Hope Ministries Survey Questions


September 25, 2009 – After Second Visit & Question Development





  1. How long have you been receiving services from HOPE Ministries?


  1. Do you understand how the pantry is labeled? (How much food per family) Would you like a new system of distribution?


  1. How do you transport food from the HOPE site? Would you like a system to transport you to and from the pantry?


  1. What, if anything, do you feel HOPE Ministries could do to better the services they provide to you?


HOPE’s Overall Mission


  1. Do you feel that HOPE Ministries is carrying out their mission statement : "Prevent Homelessness, Promote Self-Sufficiency, and Dignity"?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Unsure


  1. Could you survive without HOPE services?

a.    Yes

a.    No

b.    Unsure


  1. Do you feel this program is giving you the resources to develop long term financial goals?

a.    Yes

b.    No

c.    Unsure


  1. Are you aware of the other services that Hope Ministries offers?

a.    Yes

b.    No


Adequacy of Food


  1. What is the size of your family?

a.    1-2

b.    2-4

c.    4-6

d.    6-Plus


  1. Does the food pantry provide you with an adequate amount of food for your family size?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Unsure


  1. Is the amount/selection of goods you receive from HOPE Ministries sufficient for the number of people in your family?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Unsure


  1. Does the amount of food you receive fulfill your needs?

a.    Yes

b.    No


  1. Have you ever gone to more than one food bank in a month?

a.    Yes

b.    No


  1. Do you have a stable job and still need assistance?

a.    Yes

b.    No


  1. How often are the food products your household needs not available in the food pantry?
    1. Often
    2. Rarely
    3. Never
    4. Unsure


  1. What type of foods do you want more of at the pantry?
    1. Meats
    2. Vegetables
    3. Fruit
    4. Baby Items
    5. Bread
    6. N/A


  1. What is something you wish the pantry offered more of? (CHECK ONLY ONE)
    1. Produce
    2. Meats
    3. Whole Meal Ingredients (e.g., everything you need to make spaghetti)
    4. Breads/Pasta




  1. How long have you been coming?

a.    Less than 6 months

b.    6months- 1 year

c.    1-2 years

d.    2 years or more


  1. How long do you anticipate you will need the services at Hope Ministries

a.    Less than 6 months

b.    6months- 1 year

c.    1-2 years

d.    2 years or more


  1. Do you struggle finding where the services are located on the Hope Ministries Property?

a.    Yes

b.    No

c.    Sometimes


  1. What would help you to better navigate the Hope Ministries property

a.    Signs in both Spanish and English

b.    A large map that has location of services clearly located

c.    Color code lines (like in hospitals) on the walkways that lead you to your destination

d.    Other:__________________________________


  1. Do you wish that there were restrooms inside the facilities for you to use at HOPE ministries?
    1. Yes
    2. No


  1. Are the hours of operation of the HOPE ministries food pantry convenient for you? If not, what times would suit you better?

a.    The hours of operation are sufficient

b.    I would like mid-day hours

c.    I would prefer evening hours


  1. Do you feel like the first-come, first-serve option is the best or would you like to see a rotation process?

a.    First-come, first-serve

b.    Rotation


  1. Hope ministries is considering opening the pantry for only senior citizens one day a week. Do you:

a.    Agree

b.    Disagree

c.    No Preference

  1. Were you aware of all the federal guidelines you must meet to participate in the food pantry before you came to HOPE ministries?

a.    Yes

b.    no


Clients’ Feelings


  1. Do you feel comfortable using the services provided at Hope Ministries

a.    Yes

b.    No

c.    Unsure


  1. Do the employees/volunteers have pleasing, non-discriminatory attitudes to ensure equality to clients?

a.    Yes

b.    No

c.    Unsure


  1. Do you feel the workers/volunteers at HOPE ever show favoritism by allowing people they like or know to receive benefits? (e.g., Receiving extra food or letting them go first.)
    1. Yes
    2. No


  1. Are any of the questions asked throughout the intake process offensive in any manner?

a.    Yes

b.    No

c.    Unsure


  1. Are you confident that we will insure your security and privacy with your confidential information such as social security number?

a.    Yes

b.    No

c.    Unsure


  1. Do you feel as though HOPE is a place where your personal information and needs are kept confidential? Do you feel as though you can trust the volunteers and staff that are there?


    1. Yes
    2. No


  1. Is there clear communication between employees at HOPE and you the client?
    1. Excellent
    2. Very Good
    3. Good
    4. Fair
    5. Poor


Recommend to Others


  1. Would you refer other people to come and use Hope Ministries?

a.    Yes

b.    No


  1. Have or would you recommend HOPE ministries to a friend or family member if they were in need of assistance?

a.    Yes

b.    No