Baton Rouge Survey: March-April, 2010

Baton Rouge Survey: March-April, 2010
Move away from BR within the next two years?
Very likely 16%
Somewhat likely 5%
Somewhat unlikely 6%
Very unlikely 72%
Haven't decided 1%
(NA) 1%
Most people can be trusted
Most people can be trusted 34%
Can't be too careful 57%
Other, depends (Volunteered) 6%
Don't know, No answer 2%
(NA) 1%
Trust the government …
  Federal State EBR
Just About Always 6% 3% 4%
Most of the Time 14% 20% 31%
Some of the Time 58% 54% 49%
None of the Time 20% 20% 12%
Don't Know, Depends 2% 2% 2%
No answer 0% 1%
(NA) 1% 1% 1%
Do you have one or more computers at your home?
Yes 87%
No 8%
DK, NA 1%
(NA) 4%
Visited a web site for …
Never 1-2 Times 3-5 Times More Than 5 Times Don't Know No Answer (NA)
News and current events 16% 14% 11% 51% 2% 2% 4%
Humor 46% 14% 10% 22% 1% 2% 4%
Financial information 33% 19% 14% 27% 1% 2% 4%
Political information 34% 19% 10% 30% 1% 2% 4%
Sports 39% 15% 14% 26% 1% 2% 4%
Music/concerts 44% 15% 14% 20% 1% 2% 4%
Health and fitness 38% 23% 11% 21% 1% 2% 4%
Religion/church related 54% 16% 9% 14% 0% 2% 4%
  Social Networking 39% 11% 10% 33% 1% 2% 4%
Shopping 31% 25% 13% 22% 1% 2% 5%
Use the Internet for 
  Frequent Occas Rarely Never No opinion (NA)
Sending and reading e-mail 70% 13% 4% 8% 2% 4%
Paying bills online 37% 15% 9% 32% 3% 4%
Budgeting personal finances 30% 14% 11% 40% 2% 4%
Reading 'blogs' or Web logs 17% 24% 15% 38% 2% 4%
Federal govt's information a threat to individual privacy
Very Serious Threat 33%
Fairly Serious 33%
Not Serious 20%
Not A Threat At All 10%
Can't Choose 3%
NA 1%
(NA) 1%
BR surveillance video cameras increasing safety
Yes 55%
Somewhat 18%
No 21%
No opinion 5%
(NA) 1%
BR surveillance video cameras an invasion of privacy
Yes 20%
Somewhat 12%
No 67%
No opinion 0%
(NA) 1%
City-Parish priorities: 
Highest High Medium Lower Don't Know No answer (NA)
Economic Development 24% 50% 21% 3% 1% 0% 1%
Education 56% 40% 3% 0% 0% 1%
Reducing Traffic Congestion 22% 31% 35% 9% 2% 0% 1%
Fighting Crime 46% 45% 8% 1% 0% 1%
Cleaning up Litter and Graffiti 11% 29% 40% 18% 0% 1% 1%
Developing the Downtown area 9% 15% 39% 36% 0% 1% 1%
Dealing with the aftermath of the Hurricanes 19% 45% 25% 7% 2% 1% 1%
Local govt pay attention to complaint
Lot of Attention 34%
Some 30%
Very Little 23%
None 13%
(NA) 1%
City-Parish govt uses tax money wisely in: 
  Very confident Confid Not very confid Not at all confid Don't know (NA)
Reducing traffic 8% 30% 41% 15% 5% 1%
Promoting downtown development 12% 40% 27% 13% 7% 1%
Fighting crime 12% 50% 24% 9% 3% 1%
Keeping BR economically competitive 12% 50% 21% 11% 5% 1%
Willing to pay tax or toll for a new interstate loop
Very willing 20%
Willing 39%
Not very willing 23%
Not at all willing 14%
Don't know 3%
(NA) 1%
Approve of Supreme Court allowing corporations to spend in elections?
Approve 24%
Disapprove 61%
Unsure 14%
(NA) 1%
Expanding BR jail system: It is a deterrent to crime
Yes 30%
No 60%
Don't know 9%
(NA) 1%
Expanding BR jail system: It is necessary
Yes 65%
No 27%
Don't know 7%
(NA) 1%
Expanding BR jail system: I would be willing to pay higher taxes for this
Yes 38%
No 52%
Don't know 8%
(NA) 2%
Favor law to ban assault weapons and semiautomatic rifles?
Favor 52%
Oppose 42%
Unsure 5%
(NA) 1%
Afraid to walk alone at night?
Yes 46%
No 52%
Don't know, No answer 1%
(NA) 1%
Do because of concern over crime:
Yes No No opinion (NA)
Keep a dog for protection 32% 67% 1% 1%
Bought a gun for protection 43% 56% 0% 1%
Carry a gun for defense 21% 78% 1%
Carry a knife for defense 15% 84% 1%
Had a burglar alarm installed in your home 69% 30% 1%
  Carry mace or pepper spray 28% 70% 0% 2%
Avoid going to certain places or neighborhoods 55% 43% 2%
Courts deal too harshly or not harshly enough with criminals?
Too Harsh 14%
Not Harsh Enough 55%
About Right 21%
DK, NA 10%
(NA) 1%
Do you favor or oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder?
Favor 57%
Oppose 29%
Don't Know/No Answer 13%
(NA) 1%
18-34 34%
35-49 25%
50-64 24%
65 and Over 14%
Missing 4%
Male 46%
Female 53%
(NA) 1%
Race-Ethnic Group 
White (non-Hisp) 52%
Black (non-Hisp) 40%
Asian 1%
Hispanic 2%
Missing or Other 5%
Marital Status
Married 48%
Living with partner 6%
Separated 1%
Divorced 8%
Widowed 7%
Single, never married 28%
Don't Know 1%
No Answer 1%
(NA) 1%
Do you have children?  How many?
None 41%
One 22%
Two 20%
Three 12%
Four or more 3%
No Answer 0%
(NA) 2%
School-aged children feel unsafe at school
Yes 6%
No 48%
(NA) 47%
8th Grade or less 0%
Some high school 5%
High School Diploma 18%
Vocational/Technical school 4%
Some College 22%
College degree 32%
Some graduate school 1%
Graduate degree 16%
No Answer 1%
(NA) 1%
Religious Denomination
Protestant 54%
Catholic 32%
Other 5%
None 1%
NA 8%
Church member?
Church Member 69%
Not 28%
(NA) 3%
Church service attendance in days per year 
Every week (or more often) 41%
Almost every week 11%
Once or twice a month 15%
A few times per year 18%
Less often than that 14%
Favor third political party
Favor 47%
Oppose 40%
Unsure 12%
(NA) 1%
Vote for in the 2008 Presidential election
John McCain 34%
Barack Obama 47%
Someone else [Volunteered] 1%
Didn't vote 10%
Don't remember, No Answer, Refused 7%
(NA) 1%
Vote for in the 2008 election for Mayor of BR
Wayne Carter 0%
Kip Holden 61%
Ron Johnson 1%
Dan Kyle 2%
Someone else [Volunteered] 1%
Didn't vote 25%
Don't remember, No Answer, Refused 9%
(NA) 1%
Approve of the way Kip Holden is handling his job
Approve 73%
Disapprove 11%
Unsure 16%
(NA) 1%
Trust Mayor Holden to look out for the interests of people like me
Agree 45%
Somewhat agree 30%
Somewhat disagree 4%
Disagree 12%
Don't know 7%
(NA) 1%
Party Identification
Republican 23%
Independent 39%
Democrat 31%
(NA) 8%
Liberal 26%
Moderate 19%
Conservative 47%
Don't Know, NA 6%
(NA) 1%
Under $25,000 10%
Under $35,000 8%
Under $50,000 11%
Under $75,000 12%
Under $100,000 17%
Under $200,000 13%
More than $200,000 7%
Don't Know 3%
No Response 15%
(NA) 2%
How long have you lived in BR? 40.2
How many days in the past week did you read a daily newspaper? 2.9
How many hours per day do you spend watching TV 2.5
First, may I ask, In what year were you born? 1965
How old were you when you first married? 24.0
How old were you when your first child was born? 24.9
Note.  Data collected by students in Sociology 2211 ("Sociological Methods"), Louisiana State University, March-April 2010.  Data are based on a random-digit-dialed telephone sample, representative of the general population age 18 and over in the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Area, to reflect the combined age-gender-race/hispanic distributions, according to the U.S. Census estimates for 2009.