Current Course Schedule

The schedule below is subject to change based on class sizes and availability

ENTM 4005: Insect Taxonomy


ENTM 4006: Fundamentals of Applied Entomology


ENTM 4040: Insect Ecology


ENTM 7001: General Entomology


ENTM 7007: Seminar in Entomology


ENTM 7008: Special Topics (varies by semester)


ENTM 7030: Aquatic Entomology



ENTM 2001: Insects in the Environment


ENTM 4002: Insect Biology


ENTM 4018: Forest Insects and Disease


ENTM 7005: Classification of Immature Insects


ENTM 7006: Advanced IPM


ENTM 7007: Seminar in Entomology


ENTM 7008: Special Topics (varies by semester)


ENTM 7016: Introduction to Insect Physiology

ENTM 4007: Forensic Entomology


ENTM 4011: Biology and Management of the Honey Bee


ENTM 7002: Plant Resistance to Arthropods


ENTM 7007: Seminar in Entomology


ENTM 7008: Special Topics (varies by semester)


ENTM 2001: Insects in the Environment


ENTM 4018: Forest Insects and Disease


ENTM 4100: Insect Behavior


ENTM 7003: Advanced Medical and Veterinary Entomology


ENTM 7007: Seminar in Entomology


ENTM 7008: Special Topics (varies by semester)


ENTM 7008-001: U.S. Agriculture and Major Arthropod Pests (1-3 hrs)


ENTM 7015: Biological Control


ENTM 7017: Insecticide Toxicology

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