SCMA at Louisiana State University is united under one core principle: Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, has called us into the field of healthcare.


About SCMA

The Student Christian Medical Association was founded in 1990 with the specific purpose to teach students sacred principles as they pertain to critical issues within the medical profession, thus equipping students with the information crucial to providing moral and effective care to future patients. The Student Christian Medical Association desires to provide a community for students where they may encourage, inspire, excel, and serve together in a way that brings glory to God as we strive towards the healthcare careers to which He has called us.


SCMA works to fulfill the above mission by: hearing from Christian speakers that have traveled the roads we are on, providing volunteer opportunities to its members that impact surrounding communities, hosting social events that facilitate relationship building, and keeping Christ at the center of everything that we do.  If you have any questions or comments about SCMA that are not answered on the website, feel free to contact us at:

Join Our Email List

If you would like to join the SCMA Email list, provide your LSU Email Address with your name. Please know that non-LSU email addresses will NOT be accepted.

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T-shirts are available to purchase at any meeting!

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