Title IX and Neutrality
OCR&TIX is considered a neutral office because we are responsible for ensuring that LSU is compliant with laws prohibiting sex discrimination, including power-based violence like sexual harassment, interpersonal violence, and sexual violence. LSU’s Title IX Coordinator is responsible for overseeing fair and impartial investigations of complaints of gender-based discrimination and ensuring that the university takes appropriate action to address and prevent future incidents.
As a neutral office, OCR&TIX staff do not act as advocates for either the complainant or the respondent. Rather our aim is to provide support, recommend resources, and demystify policies, processes, and procedures. By remaining neutral, our office can better deliver fair, impartial investigations and subsequent outcomes.
While OCR&TIX is a neutral office, we are responsible for ensuring that LSU takes appropriate action to address and prevent gender-based discrimination. This includes providing support and resources, implementing training initiatives, and taking disciplinary action against individuals who violate PM-73.