Apply for Homecoming Court

Homecoming is an opportunity to celebrate your Tiger Pride and make lasting memories with your campus community. Homecoming Court is designed to honor members of the student body who have made a significant contribution to the life of the university. 

2023 Selection Timeline

The 2024 selection timeline will be updated this summer. Please check back for details. 

Date Milestone
Friday, August 25 Homecoming Court Application opens on TigerLink.
Sunday, September 17 Applications due on TigerLink by 11:55 p.m.
Monday, September 18 and Tuesday, September 19 Staff member from Campus Life and Student Advocacy & Accountability verify applicants' eligibility: GPA requirements, Disciplinary Checks and Official Academic Classification.
Wednesday, September 19 Campus Life staff member notifies students who are not eligible.
Wednesday, September 20 – Wednesday, September 27 First Round applications reviewed by LSU Faculty & Staff judges. Scores are processed by the Court Advisor.
Friday, September 29 Applicants who are selected to move on to the interview round will be notified by email before 4 p.m. 
Monday, October 2 and Tuesday, October 3 34 candidates will be interviewed by a new panel of judges between 3:00 - 6:45 p.m. each day to determine the final 14 members of the 2023 Homecoming Court.
Friday, October 6 The 2023 Homecoming Court members will be posted on the Campus Life website by 5 p.m.
Monday, October 9 Homecoming Court Informational Meeting via Zoom. Time TBD.
Monday, October 9 at noon until Thursday, October 19 at 11:59 p.m. All LSU-Baton Rouge, LSU Veterinary, and LSU Law students vote for Homecoming Royalty from 6 senior candidates via TigerLink.
Saturday, October 21 Homecoming Court recognized at football game half-time. Homecoming Royalty announced. 


Court Composition by Classification

The LSU Homecoming Court will consist of 14 student representatives as follows:

  • Two sophomores (30-59 hours)
  • Four juniors (60-89 hours)
  • Six seniors (90 hours or more)
  • Two graduate students (inclusive of Graduate School, Law Center, and School of Veterinary Medicine) Exception: A student in a five-year program with at least 60, but fewer than 136 hours, is a junior; with 136 or more, a senior.


Selection Rounds

The Homecoming Student Committee’s Court Committee strives to select LSU Faculty and Staff who are good judges of LSU student academic achievement, campus involvement and representation for the University. While students may be familiar to some judges, we ask that judges treat each applicant on their own merit as a representative of LSU.

The Court Committee will seek out at least three judges to consider the paper applications of each level of undergraduate academic classification and graduate students.

Judges will score applicants in four main categories:

  1. Contributes to campus life
    • Quality involvement in student organizations
    • Participates in activities that enhance LSU
    • Committed to the LSU Commitment to Community (see below)
  2. Service
    • Organizes and/or participates in service for LSU or the surrounding community
  3. Strength of application
    • Your overall impression of the applicant and totality of the application
  4. Overall good ambassador for LSU
    • Articulate
    • Demonstrate through application and interview a genuine affinity and pride for LSU
    • Willing to contribute his/her time to improve campus life
    • Knowledge of LSU traditions and history
  5. To mitigate bias, the judges overall high and low score will be dropped from each applicant. The remaining scores will be totaled. Once the average three scores are totaled, the Court Chair and Advisor will assign points for Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA), based on the following scale:

Academically achieving (using overall GPA)
Cumulative GPA of 3.8 or Higher = 5 points
3.40 - 3.79 GPA = 4 points
3.10 - 3.39 GPA = 3 points
2.80 - 3.09 GPA = 2 points
2.50 - 2.79 GPA = 1 point

The Homecoming Student Committee’s Court Committee strives to select LSU Faculty, Staff, Students and Alumni who are good judges of LSU student academic achievement, campus involvement and representation for the University. While students may be familiar to some judges, we ask that judges treat each applicant on their own merit as a representative of LSU. The Homecoming Student Committee Chair will serve as the student representative on the judging panel in order to provide a student voice to the selection process.

The Court Committee will seek out at least three judges to interview Homecoming Court applicants who proceed from the first round to the second round. These judges will not have served in the First Round Application Review.

Judges will interview 34 applicants from the First Round in an effort to identify the final 14 students on the LSU 2022 Homecoming Court. 

Judges will score applicants in four main categories used in the First Round Application Review:

  1. Contributes to campus life
    • Quality involvement in student organizations and/or service on campus
    • Participates in activities that enhance LSU
    • Committed to the LSU Commitment to Community (see below)
  2. Service
    • Organizes and/or participates in service activities for LSU or the surrounding community
  3. Strength of application
    • Your overall impression of the applicant and totality of the application
  4. Overall good ambassador for LSU
    • Articulate
    • Demonstrate through application and interview a genuine affinity and pride for LSU
    • Willing to contribute his/her time to improve campus community
    • Knowledge of LSU traditions and history

In this interview round, the high score and the low score of each category will be dropped from the students’ scores. This process will produce an average score based on the remaining scores. 

The average score for each of the four categories will be added to produce a final score out of 20 points possible. No points will be awarded for GPA, although the applicant’s cumulative GPA will be shared with judges for their consideration.

In the event of a tie between applicants of same classification, the Homecoming Court Sub-Committee will add the First Round Scores to the each tied applicant’s Second Round score to produce a new Final Score. The applicant with the higher of the tied scores will proceed on to serve on the Court.

Voting Process

Through their Tigerlink, the LSU student body will vote for students to be named Homecoming Royalty from Monday, October 9 at noon through Thursday, October 19 at 11:55 p.m. Students must log into their TigerLink accounts and are limited to one ballot cast. Their ballot will be tied to their myLSU ID and will carry a time/date stamp.

Royalty candidates may only campaign within the guidelines set by the Homecoming Sub-Committee. A copy of those campaign rules will be given to each Senior candidate at the homecoming informational meeting on October 9.


Homecoming Events

Don't miss a chance to celebrate

Join on-campus events for students all week and family-friendly activities all weekend.

View the schedule of events