PreQuestion Text
In terms of music, have you ever:
Literal Question
D. Used the Web to listen to an online radio broadcast or view a music video?
Descriptive Text
In 2000, filter logic for the computer questions varied across versions of the survey. In Version 4, computer questions were asked of respondents who: 1) used a computer ( COMPUSE =1) or Web-TV ( WEBTV =1); and 2) ever used the Web ( USEWWW =1); and 3) used the Web more than 0 minutes per week ( WWWHR >0) or ( WWWMIN >0). In Versions 5 and 6, computer questions were asked of respondents who: 1) used a computer ( COMPUSE =1) or Web-TV ( WEBTV =1); and 2) ever used the Web ( USEWWW =1); and 3) used the Web at least 1 hour per week (WWWHR >=1). In Versions 1 and 2, computer questions were asked of respondents who: 1) used a computer (COMPUSE =1) or Web-TV ( WEBTV =1); and 2) ever used the Web ( USEWWW =1); and 3) used the Web at least 4 hours per week ( WWWHR >=4).
Values Categories N NW
1 YES 281 295  65.6%
2 NO 152 155  34.4%
0 NAP 50428 50414
8 DK 0 0
9 NA 159 156
Summary Statistics
Valid cases 433
Missing cases 50587
Variable musicget : USE WEB TO DOWNLOAD MUSIC
PreQuestion Text
In terms of music, have you ever:
Literal Question
C. Used the Web to download a musical sound recording to your own computer?
Descriptive Text
In 2000, filter logic for the computer questions varied across versions of the survey. In Version 4, computer questions were asked of respondents who: 1) used a computer ( COMPUSE =1) or Web-TV ( WEBTV =1); and 2) ever used the Web ( USEWWW =1); and 3) used the Web more than 0 minutes per week ( WWWHR >0) or ( WWWMIN >0). In Versions 5 and 6, computer questions were asked of respondents who: 1) used a computer ( COMPUSE =1) or Web-TV ( WEBTV =1); and 2) ever used the Web ( USEWWW =1); and 3) used the Web at least 1 hour per week (WWWHR >=1). In Versions 1 and 2, computer questions were asked of respondents who: 1) used a computer (COMPUSE =1) or Web-TV ( WEBTV =1); and 2) ever used the Web ( USEWWW =1); and 3) used the Web at least 4 hours per week ( WWWHR >=4).
Values Categories N NW
1 YES 255 271  60.3%
2 NO 178 179  39.7%
0 NAP 50428 50414
8 DK 0 0
9 NA 159 156
Summary Statistics
Valid cases 433
Missing cases 50587
Thinking about music on the internet, what is your opinion of the following activities?
A. Downloading illegally
B. Paying for music on the internet
1. Favor
2. Oppose
3. No opinion
Have you ever used the internet to get music in the following ways?
A. Downloading from a paid source
B. Downloading from an unauthorized source
C. File sharing
D. Internet radio
1. Yes
2. No
3. Don’t know
Is there any area right around here - that is, within a mile - where you would be afraid to walk alone at night?
BR 2004 BR 2003 BR 2002 BR 2001 BR 2000 US-GSS 98
Yes 57 57 50 52 52 41
No 42 42 49 46 44 57
Don't know, No answer 1 1 1 2 4 1
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100
Do you favor or oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder?
Favor 57
Oppose 28
Don't Know/No Answer 15
Total 100
Next, I'm going to read some things people do because of their concern over crime. Please tell me which, if any, of these things you, yourself, do or have done. First, ... Next, ... 
Yes No No opin (NA)
Keep a dog for protection 32% 67% 1% 1%
Bought a gun for protection 43% 56% 0% 1%
Carry a gun for defense 21% 78% 1%
Carry a knife for defense 15% 84% 1%
Had a burglar alarm installed in your home 69% 30% 1%
Carry mace or pepper spray 28% 70% 0% 2%
Avoid going to certain places or neighborh 55% 43% 2%
"Do you feel that executing people who commit murder deters others from committing murder, or do you think such executions don't have much effect?"
Deters Not Much Unsure
Others Effect  
2/5-11/08 42 52 6
12/10-16/03 41 53 6
1-Jul 42 52 7
2000 44 50 7
1999 47 49 4
1997 49 49 2
1983 63 32 5
1976 59 34 7
Gender, Sexuality
PreQuestion Text
566. Women are more likely than men to take care of children. I'm going to read several reasons why this might be so. Please tell me how important you think each reason is: very important, important, somewhat important, or not at all important. For example, ...
Literal Question
A. Women are biologically better-suited to care for children. How important do you think this reason is for explaining why women are more likely to take care of children?
Descriptive Text
Hand card CO contained responses 1-4.
Values Categories N NW
1 VERY IMPORTANT 480 484  33.5%
2 IMPORTANT 371 376  26.0%
3 SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT 325 333  23.1%
4 NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT 258 251  17.4%
0 NAP 49560 49555
8 DONT KNOW 22 16
9 NA 4 5
Summary Statistics
Valid cases 1434
Missing cases 49586
Variable marhomo : HOMOSEXUALS SHOULD HAVE RIGHT TO MARRY (Selected twice)
PreQuestion Text
1280. Do you agree or disagree?
Literal Question
J. Homosexual couples should have the right to marry one another.
Values Categories N NW
1 STRONGLY AGREE 486 476  10.7%
2 AGREE 725 740  16.6%
4 DISAGREE 905 894  20.0%
5 STRONGLY DISAGREE 1728 1728  38.7%
0 NAP 46387 46394
8 CANT CHOOSE 121 121
9 NA 39 39
Summary Statistics
Valid cases 4473
Missing cases 46547
Next, please tell me if you think each of the following trends is generally a good thing for our society, a bad thing for our society, or doesn't make much difference?
More mothers of young children working outside the home
BR 2004 Pew 1997
Good Thing for Society 20 17
Doesn't Make Much Difference 29 37
Bad Thing for Society 48 41
Don't Know 3 5
No answer 1 0
100 100
More women not ever having children
BR 2004 Pew 1997
Good Thing for Society 10 19
Doesn't Make Much Difference 35 48
Bad Thing for Society 52 24
Don't Know 2 9
No answer 1 0
100 100
More fathers staying home with children so their wives can work full-time
BR 2004 Pew 1997
Good Thing for Society 28 39
Doesn't Make Much Difference 31 38
Bad Thing for Society 37 20
Don't Know 3 3
No answer 1 0
100 100
source: Pew: Motherhood Today - A Tougher Job, Less Ably Done - May 9, 1997
Do you think there should or should not be -- [RANDOM ORDER]?
A. Adoption rights for gays and lesbians so they can legally adopt children
Yes, should No, should not No opinion
2009 May 7-10 54% 44 2
Now I am going to read you a series of statements that will help us understand how you feel about a number of things.  For each statement, please tell me if you completely agree with it, mostly agree with it, mostly disagree with it or completely disagree with it.  The first one is...
- People like me don't have any say about what the government does
- Generally speaking, elected officials in Washington lose touch with the people pretty quickly
- Most elected officials care what people like me think
- Voting gives people like me some say about how government runs things
Completely Agree Mostly Agree Mostly Disagree Completely Disagree Don't Know NA
No Say About What the Government Does 14 29 37 19 1 0
Elected Officials Care What People Like Me Think 8 39 36 17 1 0
Voting Gives People a Say About Government 32 46 13 7 1 0
Elected Officials in Washington Lose Touch 37 38 17 6 2 0
Literal Question
1485. When the government administrators make serious mistakes in America how likely is it that they will be corrected?
Values Categories N NW
1 VERY LIKELY 126 132  9.1%
2 SOMEWHAT LIKELY 591 614  42.1%
3 NOT VERY LIKELY 590 584  40.1%
4 NOT AT ALL LIKELY 142 127  8.7%
0 NAP 49548 49536
9 NA 6 10
Summary Statistics
Valid cases 1449
Missing cases 49571
Trust the Federal Government 1958-2008
""How much of the time do you think you can trust the government in 
Washington to do what is right-- just about always, most of the time 
or only some of the time?" 
  '58 '64 '68 '72 '74 '76 '80 '84 '88 '92 '94 '96 '00 '04 '08
None of the Time (vol.) 0 0 0 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2
Some of the Time  23 22 36 44 61 62 69 53 56 68 74 66 55 52 68
Most of the Time  57 62 54 48 34 30 23 40 36 26 19 30 40 43 25
Just About Always  16 14 7 5 2 3 2 4 4 3 2 3 4 4 5
Don't Know, Depends  4 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
N   1774 1445 1337 2279 2499 2859 1606 1921 1768 2247 1769 1496 1541 1061 1059
Is the Government Run for the Benefit of All 1964-2008
"Would you say the government is pretty much run by a few big 
interests looking out for themselves or that it is run for the 
benefit of all the people?" 
    '64 '68 '72 '74 '76 '80 '84 '88 '92 '94 '96 '00 '04 '08
Few Big Interests    29 40 53 66 66 70 55 64 75 76 69 61 56 69
Benefit of All    64 51 38 25 24 21 39 31 20 19 27 35 40 29
Don't Know, Depends   7 9 9 9 10 9 6 5 4 5 3 5 4 2
N     1443 1336 2273 2500 2839 1593 1898 1761 2228 1757 1490 1530 1061 2101
Do People in Government Waste Tax Money 1958-2008
"Do you think that people in the government waste a lot of money 
we pay in taxes, waste some of it, or don't waste very much of it?" 
  '58 '64 '68 '72 '74 '76 '80 '84 '88 '92 '94 '96 '00 '04 '08
A Lot  43 47 59 66 74 74 78 65 63 67 70 59 59 61 72
Some  42 44 34 30 22 20 18 29 33 30 27 39 38 37 26
Not Very Much 10 7 4 2 1 3 2 4 2 2 2 1 3 2 1
Don't Know  4 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 1
N   1774 1447 1343 2282 2515 2865 1607 1920 1768 2249 1769 1500 1541 1059 2109
Are Government Officials Crooked 1958-2008
"Do you think that quite a few of the people running the government 
are (1958-1972 a little) crooked, not very many are, or do you 
think hardly any of them are crooked (1958-1972 at all)?" 
  '58 '64 '68 '72 '74 '76 '80 '84 '88 '92 '94 '96 '00 '04 '08
Quite a Few 24 29 25 36 45 42 47 32 40 46 52 44 36 35 51
Not Many  44 49 52 45 42 40 41 50 45 44 39 47 49 53 42
Hardly Any  26 18 19 14 10 13 9 14 11 9 8 9 13 10 6
Don't Know  6 4 4 4 3 5 4 4 4 2 1 1 2 2 1
N   1774 1438 1330 2268 2498 2832 1600 1905 1764 2234 1765 1495 1539 1058 2110
City-Parish government has limited resources and has to set priorities.  All of the following issues are important, but if the city can't do everything, which issues do you think should have the highest priority?  Take economic development: should it have the highest priority; high priority; medium priority; or lower priority?
___ A Economic Development
___ B [How about] Education
___ C Reducing Traffic Congestion
___ D Fighting Crime
___ E Cleaning up Litter and Graffiti
___ F Improving and maintaining infrastructure: roads, sewers, etc.
1 Highest Priority
2 High Priority
3 Medium Priority
4 Lower Priority
8 Don't Know
9 No answer
Infrastructure has to be constantly maintained.  Again, keeping in mind that City-Parish government has limited resources and has to set priorities, which of the following infrastructure projects do you think should have the highest priority?  Take sewage and water drainage: should it have the highest priority; high priority; medium priority; or lower priority?
___ A Sewage and water drainage
___ B [How about] Roads and bridges
___ C Public transportation
___ D Airports
___ E Bike Paths
___ F A passenger railroad between Baton Rouge and New Orleans
___ G An Interstate loop that goes around Baton Rouge
___ H The development of alternative energy sources
1 Highest Priority
2 High Priority
3 Medium Priority
4 Lower Priority
8 Don’t Know
9 No answer