English 2123:  Odysseys
    Spring 2010

"Character is destiny."  -  Heraclitus




Course Information




Major Project













Major Project - ePortfolio
                              a living record of your odyssey through college

Create a digital portfolio that is published to the Web and includes seven pages:

  • Home page (also called Index page): introduces you to your classmates and instructors--must include a brief Introductory Statement and Table of Contents; may include photos or videos of you and your life

  • All About Me page: includes interesting facts about you: your hobbies, friends, interests, likes, dislikes, perhaps your work or volunteer history, your school achievements and awards. This is a great place for personal photos.

  • Course Main page for English 2123: Odysseys: includes hyperlink to hypertext essay page and hyperlinks to three individual Web pages that you have designed--one page is devoted to Aristotle and each of the other two pages to two course texts of your choice.

  • Three Text pages: One page focuses on Aristotle and each of the other two pages on two course texts of your choice.

    Each separate text page concentrates on the text and provides at least four of the following:

  • Historical background

  • Graphics

  • Sound bytes

  • Video clips

  • Written response to theme or character (can be selected from your Daily Writings)--250 word minimum

  • First Impressions (your questions and concerns when first encountering the text)--250 word minimum

  • Lasting Impressions (your considered evaluation after studying and discussing the text)--250 word minimum


Reflective Hypertext Essay Page

The reflective hypertext essay, 750 words or longer, addresses your classmates and instructors and presents your reflections on our semester's themes. Your essay should explain your reasoned perspective on the following questions, tackling ideas and incorporating examples from the course models (i.e. texts and films):

How do we become virtuous in our life journey?  

Will becoming virtuous make us happy?

How does becoming virtuous make us good citizens?

In answering these questions, include these components:

  • Reflect on what Aristotle believed about human happiness and admirable behavior.  To what extent do you agree?  How do you see the concepts of "human happiness" and "admirable behavior" worked out in the course texts?

  • Reflect on the benefits of particular class activitiesWhat contributed most to your understanding of course content and concepts?  What was challenging or problematic for you?  Consider everything you did:  breakout session projects and assignments, peer exchanges, scholarly research, collaborative work, films.

  • Hyperlinks:  Incorporate hyperlinks to your own Web pages that focus on Aristotle and the major text(s) you discuss in your essay. See above for content of these text pages.



Created by Dorothy McCaughey   01/22/2010
Louisiana State University