1996 Expert Survey Codebook

This codebook is for my 1996 expert survey data on party positions about European Integration. The data collection for the 1996 survey is described in:
1999 Ray, Leonard "Measuring Party Positions on European Integration: Results from an Expert Survey." The European Journal of Political Research 36: 283-306.
This dataset includes all variables reported in the EJPR article, as well as a number of additional variables drawn from: As of July 2004, these data were used in two of my publications, 2003 Ray, Leonard. "Reconsidering the Link between Incumbent Support and Pro-EU Opinion," European Union Politics. 4(3):259-279.

2003 Ray, Leonard. "When Parties Matter: The Conditional Influence of Party Positions on Voter Opinions about European Integration" Journal of Politics 65(4): 978-94.

Dataset in SPSS format | in excel format


NATID     nation identifier  
          A Numeric id for the nationality of a political party

          Value    Label
              1    Belgium
              2    Denmark
              3    Germany
              4    Greece
              5    Spain
              6    France
              7    Ireland
              8    Italy
              9    Luxembourg
             10    Netherlands
             11    United Kingdom
             12    Portugal
             13    Austria
             14    Finland
             15    Norway
             16    Sweden
             17    Switzerland

NATION    country name
          The name of each nation

PARTYID   party identifier
          A Numeric id for the each political party.
          Note these are unique within nations, 
          but not unique across nations.

PARTY     party abbreviation
          Abbreviated party name

ENAME     Party Name in English
          Generally accepted English translation of party name.

NAME      Party name
          Name of party in native language.

CMPCODE   Manifesto Project party identifier
          A unique identifier for each party which also appears 
          in the Comparative Manifesto Project dataset.  
          Missing for all parties not included in CMP.

POS84     Position on European Integration 1984
          From retrospective judgments of my experts in 1996.

          Value    Label
           1.00    Strongly opposed to European Integration
           2.00    Opposed to European Integration
           3.00    Somewhat opposed to European Integration
           4.00    Neutral
           5.00    Somewhat in favor of European Integration
           6.00    In favor of European Integration
           7.00    Strongly in favor of European Integration

POS88     Position on European Integration 1988
          From retrospective judgments of my experts in 1996.
          Same scale as POS84.

POS92     Position on European Integration 1992
          From retrospective judgments of my experts in 1996.
          Same scale as POS84.

POS96     Position on European Integration 1996
          From contemporary judgments of my experts in 1996.
          Same scale as POS84.

DIS84     dissent on European Integration 1984
          From retrospective judgments of my experts in 1996.

          Value    Label
           1.00    Complete unity
           2.00    Minor dissent
           3.00    Significant dissent
           4.00    Party evenly split on issue
           5.00    Leadership opposed by majority of party activists

DIS88     dissent on European Integration 1988
          From retrospective judgments of my experts in 1996.
          Same scale as DIS84.

DIS92     dissent on European Integration 1992
          From retrospective judgments of my experts in 1996.
          Same scale as DIS84.

DIS96     dissent on European Integration 1996                                         
          From contemporary judgments of my experts in 1996.
          Same scale as DIS84.

SAL84     salience of European Integration 1984
          From retrospective judgments of my experts in 1996.

          Value    Label
           1.00    issue of no importance to party
           2.00    a minor issue to party
           3.00    an important issue to party
           4.00    one of the most important issues
           5.00    the most important issue to the party

SAL88     salience of European Integration 1988
          From retrospective judgments of my experts in 1996.
          Same scale as SAL84.

SAL92     salience of European Integration 1992
          From retrospective judgments of my experts in 1996.
          Same scale as SAL84.

SAL96     salience of European Integration 1996 
          From contemporary judgments of my experts in 1996.
          Same scale as SAL84.

SDPOS84   Standard Deviation of Position 1984
          Standard deviation of experts' judgments

SDPOS88   Standard Deviation of Position 1988
          Standard deviation of experts' judgments

SDPOS92   Standard Deviation of Position 1992                                
          Standard deviation of experts' judgments

SDPOS96   Standard Deviation of Position 1996                                
          Standard deviation of experts' judgments

SDDIS84   Standard Deviation of dissent 1984                                 
          Standard deviation of experts' judgments

SDDIS88   Standard Deviation of dissent 1988                                 
          Standard deviation of experts' judgments

SDDIS92   Standard Deviation of dissent 1992                                 
          Standard deviation of experts' judgments

SDDIS96   Standard Deviation of dissent 1996                                 
          Standard deviation of experts' judgments

SDSAL84   Standard Deviation of salience 1984                                
          Standard deviation of experts' judgments

SDSAL88   Standard Deviation of salience 1988                                
          Standard deviation of experts' judgments

SDSAL92   Standard Deviation of salience 1992                                          
          Standard deviation of experts' judgments

SDSAL96   Standard Deviation of salience 1996                                
          Standard deviation of experts' judgments

FAMILY    Party family left and green distinct                               
          9 family classification of parties.
          Only historically Catholic parties counted as Christian Dem
          Left radicals assigned to communist or green family where possible
            Value  Label
            A      Agrarian
            CM     Communist
            CN     CoNservative
            CR     CRistian
            ER     Extreme Right
            G      Green
            L      Liberal
            LR     Left Radical (not used)
            R      Regionalist
            S      Socialist

FAMILY2   Party Family greens and Left merged                                             
          9 family classification of parties.
          Protestant parties counted as Christian
          Left radicals family contains some green parties and all Communists

            Value  Label
            A      Agrarian
            CM     Communist (not used)
            CN     CoNservative
            CR     CRistian
            ER     Extreme Right
            G      Green
            L      Liberal
            LR     Left Radical
            R      Regionalist
            S      Socialist

CAB79     months in cabinet 1979                                             
          Months party was in government

CAB80     months in cabinet 1980                                             
          Months party was in government

CAB81     months in cabinet 1981                                             
          Months party was in government

CAB82     months in cabinet 1982                                             
          Months party was in government

CAB83     months in cabinet 1983                                             
          Months party was in government

CAB84     months in cabinet 1984                                             
          Months party was in government

CAB85     months in cabinet 1985                                             
          Months party was in government

CAB86     months in cabinet 1986                                             
          Months party was in government

CAB87     months in cabinet 1987                                             
          Months party was in government

CAB88     months in cabinet 1988                                             
          Months party was in government

CAB89     months in cabinet 1989                                             
          Months party was in government

CAB90     months in cabinet 1990                                             
          Months party was in government

CAB91     months in cabinet 1991                                             
          Months party was in government

CAB92     months in cabinet 1992                                             
          Months party was in government

CAB93     months in cabinet 1993                                             
          Months party was in government

CAB94     months in cabinet 1994                                             
          Months party was in government

CAB95     months in cabinet 1995                                             
          Months party was in government

CAB96     months in cabinet 1996                                             
          Months party was in government

          Issue position from 1992 book "Policy and Party Competition"                                  

          Value    Label
              1    PRO PUBLIC OWNERSHIP

PROENV    PRO ENVIRONMENT FROM  Laver and Hunt                                         
          Issue position from 1992 book "Policy and Party Competition"                                  

          Value    Label
              1    PRO ENVIRONMENT
             20    PRO GROWTH

PROSERV   SERVICES VS TAXES FROM Laver and Hunt                              
          Issue position from 1992 book "Policy and Party Competition"                                  

          Value    Label
              1    PRO SERVICES
             20    TAX CUTS

PERMIS    PERMISSIVE SOCIAL POLICY Laver and Hunt                            
          Issue position from 1992 book "Policy and Party Competition"                                  

          Value    Label

USSR      PRO FRIENDLY RELATIONS WITH USSR Laver and Hunt                    
          Issue position from 1992 book "Policy and Party Competition"                                  

          Value    Label
              1    PRO USSR
             20    ANTI USSR

URBAN     PRO URBAN INTERESTS Laver and Hunt                                 
          Issue position from 1992 book "Policy and Party Competition"                                  

          Value    Label
              1    PRO URBAN INTERESTS
             20    ANTI URBAN INTERESTS

DCENT     PRO DECENTRALIZATION Laver and Hunt                                
          Issue position from 1992 book "Policy and Party Competition"                                  

          Value    Label
              1    PRO DECENT
             20    ANTI

CLERIC    PROCLERICAL SCALE LAVER AND HUNT                                   
          Issue position from 1992 book "Policy and Party Competition"                                  

          Value    Label
              1    ANTI CLERICAL
             20    PRO CLERICAL

IDEOLOGY  LEFT-RIGHT POSITION                                                
          Drawn from Hix and Lord 1997 "Political Parties in the European Union" 

          Value    Label
              1    LEFT
             10    RIGHT

PERPOS88  percieved position of party 1988 ebar                              
          Mean perception of the party's position on European Integration.
          From the Spring 1988 Eurobarometer survey.

          Value    Label
           2.00    pro eu
          -2.00    antiEU

MANPOS84  CMP position on integration in 1984                                  
          Party position in 1984 derived from most recent manifesto.
          Proportion of positive references to EU rescaled to range from -1 to 1.

          Value    Label
           1.00    all EU mentions positive
          -1.00    all EU mentions negative

MANPOS88  CMP position on integration in 1988                                          
          Party position in 1988 derived from most recent manifesto.
          Proportion of positive references to EU rescaled to range from -1 to 1.

          Value    Label
           1.00    all EU mentions positive
          -1.00    all EU mentions negative

MANPOS92  CMP position on integration in 1992                                          
          Party position in 1992 derived from most recent manifesto.
          Proportion of positive references to EU rescaled to range from -1 to 1.

          Value    Label
           1.00    all EU mentions positive
          -1.00    all EU mentions negative

MANSAL84  mentions of European Integration 1984                                        
          Total mentions of EU in most recent manifesto.

MANSAL88  mentions of European Integration 1988                                        
          Total mentions of EU in most recent manifesto.

MANSAL92  mentions of European Integration 1992                              
          Total mentions of EU in most recent manifesto.

GABELPRO  Proletarian Parties (Gabel 1998)                                   
          Dummy variable for Gabel's set of proletarian parties.

GABELBRG  Bourgeois parties (Gabel 1998)                                     
          Dummy variable for Gabel's set of bourgeois parties.

EB21PM    Held PM during EB 21                                                         
          Dummy for party holding Premiership during survey fieldwork.

EB22PM    Held PM during EB 22                                               
          Dummy for party holding Premiership during survey fieldwork.

EB29PM    Held PM during EB 29                                                         
          Dummy for party holding Premiership during survey fieldwork.

EB30PM    Held PM during EB 30                                               
          Dummy for party holding Premiership during survey fieldwork.

EB37PM    Held PM during EB 37                                               
          Dummy for party holding Premiership during survey fieldwork.

EB38PM    Held PM during EB 38                                               
          Dummy for party holding Premiership during survey fieldwork.

EB44PM    Held PM during EB 44                                               
          Dummy for party holding Premiership during survey fieldwork.

EB21GVT   In cabinet during EB 21                                            
          Dummy for party in cabinet during survey fieldwork.

EB22GVT   In cabinet during EB 22                                            
          Dummy for party in cabinet during survey fieldwork.

EB29GVT   In cabinet during EB 29                                            
          Dummy for party in cabinet during survey fieldwork.

EB21GVT   In cabinet during EB 21                                            
          Dummy for party in cabinet during survey fieldwork.

EB30GVT   In cabinet during EB 30                                            
          Dummy for party in cabinet during survey fieldwork.

EB37GVT   In cabinet during EB 37                                            
          Dummy for party in cabinet during survey fieldwork.

EB38GVT   In cabinet during EB 38                                            
          Dummy for party in cabinet during survey fieldwork.

EB44GVT   In cabinet during EB 44                                            
          Dummy for party in cabinet during survey fieldwork.

VAR00001  Party name (repeated)                                                
          ENAME repeated