The 2009 Baton Rouge Survey
Questionnaire (in Development)
(as of 3/6/09)
Would you be willing or not willing to pay more in taxes to help with the recovery from Hurricane Katrina?
Willing 47
Not Willing 50
Don't Know 3
No answer 1
When you think of people displaced by Hurricane Katrina who are staying in Baton Rouge, do you have any of the following feelings? 
        Yes Yes, just a little No Don't Know No answer  
  Fellow-feeling, Solidarity 33 16 45 5 1 100
  Pity or Compassion   70 16 13 1 0 100
  Irritation, bother   25 16 57 2 0 100
  Fear or concern   39 18 42 1 1 100
  Happiness   24 12 61 3 1 100
CBS News/New York Times Poll. Aug. 17-21, 2006. N=1,206 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.
[Modified] "I'd like to ask you some questions about what has happened since Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf area. Do you think the federal government has responded adequately, or could it have done much better?"
Adequately Could Have Unsure
Done Better
% % %
8/17-21/06 17 80 3
[Added] "Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is responding to the needs of people affected by Hurricane Katrina?"
[Modified] "Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush responded to the needs of people affected by Hurricane Katrina?"
Approve Disapprove Unsure
% % %
8/17-21/06 41 51 8
2/22-26/06 32 64 4
9/9-13/05 44 48 8
[Modified] "Do you think the Louisiana state government responded adequately to Hurricane Katrina or could it have done much better?"
Adequately Could Have Unsure
Done Better
% % %
8/17-21/06 15 81 4
9/6-7/05 24 70 6
[Added] "Do you think the Local governments responded adequately to Hurricane Katrina or could they have done much better?"
How much confidence do you have in the ability of the U.S. government to respond to natural disasters: a great deal, a fair amount, not very much, or none at all?"
A Great Deal A Fair Amount Not Very None at All
% % % %
ALL adults 16 43 30 9
   Whites 16 45 29 8
   Blacks 7 35 40 14
8/17-21/06 13 43 32 12
2/22-26/06 10 39 37 14
10/3-5/05 16 47 32 5
9/6-7/05 19 32 34 15
Gallup Poll. Oct. 9-12, 2006. N=1,001 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.
"Do you think having a gun in the house makes it a safer place to be or a more dangerous place to be?" Options rotated
Safer More Depends Unsure
Dangerous (vol.)
% % % %
10/9-12/06 47 43 7 3
10/11-14/04 42 46 10 2
8/29 - 9/5/00 35 51 11 3
Some states have special laws that provide harsher penalties for crimes motivated by hate of certain groups than the penalties for the same crimes if they are not motivated by this kind of hate.  Would you favor or oppose this type of hate crime law in your state?
BR 2001 2000*
Favor 62 65
Oppose 31 31
Don't know 8 4
*Gallup Poll, Sep 11-13, 2000
Dataset: General Social Surveys, 1972-2006 [Cumulative File]
Literal Question
1164. All systems of justice make mistakes, but which do you think is worse?
To convict an innocent person.................1
To let a guilty person go free..................2
Values Categories N NW
1 CONVICT INNOCENT 2938 2905  71.7%
2 FREE THE GUILTY 1109 1150  28.3%
0 NAP 46276 46278
8 CANT CHOOSE 608 597
9 NA 89 90
Summary Statistics
Valid cases 4047
Missing cases 46973
This variable is numeric
Click here to display the associated publications for VERDICT
Click here to see Trends for VERDICT
Do you favor or oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder?
Favor 57
Oppose 28
Don't Know/No Answer 15
Total 100
Is there any area right around here - that is, within a mile - where you would be afraid to walk alone at night?
BR 2004 BR 2003 BR 2002 BR 2001 BR 2000 US-GSS 98
Yes 57 57 50 52 52 41
No 42 42 49 46 44 57
Don't know, No answer 1 1 1 2 4 1
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100
Quinnipiac University Poll. July 8-13, 2008. N=1,783 registered voters nationwide.
"The Supreme Court has recently ruled that a mandatory death penalty for child rape is unconstitutional. Do you favor or oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of child rape?" Split sample A
    Favor Oppose Unsure    
    % % %    
  7/8-13/08 55 38 7    
"Which punishment do you prefer for people convicted of murder: the death penalty or life in prison with no chance of parole?" Split sample B
    Death Life in Unsure    
Penalty Prison
    % % %    
  7/8-13/08 47 44 9    
  12/7-12/04 42 46 12    
Dataset: General Social Surveys, 1972-2006 [Cumulative File]  
PreQuestion Text            
1373. Here are some measures to deal with crime. Some people are in favor of them while other people are against them.
Do you agree or disagree that. . .        
Literal Question            
A. People who break the law should be given stiffer sentences.  
Values Categories N NW    
STRONGLY AGREE     532 531  40.0%  
AGREE     607 609  45.8%  
DISAGREE     41 41  3.0%  
NAP     49661 49660    
DK     28 27    
NA     5 4    
Summary Statistics            
Valid cases 1326          
Gallup Poll. March 5-7, 1999. N=1,021 adults nationwide.
"How much confidence do you have in the ability of the police to protect you from violent crime: a great deal, quite a lot, not very much, or none at all?"
Mar-99 Sep-95 Oct-93 1989 1981
% % % % %
A great deal 29 20 14 14 15
Quite lot 41 30 31 34 34
Not very much 25 39 45 42 42
None at all 4 9 9 8 8
No opinion 1 2 1 2 1
Trust, Anomie
Please tell me how you would rate the honesty and ethical standards of people in these different fields -- very high, high, average, low, or very low? First, ... Next, ... [RANDOM ORDER]
2008 Nov 7-9 Very Very No
high High Average Low low opinion
% % % % % %
Advertising practitioners 2 8 49 29 9 3
Bankers 3 20 53 18 5 *
Business executives 1 11 49 27 10 1
Car salesmen 2 5 39 40 14 1
Clergy 16 40 33 7 1 3
Congressmen 2 10 40 30 16 1
How about your own Congressman?
Lawyers 3 15 45 25 12 1
Medical doctors 14 50 30 5 1 *
Nurses 24 60 14 1 * *
Policemen 13 43 35 7 2 --
Building contractors 3 19 55 17 3 2
Journalists 4 21 44 21 10 1
Labor union leaders 2 14 45 23 12 4
* Less than 0.5%
Cut these                  
Funeral directors   9 38 40 7 1 5
Accountants   5 33 51 7 1 2
Stockbrokers   2 10 40 34 11 3
Druggists or pharmacists 15 55 27 3 1 *
High school teachers 17 48 30 4 1 1
Real estate agents   3 14 57 21 4 2
Telemarketers   1 4 33 38 22 2
Lobbyists   1 4 27 38 26 5
20.  Suppose you had some problem to take up with an important
     local official, such as the mayor or local council member,
     but you did not personally know this official.  Do you feel
     that you would have to find someone who could contact the
     official FOR you, or could you contact the official
     37   Would have to go through connection
     60   Could approach directly
      1   Depends on the problem (VOLUNTEERED)
      2   Don t know/Refused
Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you can't be too careful in dealing with people?
BR 2003 BR 2002 BR 2001 BR 2000 US-GSS 98 So-GSS 98
Most people can be trusted 32 33 40 31 38 33
Can't be too careful 60 55 52 62 56 60
Other, depends (Volunteered) 6 11 8 6 6 6
Don't know, No answer 2 1 0 1 0 0
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100
Q.9  Now I am going to read you a series of statements that will help us understand how you
feel about a number of things.  For each statement, please tell me if you completely agree
with it, mostly agree with it, mostly disagree with it or completely disagree with it.
The first one is... (READ ITEMS, IN ORDER. DO NOT ROTATE)
                                       Completely  Mostly  Mostly    Completely Don't
                                       Agree       Agree   Disagree  Disagree   Know
a.   People like me don't have any say
     about what the government does     15          31        35        18      1=100
          July, 1994                    22          32        31        15      *=100
          May, 1993                     15          37        31        16      1=100
          June, 1992                    14          36        32        17      1=100
          Nov, 1991                     22          28        28        21      1=100
          May, 1990                     19          38        31        11      1=100
          Feb, 1989                     22          40        29         8      1=100
          May, 1988                     16          39        33        11      1=100
          May, 1987                     14          38        34        12      2=100
b.   Generally speaking, elected
     officials in Washington lose
     touch with the people pretty
     quickly                            32          44        18         5      1=100
          July, 1994                    39          44        13         3      1=100
          May, 1993                     29          53        13         3      2=100
          June, 1992                    35          49        12         3      1=100
          Nov, 1991                     41          43        11         4      1=100
          May, 1990                     30          48        17         2      3=100
          Feb, 1989                     30          50        16         2      2=100
          May, 1988                     26          50        19         3      2=100
          May, 1987                     22          51        21         3      3=100
c.   Most elected officials care what
     people like me think                6          35        38         19     2=100
          July, 1994                     4          29        41         25     1=100
          May, 1993                      5          35        42         16     2=100
          June, 1992                     5          31        46         16     2=100
          Nov, 1991                      7          29        39         23     2=100
          May, 1990                      7          37        39         14     3=100
          Feb, 1989                      5          39        42         12     2=100
          May, 1988                      5          42        40         11     2=100
          May, 1987                      5          42        40          9     4=100
d.   Voting gives people like me some
     say about how government runs
     things                             27          40        23          9     1=100
          July, 1994                    24          42        21         11     2=100
          Nov, 1991                     32          42        15          9     2=100
          May, 1990                     23          50        18          7     2=100
          Feb, 1989                     25          48        20          5     2=100
          May, 1988                     26          49        18          5     2=100
          May, 1987                     23          55        15          4     3=100
Released: April 20, 1998
How much of the time do you think you can trust the government in Washington to do what is right - just about always, most of the time or only some of the time?
BR 2005 BR 2004 NES 02
Just About Always 2 3 5
Most of the Time 26 29 51
Some of the Time 66 63 44
None of the Time 3 4 0
Don't Know, Depends 2 0 0
No answer 0 0
100 100 100
How about State government?  How of much of the time do you think you can trust the State of Louisiana government to do what is right - just about always, most of the time or only some of the time?
Just About Always
Most of the Time
Some of the Time
None of the Time
Don't Know, Depends
No answer
And the local East Baton Rouge government?  How of much of the time do you think you can trust City-Parish government to do what is right - just about always, most of the time or only some of the time?
Just About Always
Most of the Time
Some of the Time
None of the Time
Don't Know, Depends
No answer
Computers, Internet, Science
Thinking about songs people copy from their CDs onto their computers, do you think it should be legal -- or illegal -- to trade these songs with other people on the Internet?
Legal Illegal No opinion
2002 Mar 22-24 43% 46 11
What about movies that people copy from their DVDs onto their computers, do you think it should be legal -- or illegal -- to trade these movies with other people on the Internet?
How likely is it that you would download songs from an Internet site if you could do so quickly and easily -- very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not at all likely?
How about movies - how likely is it that you would download movies from an Internet site if you could do so quickly and easily -- very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not at all likely?
Very Somewhat Not too Not at all No
likely likely likely likely opinion
2002 May 28-29 21% 18 22 38 1
Dataset: General Social Surveys, 1972-2006 [Cumulative File]
772. In the past 30 days, how often have you visited a web site for?
E. News and current events.
P. Humor?
A. Financial information?
G. Political information?
I. Sports?
J. Music/concerts?
M. Health and fitness?
N. Religion/church related?
Social Networking?