Lecture 9

In this discussion, we'll focus on statistical tests for 2 X 2 tables.

Suppose you have two categorical variables--say, gender (male/female) and left-handedness. The chi-square test allows us to test whether there are statistically significant differences in one categorical variable (in this example, left-handedness) based on the other (in this example, gender).

Suppose, for instance, you wanted to examine whether women are more likely to be left-handed than men.

You can construct a 2 X 2 table to do that. Such a table is called a contingency table.

Suppose that 90 men and 110 women are each asked about his or her left-handedness. Of the 200 total individuals, 20 are left-handed, and 180 are right=handed.

Recall from previous lectures that the null hypothesis, H0, is generally "no difference" or "no effect". In this case, H0 would be that there is no association between gender and handedness. Suppose the researcher has some reason to expect that women are in fact more likely to be left-handed. In this case, then, H1 (the alternative hypothesis) would be that women are more likely to be left-handed.

Let's talk first about the "null hypothesis".

I. The Null Hypothesis

If gender and left-handedness are not related, what counts would we see in the cells of a "contingency table"?

We can start by entering in the total number of men and women--which is given in the example. And, we can enter in the total number of individuals who should be left-handed, and the total number who should be right-handed--based on the information given in the sample.

So, we can set up a partial table with these totals:

Contingency Table for H0 (No Effect of Gender on Handedness)

Total20 (10%)180 (90%)200

Then, the expected count can for each cell can be calculated as:

Row Total X Column Total

______________________                  = Cell Value

Total n for table

For example, if there's no correlation between left handedness and gender, then (out of 110 women, if 10% of people are left handed) we would expect 11 women to be left handed (and 99 women to be right handed).

Given this, we can fill in the rest of the table--

Men9 (10%)81 (90%)90
Women11 (10%)99 (90%)110
Total20 (10%)180 (90%)200

II. The Chi-Square Statistic

Of course, these are the expected counts--not the real counts.

How do we calculate a chi-square statistic?

So, in our example of handedness and gender, suppose that in reality, 15 women were left-handed, and 95 women were right-handed. 10 men are left-handed, and 80 men are right-handed.

We can then enter the (observed-expected)2 / (expected) values into the table. Our actual contingency table looks like this:

Total20 (10%)180 (90%)200

And, we can add the values in the cells to get the chi-square:

X2 = .111 + .012 + 1.455 + .162 = 1.740

III. Chi-Square Tables & P-Values

Recall that when we discussed t-tests, the question was often whether there was a significant difference between means (or whether the mean was significantly different from 0) in the population, based on what we saw in the sample. That is, we were using inferential statistics, because we were looking at samples and making generalizations to populations. In the case of means, we looked at t-tables to determine whether there were significant differences between our actual mean and our "null" mean. The t-tables provided a p-value, which was essentially the probability that we'd get as large or larger of a t if the null hypothesis was correct--that is, it can be seen as the probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis, or (put differently) accepting the "alternative hypothesis" even though the null hypothesis was true (in the population). In most cases, the p-value gives you the probability that you are incorrectly concluding that there is a significant effect or significant effect in the population--when, in fact, there is no such significant effect.

In this case, we're doing something very similar--we're looking at a chi-square table (instead of a t-table), but we'r estill getting a p-value and the p-value is still giving us the probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis.

IV. Additional Examples

(from Utts & Heckard)

V. Comments on Causation

Statistical significance does not necessarily mean that two variables are causally related--that is, that one variable causes the other. Generally, in order to draw conclusions about causation, you need a good theory, and often contnrols for other factors that might influence your dependent variable. So, for instance, in the case of left-handedness, it's not clear that being female "causes" left-handedness--just that there's an association between being female and being left handed. It may be that there's a third variable -- some sort of genetic predisposition, perhaps, or socialization -- that is associated with being female, and that causes "left handedness".

That said, the experiments on heart attacks and aspirin might tell us something about causation, for two reasons: first, medical researchers may have a theory about what it is about aspirin that would cause fewer heart attacks, and second, in an experiment, other possible factors influencing heart disease would presumably randomize out across these two very large, randomly selected groups. But the association between heart attacks and aspirin itself, in the absence of other information, doesn't tell us anything about causation, just correlation (or association, or a relationship).

V. Comments on Non-Significant Results (Very Important!!!)

When a result is not significant -- that is, the p-value is greaster than the conventionally used threshold of .05, and you therefore can't reject the null hypothesis of "no effect" or "no relationship"--what does that tell us?

It does not tell us that there's no association between the two variables.

It merely tells us that there isn't enough evidence to conclude that such a relationship exists in the population.

In other words, even if we found no significant association between left-handedness and gender, it might still be possible that one exists in the population-- we just don't have the evidence to draw that conclusion.

VI. Extensions

While all the examples that we've used focus on 2 X 2 tables, one can calculate a chi-square statistic for larger tables. The process is the same:

So, for example: the following table presents data regarding three types of external occipital protuberance, based on gender.

Type I42789516
Type II5294146
Type III21317338

The following table represents the expected counts:
Type I258258
Type II7373
Type III169169

And, then you can calculate out for each cell the value of (observed-expected)2 / (expected). You can then sum up all of those values of (O-E)2 / E across all cells of the table (in this case, 6 values would be added up), and perform a chi-square test. The degrees of freedom = (# columns - 1) * (# rows - 1).

It appears that gender is significantly associated with type of occipital protuberance.

VII. Questions