Baton Rouge Post-Hurricane Katrina Survey: September-November, 2005*
(Entries are percentages)
How long have you lived in Baton Rouge?
1 year or less 5
2-10 years 18
11-20 years 15
21 years or more 30
All my life 32
Don't Know 1
No answer 1
How likely is it that you will move away from Baton Rouge within the next two years or so?
Very likely 15
Somewhat likely 9
Somewhat unlikely 6
Very unlikely 67
Don't Know 2
No answer 1
How long have you lived in your neighborhood?
1 year or less 15
2-10 years 44
11-20 years 17
21 years or more 18
All my life 5
Don't Know 1
No answer 1
Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you can't be too careful in dealing with people?
Most people can be trusted 43
Can't be too careful 47
Other, depends (Volunteered) 8
Don't Know 1
No answer 1
Next, we'd like to know how much you trust different groups of people.  First, think about (GROUP).  Generally speaking, would you say that you can trust them a lot, some, only a little, or not at all? 
Trust them a lot Trust them some Trust them only a little Trust them not at all (vol) Does not apply Don't Know Refused  
People in your neighborhood 48 32 12 5 1 2 1 100
People you work with 45 21 7 4 18 3 1 100
People at your church or place of worship 66 19 3 2 8 2 1 100
People who work in the stores where you shop 25 48 17 6 1 3 1 100
The police in your local community 48 33 9 7 1 3 1 100
White people 30 51 7 3 3 3 2 100
African Americans or Blacks 25 53 11 3 3 3 2 100
Asian people 24 49 9 3 5 7 2 100
Hispanics or Latinos 23 49 11 4 5 6 3 100
City government 16 44 25 13 1 2 1 100
State government 12 41 27 17 1 2 1 100
Federal government 14 40 25 19 0 2 1 100
Journalists 12 39 28 18 1 2 1 100
Clergy 45 35 10 6 2 3 1 100
How much of the time do you think you can trust the government in Washington to do what is right - just about always, most of the time or only some of the time?
None of the Time 10
Some of the Time 62
Most of the Time 22
Just About Always 3
Don't Know, Depends 2
No answer 1
The relief effort for Hurrican Katrina may cost well over 100 billion dollars. How do you think the federal government should pay for this -- by cutting spending on other programs, increasing the federal budget deficit, raising taxes, or what?
Cutting other spending 37
Increasing federal deficit 10
Raising taxes 10
Something else 25
Pull out of Iraq (vol.) 8
Don't Know 8
No answer 2
Would you be willing or not willing to pay more in taxes to help with the recovery from Hurricane Katrina?
Willing 52
Not Willing 43
Don't Know 4
No answer 1
About how often have you ... [Insert Activity]? [If Necessary Probe with Categories]
Every week (or more often) Almost every week Once or twice a month A few times per year Less often than that Never Don't know, Refused  
Had friends to home 42 14 24 13 4 2 1 100
Visited relatives 44 13 24 12 4 1 2 100
Socialized with co-workers 18 8 20 13 9 24 9 100
Played cards or board games 13 7 18 15 12 34 1 100
Attended a club meeting 10 4 24 9 8 43 1 100
Hung out with friends 23 9 26 12 9 20 1 100
Attended public meeting 6 3 14 21 13 43 1 100
Now I'd like to ask whether you have taken part in activities with different groups and organizations.  I'm going to read a list; just answer YES if you have been involved in the past 12 months with this kind of group. 
Yes No Don't know Refused  
Sports club 27 73 0 1 100
Youth organization 30 69 0 1 100
Parents' association like PTA 29 70 0 1 100
Activities at church 60 40 0 1 100
Neighborhood association 35 65 0 0 100
Charity organization 46 53 0 0 100
Professional association 36 63 1 1 100
Hobby, investment, or garden societies 33 66 1 1 100
Other clubs or organizations 28 71 0 1 100
In the past twelve months, have you served as an officer or served on a committee of any local club or organization?
Yes 28
No 71
Don't know 0
Refused 1
Now I am going to read you a series of statements that will help us understand how you feel about a number of things.  For each statement, please tell me if you completely agree with it, mostly agree with it, mostly disagree with it or completely disagree with it.  The first one is...
  Completely Agree Mostly Agree Mostly Disagree Completely Disagree Don't Know No answer  
No Say About What the Government Does 17 25 33 24 2 1 100
Elected Officials Care What People Like Me Think 13 40 28 18 2 1 100
Voting Gives People a Say About Government 41 38 11 7 2 1 100
Elected Officials in Washington Lose Touch 43 35 13 5 3 1 100
City-Parish government has limited resources and has to set priorities.  All of the following issues are important, but if the city can't do everything, which issues do you think should have the highest priority?  Take economic development: should it have the highest priority; high priority; medium priority; or lower priority?
Highest Priority High Priority Medium Priority Lower Priority Don't Know No answer  
Economic Development 21 50 25 3 1 1 100
Education 50 42 5 2 0 1 100
Reducing Traffic Congestion 28 41 25 5 1 1 100
Fighting Crime 36 52 9 2 1 1 100
Cleaning Up Litter 15 29 42 13 1 1 100
Aftermath of Katrina 42 42 12 3 1 1 100
Is there any area right around here - that is, within a mile - where you would be afraid to walk alone at night?
Yes 44
No 54
Don't Know 2
No answer 1
How likely do you think it is that you may be the victim of a  crime  in the next 12 months? Would you say it is…
Very likely 11
Somewhat likely 22
Somewhat unlikely 25
Very unlikely 38
Don't Know 3
No answer 1
How often would you say purse snatching, robbery, or other street crimes occur around your neighborhood?  Would you say these things happen:
Very often 7
Somewhat often 11
Somewhat seldom 24
Very seldom 55
Don't Know 3
No answer 0
How often do you see drug dealers or users on the streets around your neighborhood?  Do you see them:
Very often 12
Somewhat often 5
Somewhat seldom 9
Very seldom 70
Don't Know 3
No answer 1
We’d also like to know how you feel about safety and crime in your neighborhood, and in Baton Rouge in general.
As far as crime is concerned, how safe do you feel in Baton Rouge, outside your neighborhood?  Would you say you feel very safe, fairly safe, not very safe, or not safe at all?
Very safe 17
Fairly safe 63
Not very safe 14
Not safe at all 5
Don't Know 1
No answer 1
How about your neighborhood?  How safe do you feel it is?  Would you say you feel very safe, fairly safe, not very safe, or not safe at all?
Very safe 58
Fairly safe 36
Not very safe 4
Not safe at all 2
Don't Know 0
No answer 1
Have you been a victim of crime in the last year?
No 83
Yes 17
Don't Know 0
No answer 1
Have any of your close friends in Baton Rouge been a victim of crime in the last year?
No 71
Yes 27
Don't Know 1
No answer 1
Now I’d like to ask you some questions about Hurricane Katrina.
Do you think [see below] has/have done a great, good, neither good nor bad, bad, or terrible job in responding to Hurricane Katrina and subsequent flooding?  How about ... [go down list]
  Great Good Neither Good Nor Bad Bad Terrible Don't Know No answer  
State government 5 26 26 21 19 1 1 100
Local government 8 43 25 12 9 2 1 100
U.S. government 6 26 26 23 17 1 1 100
President Bush 10 27 24 17 19 2 1 100
Have you yourself had any of the following feelings because of what's happened as a result of Hurricane Katrina? 
Yes Yes, just a little No Don't Know No answer  
Depressed 28 20 52 0 1 100
Angry 39 15 46 1 1 100
Hopeful 62 13 24 1 1 100
When you think of people displaced by Hurricane Katrina who are staying in Baton Rouge, do you have any of the following feelings? 
Yes Yes, just a little No Don't Know No answer  
Fellow-feeling, Solidarity 43 15 37 4 1 100
Pity or Compassion 84 9 6 1 1 100
Irritation, bother 43 18 38 1 1 100
Fear or concern 51 15 33 0 1 100
Happiness 25 11 60 2 2 100
Have you done unpaid volunteer work to help Hurricane evacuees?  [If yes]   More than once?
None 37
Once 12
More than Once 48
No answer 3
[If yes] Did you do this volunteer work with a religious organization, like a church? [combined from previous question]
None 37
Worked, but not Church 30
Once 7
More than Once 24
No answer 2
Do you NOW have people staying in your house or your own apartment who were displaced by Hurricane Katrina? 
[If no to previous Q] Did you EARLIER have people staying in your house or your own apartment who were displaced by Hurricane Katrina?  [questions combined:]
No One 49
Stayed Earlier 34
Staying Now 16
No Answer 1
[If yes to either of 2 previous questions] Are [were] these people relatives of yours, are they friends, or what? [Check any that apply]
Relatives 32
Friends 19
Colleagues, co-workers, etc 2
Co-religionists or members of an association you belong to 0
People you had no previous connection to 4
Relief workers 0
No Answer 2
How much of a problem has [Name First Item] been for you and your family lately [Read Answers]?
Very serious problem Somewhat serious problem Minor problem Not a problem at all Don't Know No answer
Traffic congestion 45 28 19 7 1 1 100
Difficulties in shopping for groceries and household items 28 26 25 21 1 1 100
Crowding in house 8 7 11 74 0 1 100
Crowding in neighborhood 9 9 14 67 1 1 100
Crowding in schools 15 16 12 35 21 2 100
Difficulties w telephone 29 16 14 40 0 1 100
People rude or unfriendly 13 15 15 56 1 1 100
Have  rumors about crime and social unrest in Baton Rouge since Hurricane Katrina made you feel more concerned about your own safety? 
Yes 53
No 46
Don't Know 1
No answer 1
[If yes] Did you hear these rumors from people you know, from the news media, or somewhere else?
People I know 24
News media 20
Somewhere else 8
Don't Know 1
No answer 0
System 47
[If yes] Did you change your usual daily routines because of concern for your safety, like avoiding certain parts of town or staying at home?
Yes 27
No 26
Don't Know 0
No answer 0
System 47
[Answers combined]
Didn't Hear Rumors 46
Heard Rumors 26
Changed due to Rumors 27
No Answer 2
Do you think the economy in Baton Rouge will get better or worse in the next 12 months, or will it stay the same?
Get better 62
Get worse 16
Stay the same 17
Don't Know 4
No answer 1
And do you think that Baton Rouge will get better or worse as a place to live in the next 12 months, or will it stay the same?
Get better 38
Get worse 30
Stay the same 27
Don't Know 5
No answer 1
Do you think that most Hurricane evacuees now in Baton Rouge will eventually go back to where they’re from, or do you think a lot of them will stay here?  Would you say...
Most will go back 26
Some will stay 28
Lots of them will stay 43
Don't Know 3
No answer 1
In your view, did this disaster show that racial inequality remains a major problem in this country, or don’t you think this was a particularly important lesson of the disaster?
Showed It Remains a Problem 48
Not an Important Lesson 44
Don't Know 5
No answer 2
Most of the people stranded in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina were African American.  Do you think the government's response to the situation would have been faster if most of the victims had been white, or don't you think this would have made any difference?
Would Have Been Faster 29
No Difference 58
Don't Know 4
No answer 2
System 7
Next I'd like to ask you a couple questions about television and newspapers.  How many days in the past week did you read a daily newspaper?
0 15
1 11
2 11
3 10
4 5
5 4
6 2
7 42
Don't know 1
Refused 1
How many hours per day do you spend watching TV (television) on an average weekday, that is Monday through Friday? [IF RESPONSE IS 12 OR GREATER, ENTER 12]
0 3
1 19
2 25
3 18
4 10
5 7
6 4
7 1
8 2
9 1
10 3
12 6
Don't know 2
Refused 0
Now I just have a few questions about your household and your background.
First, may I ask, In what year were you born? [recoded as Age]
18-30 26
31-45 27
46-60 26
61 and Over 18
Missing 3
[IF UNSURE ASK]: Are you male or female?
Male 48
Female 52
Do you consider yourself to be: [READ RESPONSE OPTIONS] White, Black, Asian, American Indian, Other.  Are you Hispanic or Latino?  [Combined answers]
White (non-Hisp) 55
Black (non-Hisp) 35
Asian 2
Hispanic 3
Missing or Other 4
Are your currently married, living with a partner, separated, divorced, widowed, or have you never been married?
Married 55
Living with partner 6
Separated 2
Divorced 8
Widowed 6
Single, never married 22
Don't Know 0
NA 1
Do you have children?  How many?
None 28
One 17
Two 25
Three 14
Four or more 12
Other answer 2
NA 2
What is the highest grade of schooling that you have completed?
8th Grade or less 3
Some high school 5
High School Diploma 20
Vocational/Technical school 3
Some College 24
College degree 27
Some graduate school 4
Graduate degree 14
NA 1
What is your religious preference?  Is it Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, some other religion, or no religion?
Protestant 55
Catholic 28
Other 6
None 9
Don't Know 0
NA 2
Religious Fundamentalism [Previous question followed up by question about specific denomination.  Denominations categorized according to General Social Survey definitions]
Liberal 19
Moderate 34
Fundamentalist 37
Missing 10
Are you a member of a local church, synagogue, or other religious or spiritual community?
Yes 70
No 17
Don't Know 0
System 12
Not including weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious services?
Every week (or more often) 46
Almost every week 10
Once or twice a month 20
A few times per year 10
Less often than that 11
Don't Know 1
Refused 2
Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, Democrat, Independent, or what?  [If Republican or Democrat] Would you call yourself a strong (Republican/Democrat) or not a very strong (Republican/Democrat)?  [If Independent, No Preference, Or Other] Do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican or Democratic Party?  [answers combined]
Strong Democrat 22
Democrat 14
Lean Democratic 8
Independent 10
Lean Republican 6
Republican 14
Strong Republican 19
Other 2
None 6
Who did you vote for in the 2004 Presidential election?
George W. Bush 47
John Kerry 32
Someone else [Volunteered] 3
Didn't vote 11
Don't Know 2
NA 5
And who did you vote for in the 2004 Mayoral runoff election?
Bobby Simpson 18
Melvin L. 'Kip' Holden 51
Someone else [Volunteered] 2
Didn't vote 21
Don't Know 4
NA 4
We hear a lot of talk these days about liberals and conservatives.  Would you call yourself [Read Answer Categories]:
Extremely Liberal 6
Liberal 11
Slightly Liberal 8
Moderate, middle of the road 26
Slightly Conservative 14
Conservative 21
Extremely Conservative 6
Don't Know 5
NA 3
Just one more question: I’m going to read you a series of income categories.  Please stop me when I get to the category that includes the total income that you and all other members of your household earned before taxes during 2001, from all sources.
Under $15,000 11
Under $25,000 7
Under $35,000 9
Under $50,000 12
Under $75,000 14
Under $100,000 13
More than $100,000 15
Don't Know 8
No Response 11
This concludes the interview.  Thank you for participating in this survey and giving so generously of your time.
*Note.  Survey conducted by Frederick Weil, Edward Shihadeh, and Matthew Lee of the Sociology Department at Louisiana State University.  Interviews were done September 27 to November 29, 2005.  Data are based on a random-digit-dialed telephone sample, representative of the general population age 18 and over in East Baton Rouge Parish, LA.  Survey includes 1,349 completed interviews.  The results are weighted to reflect the combined age-gender-race/hispanic distributions, according to U.S. Census estimates for 2004.  Data collection was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation.