Grant Support for an Innovative Resource

Dr. Jyotsna Sharma, our newest Assistant Professor and the Devon Energy Career Professor, has recently secured funding entitled "Digital Scholarship Start-up Grant". The purpose of the project is to create an online resource for students that provides them access to the oil and gas production data for actively producing US states. The database is intended to be a quick, accurate, and easy-to-use resource for research and learning purposes. The production and well data for creating this online portal will primarily be sourced from the database maintained by individual state government institutions. Dr. Sharma envisions several uses of this online portal, which is intended for both graduate and undergraduate students, including:
- Understand domestic oil/gas production trends and optimization opportunities.
- Use data analytics/machine learning tools on the production database to decipher meaningful behaviors and predictions.
- Create maps, generate statistics and custom visualization tools to aid learning and research.
- Investigate environmental impacts of oil production activities and conduct related research.
- Aid in understanding geological aspects of oil production.
- Serve as a resource for non-petroleum engineering students to get an overview of the oil industry.