Recent News Releases
The Stately Oak
While philanthropic motivations vary, they yield a common outcome for the College of Agriculture and the LSU AgCenter: enhanced ability to drive the mission.

Nutrition and Food Sciences students receive diversity grant to study food insecurity
Two graduate students in the LSU School of Nutrition and Food Sciences have taken notice of food insecurity among international students and are looking to make an impact on LSU.

LSU Ag Econ Quiz Bowl Team Is Named Back-To-Back National Champions
LSU won the 2022 Academic Bowl competition at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting.

LSU dietetics program receives perfect internship match rate for third consecutive year
Twenty-one spring graduates and one alumni of the LSU dietetics concentration successfully matched to dietetics internship as a pathway to becoming a registered dietitian.

Venker family establishes fund for diversity, equity and inclusion
Michael and Debra Benedict Venker donated $50,000 to establish the Venker Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Scholarship for the College of Agriculture.

College of Agriculture, Ogden Honors College sophomore named 2022 Udall Scholar
LSU sophomore Bridget Seghers has been named a 2022 Udall Scholar by the Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation. The Covington native was one of fifty-five students selected from a pool of 382 candidates, and the only scholar from Louisiana.