Baton Rouge Survey: March-April, 2009

Baton Rouge Survey: March-April, 2009
(Entries are percentages)
Hello, my name is [FIRST NAME ONLY], and I’m a student at Louisiana State University, here in Baton Rouge.  I’m participating in a survey as part of a class project in sociology...I’m not selling anything.  For this survey, I’d like to speak with the person in your household who had the last birthday and who is 18 or older.  May I speak to this person?
I’d like to ask you some questions about issues that people have been talking about in Baton Rouge, like jobs, family, safety, and other things.  We are conducting this survey for our class  work and for academic research.  Of course, any answers you give are completely confidential, and you are free to refuse to answer any question or to end the interview at any time.  
Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you can't be too careful in dealing with people?
Most people can be trusted 35
Can't be too careful 62
Other, depends (Volunteered) 4
Please tell me how you would rate the honesty and ethical standards of people in these different fields  Very High, High, Average, Low, or Very Low? First, ... Next, ... 
Very high High Average Low Very Low No opinion Total
Advertising Practitioners 1 11 58 19 5 6 100
Bankers 8 28 44 16 4 1 100
Business Executives 5 19 46 18 10 2 100
Car Salesmen 1 8 26 37 28 1 100
Clergy 22 44 25 5 2 2 100
Congressmen 5 9 36 30 20 1 100
How about your own Congressman? 4 13 41 19 11 12 100
Lawyers 4 16 42 27 10 3 100
Medical Doctors 18 51 25 4 1 1 100
Nurses 21 55 21 3 0 0 100
Policemen 10 37 43 9 1 1 100
Building Contractors 6 14 53 19 5 3 100
Journalists 5 21 49 14 6 4 100
Labor Union Leaders 3 13 38 26 14 6 100
Suppose you had some problem to take up with an important local official, such as the mayor or local council member, but you did not personally know this official.  Do you feel that you would have to find someone who could contact the official FOR you, or could you contact the official directly?
Would have to go through connection 48
Could approach directly 45
Depends on the problem (volunteered) 6
Don't know 1
Now I am going to read you a series of statements that will help us understand how you feel about a number of things.  For each statement, please tell me if you completely agree with it, mostly agree with it, mostly disagree with it or completely disagree with it. The first one is... 
Completely Agree Mostly Agree Mostly Disagree Completely Disagree Don't Know Total
People like me don't have any say about what the government does  15 37 34 12 2 100
Generally speaking, elected officials in Washington lose touch with the people pretty quickly 35 49 12 3 2 100
Most elected officials care what people like me think  8 33 41 16 2 100
Voting gives people like me some say about how government runs things 31 45 13 9 2 100
How much of the time do you think you can trust the government in Washington to do what is right - just about always, most of the time or only some of the time?
Just about always 3
Most of the time 21
Some of the time 64
None of the time 10
Don't Know, Depends 2
No answer 0
How about State government?  How of much of the time do you think you can trust the State of Louisiana government to do what is right - just about always, most of the time or only some of the time?
Just about always 3
Most of the time 28
Some of the time 57
None of the time 9
Don't Know, Depends 3
No answer 1
And the local East Baton Rouge government?  How of much of the time do you think you can trust City-Parish government to do what is right - just about always, most of the time or only some of the time?
Just about always 5
Most of the time 29
Some of the time 55
None of the time 5
Don't Know, Depends 4
No answer 2
How much confidence do you have in the ability of the police to protect you from violent crime: a great deal, quite a lot, not very much, or none at all?
A great deal 21
Quite lot 38
Not very much 31
None at all 8
No opinion 2
How much confidence do you have in the ability of the U.S. government to respond to natural disasters: a great deal, a fair amount, not very much, or none at all?
A Great Deal 20
A Fair Amount 47
Not Very Much 24
None at All 8
No opinion 1
I'd like to ask you some questions about what has happened since Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf area. Do you think the federal government has responded adequately, or could it have done much better?
Adequately 23
Could have done better 75
Unsure 2
How about state government?  Do you think the Louisiana state government responded adequately to Hurricane Katrina or could it have done much better?
Adequately 24
Could have done better 74
Unsure 2
And local governments?  Do you think the Local governments responded adequately to Hurricane Katrina or could they have done much better?
Adequately 39
Could have done better 59
Unsure 3
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is responding to the needs of people affected by Hurricane Katrina?
Approve 35
Disapprove 13
Unsure 52
Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush responded to the needs of people affected by Hurricane Katrina, during his term in office?
Approve 31
Disapprove 61
Unsure 8
Would you be willing or not willing to pay more in taxes to help with the recovery from Hurricane Katrina?
Willing 39
Not Willing 52
Don't Know 8
No answer 1
Do you think the federal government should continue to provide housing for all people left homeless by Hurricane Katrina, or is this no longer the responsibility of the federal government?
Should Continue to Provide 29
No Longer Federal Responsibility 61
Unsure 10
In the past 30 days, how often have you visited a web site for -
Never 1-2 Times 3-5 Times More Than 5 Times Don’t Know No Answer Total
News and current events 21 15 9 53 1 1 100
Political information 34 18 8 37 1 1 100
Financial information 34 16 11 36 1 2 100
Social Networking 54 12 6 27 1 1 100
Shopping 37 18 12 31 2 1 100
Music/Concerts 56 23 9 11 0 1 100
Sports 50 16 9 24 1 1 100
Humor 62 16 7 13 1 1 100
Health and Fitness 41 23 13 21 1 1 100
Religion/Church related 53 17 12 16 0 2 100
Thinking about songs people copy from their CDs onto their computers, do you think it should be legal or illegal  to trade these songs with other people on the Internet?
Legal 40
Illegal 45
No opinion 15
What about movies that people copy from their DVDs onto their computers, do you think it should be legal or illegal  to trade these movies with other people on the Internet?
Legal 33
Illegal 50
No opinion 16
How likely is it that you would download songs from an Internet site if you could do so quickly and easily - very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not at all likely?
Very likely 38
Somewhat likely 15
Not too likely 13
Not at all likely 32
No opinion 3
How about movies - how likely is it that you would download movies from an Internet site if you could do so quickly and easily - very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not at all likely?
Very likely 26
Somewhat likely 17
Not too likely 16
Not at all likely 39
No opinion 3
All systems of justice make mistakes, but which do you think is worse?
To convict an innocent person 59
To let a guilty person go free 23
Can't Choose 17
No Answer 2
Some states have special laws that provide harsher penalties for crimes motivated by hate of certain groups than the penalties for the same crimes if they are not motivated by this kind of hate.  Would you favor or oppose this type of hate crime law in your state?
Favor 51
Oppose 40
Don't know 7
No Answer 3
Is there any area right around here - that is, within a mile - where you would be afraid to walk alone at night?
Yes 54
No 45
Don't Know 1
No Answer 1
Do you think having a gun in the house makes it a safer place to be or a more dangerous place to be?
Safer 51
More Dangerous 27
Depends (vol.) 19
Unsure 3
Do you Favor or oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder?
Favor 58
Oppose 29
Don't Know/No Answer 13
Next I’d like to ask you a couple questions about television and newspapers.  How many days in the past week did you read a daily newspaper?
0 23
1 10
2 11
3 7
4 6
5 7
6 1
7 36
Don't Know/No Answer 0
How many hours per day do you spend watching TV (television) on an average weekday, that is Monday through Friday?
0 2
1 13
2 24
3 20
4 13
5 15
6 5
7 3
8 1
9 0
10 1
11 0
12 2
Don't Know/No Answer 0
Now I just have a few questions about your household and your background.
First, may I ask, In what year were you born?  [Recoded to age]
18-30 25
31-45 25
46-60 28
61 and Over 19
Missing 4
[IF UNSURE ASK]: Are you male or female?
Male 46
Female 54
Do you consider yourself to be … Are you Hispanic or Latino?  [Answers combined]
White (non-Hisp) 51
Black (non-Hisp) 40
Asian 1
Hispanic 1
Missing or Other 7
Are your currently married, living with a partner, separated, divorced, widowed, or have you never been married?
Married  55
Living with partner  6
Separated  2
Divorced  8
Widowed  5
Single, never married  23
Don't Know 2
No Answer 100
Do you have children?  How many?
None 31
One 17
Two 23
Three 17
Four or more 10
Other answer 2
What is the highest grade of schooling that you have completed?
8th Grade or less 1
Some high school 4
High School Diploma 20
Vocational/Technical school 9
Some College 22
College degree 25
Some graduate school 3
Graduate degree 15
Don't Know 1
No Answer 1
What is your religious preference?  Is it Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, some other religion, or no religion?
Protestant 61
Catholic 24
Other 7
None 5
Don't Know/No Answer 3
Are you a member of a local church, synagogue, or other religious or spiritual community?
Yes 72
No 22
Don't know 1
Refused 5
Not including weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious services? 
Every week (or more often) 42
Almost every week 11
Once or twice a month 23
A few times per year 11
Less often than that 10
Don't know 1
Refused 1
Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, Democrat, Independent, or what?  Would you call yourself a strong (Republican/Democrat) or not a very strong (Republican/Democrat)?  Do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican or Democratic Party?  [Answers combined]
Strong Democrat 29
Democrat 14
Lean Democratic 9
Independent 5
Lean Republican 8
Republican 15
   Strong Republican 15
Other 3
None 3
Who did you vote for in the 2008 Presidential election?
John McCain 36
Barack Obama 47
Someone else [Volunteered] 0
Didn't vote 10
Don't remember, No Answer, Refused 7
Who did you vote for in the 2008 election for Mayor of Baton Rouge?  Did you vote for [Read four candidate names…]
Wayne Carter 1
Kip Holden 62
Ron Johnson 2
Dan Kyle 2
Someone else [Volunteered] 1
Didn't vote 22
Don't remember, No Answer, Refused 11
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Kip Holden is handling his job as Mayor of Baton Rouge?
Approve 75
Disapprove 9
Unsure 16
We hear a lot of talk these days about liberals and conservatives.  Would you call yourself -
Extremely Liberal 4
Liberal 10
Slightly Liberal 8
Moderate, middle of the road 23
Slightly Conservative 14
Conservative 24
Extremely Conservative 8
Don't Know 6
No Answer 2
Just one more question: I'm going to read you a series of income categories.  Please stop me when I get to the category that includes the total income that you and all other members of your household earned before taxes last year, from all sources.
Under $15,000 6
Under $25,000 6
Under $35,000 8
Under $50,000 13
Under $75,000 14
Under $100,000 12
More than $100,000 17
Don't Know 8
No Response 16
This concludes the interview.  Thank you for participating in this survey and giving so generously of your time.
Note.  Data collected by students in Sociology 2211 ("Sociological Methods"), Louisiana State University, March-April 2009.  Data are based on a random-digit-dialed telephone sample, representative of the general population age 18 and over in the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Area, to reflect the combined age-gender-race/hispanic distributions, according to the U.S. Census estimates for 2006.