publications in refereed journals

Ayirala, S.C., and Rao, D.N., Author's response to the comments on "A new mechanistic Parachor model to predict dynamic interfacial tension and miscibility in multicomponent hydrocarbon systems" by F.M. Orr and K.Jessen" Journal of Colloids and Interface Science, 2006.

Ayirala, S.C., and Rao, D.N., Enhancement of Oil Recovery by Surfactant-Induced Wettability Alteration" Saudi Aramco Journal of Technology, Spring 2006, pp. 37-44. 

Xu, W., Ayirala, S.C., and Rao, D.N., "Wettability Alterations Due to Crude Oil Composition and an Anionic Surfactant in Petroleum Reservoirs", Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 20, No.7, pp. 693-704, 2006.

Ayirala, S.C., and Rao, D.N., "The Multiple Roles of Interfacial Tension in Fluid Phase Equilibrium and Fluid-Solid Interactions", Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 20, No.2-3, pp. 125-142, 2006.

Ayirala, S.C., Vijapurapu, C. S., and Rao, D.N., “Beneficial Effects of Wettability Altering Surfactants in Oil-Wet Fractured Reservoirs", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 52, pp. 261-274, March 2006.

Ayirala, S.C., and Rao, D.N., A New Mechanistic Parachor Model to Predict Dynamic Interfacial Tension and Miscibility in Multicomponent Hydrocarbon Systems”, Journal of Colloids and Interface Science, Vol. 299, pp. 321-331, 2006.

Xu, W., Ayirala, S.C., and Rao, D.N., "Compositional Dependence of Wetting and Contact Angles in Solid-Liquid-Liquid Systems Under Realistic Environments", The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 84, February 2006, pp. 44-51.

Xu, W., Ayirala, S.C., and Rao, D.N., "Interfacial Behavior of Complex Hydrocarbon Fluids at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures", The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 84, February 2006, pp. 22-32.

Madhav, M.M., and Rao, D.N., “Experimental Investigation of Miscible and Immiscible Water-Alternating-Gas (WAG) Process Performance", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2005.

Ayirala, S.C., and Rao, D.N., "Application of the Parachor Model to the Prediction of Miscibility in Multi-Component Hydrocarbon Systems", J. Physics: Condensed Matter, 16, S2177-S2186, 2004.

Vijapurapu, C. S., and Rao, D. N., “Compositional Effects of Fluids on Spreading, Adhesion and Wettability in Porous Media”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 24, 335-342, 2004.

Ayirala, S.C., and Rao, D.N., “Multiphase Flow and Wettability Effects of Surfactants in Porous Media”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 241, pp. 313-322, 2004.

Rao, D.N., “The Concept, Characterization, Concerns and Consequences of Contact Angles in Solid-Liquid-Liquid Systems”, Invited Paper, reviewed and published in ‘Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion’, Vol. 3 (Ed. K.L. Mittal), pp. 191-210, VSP International Science Publishers, 2003.

Vijapurapu, C.S., and Rao, D.N., “The Effect of Rock Surface Characteristics on Reservoir Wettability”, Paper reviewed, revised and published in ‘Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion’, Vol. 3 (Ed. K.L. Mittal), VSP International Science Publishers, pp. 407-426, 2003. 

Muhammad, Z., and Rao, D.N., "Determination of Dynamic Contact Angles in Solid-Liquid-Liquid Systems Using the Wilhelmy Plate Technique," Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 17, No.9, pp. 1187-1206, 2003.

Rao, D.N., and Lee, J. I.,  “Determination of Gas-Oil Miscibility Conditions by Interfacial Tension Measurements”, Journal of Colloids and Interface Science, Vol. 262, pp. 474-482, 2003.

Rao, D.N., and Lee, J.I., “Application of the New Vanishing Interfacial Tension Technique to Evaluate Miscibility Conditions for the Terra Nova Offshore Project", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 35, Issues 3-4, pp. 247-262, August 2002.

Rao, D.N. "Measurement of Dynamic Contact Angles in Solid-Liquid-Liquid Systems at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures", Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vol. 206, Nos. 1-3, pp. 203-216, July 2002.

Rao, D.N., "Correlation of Oil-Water Flow Behaviour in Reservoir Rocks with Dynamic Contact Angles", Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 41, 7, pp. 31-38, July 2002.

Rao, D.N. and Girard, M.G., "Induced Multiphase Flow Behaviour Effects in Gas Injection EOR Projects", Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 41, 7, PP. 53-60, July 2002.

Rao, D.N., and Karyampudi, R.S., "Application of the Dual-Drop Dual-Crystal Contact Angle Technique to Characterize Heavy Oil Reservoir Wettability", Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 16, No.5, pp. 579-596, May 2002.

Rao, D.N., "Fluid-Fluid and Solid-Fluid Interfacial Interactions in Petroleum Reservoirs", Petroleum Science and Technology, Vol. 19, Issues 1-2, pp. 157-188, March 2001.

Rao, D.N., "Gas Injection EOR- A New Meaning in the New Millennium" Invited Article for the Distinguished Author Series, Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, Vol. 40, No.2, pp. 11-18, February 2001.

Rao, D.N., and Karyampudi, R.S., "Productivity Enhancing Wettability Control Technology for Cyclic Steam Process in the Elk Point Cummings Formation", Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, Vol. 38, No.13, p. 53, December 1999.

Rao, D.N., McIntyre, F.J., and Fong, D.K., "Application of a New Technique to Optimize Injection Gas Composition for the Rainbow Keg River 'F' Pool Miscible Flood", Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, Vol. 38, No.13, p. 45, December 1999.

Rao, D.N., “Wettability Effects in Thermal Recovery Operations”, SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 2 (5), pp. 420-430, October 1999.

Rao, D.N., "A New Technique of Vanishing Interfacial Tension for Miscibility Determination", Fluids Phase Equilibria, An International Journal, 139, pp. 311-324, 1997.

Rao, D.N. and Girard, M.G., "A New Technique for Reservoir Wettability Characterization", Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, pp. 31-39,  January 1996.

Rao, D.N., Girard, M. and Sayegh, S.G., "The Influence of Reservoir Wettability on Waterflood and Miscible Flood Performance", Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, pp. 47-55, June 1992.

Rao, D.N., Girard, M., and Sayegh, S.G., "Impact of Miscible Flooding on Wettability, Relative Permeability, and Oil Recovery", SPE Reservoir Engineering, pp. 204-212, May 1992.

Sayegh, S.G., Rao, D.N., Kokal, S.L., and Najman, J., "Phase Behavior and Physical Properties of Lindbergh Heavy Oil/CO2 Mixtures", Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, pp. 31-39, November-December 1990.

Rao, D.N., Mohtadi, M.F., and Hastaoglu, M.A., "Direct Contact Heat Transfer - A Better Way to High Efficiency and Compactness", The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 62, June 1984, pp. 319-325.

Rao, D.N., Bakshi, N.N., and Macdonald, D.G., "Colour Removal from Pulp Mill Effluent Using Fly-Ash Acidified With Chlorination Stage Effluent", Transactions of the Technical Section, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, 4 (3), pp. TR77-82, September 1978.




Kulkarni, M.M., and Rao, D.N., "Analytical Modeling of the Forced Gravity Drainage GAGD Process" , Paper prepared for presentation at the AIChE 2006 Annual Meeting, San Franciso, CA, Nov 12 –17, 2006.

Ayirala, S.C. and Rao, D.N: "Dew Point Pressure Prediction of Gas Condensate Reservoirs,” Paper prepared for presentation at 6th Petroleum International Conference and Exhibition, Petrotech-2005, New Delhi, India, January 16-19, 2005.

Ayirala, S.C. and Rao, D.N.: “Solubility, Miscibility and their Relation to Interfacial Tension for Application in Reservoir Gas-Oil Systems,” SPE Paper 91918 prepared for  presentation at the SPE International Petroleum Conference, Puebla, Pue., Mexico, Nov. 7-9, 2004.

Rao, D.N. and Ayirala, S.C.: “Application of a New Mechanistic Parachor Model to Predict Dynamic Gas-Oil Miscibility in Reservoir Crude Oil – Solvent Systems,” SPE Paper 91920 prepared for  presentation at the SPE International Petroleum Conference, Puebla, Pue., Mexico, Nov. 7-9, 2004.

Kulkarni, M M, and Rao, D N, “Analysis of the Novel Toe-To-Heel Air Injection (THAI) Process using Analytical Models”, Paper prepared for presentation at the AIChE 2004 Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, Nov 7 –12, 2004,

Kulkarni, M M, and Rao, D N, “Is Gravity Drainage an Effective Alternative to WAG?”, Paper prepared for presentation at the AIChE 2004 Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, Nov 7 –12, 2004.

Kulkarni, M M, and Rao, D N, “Experimental Investigation of Various Methods of Tertiary Gas Injection, SPE 90589, Paper prepared for presentation at the 80th Society of Petroleum Engineers’ Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, Sept 26 – 29, 2004.

Kulkarni, M M, and Rao, D N, “Analytical Prediction of In-Situ Combustion (ISC) Process Performance – Applicability to Indian EOR Scene”, Paper prepared for  presentation at the 11th Annual India Oil and Gas Review Symposium and International Exhibition, Mumbai, India, Sept 6 – 7, 2004.

Kulkarni, M M, and Rao, D N, “Is there a ‘Happy-Medium’ between Single Slug and Water-Alternating-Gas (WAG) Processes?” Paper prepared for presentation at the 11th Annual India Oil and Gas Review Symposium and International Exhibition, Mumbai, India, Sept 6 – 7, 2004.

Ayirala, S.C. and Rao, D.N.: “Surfactant-Induced Modifications in Interfacial and Surface Forces and Multiphase Flow Dynamics in Porous Media,” Paper presented at Fourth International Symposium on Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion, Philadelphia, PA, June 14-16, 2004.

Rao, D.N. and Ayirala, S.C.: “The Multiple Roles of Interfacial Tension in Fluid Phase Equilibria and Fluid-Solid Interactions,” Invited paper presented at Fourth International Symposium on Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion, Philadelphia, PA, June 14-16, 2004.

Ayirala, S.C., Vijapurapu, C.S. and Rao, D.N.: “Beneficial Effects of Wettability Altering Surfactants in Oil-Wet Fractured Reservoirs,” Paper presented at the 8th International Symposium on Reservoir Wettability, Houston, TX, May 16-18, 2004.

Rao, D.N., “Does the Zisman-type Spreading Behavior Exist in Reservoir Rock-Fluids Systems?”, Poster presentation at the 8th International Symposium on Reservoir Wettability, Houston, TX, May 16-18, 2004.

Rao, D.N. and Ayirala, S.C.: “Measurement and Modeling of Gas-Oil Interfacial Tension at Reservoir Conditions,” Paper presented at the 2004 ATW-Gas Condensate Reservoir Development and Management, Houston, TX, May 19-20, 2004.

Rao, D.N., Ayirala, S.C., Kulkarni, M.M. and Sharma, A.P.: “Development of Gas Assisted Gravity Drainage (GAGD) Process for Improved Light Oil Recovery,” SPE Paper 89357 presented at the SPE/DOE 14th Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, OK, April 17-21, 2004.

Ayirala, S.C. and Rao, D.N.: “Modified Parachor Model for Prediction of Interfacial Tension in Multi-Component Hydrocarbon Systems,” Paper presented at the 227th National ACS Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 28-April 1, 2004.

Ayirala, S.C., Rao, D.N., and Casteel, J., “Comparison of Minimum Miscibility Pressures Determined from Gas-Oil Interfacial Tension Measurements with Equation of State Calculations”, Paper SPE 84187 prepared for presentation at SPE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Denver, CO. October 5-8, 2003.

Ayirala, S.C., Rao, D.N., and Casteel, J.C., “Validation of New Experimental Approach of Vanishing Interfacial Tension (VIT) for Minimum Miscibility Pressure (MMP) Determination using Equations of State”, Paper presented at Astatphys–Mex-2003 Petroleomics Symposium”, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, August 25-29, 2003.

Vijapurapu, C. S., and Rao, D. N., “Compositional Effects of Fluids on Spreading, Adhesion and Wettability in Porous Media”, Paper presented at TRI/Princeton’s Third International Workshop on Characterization of Porous Materials, Princeton, N.J., June 23-25, 2003.

Ayirala, S.C., and Rao, D.N., “Multiphase Flow and Wettability Effects of Surfactants in Porous Media”, Paper presented at TRI/Princeton’s Third International Workshop on Characterization of Porous Materials, Princeton, N.J., June 23-25, 2003.

Vijapurapu, C. S., and Rao, D. N., “Effect of Brine Dilution and Surfactant Concentration on Spreading and Wettability”, Paper SPE-80273, Proceedings of the 2003 SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, TX, February 5-7, 2003.

Rao, D. N., “Recent Developments in Techniques to Characterize Reservoir Rock-Fluids Interactions”, Paper No. U448, Proceedings of the 5th International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition, Petrotech-2003, New Delhi, India, January 9-12, 2003.

Rao, D. N., “Problems, Promises and Design Considerations of Gas Injection Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes”, Paper No. U449, Proceedings of the 5th International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition, Petrotech-2003, New Delhi, India, January 9-12, 2003.

Ayirala, S. C., Rao, D. N., “Enhancement of Oil Recovery Through Surfactant-Induced Relative Permeability Modifications”, Paper No. U450, Proceedings of the 5th International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition, Petrotech-2003, New Delhi, India, January 9-12, 2003.

Vijapurapu, C. S., Rao, D. N., “The Dependence of Reservoir Wettability on Rock and Fluids Characterization”, Paper No. U451, Proceedings of the 5th International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition, Petrotech-2003, New Delhi, India, January 9-12, 2003.

Rao, D.N., “The Concept, Characterization, Concerns and Consequences of Contact Angles in Solid-Liquid-Liquid Systems”, Invited paper presented at the Third International Symposium on Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion, Providence, Rhode Island, May 20-23, 2002.

Rao, D.N., and Vijapurapu, C.S., ""The Effect of Rock Surface Characteristics on Reservoir Wettability", Paper presented at the Third International Symposium on Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion, Providence, Rhode Island, May 20-23, 2002.

Vijapurapu, C.S., Rao, D.N., and Lian, K., "The Effect of Rock Surface Characteristics on Reservoir Wettability", Paper SPE 75211 presented at the SPE/DOE 13th Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, OK, April 13-17, 2002.

Rao, D.N., and Radwani, H.H., "The Effect of Solid Surface Roughness on Dynamic Contact Angles in Solid-Liquid-Liquid Systems", Paper ETCE-2002/CMDA-29071 presented at the ASME Engineering Technology Conference on Energy, Houston, TX, February 4-6, 2002.

Rao, D.N., "Measurements of Dynamic Contact Angles in Solid-Liquid-Liquid Systems at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures", Paper presented at the First International TRI/Princeton Workshop on Nanocapillarity: Wetting of Heterogeneous Surfaces and Porous Solids, Princeton, NJ, June 25-27, 2001.

Rao, D.N., and Girard, M.G., "Induced Multiphase Flow Behavior Effects in Gas Injection EOR Projects", Paper prepared for presentation at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference", June 12-15, 2001.

Muhammad, Z., and Rao, D.N., "Compositional Dependence of Reservoir Wettability", SPE 65409, paper presented at the SPE International Symposium on Oil Field Chemistry, Houson, TX, February 13-16, 2001.

Rao, D.N., and Bassiouni, Z.A., "Cost-Effective CO2 Sequestration through Enhanced Oil Recovery", Paper ETCE 2001-17091, paper presented at ASME's Engineering Technology Conference on Energy, Houston, TX, February 5-7, 2001.

Rao, D.N., and Lee, L.I., “Miscibility Evaluation for Terra Nova Offshore Field”, Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 5-8, 2000, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Rao, D.N., and Lee, L.I., “Evaluation of Minimum Miscibility Pressure and Composition for Terra Nova Offshore Project Using the New Vanishing Interfacial Tension Technique”, SPE paper 59338 presented at SPE/DOE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium, Tulsa, Ok, April 3-5, 2000.

Rao, D.N., and Bassiouni, Z.A., “A New Technique to Confidently Characterize Wettability Alterations by Drilling/Completions/Workover Fluids”, SPE paper 59516 presented at the SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, LA, February 23-24, 2000.

Rao, D.N., “Rapid and Cost-effective Determination of Gas-Oil Miscibility using the Vanishing Interfacial Tension Technique, paper presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Colloid Chemistry in Oil Production, Huatulco, Mexico, November 14-17, 1999.

Rao, D.N., “Characterization of Spreading and Adhesion Phenomena in Crude Oil-Brine-Rock Systems at Reservoir Conditions”, Paper presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Colloid Chemistry in Oil Production, Huatulco, Mexico, November 14-17, 1999.

Rao, D.N., "Is there a Correlation between Wettability from Corefloods and Contact Angles?,” SPE Paper 37234, presented at the 1997 SPE International Symposium on Oil Field Chemistry, Houston, Texas, 18-21 February 1997.

Rao, D.N., McIntyre, F.J., and Fong, D.K., "Application of a New Technique to Optimize Injection Gas Composition for the Rainbow 'F' Pool Miscible Flood", CIM paper 96-100 presented at the Petroleum Society's 47th Annual Technical Meeting, Calgary, 10-12 June 1996.

Rao, D.N., "Wettability Effects in Thermal Heavy Oil Recovery Operations", SPE paper 35462 presented at the 1996 SPE/DOE Tenth Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, OK, 21-24 April 1996.

Shaw, J.C., Tsuen, R., Leggit, S.M., Schramm, L.L., and Rao, D.N., "Pyrobitumen Induced Formation Damage Problems", SPE paper 31130 presented at the International Symposium on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, LA, 14-15 February 1996.

 Rao, D.N., "The New Dual-Drop-Dual-Crystal Contact Angle Technique for Confident Reservoir Wettability Characterization", Paper #4, presented at the 16th International Energy Agency Workshop/Symposium, October 15-18, 1995, Chiba City, Japan.

Rao, D.N., "Discovery, Development and Field Test of Wettability Control Technology", Paper #10 presented at the 16th International Energy Agency Workshop/Symposium, October 15-18, 1995, Chiba City, Japan.

Rao, D.N., "Formation Wettability Evaluation using a New Contact Angle Technique", Paper presented at the CSPG/CWLS Joint Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, May 28-31, 1995.

Rao, D.N., and Karyampudi, R.S., "Productivity Enhancing Wettability Control Technology for Cyclic Steam Process in the Elk Point Cummings Formation", Paper 95-62 presented at the 46th Annual Technical Conference of CIM, May 14-17, 1995, Banff, Alberta. (Also presented at PRI's Annual Conference & Exhibit in Calgary, May 25, 1995).

Karyampudi, R.S., and Rao, D.N., "Improved Wettability Determination Using DDDC Technique at Elk Point Heavy Oil Field", Paper 95-22 presented at the 46th Annual Technical Conference of CIM, May 14-17, 1995, Banff, Alberta.

Rao, D.N., and Girard, M. G., "Characterization of Dynamic Fluid-Solid Interactions in Petroleum Reservoirs", paper presented at the 44th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Calgary, Alberta, October 2-5, 1994.

Rao, D.N., "A Simple New Technique to Account for Adhesion in Wettability Characterization Through Contact Angles", paper presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Evaluation of Reservoir Wettability and its Effect on Oil Recovery, Laramie, Wyoming, U.S.A, September 21-23, 1994.

Rao, D.N., and Girard, M. G., "A New Technique for Reservoir Wettability Characterization", CIM/AOSTRA Paper 94-48 presented at the 45th Annual Technical Conference of CIM, June 12-15, 1994, Calgary, Alberta.

Rao, D.N., and Maini, B.B., "Impact of Oil-Rock Adhesion on Reservoir Mechanics", CIM Paper 93-65 presented at the 44th Annual Technical Conference, May 10-12, 1993, Calgary, Alberta.

Sayegh, S.G., Fisher, D.B., and Rao, D.N., “A Parametric Study of Hydrocarbon Miscible EOR in Visual Micromodels”, paper presented at the 42nd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 18-21, 1992.

Rao, D.N., Girard, M., and Sayegh, S.G., "The Influence of Reservoir Wettability on Waterflood and Miscible Flood Performance", Paper No. CIM/AOSTRA 91-06, presented at the CIM/AOSTRA 1991 Technical Conference, Banff, Alberta, 21-24 April 1991.

Rao, D.N., Girard, M., and Sayegh, S.G., "Impact of Miscible Flooding on Wettability, Relative Permeability and Oil Recovery", Paper No. SPE 20522, presented at the 65th SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, 23-26 September 1990.

Rao, D.N., Girard, M., and Sayegh, S.G., "Interfacial Phenomena in Miscible Gas Processes", Paper No. SPE 19698, presented at the 64th SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX, 8-11 October 1989.

Sayegh, S.G., Rao, D.N., Kokal, S.L., and Najman, J., "Phase Behavior and Physical Properties of Lindbergh Heavy Oil/CO2 Mixtures", Paper No. 89-40-45, presented at the 40th Annual Technical Meeting of the Petroleum Society of CIM, Banff, Alberta, 28-31 May 1989.

Rao, D.N., Mohtadi, M.F., and Hastaoglu, M.A., "Direct Contact Heat Transfer - A Better Way to High Efficiency and Compactness", Paper presented at the 33rd Conference of the Canadian Society of Chemical Engineers, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2-5 October 1983.

Rao, D.N., and Mohtadi, M.F., "A Novel Direct Contact Heat Exchange System for Efficient Heating of Water", Paper presented at the ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-24 March 1983.

Rao, D.N. and Mohtadi, M.F., "Performance Characteristics of a Novel Direct Contact Heat Transfer System", Paper presented at the 66th Conference of the Chemical Institute of Canada, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 5-8 June 1983.

Wierzba, I., Rao, D.N., and Mohtadi, M.F., "A Novel Technique for Steam Generation in Oil Wells", Paper presented at the VI International Symposium on Combustion Processes, Karpacz, Poland, 26-30 August 1979.

Wierzba, I., Rao, D.N., and Mohtadi, M.F., "A Novel In-Situ Steam Generator", Paper presented at the Combustion Institute's Technical Meeting, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 3-4 May 1979.

Bakshi, N.N., Rao, D.N., and Macdonald, D.G., "Color Removal from Pulp Mill Effluent Using Fly-Ash", Paper presented at the 27th Conference of the Canadian Society of Chemical Engineers, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 25 October 1977.

Macdonald, D.G., Bakshi, N.N., and Rao D.N., "Color Removal from Pulp-Mill Effluent Using Acidified Fly-Ash", Paper presented at the Fall Conference of the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada, 22-24 September 1977.





The statements and opinions included in Dandina Rao's pages are those of Dandina Rao's only. Any statements and opinions included in these pages are not those of Louisiana State University or the LSU Board of Supervisors.