Lecture 11

In this discussion, we'll focus on regression analysis.

I. Regression

Regression analysis -- when one is just thinking about two variables -- offers us a way to "predict" or "explain" one variable (the dependent variable) with another variable (the independent variable. So, for instance, to use an example we've used before, one could predict undergraduate student grades with class attendance. Undergraduate grades would be the Y variable (the dependent variable, or the "left hand side" variable), and class attendance would be the X variable (the independent variable, or the "right hand side" variable).

In its simplest form, with only two variables -- one dependent (or response) variable Y and one explanatory or independent variable X -- regression analysis essentially plots a line. The formula for any line is:

Y = a + bX

X and Y are variables--they can change value from case to case in your data set. That is, the X for observation 1 (X1) is not necessarily the same as the X for observation 2 (X2).

a and b, on the other hand, are constants. They are the same no matter what the value of X and Y.

"a" is the intercept--it is the value of Y when X crosses the Y axis.

"b" is the slope--it is the change in Y associated with a one-unit change in X.

How does this relate to correlation? Well, regression is very much based on correlation. Recall that the Pearson's correlation was a measure of the strength of the linear relationship between two variables. "Ordinary Least Squares" regrssion analysis is a method that just calculates out a slope and an intercept for a line that is plotted to fit the datapoints in the scatter plot.

II. Minimizing squared "errors" to fit the Line

How does OLS (Ordinary Least Squares Regression) fit a line to data? (Note--this is just background information; you don't actually need to know this to do any of the calculations, or to figure out the slope or intercept).

OLS minimizes squared errors. What does this mean? What is an "error"?

For each observation X or case, the error is the difference between the observed Y in your dataset and the predicted Y that falls on the line.

Let's think about an example. Say you have a data set, such as one we examined in lecture 10:

So, for example, the equation for the line that fits the data displayed in the scatterplot above is:

Y (dye weight) = 368.35 + -.039 (X: time in minutes).

(We'll explain below how we calculated out the a and b).

368.35 is the intercept; it is the value of Y when X=0. Notice that this works out algebraically, because if X=0, then -.039*X drops out of the equation, leaving us with Y = 368.35.

-.039 is the slope; the negative sign indicates that it is downward sloping, (or that an increase in X is associated with a decrease in Y). The slope seems quite small in magnitude, but in part that's just because of the range of the Y variables. The slope tells us that for each one unit change in X (that is, for each minute) Y is expected to drop -.039. For the second data point in our set of data, what is the observed Y? Click here for the answer.

But what is the predicted Y for the second data point? You can calculate it out by plugging in X and Y into the line above. Click here for the answer.

But there is some error; the actual observation doesn't fall exactly on the line. "Error" in the world of OLS regression doesn't mean mistake -- it just means that not all the points fall on the line (in fact, in plenty of datasets, none of the points actually fall exactly on the plotted line), and that there's some "error" in prediction.

Recall that the "residual" or "error" or (by common notation) "e" is the observed Y - predicted Y. Calculate out the residual --and click here for the answer. Note that the positive residual indicates that the observed Y is larger than the predicted Y--in other words, that the datapoint would be above the plotted line.

Note that "e", just like X and Y, can change from observation to observation-- in some ways "e" is just a variable, albeit one that is manufactured by the line itself. a and b, however, are constants--they remain the same across the entire data set, because there is one constant line, with one slope and one intercept.

OLS picks the line that would minimize the sum of the squared errors (imagine if you squared each residual, and then added up all the squared residuals across all observations.

III. Extensions: Multiple Regression Analysis

One topic that we won't discuss here (there are other classes you are welcome to sit in on) is multiple regression. In multiple regression, you can "control for" other variables, while testing the effect of one variable on another.

IV. OLS assumptions

OLS relies on a number of assumptions (whether you are using bivariate or multivariate regression):

That all said, OLS is pretty robust even in the face of mild to moderate violations of these assumptions.

V. Calculating the Slope & Intercept

The formula for the slope for the bivariate regression analysis is as follows:

You can calculate out the intercept as follows:

a = (mean of Y) - (b)(mean of X)

So, for the example above, can you use excel to calculate out a slope and intercept? Click here for an excel table that outlines the answer.

VI. Significance Testing for Slopes

How can we do significance testing for slopes?

Given that, generally, we can think of the slope as a sample slope, we can then think about significance testing. We need to find out the standard error associated with our slope. This is the same exact reasoning that we went through when we talked about the mean--we talked about taking an infinite number of samples from our population, calculating a mean from each one--and then the standard deviation of the mean for that hypothetical sample of an infinite number of means is the "standard error".

To review, what does it mean when the standard error is large? Click here for the answer.

What is the formula for the standard error of the slope? First, let's give the formula for the variance of b, and then we can take the square root to get the standard error:

A few points:

Once we have the stanard error of b, we can calculate

t = b / std error

And use a t-table, just as we've always done.

VII. R-squares

The "R-square" is used to represent the amount of variance in Y explained by X.

In order to caluculate out a R2, you go through the following steps:

Note that R2 are very useful in terms of measuring the strength of linear relationships, or telling you how much of the variance in Y is "explained" by X.

But, note the limitations of using R2:

VIII. Questions

For the data on how weight of dye changes over time, calculate out the variance of b, the t, and the R-square Would you (at a 95% confidence level) reject the null hypothesis that X does not have an effect on Y?