The 2010 Baton Rouge Survey - Questionnaire in Development

The 2010 Baton Rouge Survey
Questionnaire (in Development)
(as of 3/12/10)
With possible second choices
Age, Generations
Variable agewed : AGE WHEN FIRST MARRIED
Literal Question
A. How old were you when you first married?
Descriptive Text
The response categories have been collapsed for convenience of display.
Values Categories N NW
12 4 4  0.0%
13 38 34  0.1%
14 106 99  0.4%
15 272 248  0.9%
16 843 806  3.1%
17 1453 1399  5.3%
18 2767 2709  10.3%
19 2886 2869  10.9%
20 2719 2733  10.4%
21 3324 3296  12.5%
22 2291 2279  8.7%
23 1980 1986  7.6%
24 1633 1640  6.2%
25 1477 1492  5.7%
26 978 955  3.6%
27 867 882  3.4%
28 603 607  2.3%
29 452 461  1.8%
30 454 452  1.7%
31 230 225  0.9%
32 238 234  0.9%
33 160 159  0.6%
34 119 120  0.5%
35 135 132  0.5%
36 72 72  0.3%
37 58 55  0.2%
38 62 57  0.2%
39 56 51  0.2%
40 62 58  0.2%
41 18 18  0.1%
42 35 28  0.1%
43 22 21  0.1%
44 12 10  0.0%
45 23 23  0.1%
46 9 10  0.0%
47 7 5  0.0%
48 7 7  0.0%
49 8 8  0.0%
50 8 7  0.0%
51 3 3  0.0%
52 9 9  0.0%
53 3 3  0.0%
54 6 5  0.0%
55 8 8  0.0%
56 4 4  0.0%
57 2 2  0.0%
58 5 6  0.0%
59 1 1  0.0%
60 4 4  0.0%
61 1 1  0.0%
62 1 1  0.0%
63 2 1  0.0%
65 1 0  0.0%
68 1 1  0.0%
70 1 0  0.0%
73 2 2  0.0%
90 1 0  0.0%
0 Not applicalbe 24271 24541
98 Don't know 19 17
99 No answer 187 160
Variable agekdbrn : RS AGE WHEN 1ST CHILD BORN
Literal Question
14. How old were you when your first child was born?
Descriptive Text
AGEKDBRN is coded in two digits. The collapsed numbers above are for convenience of display only.
Values Categories N NW
9 1 1  0.0%
11 1 1  0.0%
12 3 2  0.0%
13 21 16  0.1%
14 42 31  0.2%
15 116 102  0.7%
16 354 325  2.4%
17 584 569  4.1%
18 896 880  6.4%
19 1088 1070  7.8%
20 1212 1179  8.6%
21 1256 1246  9.1%
22 1038 1029  7.5%
23 913 944  6.9%
24 863 885  6.5%
25 901 908  6.6%
26 722 753  5.5%
27 685 711  5.2%
28 579 605  4.4%
29 456 464  3.4%
30 490 486  3.5%
31 290 295  2.1%
32 301 305  2.2%
33 202 219  1.6%
34 142 148  1.1%
35 154 157  1.1%
36 105 105  0.8%
37 75 80  0.6%
38 60 56  0.4%
39 47 45  0.3%
40 39 35  0.3%
41 26 25  0.2%
42 22 18  0.1%
43 9 10  0.1%
44 6 5  0.0%
45 6 8  0.1%
46 5 5  0.0%
47 4 3  0.0%
48 3 4  0.0%
49 3 3  0.0%
50 3 3  0.0%
51 3 3  0.0%
53 1 1  0.0%
54 1 1  0.0%
56 1 1  0.0%
65 1 1  0.0%
0 Not applicable 37118 37112
98 Don't know 34 26
99 No answer
1.    How likely is it that you will move away from New Orleans within the next two years?
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely
Haven’t decided
Have any of your school-aged children expressed any worry or concern about feeling unsafe at their school when they go back to school this fall?
Literal Question
90. In general, do you think the courts in this area deal too harshly or not harshly enough with criminals?
Values Categories N NW
1 TOO HARSH 2168 2180  5.2%
2 NOT HARSH ENOUGH 34765 34942  82.7%
3 ABOUT RIGHT 5198 5144  12.2%
0 NAP 6051 6049
8 DK 2648 2528
9 NA 190 176
Summary Statistics
Valid cases 42131
Missing cases 8889
This variable is numeric
Do you favor or oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder?
Favor 57
Oppose 28
Don't Know/No Answer 15
Total 100
Is there any area right around here - that is, within a mile - where you would be afraid to walk alone at night?
    BR 2004   BR 2003   BR 2002   BR 2001   BR 2000   US-GSS 98  
Yes   57   57   50   52   52   41  
No   42   42   49   46   44   57  
Don't know, No answer 1   1   1   2   4   1  
Total   100   100   100   100   100   100  
NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Bill McInturff (R). Oct. 22-25, 2009. N=1,009 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.1.
"Do you favor or oppose a law to ban the sale of assault weapons and semiautomatic rifles?"
Favor Oppose Unsure
% % %
10/22-25/09 49 45 6
4/23-26/09 53 41 6
May-91 75 22 3
Jul-90 73 23 4
Next, I'm going to read some things people do because of their concern over crime. Please tell me which, if any, of these things you, yourself, do or have done. First, ... Next, ... [RANDOM ORDER]
A. Keep a dog for protection
Yes No No
% % %
2007 Oct 4-7 31 68 *
2005 Oct 13-16 31 69 *
2003 Oct 6-8 31 69 *
2002 Oct 14-17 30 69 1
2001 Oct 11-14 32 68 *
2000 Aug 29-Sep 5 32 68 *
* Less than 0.5%
B. Bought a gun for protection of yourself or your home
Yes No No
% % %
2007 Oct 4-7 23 76 1
2005 Oct 13-16 23 77 *
2003 Oct 6-8 27 72 1
2002 Oct 14-17 21 78 1
2001 Oct 11-14 21 78 1
2000 Aug 29-Sep 5 22 78 *
C. Carry a gun for defense
Yes No No
% % %
2007 Oct 4-7 12 88 1
2005 Oct 13-16 11 89 *
2003 Oct 6-8 12 88 *
2002 Oct 14-17 10 89 1
2001 Oct 11-14 11 89 *
2000 Aug 29-Sep 5 12 87 1
D. Carry a knife for defense
Yes No No
% % %
2007 Oct 4-7 12 87 *
2005 Oct 13-16 11 89 *
2003 Oct 6-8 10 90 *
2002 Oct 14-17 11 88 1
2001 Oct 11-14 9 91 *
2000 Aug 29-Sep 5 10 90 *
* Less than 0.5%
E. Had a burglar alarm installed in your home
Yes No No
% % %
2007 Oct 4-7 31 69 1
2005 Oct 13-16 29 70 1
2003 Oct 6-8 25 75 *
2002 Oct 14-17 24 75 1
2001 Oct 11-14 23 76 1
2000 Aug 29-Sep 5 23 76 1
F. Carry mace or pepper spray
Yes No No
% % %
2007 Oct 4-7 14 86 *
2005 Oct 13-16 18 82 *
2003 Oct 6-8 19 81 *
2002 Oct 14-17 16 83 1
2001 Oct 11-14 17 83 *
2000 Aug 29-Sep 5 18 82 *
G. Avoid going to certain places or neighborhoods you might otherwise want to go to
Yes No No
% % %
2007 Oct 4-7 48 52 *
2005 Oct 13-16 47 53 *
2003 Oct 6-8 49 51 *
2002 Oct 14-17 43 56 1
2001 Oct 11-14 43 56 1
2000 Aug 29-Sep 5 56 44 *
* Less than 0.5%
Literal Question
340. If you had some complaint about a local government activity and took that complaint to a member of the local government council, would you expect him or her to pay a lot of attention to what you say, some attention, very little attention, or none at all?
Values Categories N NW
1 LOT OF ATTENTION 487 489  27.5%
2 SOME 859 852  47.9%
3 VERY LITTLE 307 307  17.3%
4 NONE 121 129  7.3%
0 NAP 49201 49201
8 DK 35 33
9 NA 10 8
Summary Statistics
Valid cases 1774
Missing cases 49246
This variable is numeric
Do People in Government Waste Tax Money 1958-2004
  '58 '64 '68 '70 '72 '74 '76 '78 '80 '82 '84 '88 '90 '92 '94 '96 '98 '00 '02 '04
A Lot : 43 47 59 69 66 74 74 77 78 66 65 63 67 67 70 59 61 59 48 61
Some : 42 44 34 26 30 22 20 19 18 29 29 33 30 30 27 39 34 38 49 37
Not Very Much: 10 7 4 4 2 1 3 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 4 3 3 2
Don't Know : 4 2 3 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
N   1774 1447 1343 1502 2282 2515 2865 2291 1607 1403 1920 1768 1962 2249 1769 1500 1278 1541 1311 1059
Table 5A.3 
Source: The American National Election Studies 
"Do you think that people in the government waste a lot of money 
we pay in taxes, waste some of it, or don't waste very much of it?" 
Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you can't be too careful in dealing with people?
      BR 2003   BR 2002   BR 2001   BR 2000   US-GSS 98   So-GSS 98    
Most people can be trusted 32   33   40   31   38   33    
Can't be too careful 60   55   52   62   56   60    
Other, depends (Volunteered) 6   11   8   6   6   6    
Don't know, No answer 2   1   0   1   0   0    
    Total 100   100   100   100   100   100    
How much of the time do you think you can trust the government in Washington to do what is right - just about always, most of the time or only some of the time?
      BR 2005   BR 2004   NES 02                
  Just About Always 2   3   5                
  Most of the Time 26   29   51                
  Some of the Time 66   63   44                
  None of the Time 3   4   0                
  Don't Know, Depends 2   0   0                
  No answer     0   0                
      100   100   100                
How about State government?  How of much of the time do you think you can trust the State of Louisiana government to do what is right - just about always, most of the time or only some of the time?
  Just About Always                        
  Most of the Time                        
  Some of the Time                        
  None of the Time                        
  Don't Know, Depends                        
  No answer                          
And the local East Baton Rouge government?  How of much of the time do you think you can trust City-Parish government to do what is right - just about always, most of the time or only some of the time?
  Just About Always                        
  Most of the Time                        
  Some of the Time                        
  None of the Time                        
  Don't Know, Depends                        
  No answer                          
CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. Feb. 12-15, 2010. N=1,023 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.
"Would you favor or oppose having a third political party that would run candidates for president, Congress and state offices against the Republican and Democratic candidates?"
Favor Oppose Unsure
% % %
2/12-15/10 64 34 2
Pew Research Center Poll. Feb. 3-9, 2010. N=1,383 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.5 (for all adults).
"Do you approve or disapprove of the Supreme Court's decision that allows corporations to spend on behalf of candidates in elections?"
Approve Disapprove Unsure
% % %
ALL 17 68 15
Republicans 22 65 14
Democrats 13 76 11
Independents 19 66 15
Computers, Internet, Science
Variable comphome : DOES R HAVE COMPUTER AT HOME
Literal Question
799. A. Do you have one or more computers at your home?
Values Categories N NW
1 YES 1975 2078  84.0%
2 NO 416 398  16.0%
0 NAP 48587 48505
8 DK 0 0
9 NA 42 40
Summary Statistics
Valid cases 2391
Missing cases 48629
This variable is numeric
PreQuestion Text
774. In the past 12 months, that is, from (INSERT CURRENT MONTH) 1999/2001 through (INSERT CURRENT MONTH) 2000/02 have you used the Web to do each of these things:
Literal Question
M. Go to a Web site to find information about political or social policy issues, current affairs, or political campaigns?
Descriptive Text
In 2000, filter logic for the computer questions varied across versions of the survey. In Version 4, computer questions were asked of respondents who: 1) used a computer ( COMPUSE =1) or Web-TV ( WEBTV =1); and 2) ever used the Web ( USEWWW =1); and 3) used the Web more than 0 minutes per week ( WWWHR >0) or ( WWWMIN >0). In Versions 5 and 6, computer questions were asked of respondents who: 1) used a computer ( COMPUSE =1) or Web-TV ( WEBTV =1); and 2) ever used the Web ( USEWWW =1); and 3) used the Web at least 1 hour per week (WWWHR >=1). In Versions 1 and 2, computer questions were asked of respondents who: 1) used a computer (COMPUSE =1) or Web-TV ( WEBTV =1); and 2) ever used the Web ( USEWWW =1); and 3) used the Web at least 4 hours per week ( WWWHR >=4).
Values Categories N NW
1 YES 581 593  34.6%
2 NO 1075 1120  65.4%
0 NAP 49194 49143
8 DK 1 1
9 NA 169 165
Summary Statistics
Valid cases 1656
Missing cases 49364
This variable is numeric
772. In the past 30 days, how often have you visited a web site for?
News and current events.            
Financial information              
Political information              
Health and fitness              
Religion/church related            
Social Networking              
How often do you, yourself, use the Internet to do the following -- frequently, occasionally, rarely or never? How about for -- [RANDOM ORDER]?
A. Sending and reading e-mail
Fre- Occa- Rarely Never No
quently sionally opinion
2005 Dec 5-8 67% 20 6 7 --
2003 Dec 11-14 65% 19 9 7 --
E. Checking news and weather
Fre- Occa- Rarely Never No
quently sionally opinion
2005 Dec 5-8 45% 27 11 17 --
2003 Dec 11-14 41% 27 15 17 --
G. Paying bills online
Fre- Occa- Rarely Never No
quently sionally opinion
2005 Dec 5-8 27% 13 10 50 --
2003 Dec 11-14 20% 9 10 61 --
H. Budgeting personal finances
Fre- Occa- Rarely Never No
quently sionally opinion
2005 Dec 5-8 17% 12 12 58 1
2003 Dec 11-14 16% 10 14 60 --
L. Reading "blogs" or Web logs
Fre- Occa- Rarely Never No
quently sionally opinion
2005 Dec 5-8 9% 11 13 66 1
Dataset: General Social Surveys, 1972-2006 [Cumulative File]
Literal Question
1165. The federal government has a lot of different pieces of information about people which computers can bring together very quickly. Is this a very serious threat to individual privacy, a fairly serious threat, not a serious threat, or not a threat at all to individual privacy?
Values Categories N NW
1 VERY SERIOUS THREAT 1073 1045    31.5%
2 FAIRLY SERIOUS 1206 1217    36.6%
3 NOT SERIOUS 827 834    25.1%
4 NOT A THREAT AT ALL 217 227    6.8%
0 NAP 47493 47505
8 CANT CHOOSE 162 155
9 NA 42 38
Summary Statistics
Valid cases 3323
Missing cases 47697
This variable is numeric
Questions for the Mayor
How of much of the time do you
think you can trust East Baton Rouge City-Parish government to do what is right - just about always,
most of the time or only some of the time?
1. Just about always
2. Most of the time
3. Some of the time
4. None of the time
5. Don't Know, Depends
6. No answer
City-Parish government has limited resources and has to set priorities. All of the following issues are important, but if the city can’t do everything, which issues do you think should have the highest priority? Take economic development: should it have the highest priority; high priority; medium priority; or lower priority?
___ A Economic Development
___ B [How about] Education
___ C Reducing Traffic Congestion
___ D Fighting Crime
___ E Cleaning up Litter and Graffiti
___ F Dealing with the aftermath of the Hurricanes
1. Highest Priority
2. High Priority
3. Medium Priority
4. Lower Priority
8. Don’t Know
9. No answer
If you think about the development of the Downtown area of Baton Rouge, how important do you think the following issues are?
How important is it that future development in this area promote a pedestrian friendly and interesting environment? 
How important is it that this area become a transportation hub with associated services and resources such as entertainment, shopping, restaurants and public parking? 
Nice to Have
Not Important
No Opinion
To what extent do you agree with the following statement:
I trust Mayor Holden to look out for the interests of people like me.
Somewhat agree
Somewhat disagree
Don’t know
How willing would you be to help fund a new interstate loop, either through temporary tax or toll?
Very willing
Not very willing
Not at all willing
Don’t know
How confident are you that the local government will use my tax money wisely in:
_ Reducing traffic
_ Promoting downtown development
_ Fighting crime
_ Keeping Baton Rouge economically competitive
Very confident
Not very confident
Not at all confident
Don’t know
The city of Baton Ropuge has been installing surveillance video cameras in high crime areas.  Do you think this process is increasing the safety of these areas?
No opinion
Do you feel this increase of public surveillance is an invasion of privacy
No opinion
What are your feelings about East Baton Rouge expanding the jail system?
_ It is a deterrent to crime
_ It is necessary
_ I would be willing to pay higher taxes for this
Don't know