Baton Rouge 2001 Survey: Percentages
Baton Rouge 2001 Baton Rouge 2000 South National
First, may I ask, In what year were you born? [recoded as Age]
BR 2000 GSS 98 GSS 98
18-30 29 28 21 19
31-45 31 30 35 36
46-60 23 22 22 23
61 and Over 17 20 22 22
100 100 100 100
[IF UNSURE ASK]: Are you male or female?
BR 2000 GSS 98 GSS 98
Male 47 48 43 44
Female 53 52 57 56
100 100 100 100
I'm going to read you a list of some things that different people value.  Some people say these things are very important to them.  Other people say they are not so important.  Please tell me how important each things is to you personally.  How about being financially secure? Is it one of the most important values you hold, very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important?
A. Being financially secure
One of the most important 26 27
Very important 53 51
Somewhat important 18 18
Not too important 2 3
Not at all important 2 0
B. Being married
One of the most important 14 19
Very important 44 31
Somewhat important 22 22
Not too important 11 18
Not at all important 7 9
Don't know, No answer 2 1
C. Having children
One of the most important 19 23
Very important 47 38
Somewhat important 20 19
Not too important 11 11
Not at all important 4 8
Don't know, No answer 1 1
D. Having faith in God
One of the most important 51 46
Very important 37 32
Somewhat important 9 12
Not too important 2 6
Don't know, No answer 1 5
Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you can't be too careful in dealing with people?
BR 2000 GSS 98 GSS 98
Most people can be trusted 40 31 33 38
Can't be too careful 52 62 60 56
Other, depends (Volunteered) 8 6 6 6
Don't know, No answer 0 1 0 0
100 100 100 100
Now I am going to read you a list of institutions in American society.  Please tell me how much confidence you, yourself, have in each one - a great deal, quite a lot, some, or very little?
The Church or organized religion
A great deal 45 28
Quite a lot 29 28
Some 17 26
Very little 7 14
None (Volunteered) 1 2
Don't know, No answer 1 2
Public Schools
A great deal 11 13
Quite a lot 17 24
Some 35 41
Very little 30 19
None (Volunteered) 6 2
Don't know, No answer 2 1
A great deal 7 7
Quite a lot 17 17
Some 38 47
Very little 29 24
None (Volunteered) 8 3
Don't know, No answer 2 2
The Police
A great deal 18 18
Quite a lot 32 36
Some 34 33
Very little 13 10
None (Volunteered) 4 2
100 1
A great deal 9 6
Quite a lot 18 10
Some 38 35
Very little 21 38
None (Volunteered) 7 7
Don't know, No answer 7 4
A great deal 13 12
Quite a lot 30 25
Some 41 38
Very little 9 22
None (Volunteered) 5 2
Don't know, No answer 2 1
*Gallup, June 22-25, 2000
Next, we'd like to know how much you trust different groups of people.  First, think about (GROUP).  Generally speaking, would you say that you can trust them a lot, some, only a little, or not at all? 
People in your neighborhood
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Trust them a lot 37 36 47 48
Trust them some 40 37 32 33
Trust them only a little 17 16 11 11
Trust them not at all 3 7 8 6
Don't Know 2 4 3 2
100 100 100 100
People you work with
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Trust them a lot 32 38 40 42
Trust them some 37 32 24 25
Trust them only a little 13 10 10 9
Trust them not at all 5 4 4 4
(vol) Does not apply 11 16 21 21
Don't Know 1 0 1 0
Refused 1 0
100 100 100 100
People at your church or place of worship
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Trust them a lot 59 67 62 59
Trust them some 28 22 18 17
Trust them only a little 5 4 5 5
Trust them not at all 1 1 1 2
(vol) Does not apply 5 7 14 17
Don't Know 2 0 1
Refused 1 0 0
100 100 100 100
People who work in the stores where you shop
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Trust them a lot 12 21 26 28
Trust them some 50 48 45 45
Trust them only a little 22 20 18 16
Trust them not at all 8 8 9 7
(vol) Does not apply 1 3 2 2
Don't Know 8 1 2 2
100 100 100 100
The local news media
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Trust them a lot 12 14 15 14
Trust them some 51 45 40 42
Trust them only a little 26 27 22 24
Trust them not at all 8 11 16 15
(vol) Does not apply 1 1 4 3
Don't Know 2 1 2 2
100 100 100 100
The police in your local community
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Trust them a lot 31 38 47 49
Trust them some 45 40 32 31
Trust them only a little 17 15 11 11
Trust them not at all 6 6 9 7
Don't Know 1 2 2 2
100 100 100 100
White people
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Trust them a lot 23 24 26 28
Trust them some 61 56 48 49
Trust them only a little 9 11 11 10
Trust them not at all 2 3 2 2
(vol) Does not apply 2 3 3 4
Don't Know 2 2 1 2
Refused 3 2 8 7
100 100 100 100
African Americans or Blacks
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Trust them a lot 16 18 21 22
Trust them some 63 60 50 50
Trust them only a little 13 14 13 10
Trust them not at all 2 2 3 3
(vol) Does not apply 1 3 4 5
Don't Know 2 1 2 2
Refused 3 2 8 7
100 100 100 100
Asian people
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Trust them a lot 13 16 19 21
Trust them some 61 53 46 47
Trust them only a little 11 14 12 11
Trust them not at all 4 3 4 3
(vol) Does not apply 3 7 8 8
Don't Know 5 4 3 3
Refused 3 2 9 7
100 100 100 100
Hispanics or Latinos
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Trust them a lot 13 15 17 20
Trust them some 61 54 47 48
Trust them only a little 12 15 14 12
Trust them not at all 3 3 4 3
(vol) Does not apply 2 7 7 7
Don't Know 6 4 3 3
Refused 4 2 9 7
100 100 100 100
City government
Trust them a lot 10
Trust them some 51
Trust them only a little 26
Trust them not at all 11
(vol) Does not apply 1
Don't Know 3
Grade and high school teachers
Trust them a lot 32
Trust them some 46
Trust them only a little 13
Trust them not at all 4
Don't Know 6
Trust them a lot 9
Trust them some 46
Trust them only a little 29
Trust them not at all 11
(vol) Does not apply 1
Don't Know 3
Refused 1
Medical doctors
Trust them a lot 50
Trust them some 37
Trust them only a little 9
Trust them not at all 2
Don't Know 1
Trust them a lot 10
Trust them some 57
Trust them only a little 24
Trust them not at all 6
Don't Know 3
Refused 1
Trust them a lot 53
Trust them some 38
Trust them only a little 5
Trust them not at all 1
(vol) Does not apply 0
Don't Know 3
*Social Capital Benchmark Survey, 2000
In history classes in high school and college, do the experiences of racial and ethnic minority groups in America receive too much attention now, too little attention, or about the right amount?
Too much attention 19 23
Too little attention 35 21
About the right amount 38 43
Don't know, No answer 8 14
In general, how much of a problem do you think racism in the work place is for black families today?  Is this a big problem for black families today, somewhat of a problem, or not a problem?
Big problem 24 28
Somewhat of a problem 55 41
Not a problem 15 21
Don't know 7 10
*Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Assoc. April 16-19, 1999. N=751 adults nationwide.
Suppose a close relative or family member were marrying an Asian person?  Would you favor it happening, oppose it, or neither favor nor oppose it happening?
An Asian person
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Favor 29 37 35 38
Neither favor nor oppose 54 50 43 44
Oppose 13 10 12 9
Don't know, Refused 4 3 10 9
An African-American or Black person
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Favor 38 38 32 35
Neither favor nor oppose 39 41 36 39
Oppose 19 18 23 17
Don't know, Refused 4 3 10 9
A White person
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Favor 54 46 49 49
Neither favor nor oppose 38 46 36 38
Oppose 5 6 5 4
Don't know, Refused 2 2 10 9
A Latino or Hispanic person
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Favor 32 36 37 41
Neither favor nor oppose 51 49 40 41
Oppose 14 10 13 9
Don't know, Refused 4 5 11 8
*Social Capital Benchmark Survey, 2000
There has been a lot of discussion recently about whether gay couples should be granted either marriage or its equivalent in terms of legal rights.  Do you believe gays and lesbians should be allowed to get legally married, allowed a legal domestic partnership similar to but not called marriage, or should there be no legal recognition given to gay and lesbian relationships?
Allowed to get legally married 17 19
Allowed a legal domestic partnership 18 24
There should be no legal recognition 59 47
Not sure 6 10
*Fox News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Jan. 12-13, 2000. N=902 registered voters nationwide.
Even though the U.S. Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, government has placed some restrictions on it.  Overall, do you think Americans have too much freedom to speak freely, too little freedom to speak freely, or is the amount of freedom people have to speak freely about right?
Too much freedom 19 12
Too little freedom 20 26
About right 58 59
Don't know/Refused 3 3
   *Freedom Forum First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt University "State of the First Amendment Survey" conducted by the Center for Survey Research and Analysis at the University of Connecticut. Latest: February 26-March 24, 1999. N=1,001 adults nationwide.
There are some people whose views are considered extreme by the majority.  Consider a person who advocates doing away with elections and letting the military run the country.  If such a person wanted to make a speech in your community, should he be allowed to speak, or not?
GSS 98
Yes, allowed to speak 63 66
Not allowed 33 31
Don't know 4 2
Do you think it should be legal or illegal to burn the American flag?
Should be legal to burn 14 17
Should be illegal 78 79
Not sure 8 4
[If "Illegal"]: Is it worth amending the U.S. Constitution to make flag burning illegal, or not worth it?
Worth it to amend Constitution 50 50
Not worth it to amend 25 26
Not sure 6 3
*ABC News/Washington Post Poll. July 9-12, 1998. N=1,511 adults nationwide.
In general, do you think the courts in this area deal too harshly or not harshly enough with criminals?
BR 2000 GSS 98 GSS 98
Too harshly 6 9 7 6
Not harshly enough 61 56 75 74
About right (Vol.) 23 23 13 13
Don't know, No answer 10 11 6 6
100 100 100 100
Some states have special laws that provide harsher penalties for crimes motivated by hate of certain groups than the penalties for the same crimes if they are not motivated by this kind of hate.  Would you favor or oppose this type of hate crime law in your state?
Favor 62 65
Oppose 31 31
Don't know 8 4
*Gallup Poll, Sep 11-13, 2000
In general, do you feel that the laws covering the sale of firearms should be made more strict, less strict, or kept as they are now?
BR 2000 2000*
More strict 59 56 61
Less strict 9 8 7
Kept as they are now 31 33 30
Don't know, No answer 2 4 2
100 100
*Gallup Poll, April, 2000
Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree that it is sometimes necessary to discipline a child with a good, hard spanking?
GSS 96
Strongly agree 29 26
Agree 51 45
Disagree 14 18
Strongly disagree 4 8
Don't know, No answer 3 2
Is there any area right around here - that is, within a mile - where you would be afraid to walk alone at night?
BR 2000 GSS 98 GSS 98
Yes 52 52 43 41
No 46 44 54 57
Don't know, No answer 2 4 3 1
100 100 100 100
Do you favor or oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder?
BR 2000 GSS 98 GSS 98
Favor 62 58 70 68
Oppose 26 27 22 25
Don't know, No answer 12 15 8 8
100 100 100 100
Next I'd like to ask you a couple questions about television and newspapers.
How many days in the past week did you read a daily newspaper?
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
0 17 18 29 26
1 9 14 12 12
2 12 15 10 10
3 12 10 10 9
4 7 4 4 5
5 9 4 4 4
6 3 2 1 2
7 27 32 30 32
Don't know 3
How many hours per day do you spend watching TV (television) on an average weekday, that is Monday through Friday?
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
0 4 4 7 8
1 15 18 20 21
2 28 25 26 26
3 17 17 15 16
4 12 10 12 11
5 8 8 8 7
6 3 3 3 3
7 1 2 1 1
8 2 4 1 2
9 1 1 0 0
10 2 3 2 2
12+ 5 5 4 4
Don't know 3 1 1 1
100 100 100 100
What is your religious preference?  Is it Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, some other religion, or no religion?
BR 2000 GSS 98 GSS 98
Protestant 50 49 71 54
Catholic 34 29 17 25
Jewish 1 0 2
Other 7 9 2 3
None 6 7 9 14
NA 1 7
100 100 100 100
Are you a member of a local church, synagogue, or other religious or spiritual community?
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Yes 78 76 68 65
No 17 23 32 35
[No Religion] 5
*Social Capital Benchmark Survey, 2000.  Base: of those with a religion.
Not including weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious services?
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Every week (or more often) 40 49 45 41
Almost every week 19 12 11 9
Once or twice a month 20 21 18 20
A few times per year 11 12 16 17
Less often than that 4 6 9 13
Don't know 1 0 0 0
Refused 1 0 0 0
[No Religion] 5
*Social Capital Benchmark Survey, 2000.  Base: of those with a religion.
About how often have you ... [INSERT ACTIVITY]?
Had friends over to your home?
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Every week (or more often) 31 23 18 18
Almost every week 20 25 24 25
Once or twice a month 31 11 10 11
A few times per year 12 21 26 24
Less often than that 1 14 14 14
Never 3 6 8 8
Don't know 1 1 0 1
100 100 100 100
Visited relatives in person or had them visit you?
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Every week (or more often) 31 28 22 23
Almost every week 22 28 25 26
Once or twice a month 25 9 11 11
A few times per year 16 18 19 20
Less often than that 3 12 17 15
Never 2 6 6 5
Don't know 1 0 0 0
100 100 100 100
Socialized with co-workers outside of work?
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Every week (or more often) 9 7 6 6
Almost every week 9 12 12 12
Once or twice a month 27 4 4 5
A few times per year 15 16 15 15
Less often than that 8 17 16 15
Never 25 14 14 13
Don't know 3
Refused (or don't work) 3 30 34 34
100 100 100 100
Played cards or board games with others?
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Every week (or more often) 7 9 9 9
Almost every week 7 13 11 13
Once or twice a month 17 6 6 7
A few times per year 20 22 17 19
Less often than that 14 18 20 17
Never 34 32 37 36
Don't know 2 0 0 0
100 100 100 100
Attended a club meeting
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Every week (or more often) 6 3 3 3
Almost every week 2 8 8 7
Once or twice a month 21 11 7 8
A few times per year 11 15 14 12
Less often than that 10 20 12 14
Never 49 43 56 56
Don't know 1 0 0 0
100 100 100 100
Hung out with friends at a park, shopping mall, or other public place?
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Every week (or more often) 15 12 10 11
Almost every week 14 21 20 20
Once or twice a month 24 7 8 8
A few times per year 14 18 20 20
Less often than that 8 17 16 15
Never 25 24 26 26
Don't know 1 0 0 0
100 100 100 100
Attended any public meeting in which there was discussion of town or school affairs?
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Every week (or more often) 2 1 0 0
Almost every week 2 2 4 2
Once or twice a month 10 3 4 4
A few times per year 14 10 11 10
Less often than that 15 30 27 28
Never 55 54 54 56
Don't know 1 0 0 0
Refused 1
100 100 100 100
*Social Capital Benchmark Survey, 2000.  Comparability is uncertain because recodes are not exact.
Now I'd like to ask whether you have taken part in activities with different groups and organizations.  I'm going to read a list; just answer YES if you have been involved in the past 12 months with this kind of group. 
A. An adult sports club or league, or an outdoor activity club.
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Yes 27 21 19 21
No 73 80 81 80
Refused 1
100 100 100 100
B. (How about) A youth organization like youth sports leagues, the scouts, 4-H clubs, and Boys & Girls Clubs.
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Yes 22 25 25 22
No 78 75 75 78
Refused 1 0 0
100 100 100 100
C. (How about) A parents' association, like the PTA or PTO, or other school support or service groups.
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Yes 26 24 26 22
No 74 77 74 78
Refused 1
100 100 100 100
D. Activities at your church or place of worship, other than attending services?  This might include teaching Sunday school, serving on a committee, attending choir rehearsal or a retreat.  Or working with any organization affiliated with religion, such as the Knights of Columbus or a bible study group?
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Yes 53 58 47 45
No 47 42 53 55
Refused 1 0
100 100 100 100
E. A neighborhood association, like a block association, a homeowner or tenant association, or a crime watch group.
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Yes 22 39 21 20
No 78 61 79 80
Refused 1 0
100 100 100 100
F. A charity or social welfare organization that provides services in such fields as health or service to the needy.
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Yes 38 34 31 32
No 61 66 69 68
Refused 1 0
100 100 100 100
G. A professional, trade, farm, or business association.
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Yes 29 26 26 25
No 71 75 74 75
Refused 1 0 0
100 100 100 100
H. Any other hobby, investment, or garden clubs or societies.
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Yes 34 26 26 25
No 65 74 74 75
Refused 1 0
100 100 100 100
I. And do you belong to any other kinds of clubs or organizations?
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Yes 28 15 15 15
No 71 85 85 85
Refused 1 0 0
100 100 100 100
*Social Capital Benchmark Survey, 2000
In the past twelve months, have you served as an officer or served on a committee of any local club or organization?
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Yes 21 25 20 20
No 78 75 79 79
Refused 1 0 1 0
100 100 100 100
*Social Capital Benchmark Survey, 2000
Which do you think should be a greater priority for the Bush Administration - maintaining economic growth or restoring moral and family values?
Maintaining economic growth 27 46
Restoring moral and family values 34 37
Both (volunteered) 36 16
Don't know, No answer 3 1
*Hart And Teeter Research Companies, January 13, 2001
Now I just have a few questions about your household and your background.
Do you consider yourself to be:
BR 2000 GSS 98 GSS 98
White 62 60 77 79
Black 35 37 18 14
Asian 1 1
Other 1 2 5 7
NA 1 0
100 100 100 100
Are you Hispanic or Latino?
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
Yes 3 3 8 9
No 97 96 90 89
No answer/Don't know 1 2 2 2
Race-Ethnic Group [last 2 questions combined]
BR'00* South'00* SCBS'00*
White (non-Hispanic) 61 59 70 75
Black (non-Hispanic) 34 37 20 12
Asian 1 1 1 2
Hispanic 3 3 9 11
Missing or Other 2
Are your currently married, living with a partner, separated, divorced, widowed, or have you never been married?
BR 2000 GSS 98 GSS 98
Married 50 46 45 48
Living with partner 7 5
Separated 2 3 2 3
Divorced 10 13 19 16
Widowed 5 9 12 10
Single, never married 25 23 21 23
NA 1 1
100 100 100 100
Do you have children?  How many?
BR 2000 GSS 98 GSS 98
None 32 30 29 28
One 16 14 17 17
Two 29 29 24 26
Three 11 13 15 15
Four or more 11 13 15 14
Other answer 1 1
NA 1 1
100 100 100 100
What is the highest grade of schooling that you have completed?
BR 2000 GSS 98 GSS 98
8th Grade or less 3 1
Some high school 4 8 18 15
High School Diploma 17 25 54 53
Vocational/Technical school 3 8 6 7
Some College 31 26
College degree 22 20 16 17
Some graduate school 6 2
Graduate degree 13 11 6 7
NA 1 1
100 100 100 100
*1998 & 2000 Categories: Less Than HS; High School degree; [Junior College]; College Degree; Graduate Degree
Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, Democrat, Independent, or what?  [IF REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT] Would you call yourself a strong (Republican/Democrat) or not a very strong (Republican/Democrat)?  [IF INDEPENDENT, NO PREFERENCE, OR OTHER] Do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican or Democratic Party?
Party Identification (combined)
BR 2000 GSS 98 GSS 98
Strong Democrat 19 18 14 13
Democrat 26 20 19 21
Lean Democratic 5 9 10 12
Independent 6 8 17 17
Lean Republican 5 5 8 9
Republican 17 17 20 17
Strong Republican 18 14 10 8
Don't Know, No Answer 2 4
Other 1 1 2
None 1 5
100 100 100 100
Who did you vote for in the Presidential election last fall?
George W. Bush 45
Al Gore 36
Someone else [Vol] 2
Didn't vote 11
Don't remember, No Answer, Refused 6
We hear a lot of talk these days about liberals and conservatives.  Would you call yourself -
BR 2000 GSS 98 GSS 98
Extremely Liberal 2 2 2 2
Liberal 12 13 11 13
Slightly Liberal 12 8 11 12
Moderate, middle of the road 27 27 33 35
Slightly Conservative 12 15 16 15
Conservative 23 18 16 15
Extremely Conservative 5 5 5 3
Don't Know 7 8 7 5
NA 2 4
100 100 100 100
Just one more question: I'm going to read you a series of income categories.  Please stop me when I get to the category that includes the total income that you and all other members of your household earned before taxes during 2000, from all sources.
BR 2000
Under $5,000 2 2
Under $10,000 4 5
Under $15,000 3 7
Under $25,000 9 12
Under $35,000 14 10
Under $50,000 13 9
Under $75,000 14 13
More than $75,000 16 11
Don't Know 7 4
No Response 19 27
100 100
Respondent's city
BR 2000
Baton Rouge 89 87
Baker 5 6
Greenwell Springs 4
Zachary 3 5